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Enquiry/ IFB/ Tender Notice Number: K184012022 Tender ID: 5l 8061

Name of Work: Providing insurance coverage Tender Categorl: Services

against accidental death & accidental disability to
the Primary Bread Eamers (PBEs) of BPL
families in the state of A.P.

Tender Type: Open ECV: Rs. 99,84,45,000/-

Bid Submission Closing Date: 27 .06.2022 Tender Evaluation Type: Open &


Providing Group Personal Accident Policy (or) Group Janata Personal Accident Policl for
primary bread eamers of BPL families in the state of A.P.. lor a period of I year, from 00:00
Hrs. on 01.07.2022to23:59 Hrs. of 30.06.2023.

For Special st olte nlilx

O/o Co ssioner of Labour.
Paturi's Pride. ah Street 'X' Roads.
Seetharampuram, Vijayaw.ada - 02
Ph. No: (0866) - 24363t2.7995014625.
E-mail: &

Page I ol35

Sectio n Description Page No

I Defi nitions. Abbreviations and Acronyms -)

2 Notice inviting quotations & Important instructions to the Bidders )

J Pre-Qualifi cation Requirements l0

1 Submission and Evaluation of Bids l3

) Proposal Form 19

6 Previous Policy and Claims details ll

7 General Terms & Conditions 22

8 Specitic Terms & Conditions 27

I Schedule-A: General details ofthe bidders 3l

t0 Prolorma Price Bid )-

ll Schedule-B: Checklist J+


To implement *YSR BIMA (Accidental Insurance) Scheme" lor the period starting from
01.07.2022 to 30.06.2023 towards social security of approximately 1.1 I crore Primarl
Bread Earners, in the form of insurance against accidental death and accidental disability.
Rs.5.00 lakh insurance relief will be paid to the beneficiaries under YSR Bima Scheme
towards Accidental Death / Disability in the age group of 18 -70 years by the insurance
company through suitable Group Insurance Policy by payment of premium by Labour
Department to the Competitive Insurance Company identified by following due procedure of
calling E-tenders and adoption of reversing Tendering procedure as per the G.o.Ms.No.79 of
Finance department dt. 25.08.2020.

Page 2 o1'-i5
1. SECTION - 1: Delinitions. Abbreviations and Acronvms
1.1. G.O: G.O.Ms.No.7 of LFB &lMS (Lab.l) Dept., (GoAP) Dt. 27.06.2021.

(Enclosed with RFP/ NIT document)

1.2. Scheme (or) BIMA: YSR BIMA (Accidental Insurance) 2022-21

I.3. RFP/ NI : Request for Participation/ Notice Inviting Tender (Tender Docunrent)

1.4. Tender lnvitinq Authority (TIA): The Special Commissioner of Labour

1.5. Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC): The Committee shall consist of the followr ng

Type of Committee !Iember I)ESI(;NATION

Chairperson .loint Director. GSWS

Member I Additional commissioner. Labour

Member 2 Additional commissioner. GSWS
Member 3 Chief Risk Olflcer. APGICL
Member.l Manager. APTS

1.6. TEC will be responsible ior the following:

1.6.I .Evaluation of bid responses (Technical and Commercial)

l.6.2.Conduct Reverse Auction and there by recommend "Ll Bidder"

1.6.3.Evaluation of performance of the insurance company/ insurance intermediary

during the policy period.

1.7, Proposer/ Purc haser : The Special Commissioner of Labour.

1.8. Primarv Bread Eamer (PBE)/ Insured/ Beneficiarv / YSR BIMA ben eficiary: As defined
in G.O.Ms.No: 7 of LFB&IMS Dt.27.06.2021

1.9. Department: Labour Department, Golt. of Andhra pradesh, Vijayawada.

1.10' Bidder/ Service Provider: Either the lnsurance company or the Insurance lntermediary
who submits their Bid response/s through Ap e-procurement portal.

