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MCQ Examination Summer - 2020 IMCA Semester - 6 _a fir all code Study queshi ors vefer Enrolment No. Chapher 13 ppt Subject Code: 4460601 Date: //2020 Subject Name: MIS-SET-2 Time: Total Marks: 70 Q1__ Information system that monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the organizations are a. Management-level system 5 Typed b. Operational-level system yivk & ed c. Knowledge-level system petit d. Strategic level system Projections and responses to queries are information output charactetistics associated with a(n) DSS: MIS owes ESS cape \e Identifying customers and markets using data on demographics, markets, consumer behavior, and trends is an example of a (n): vt + 2. Operational-level sales and marketing information system. b. Knowledge-level sales and marketing information system. © Management-level sales and marketing information system. 4, Strategic-level sales and marketing information system Preparing short-term budgets is an example of a finance and accounting information system operating at the: a. Operational level b. Management level . Knowledge level 4. Strategic level Information systems can facilitate supply chain management by a. Tracking the status b. Rapidly communicating orders ¢. Providing product specifications Doing all of the above A computer security protocol for logging in would be an example of the Software Hardware Data . Procedure Which of the following is not a characteristic of good information? Interchangeability a wie" Relevance UM gor uM Cost effectiveness lll \ a |. Timeliness V Which is not a domain of Artificial Intelligence? \3 eth 2. Virtual Reality oh b. Intelligent Agents VI Expert System 4. None of the above Knowledge based system supports \? Knowledge of creation ye 5 Knowledge of support \P"\b2 Knowledge of Dissemination All of the above ‘Which of the system uses Multidimensional data analysis? MIS ESS. All of the above S 3 EC Dss onl? 3 NS Information that is outdated, inaccurate, or hard to understand would be very meaningful, useful, or valuable to you or other business professionals. 4 \ a True UMAR en \* b. False Babess Information has three dimensions. There ere Time, consent, and form Time, content and form Cost, content and form Time, content and Value ‘The growth of corporate intranets, extranets, as well as the web, has accelerated the development and use of “executive class” information delivery and decision support software tools by lower levels of management and by individuals and teams of business professionals, This dramatic expansion has opened the door to the use of which of the following tool? 2. Business Intelligence(BI) b. Business Knowledge (BK) c. Business Ideas (BI) 4, Business Intelligent (BI) ‘Which of the following involves analyzing complex relationships among thousands oF even millions of data items stored in data marts, data warehouses, and other multidimensional databases to discover patterns, trends, and exception conditions? a. OLTP b. OLAP © OSE d, OLALA represent complex data using interactive three-dimensional graphical forms such as charts, graphs and maps. . Data entry systems Data Analysis systems Database Management Data visualization systems Another name of goal seeking analysis is: a, How to b. How can c. Why not 4. What’s up Decision support system involves all of the following types of analytical modeling activities except? What-if analysis Sensitivity analysis Goal-seeking analysis Heuristics Optimization analysis In many organizations, hypermedia database at corporate intranet websites have become the knowledge bases for storage and dissemination of business knowledge. yw grows a.true pare wit b. False we Q-19 The components of an expert system include a, that perform interfaces on the knowledge base and communicate answers to @ user's question? a, Database and software module b. knowledge base and software module ¢. communication base and software module a. knowledge base and interactive module The_can help you choose a produet 2. Office automation system bb, Management information system : Transaction processing d. decision support system An intranet that is accessible by outside workers. a. firewall b, extranet c. management information system d. P2PN ‘Tne human order take cam be bypassed when using a(n) 2. Office automation system He saps b. Management information Uw oy ot e «. transaction processing system Ae 90 3 4, decision support system Decision table is a way: 8, Of representing multiple conditions b. Of representing information flow ©. To get an accurate picture of system 4d. All of these Mistakes made in the system analysis phase shown up in System design . System development . Implementation dé. All of these Generally the top management of the organization is more interested in: a. Transactional decision \ b. Day to day operations unt Strategie decision mes d. Allof these irons 4 Which of the following appropriately explains the desirable characteristics of good system design? a, Long discussion b. Conversion ©. Proper documentation 4, Modular approach A medium of transporting output of a system to the input to another system is a. Counter measure b. Interface c. Boundary di feedback Processed data is called: a. Field b, Information ce. Records d. File Which of the following is not the three main components in DSS? a. Model td », Communication ue ° | pss 1d | c. Data d. Dialogue What is buy-side-e-commerce? owt4 nel a, The use of electronic communication for all business process e-fe b. An organization using elesttonie media to purchase ftom its suppliers gf ©. An organization using