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IDIOM OF THE DAY: Cut and dried

To refer to a situation, a problem or a solution as cut dried means it is considered clear and
straightforward, with no likely complications.

EXAMPLE: “When the team manager talked to the customer, he didn’t find the situation as cut and dried
as he had expected”

/ɵ/ vs. /t/ & /ð/ vs. /d/

(Theme-Team / They-Day)

/ɵ/: Put the tip of your tongue between your front teeth. Blow out air
between your tongue and top teeth. Do NOT use your voice. Put your
hand in front of your mouth, and feel the air coming out.

/ð/: Practice the sound /ɵ/. USE your voice. This time you should feel
vibration in your vocal chords.

(Illustrations taken from Pronunciation Pairs. Cambridge University Press 2007)

Exercise 1:
For the following words, listen and repeat after you teacher. Then practice saying them with a partner.

/θ/ thanks author mouth /ð/ the father smooth

thin something bath they mother soothe
thumb wealthy south there weather breathe
third filthy with their brother loathe
thick mathematics breath these another bathe
those although this
Exercise 2:
Sound Discrimination. Take turns reading one sentence from either column A or B. Your classmates will
decide which sentence you read.

Column A Column B
1. It’s thin. It’s tin.
2. They’ve talked about it. Dave talked about it.
3. They want thanks. They want tanks.
4. He was there to do it He was dared to do it.
5. He thought about the war. He taught about the war.
6. Did she say breathing? Did she say breeding?
7. Those are good themes. Those are good teams.
8. She found it with the light. She found it with delight.
9. How do you spell ‘thousand’? How do you spell ‘Townsend’?
10. He’s a very worthy person. He’s a very wordy person
11. How many ‘threes’ do you see? How many trees do you see?
12. We waited until they came. We waited until day came.

Exercise 3:
GROUP STORY: In your group, choose eight words from the list below. Then, create a story using these
words in any order.

TH voiceless /θ / TH voiced /ð/

Father Thief
truth brother
theory mother
author this
think that
through these
Cynthia then
thousand there
tenth together

Voiced and voiceless TH reading:

Turning Thirty
Thelma's birthday was on Thursday and she couldn't decide how to celebrate. She was turning thirty and
wanted this birthday to be special.

One idea she had was going to a steak house. A thick juicy steak would be part of a perfect meal for her
birthday. Going to the spa and getting a massage would be therapeutic. Of course, that can be
expensive, so if necessary she could just take a warm bubble bath.
Something she really wanted to do was sit outside and eat popcorn during a thunderstorm, but she
couldn't control the weather, so she would keep that as a backup plan. She had always wanted to visit
South America too, but would have to save her money for a trip like that. Thelma thought about a short
trip she could take and remembered the zoo was close by.

"The zoo had pythons, panthers, and a new mammoth exhibit, and those would be fun to see," she
thought. All of this thinking was taking her strength. Thelma only had three hours of sleep last night
because she had been up reading a case study for her ethics class. A moth had flown in her house and
distracted her while reading. The distraction had kept her up later than she planned.

Thelma thought for a minute and decided that she would take a nap. "Everything will fall into place on
Thursday," she thought, "As long as I know what I want to do, everything will work out." She closed her
eyes, her breath softened, and she fell asleep on her couch.

Mother's Day Gifts

It was Mother's day. I did not have a gift for my mother. Neither did my brother. So we went to my
father and asked him if he would take us to the store to look for a gift. He said he hadn't bothered to get
one yet either so we all went in the car together.

The weather was bad and the smog in the city made it hard to breathe. But in the end our trip was
worth it because we found the most perfect gifts for mother. There were some salts to help you bathe,
some lotion for smooth skin, and some feather pillows to help you relax. All of those sounded very
soothing to me.

My brother found some rubber, squishy toys. I told him they were for babies who are teething. My
father found a lathe and a leather belt for mother. I told him that she would absolutely loathe them.
They trusted me and put their gifts back. They helped me buy the soothing gifts I found and we drove
home together.

I was happy because my mother was going to love them much better than the gifts my father and
brother had chosen. And I learned something. People often pick out what they want for themselves
instead of thinking of what the other person would want. Don't you think that's silly?


Copy and paste the paragraph one and two from “Turning Thirty” on the text-to-speech tool and record
yourself duplicating the pronunciation and intonation.
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb.

1. Sir, _______ you ____________ (request) the AT&T navigator feature before?

2. I noticed that you ________________ (use) our services since 2006.

3. _____________ you ___________ (try) to reset your phone, ma’am?

4. We could not send you the confirmation email because we____________ (get) your correct address.

5. You _________________ (send) my current balance, have you?

6. I bought my mother a new phone, but she ____________ (buy / already) one, so I need to return it.

Exercise 2
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tense.

1. When I________________(go over) my statement last night, I discovered that the bank
___________ (charge) $200 for an item I didn’t buy.

2. I’m going over my bill and I think I _______________(be) overcharged for the past month.

3. When I_______________(receive) my new cell phone yesterday, I__________(realize) that the box
______________(be) opened and the charger was missing.