Page 3 of35
1.1l. Nodal Aeency: Labour Department. Govt. olAndhra Pradesh.

1.12. Imolementine/ Monitorine Aqency: GVWV & VSWS Department, Govt. of Andhra

1.13. Monitorine/ Technical Aeency: Andhra Pradesh General Insurance Corporation

Limited (APGICL)

1.14. L1 Bidder: The Insurance Company/ Insurance Intermediary whose bid response is
evaluated as Ll Bid after reverse auction.

1.15. TAT: Tum Around Time

1.16. Other Definitions: As per Annexure to G.O.

Page 4 ol35

2.1. Tender No: K/840/2022

2.2. Tender Subiect: Providi ng insurance coverage against accidental death and accidental
disability for primary bread eamers of BPL Families holding rice cards in the state of
A.P, for a period of I (One) Year. from 00:00 Hrs. on 01.07.2021 to 23:59 Hrs. ol

2.3. EstimatedContract Value: Rs. 99 .84.45.000/-

2.4. Tender Type: O pen

2.4.l.Evaluation: Open & Reverse

2.5. Tender Fee (Non-Refundable): Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only)

2.5. I .Payable to: Bank account details as mentioned below

Tablc: I
Name of the Beneficiarv YSR BIMA FUND

Account Number 05101I100005020

IFSC uBIN0805l06
Name ofthe Bank and Branch Union Bank of India. Seetharampuram

2.5.2. Mode of Payment: IMPS/ NEFT/ Intra Bank transfer

2.5.3.The bidder should upload. along with the TechnicaV Pre-Qualification

Documentation, the copy of Bank Pay-in Slip/ Transaction Receipt etc.. as a
proof of payment of tender fee.

2.6. EMD/ Bid Securitv ( able ) Rs. 1.s9.68.900/- (2% ol ECV;

2.6.1 . Mode of Payment: FDR (or) Account payee DD (or) payment Online in
acceptable form and as per Amendment to Rule 170-I of General Financial Rules
-GFR 2017 Office Memorandum No: F.No.20l2l20t4-ppD of DoE.

2.6.2.The offers without EMD/ Bid Security will be summarily rejected.

Page 5 ol35
2.6.3.The bidder should upload the scanned copy of instrument pertaining to EMD/ Bid
Security (along with the Pre-Qualification/ Technical Bid documents) in the AP
e-Procurement portal. as a proof of payment. The original instrument of EMD/
Bid Security must be submitted in a sealed cover duly mentioning the details of
the bidder, to the Tender Evaluation Commiltee, GVWV & VSWS Department.
4s Floor, Nirmaan Bhavan, Plot No. 11 & 12, behind Telephone Exchange. Auto
Nagar, Vijayawada - 520007, before the due date and time of opening of
Technical/ Pre-Qualification Bids. For paymenV remittance of EMD/ Bid
Security please refer to the bank details provided in the Section 2.5.1.

2.6.4.The Bid security of the unsuccessful bidders will be retumed upon finalization of
the tender. either through Online "EMD Refund Option" in the e- Procurement
portal or through appropriate mode. at rhe earliest. In case of the successful
bidder(s), the same shall be refunded after submission of original insurance
policy copy/ copies. Commissioner of Labour shall not be liable to pay any interest on the bid
security deposit so made.

2.6.6.The bid security shall be forfeited by the DepartmenVs in the following events: If a Bidder varies/modifies the bid during the bid validity period/
extension period, as agreed between the Bidder and Purchaser; (or) lf a Bidder engages in a Comrpt Practice, Fraudulent Practice, Coercive

Practice, Undesirable Practice or Restrictive Practice; (or)

2,6.6.3. If a Bidder withdraws the bid during rhe period of bid validity as

specified in this RFPi NIT Document or lf a Bidder withdraws the bid. during the extension period by mutual
consent of the respective bidder(s) and purchaser; (or) In the case of Successful Bidder. if the bidder fairs within the specified
time limit to fumish the "Risk Held covered" Letter within the period
prescribed in this Tender Document; (or)

Page 6 of35 lf abidder does not accept the Purchase Order (PO) or fails to sign the
Contract or abide by any other terms and conditions of the Purchase
Order (PO).