electronic media to sell directly to customer a 4, An electronic communication between organization and its stakeholders. Which of these is a costlefficiency driver of e-commerce? uw! 4 ste % a, Improving the range and quality of services offered ae D. Avoid losing market share to business € c. Increasing speed with which supply can be obtained a. decreasing speed with which supply can be obtained Process of modifying information system to meet changing need is called System upkeep System maintenance System modification d. System management ‘Type of error which occurs when the data is transferred from one device to another device is called as ww ® a, Discontinued error GSO" De] b. Software error Poy ¢. Transmission error Pea 4. Interval error People used to be the most important asset for a company. But in the information age, companies need people wit a Data yt > vat b, Information, we c. Knowledge - 4. Computers Busisiess Intelligence includes which of the following? > a. “Knowledge about your intemal environment ve bh. Knowledge about your external environment wy . Kowledge about your competitive environment 4d. All of the above What is not type of system? a. TPS Db. APS c. DSS 4. FIS Which of the following ate not terms used to describe an organization computer resource department? ve WP cody a. MIS Sy cis b. c. HR dT are knowledge base systems to which present rule are applied to'solve a particular problem. a. ES v. Al c. KBS d. Base Rule Expert systems are part of general area of research known as: . ES Al Student RAID Benefits of M-commerce include ) Convenience in transactions »b) Flexibility c) Less time d) All of above Mobile Commerce can be defined as ~ tt 2.) M-Business V4 gyn b) M-Com. yen OQ c.) M-Home 4.) M-Phi Which of the following activity is offered by online airline services? (a) Booking (b) Seats selection (©) Automated flight status @All of theabove Which type deals with auction? @B2B () C23, (©) C2B @cac Simon has classified all decisions into two classes: structured and unstructured. are repetitive and can be represented as algorithm. require human judgement. . Unstructured, structured Static, fixed . Structured, Unstructured |. None of these ‘The information as the information required by number of personal department and divisions or functions in the organization. a. Operational b. Funetional c. Knowledge 4. Decision support is to decide in advance on course of action. ~ 0 | a. Master uwik % con® b. Decision py ¢. Plan oy gov d. control Herbert Simon model of decision making is known as: a. Disjoint instrumentalism b. Mixed scanning Behaviour alternative Policy science ‘What protects the intellectual property etcated by artists? copyright eographical indications yy 2 yak atents ve registered designs + ‘trademarks ‘What protects the intellectual property created by innovator? "copyright ao ‘geographical indications owt x patents, sf \ registered designs trademarks ‘What does a trademark protect? +5 ‘aif invention Ow ir t a work of art a9. Iogos, names and brands ce the look, shape and fecl of'a product a seoret formula Anything that can be offered by manufacturers in the market to satisfy the demand is classified as: a. Product unt 1 b. Service cat SUEY ©. Core benefit : 4. Potential product Information is needed to take short term decision, Operational uwit ane . Tactical fev hb iter Strategic int None of these f yee Which of these is not a type of firewall? a. Packet filter b. Application gateway c. Virus d._ proxies Which one is not used to measure the quality of information? : rw é i a. Utility wis 4 whe : We od td b, Error yo ¢. Satisfaction A ho V8 4 . Representation ‘Which one is not the type of metadata? a. Time b. Control ©. “Usage a. Satisfaction Full form of ACM is: Automatic code machine . Association of computer manufacture Accounting communication management None of these Whiich one is not present in classes of information system? . TRS . DPS . MPS I. BPS Full form of BPS is: a, Business process system . Business production system ©. Business processing system 4. None of these Which one are not the internal driving forces in knowledge management? a. Demanding customers b. Bottlenecks in effectiveness ©. Technological capabilities d. Collaborative work Which one is not the method of primary information collection method? a. Survey b. Publication ©. Observation 4. Interview Which one is not the method of secondary information collection method? a. Subjective estimation uw b. Govt agencies > “ ae I j c. Publication 4. Books Document driven DSS is one type of DSS. a. True b. False Which one are not the phases in herbert Simon model? wkd a, Requirement b. Intelligence ql HOM vs Besse Dea? a. Choice ‘Which one are not the techniques of decision analysis by analytical modelling? a. Goal seeking yt b. Goal achieving Me ¢. Sensitivity analysis d. None of these Which one steps are not used in making rational decision? a. Formulating goals . Identify alternatives ©. Check performance 4. Performing analysis Select the characteristics of expert system. High performance b, Understandable ©. Reliable 4. All of these Features of computer based system are: a. Accuracy b. Efficiency Usability All of these Life eycle approach is same as closed system approach. a. True b. false General human rights are Right to privacy Right to healthy life Right to descent Right to fair treatment and no discrimination Allof these Q70 Which one is not the impact of IT on workplace? 2. Making workplace boring b, Reduction in personal interaction c. Improving financial performance d. None of these

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