4. Last week, I______________(call) to ask about raising my credit limit. I ___________ (speak) to one
of your agents and he told me that the bank ______________ (suspend) my account due to lack of
payment; however, I __________ (pay / already) my bill.

5. Sir, we _______________ (remove / already) the extra charges as you requested on your email.

6. I _________________ (understand / completely) the problem you are experiencing right know, and I
will be more than glad to assist you.


Write about the most embarrassing /exciting activity you have ever gone thru and post it in Edmodo
English Verb Tenses Summary


Simple Present I play tennis on They don’t (do not) Auxiliaries: -Habitual activities.
Mondays work in New York Do/Does -States
right now. Does Marie know Clue words: Always, most
Karina takes classes him? of the time, usually,
every week. Do you like her? occasionally, often,
sometimes, frequently,
hardly ever, rarely,
seldom, never.
Present He’s (is) working at They aren’t (are not) Is he working at the Actions happening at the
Progressive the moment coming this evening moment? present moment. Near
future intention and
What are you scheduling.
doing? Clue words: Now,
presently, right now, at the
moment, this semester,
this hour, this year.

Simple Past She went to Paris last They didn’t (did not) Auxiliary: Did Actions happening at a
week. drive to work. Where did she get defined moment in the
that hat? past.
Did the class go to Clue words: Yesterday
the trip last May? Last (week)
(four days) ago
Past Progressive I was watching TV He wasn’t (was not) Was the boy 1. Actions happening
when you called. working when she cleaning the continuously in the past. 2.
arrived house? Actions in the past that
The boy was cleaning continue for some time
the house. What were you and do not have stated or
doing when I known beginning or end.
called? 3. What was going on
when some other action or
even took place.
Connecting words: When
& While
Present Perfect I’ve (have) seen Mick She hasn’t (has not) How long have you 1. To express an action
three times this week. been to New York worked at Sykes? that was begun in the past
and continues into the
Has she been to present. 2 To express an
Spain? action that happened in
the unspecified past. 3. To
express a recent action
that has a present effect.
Past Perfect I’d (had) already She hadn’t (had not) Had you ever seen To express an action that
eaten before they been to Rome such a crazy lady happens or was completed
came. before that trip. before that? before another action in
the past. Clue words:
Before, yet
Simple Future I’ll (will) meet you at He won’t (will not) Will they visit us Decisions made at the
the airport tomorrow. be able to come. soon? moment about the future,
future predictions, future
Future with going He’s (is) going to fly to They’re (are) not Where are you Future intention or planned
to Boston next week. going to invite the going to stay? action.
Browns. Are you going to
the party?
False Friends
False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ
significantly in meaning. Be careful, because they might not mean what you think they mean! The
following list includes some of the most common “false friends” that may come up in a call center

1. Actual vs. Actual

Actual means current or present: El presidente actual vive en Madrid - The current president lives in
Madrid. Actualmente means currently, at present, or now.
Actual means verdadero or efectivo. Actually can be translated by realmente, en realidad, or en efecto.

2. Advertencia vs. Advertisement

Advertencia is a warning, piece of advice, reminder, or preface.
Advertisement = un anuncio.

3. Alterado vs Altered
Alterado can mean changed or altered as well as angry or upset.
Altered = modificado, cambiado, alterado.

4. Americano vs American (or América vs America)

Americano usually refers to anyone from North or South America. América is the continent
American = estadounidense (adjective of Estados Unidos - United States).
America is the short form of United States of America.

5. Aplicar vs Apply
Aplicar means to apply something, like a theory, paint, or sanctions.
Apply = aplicar when it is a transitive verb. As an intransitive verb, it has many translations: apply for a
job - solicitar or presentar; to apply oneself to - dirigirse a uno; to apply in the sense of be applicable -
ser aplicable or interesar. \\

6. Aprobar vs Approve
Aprobar means to approve (of), consent to, or endorse, as well as to pass a test or class.
Approve = aprobar.

7. Asistencia vs Assistance
Asistencia usually means attendance, though it can also mean assistance.
Assistance is most commonly translated by ayuda or auxilio.

8. Asistir vs Assist
Asistir means to attend.
Assist translates as ayudar.

9. Atender vs Attend
Atender can mean to attend in Latin America, but in Spain it means to pay
attention to, to heed, or to care for.
Attend means asistir.
10. Blanco vs Blank
Blanco is a semi-false cognate. It is usually the Spanish word for the color white but can in some
instances be translated by blank: una página blanca - a blank sheet of paper.
Blank is an adjective meaning en blanco, liso, or sin adorno.

11. Compromiso vs Compromise

Compromiso is an obligation, commitment, promise, or agreement.
Compromise as a noun can be expressed as una transacción, una avenencia, unas concesiones
recíprocas, el término medio, or la solución intermedia. The verb is comprometer or transigir.

12. Comprensión vs Comprehension

Comprensión can mean the same thing as “comprehension” in English, but more often people say
understanding instead.
Comprehension indicates a deeper level of understanding, and it can also mean “complete.” That’s
where comprehensive comes from.

13. Contestar vs Contest

Contestar means to answer, like a telephone.
Contest is a sort of competition.