2,7. Transaction Fee (Non-R e fundable): The Non - refundable Transaction fee is only
payable though A.P e-Procurement account of participant/ tenderer/ bidder after

submitting the Price Bid. @ 0.03% + GST on the final price bid
lt is calculated
submitted. However, Transaction Fee is capped at Rs. 10,000/- + GST if the value of
price bid is less than or equal to Rs. 50 crores. For value of price bid that is greater
than Rs. 50 Crores the Transaction fee is capped at Rs. 25,000/- + GST'

2.8. Corpus Fund fNon-Refundable):

e-procuement fund (or) corpus fund of is 0.04% of Price Bid submitted by L1 Bidder.
However, e-Procurement fund (or) Corpus fund is capped at Rs. 10,0001 if the value of
price bid is less than or equal to Rs. 50 Crores. For value of price bid that is greater
than Rs. 50 Crores the e-Procurement fund (or) Corpus fund is capped at Rs. 25'000/-.
Once the L1 bidder is finalized, the e-Procurement system automatically generates the
eProcurement fund (corpus fund) to be paid. The option for payment of eProcurement
fund (Corpus fund) is enabled to bidders/contractors in their login.

2.9. Time Schedule ofTender/ RFP (Important Dates):


Date of Publishing 12.06.2022

Date from which the RFP/ Tender 13.06.2022 (E 10:00 Hrs

document can be downloaded tiom
AP e-Procurement portal

Pre-Bid Meeting (Virtual) 15.06.2022 @ 1l:00 Hrs

Cut of time for download of RFP/ 03.07 .2022 @ 10:30 Hrs

Tender Document

Bid submission closing date 04.07 .2022 rE 00:00 Hrs.

Date ofOpening of Technical Bid/s 04.07 .2022 @l 1 :30 Hrs.

Date of Opening ofFinancial Bid/s I'BD

Page 7 of35
2.10. RFP/ NIl' Document:

2.10.1. The Bidder (Insurance Company/ Insurance Intermediary) may read all the
terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP Document and seek clarification. if
any. from the TEC, prior to submission of bid. TEC will not be responsible lor
any delay/ difficulty/ inaccessibility of the RFP Document for any reason

2.l0.2.Tlte Bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the extension of due
dates, Addendum/ Corrigendum issued by the Quotations Inviting Authority'.
from time to time @ The Department
Inviting quotations will not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out

2.10.3. The bidder should futfill any other pre-requisites mentioned in the RFP
documenl/s. The tenderer should read and understand clearly the General.
Special and Technical terms and conditions of the RFP/ NIT document before

submission of the Bid Responses in the e-Procurement portal.

2.1 l. Disclaimer:

2.1l.l. TIA reserves the right to change or alter the bid conditions before the final date

of submission of the bids by issuing an addendum/ corrigendum. The RFP/ NIT

and any subsequent addendum,/ amendment/ corrigendum etc., will be made
available at AP E-Procurement website
The bidders shall be solely responsible. lbr ensuring that their bids/ bid
responses are completely in line with the requirements stipulated in this RFP. is the responsibitity of the bidder, before submitting their bids. to ensure the
suitability ofcoverage offered against the coverage solicited through this tender.

2.11.3. Any discrepancies in the requirements stipulated in these documents. shall be

brought to the notice of the TIA, and clarifications shall be obtained prior to
submission of the bids.

2.11.4. TIA reserves right. without prejudice to other rights under terms and conditions

of RFP/ NIT. without prejudice to documents or other remedies available. to

Page 8 of35
cancel tenders without assigning any reasons, and will not entertain any

correspondence in the matter. TIA accepts no liability whatsoever and will not
be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special.
incidental or consequential loss or damage) from cancellation of RFP/ NIT. TIA
also reserves the right to split the order on more than one bidder, in any manner
or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.

2.11.5. Bidders are advised not to make any assumptions or inferences, on lheir own

2.11.6. Scheme of RFP/ NIT: Table:3

Providing insurance coverage against accidental

death & accidental disabitity Primary Bread Earners
(PBEs) of BPL families in the state ol A.P - YSR
BIMA (Accidental Insurance Component) 2022-23.

Shortlisting of Insurance Company after evaluation

Objective of proposals received for Insurance Company/
Insurance Intermediary.

Type of Bids/ Proposals to be

Technical Bid and Financial Bid

Open & Reverse:

All companies are invited to tender, provided they
meet all the Technical/ Prequalification
Tl pe of Evaluation The qualified L I commercial/ price bid, upon
opening ol the commercial stage of technicalll
qualified bidders, will be subiected to reverse
tendering will all those bidder/s whose commercial
bids are valid.

Page 9 of-jS

(Pre-Oualification Bid/ Technical Bid/ PART-l of Ilid Response)

The tenderer/ bidder shall submiVupload the satisfactory documentary evidence to establish
the following Pre-Quatification requirements/ PQB/ Technical Bid/ PART - I requirement
without any ambiguity.

3.1. Pre-O ua I ifi cat ion Reo u iremenls Insurance Con Dontes:

3.1.1.lnsurance Company should be registered with IRDAI (lnsurance Regulatory

Development Authority of India) as General Insurance Company

3.l.2.Insurance company should have a minimum Gross Direct Premium of Rs. 500
Crores in each ofthe preceding 3 Financial years (21-22,20-21 & 19-20).

3.l.3.Insurance company should not have withdrawn already submitted quotations

thereby causing undue delay in insurance procuement process tolfor any of the
Andhra Pradesh Govemments' Departments/ Organizations/ Institutions etc.
Insurance company should not have been blacklisted (in the past or present) by

any of the Govemments' Departments/ Organizations/ Institutions etc. A self-

declaration has to be submitted by the participating insurance company in this
regard. The performance of insurance company against previous RFPs of Labour
Department vis-ir-vis Tender Notice Number: F15083/2021, Tender ID: 416879

will be taken into consideration at any time during the process of evaluation

3.2. Pre-Oualilication Requirements for lnsurance Intermediary:

3.2.l.lnsurance intermediary should be registered & licensed by IRDAI as Direct/

composite Insurance Broker.

3.2.2.Insurance intermediary should have a minimum of 5 Years of experience as an

IRDAI licensed Direct/ Composite Broker as on the date of calling of ftis tender.

3.2.3.lnsurance intermediary should have serviced (or) should be servicing in a single

Financial Year, at least 10 Lakh lives under singte GPA/ GJPA insurance policy

Page 10 of35
with a per person Capital Sum Insured that is greater than or equal to Rupees 2

Lakhs, procured by any Centre/ State Govemment department/ entity/ PSU etc.

3.2.4. As per latest audited financial statements. the revenue from insurance
intermediation (Direct Broking) of insurance intermediary should be at least

Rs.l0 Crores in any of the preceding three Financial Years i.e., FYl9-20, FY20-
2t &FY21-22.

3.2.5.As per latest BAP Reports submitted to IRDAI. the direct premium placed by
insurance intermediary should be greater than Rs. 100 Crores in any of the
preceding three Financial Years i.e., FY19-20. FY20-21 &FY2l-22.

3.2.6.lnsurance intermediary should not have withdrawn already submitted quotations

thereby causing undue delay in insurance procurement process to/for any of the
Andhra Pradesh Govemments' Departments/ Organizations/ Institutions etc.
Insurance company should not have been blacklisted (in the past or present) by
any of the Govemments' Departments/ Organizations/ Institutions etc.

3.2.7.lnsurance intermediary should have a professional indemnity insurance policy. as

stipulated by IRDAI (Insurance Brokers) Regulations. 2018.