14. Conveniente vs Convenient

Conveniente means suitable, fitting, proper, useful, or advantageous.
Convenient means cómodo, práctico, útil, or accesible.

15. Discutir vs Discuss

Discutir is stronger than discuss; more like debate or argue.
Discuss = hablar de, tratar de, comentar.

16. Éxito vs Exit

Éxito means success.
Exit is the opposite of entrance.

17. Realizar vs Realize

Realizar means to accomplish something or finish something that had been planned for a while.
Realize means to understand or comprehend something.
These are confusing words for Spanish speakers. Go ahead and fill the gaps by choosing the most
appropriate answer in brackets.

1. The training program was a ________________ (exit/success).

2. ________________ (Actually/Nowadays) I'm both working and studying again.

3. The team leader came to my ________________ (assistance/attendance).

4. We know that this is a difficult situation, so thank you for your ________________(comprehension/
understanding) while we repair your connection.

5. I sent an email to the tech support guys, but they haven’t _________________ (answered/contested)

6. Juan was able to _____________ (success/exit) the account before the system crashed.

7. The customer reported seeing a(n) ________________ (warning/advertisement) sign when he tried
to enter his account online.

8. George called in to ______________ (discuss/argue over) his bank statement because he is a new
customer and doesn’t know how it works.

9. While researching a customer’s account, Mario found some vital information was left _____________

10. What is more _________________ (convenient/useful/proper) for you, to be called back or to

receive an email?

11. María ________________ (accomplished/realized) that she didn’t exit the previous account as soon
as she received a new call.

12. The agent felt a(n) ________________ (compromise/obligation) to escalate the customer for
possible fraud.

13. Most of the calls we receive are from ________________ (América/American) customers.

14. An ________________ (altered/upset) customer must always be treated with patience.

15. You have to _______________ (answer/contest) the phone in a timely manner so the customer
won’t wait long on the line.

16. Sometimes, you will need to ask your supervisor for __________________ (passing/approval) on
certain actions you will take on an account.

17. Marcela proceeded to _______________ (apply/aplicate) the guarantee on the damaged cell phone.
Explanation of Taxes, Fees, Surcharges and Other Charges on Your Bill

Taxes, fees, surcharges, and other charges vary based on the products you purchase and your service
location. These fees are separated into two sections on your bill:
 Taxes, Governmental Surcharges and Fees include sales, excise, other taxes, and government
surcharges that Verizon is required by law to collect from customers on behalf of local, state, and
the federal government. These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without
 Verizon Surcharges and Other Charges and Credits are costs the law allows Verizon to pass on to
its customers as a surcharge.

911 Emergency Service Fee PEG Grant Fee

Access Recovery Charge (ARC) PEG Support Fee

Carrier Cost Recovery Charge Regional Sports Network Fee

Dual Party Relay Service/Telecommunications Relay Regulatory Recovery Fee – Federal

Right of Way Fee/Municipal Franchise Fee
Emergency Service Fee for 911 / 911 Surcharge
State Infrastructure Maintenance Fee
Federal Excise Tax
State and Local Sales Tax/Local Communications
Federal Subscriber Line Charge Services Tax

Federal Tax State Sales Tax

Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) Charge State Transaction Privilege Tax

FiOS Digital Voice (FDV) Administrative Charge State Universal Service Fee

FiOS TV Broadcast Fee

State Utility Gross Receipts Tax Surcharge/Telecom
Franchise Related Cost Services Excise Tax

Long Distance Access Charge Telecommunications Relay Service/Dual Party Relay

Long Distance Administrative Charge
Telecom Services Excise Tax/State Utility Gross
Miscellaneous surcharges and fees Receipts Tax Surcharge

Municipal Franchise Fee/Right of Way Fee Video Franchise Fee

NY Municipal Construction Surcharge Video Public Educational and Government Grant

Fees "PEG Fee"
Listening (Contact Us! Track 16 Unit 8)

Listen to the following phone call. Then, answer the questions below.

Call Copy Listening Guide

Agent's name:

Customer's name:

Phone number:

How was the caller verified? Last #'s of Social PasswordOther

Why is the customer calling?

How did the agent help the customer?

Was the call transferred? Yes No

Other Comments:

1. The caller remains very angry throughout the call. (true/false)

2. The agent is patient with the caller. (true/false)
3. The problem is resolved at the end of the call. (true/false)
4. The caller is very knowledgeable about computers. (true/false)
5. The agent and caller share a joke during the call. (true/false)

Expressing your feelings

My main concern is…

Making suggestion
One thing you could do is…

Expressing satisfaction
Yes, that would be very helpful…

Expressing dissatisfaction
I don't think that would do much good.

Showing empathy
I know how you feel

Identifying the real problem

What's really bothering you?

Resolving the conflict

How do you think we should deal with this?

Reviewing the situation

Let's meet next week and see how things are going


Work in pairs, read the scenario and act out the role-play: An angry caller is calling Verizon about a
problem with his/her fees. The caller does not understand where these fees are coming from or what
they are for. The bill shows miscellaneous fees: $30.00

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