3.3. Offers submitted by intermediaries should be backed by Schedule - A of Part - I as

well as duly signed and stamped quotation on the letter head ofthe insurance company.

3.4, Tenders received from those not having the required qualification criteria will not be

3.5. Notwithstanding anlthing stated above, the TIA reserves the right to assess the
tenderers'/ bidder's capability to execute the contract. should the circumstances warrant
such assessment in the overall interest of the Govemment. ln respect of qualification of
the tenderers, the decision of TIA is final.

Commercial Bid/ PART-2 of Bid Res onse

3.6. The Pre-Qualification/ Technical Bid of the bidder should be qualified in order to be
considered for evaluation of such bidder's commercial/ price bid.

Page 1l of 35
3.6.l.The price bid of the such technically qualified bidders should submit the PRO-
FORMA lor PRICE BID on the insurance company's letter head duly signed by
the insurance company's authorized represenlative/ duly constituted attorney.'

3.6.2.If the bidder is an insurance intermediary, then the PRO-FORMA for PRICE BID
should be submitted on the insurance intermediary's letterhead duly signed by the
Principal Officer with seal along with the price bid of insurance company as

specified in section 3.6.1.

3.6.3.Direct offers/ quotations submitted by the insurance intermediaries will not be

accepted by the TEC.

Page 12 of 35

{.1. Help Desk: For an y queries. please contact TEC at Ph. No: (0866) - 2436312.
7995014625. E-mail: &

4.2. Offline bids shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders
published in AP e-Procurement platform.

4.3. The intending bidders shall register themselves with the AP e-Procurement portal
using valid Digital Signature & Encryption Certificate.

4.4. For registration and online bid submission bidders may contact HELP DESK of M/s.
Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt Ltd.. (APTS/ AP e-Procurement portat) on 08645-
24637 017 1 17217 3/74. hftps://

4.5. Digital Certificate authentication: The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his
Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-Procurement platfbrm
and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate ofthe bidder will not be accepted
on the e-Procurement platform.

4.6. For obtaining Digital Signature Certificate, please contact duly certified Registration
Authorities based in India. Under no circumstance shall an offline bid or an

unsigned e-Bid will be accepted. The bidders are advised to obtain digital signature

certificates well within time.

4.7, The bidder shall submit his/ her/ it's/ their response through bid submission to the
tender on e- Procurement platform at by following the
procedure given below:

4.7.1. The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details. technical
bid etc., in the formats under Pre-Qualification/ Technical Qualification
categories as displayed in AP e-Procurement web site.

Page l3 of 35
4.7.2. The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates.
documents etc.. mentioned in the all the relevant documents like certificates
shall be uploaded in the e-Procurement web site before the technical bid due
date. TIA reject any bid that is not complete in terms of submission of the
documents mentioned above and the decision of TIA shall be final and

binding in this regard.

4.7.3. The bidder shall sign on the statements. documents, certificates, uploaded by

him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. Digital

signatures will not be accepted. Every page of each and every bid document

should be stamped and signed by the bidder.

4.7.4. The authorized person/ employee of bidder who self attesls vadous bid
document /s shall submit adequate proof of authority to sign/ proof of duly

constituted attomey.

4.7.5. TEC may reject, any Bid unsupported by the adequate proof of the

signatory's authority. In this regard. the decision of TIA is final and binding
on the bidder.

4.7,6. The bidders shall submit the Price Offer in the standard online format
provided. The price bid of only the eligible technically qualified bidders shall

be opened.

4.7.7. T\e bidders shall quote an all-inclusive rate (Including Taxes). This rate will
be the sole bid parameter for commercial evaluation.

4.7.8. The quotatior/s shall be submitted. in Two Parts. viz..

4.7 .8.1. Part-l: Technical Bid/ Pre-Qualification Bid (PQB) Part-ll: Price Bid & Schedule - C

4.7.9. Price Bid (or) Price Components should not be placed/ submitted in the

Technical/ Pre-Qualifi cation Bid.

4.8. Submission of Hard copies: Not required except for the Original InstrumenV Bank
Guarantee pertaining to EMD.

Page l4 of 35

4.9.1. The DepartmenVs shall open the technical bids on the technical bid due date
as specified in the tender document. As the opening process is done over the

e-Procurement account of O/o Spl. Commissioner of Labour/ Labour

Department; the bidders or their authorized representatives are not allowed at
the time of opening the Pre-Qualification/ Technical/ Commercial/ Price
bids. However. the evaluation stages/ process will be updated to bidders e-
procurement account on a real time basis.

4.9.2. The department/s shall initially evaluate only the technical bids and the price
bids of only the technically qualified bidders shall be opened

,l.l0.Bid Evaluation:

4.10. l The lumpsum rate quoted for the complete scope of RFP/ Tender shall
be the sole criteria for bid evaluation and the L1 bidder shall be

adjudged the preferred bidder subject to General, Special & Technical

Terms and Conditions mentioned in this document.

4.10.2. Pre-Qualification Bid/ Technical Bid or PQB, will be opened. at

the time and place that is already specified in this RFP Document.

4.10.3. Only those tenders which contain full information and comply with the
requirements of Technical Bid/ Pre-Qualification (PQB) Requirements

and other terms (Forming Part - I) will qualifu for opening ol Part- II:
'Price Bid' or 'Commercial Bid'.

4.10.4. Only in such case of those bidders who are found to be eligible in
accordance with the prescribed Pre-Qualifi cation/ Technical eligibility

conditions in the tender document and whose bids meet the

requirements under this Tender shall be declared as the "Technically

Qualified Bidders".

4.10.5. The date and time of opening of the Price/ Commercial Bids of the
Technically Qualified Bidders will be intimated to all the Technicalll'

Page 15 ol-35
Qualified Bidders through the communication details mentioned in
Schedule - A.

4.10.6.Upon opening of the Price/ Commercial Bids. only in such case of

those bidders whose Price Bid documents are found to be complete and

valid in accordance with the prescribed format/ terms and conditions in

the RFP/ NIT document shall be declared as the "Qualified Financial
Bidders" and the lumpsum price quoted by "LI Bidder" will be


4.10.7. The date and time of the reverse auction will be uploaded in the e-
Procurement portal and will be intimated to all the Technically
Qualified Bidders through the communication details mentioned in
Schedule - A.

4.10.8.Only the Qualified Financial Bidders whose financial bids are

complying to the RFP requirements will be permitted to participate in
the reverse auction.

4.10.9. Maintaining competitive rates. only up to 5 (five) lowest eligible

bidders will be allowed to participate in reverse auction. lf the

technically quatified bids are 5 (five) or less, all of them will be

allowed to pa(icipate in reverse auction. If technically qualified bids
received are more than 5. only 5 lowest eligible bidders will be allowed

to participate in reverse auction.

,1. 10. 10. Reverse Auction: Reverse auction will be conducted on the rate quoted by the

technically qualified L1 bidder.

4.10.1 0.2. The amount quoted in the Bid will be considered for overall
evaluation to arrive at 'L I ' bidder. The 'opening price' i.e., start price for Reverse Auction
will be the Ll price quoted.

Page 16 of35 The reverse auction will be conducted and the bidder's
screen will have provision for decrement of prices. In the
bidder's screen the total price of his bid and the total lead
price at that instance will also be displayed. For the purpose of Reverse Auction, the minimum bid

decrement will be 0.05% of ECV (Estimated Contract
Value) The Bidders can modify the total price of the bid based on
the minimum bid decrement or the multiples thereof, to
displace a standing lowest bid and become "LI", and this
will continue as an iteralive process. The reverse auction shall be conducted for 3 Hours. If any

bidder submits a bid in the last 15 minutes of the auction
closing time, the auction time will be automatically
increased by 15 minutes. AII bidders are required to submit
their online bids during this period. After the completion of the online reverse auction. the

Closing Price (Final Ll Price) and the successful bidder
shall be finalized.

4.11. The bid evaluation criteria as adopted by the department/s deemed fit is final and

binding on the bidders.

4.12, "Technicat Bid/ PQB" is separate from "Price Bid".

4.13. Technical Bid will be opened before the price bid and hence the documents related
to the Price/ Commercial Bid, should not be placed in the Pre-Qualification/
Technical Bid. If Price Bid/ Price Components is/ are placed in the Pre-
Qualification/ Technical Bid then such Bid Response/s will be disqualified.

4.14. The bidders need to submit the required documents in compliance with the Pre-

Qualification requirements stipulated in this tender duly signed on each page w.ith
seal. Bids, if any, received by Fax/ e-mail or other modes of communication.

Page l7 ol'35
including but not limited to any offline submission of the bid/ quote will not be
entertained by the TIA. Such bids/ responses will be rejected and action deemed fit
will be taken against the bidder.

4.15. The successful bidder (Ll Bidder) will be required to accept the purchase order
within 1 working day from the date of receipt of purchase order and should issue the
"Risk Held Covered" Letter within I working day from the date of receipt of

4.16. If the Tenderer fails to accept the Purchase Order within the above said period or
backs out when his Tender is accepted, his EMD/ Security Deposit will be forfeited
to Labour Department and his Bid/ Bid Response will be held void. The decision of
TIA is final in this regard.

Page l8 ol35

5.1. Tvpe ofPolicy: GPA/ GJPA (Named)

5.2. Proooser: The Special Commissioner of Labour. Govemment ofAndhra Pradesh.

5.3. Insured: PBEs (Primary Bread Eamers)

5.4. Definition of Live/ Person insured: A person identified, through the door-to-door
survey and e-KYC verification. as a primary bread eamer of a rice card. The data wilt
be provided by the implementing agency.

5.5. Identification: Aadhar Number and Rice Card Number captured by Govt. of A.P


5.6. Minimum No of Proposed Lives/ Persons: 1 .l I .00.000 (Approximately).

5.7. Minimum No of Lives at the inception of the policy: LI I Crore.

5.8. Relationship: Non-Employer-Employee.

5.9. Sum Insured: Rs. 5 ,00,000/-

5.10. Coverage

Table: -l

Loss '7u Of Capital Sum Insured

I Accidental Death ofthe Insured 100%
2 Permanent Total Disability (PTD) 100 o/o

Permanent Partial Disabilit), ( PPD)

Up to 50%, as per GPA/ GJPA product ol
insurance company fited with IRDAI

5.11. Policy Period: 00:00 Hrs on 0l .07 .2022 to 23:59 Hrs on 30.06.2023.

Page 19 ol35
5.12. Value added services:

5.12.1. Dedicated staff to be deployed at Implementing & Monitoring agency as

agreed in MoU.

5.12.2. Upon finalization of tender, to immediately deploy personnel in sufficient

quantity for training on the existing YSR BIMA portal and for obtaining
access to the same for seamless provisioning of claim settlement in the

ensuing policy period.

5.12.3. To provide technical support to the existing YSR BIMA Toll-Free number -
back offrce.

5.12.4. To conduct quarterly training program/s to district level officers

5.12.5. All stakeholders (Nodal. Implementing/ Monitoring Agencies in addition to

Insurance Company and lnsurance Intermediary will interact through the
YSR BIMA portal for uploading and downloading of claim related
documents, to seek and provide clarifications & requirement of additional
documents, updating the payment details etc.,

5.12.6. Insurance company should register, process and settle the claim/s based on
the documents uploaded on the YSR BIMA portal. Hardcopies of the
documents will not be provided.

5.13. Insurance company to reimburse the Labour Departmenl to the extent of the funeral

relief (Rs. 10,000/-) paid to the nominee of the deceased, from the payable claim
amount. To this extent a receipt signed by the nominee confirming the receipt ol
funeral relief advance will be provided to the insurance company. In the absence of
such acknowledgemenV receipt form nominee, Total Claim Proceeds will be paid to
the nominee only. This is an existing tern/ arrangement with the current insurance

Page 20 of35

6.1. Type of Policv: G.IPA

6.2. Insurer: M/s Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Limited

6.3. Policy Period: 00:00 Hrs. ol'01.06.2021 to 23:59 Hrs. of 30.06.2022

6.4. No of lives covered: 1.32 .83.095

6.5. Premium Paid: Rs. 1 l.i ,29.87,9401-

6.6. Calculation of Dremium rraid for YSR IIIMA 2021-222


Premium Per Premium Per

No of Person Per Sum Person fbr Total No of Prorata Total Premium
Lives Lakh Per Year Insured Sum lnsured Per Days Premium Paid
(365 Days) Year (365 Days) Paid (Nil

11200000 E 17.99
tr a 11.96 I ll tr 22.08
4,00.000 24,73,05.8 l9.l 8

1 1200000 E 17.99
tr tr 8e.9s 253 4 62.35
5,00,000 69,83.07;726.03

2083095 tr r 7.99
tr tr 89.95 365 tr 89.95
5,00,000 18,73,74.395.25

Total No of Insured Lives: 1328-i095 tr r,t3,29,87,940

6.7. Coverase: Death + PTD + PPD
6.8. Additions durine the policy: Nil
6.9. Status of Claims as on 12.06.2022:

6.9.1 .lntimated: 3 553


6.9.3.Under Processing: I 969

6.9.4.Shortfall of documents: I 23


Page 2l of -35


Pre-Oualification/ Elisibilitv Criteria: As per Section-Ill ofRFP/ NIT document

in Pre-Bid meeting should be sent to b bima.c or

7.3. Request for participation
tec at least one hour before the scheduled time ofthe meeting'

7.4. Responsibility for the correctness of the information submitted in the bid lies with the
bidder only. If any information fumished in the bid is proved to be false at any later
date, the bid will nor onty be rejected but also the bidder will be BLACKLISTED by
the TIA from pa(icipating in future procurement/s of Labour Dept., for a period of 3


7.5. TIA reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reasons

thereof and is not bound to accept the lowest or any other quote submitted.

7.6. Jurisdiction: All and any disputes or difference arising out ofor touching the purchase
order shall be decided only by the Courts or Tribunals situated in VIJAYAWADA/
AMARAVATI (Andhra Pradesh) only.

7.7. Reference: After placing of purchase order, the purchase order number must appear on

all the correspondence, Invoices, Policy Copies. Endorsements and such other
document/s or communication/s relatable with the purchase order.

7.8. Waiver: Any waiver by the TIA. if any, for any breach of the terms & conditions olthe
RFP/ NIT Document/ Purchase Order shall not constitute any right for subsequent
waiver for breach of any other terms or conditions RFP/ NIT DocumenV Purchase

7.9. Sub-lettine and Assisnment: The insurance com pany. unless with prior consent in
writing from the TIA. shall not assign the Purchase Order (or) Contract or any part
thereof or interest therein or benefit or advantage thereof in any manner, whatsoever.

Page 22 o l'-15
Provided nevertheless that any such consent shall not relieve the insurer f'rom any
obligation, duty or responsibilities under the contract.

7.10. Information Provided to the Bidder/s, Insurance Cornpany/ Insurance Intermediary/: All
data and documentation that would be given to the Insurance Company/ lnsurance
Intermediary/ Bidder/s by concemed department/s for the servicing of the YSR Bima
Group Accidental lnsurance 2022-23 and execution of the purchase order is/ are

proprietary information of GoW. of Andhra Pradesh and should not be disseminated to

unauthorized recipients. Such data/ documentation should be retumed immediately
upon the request of any Golt. of A.P department/ TIA, when demanded.

7.11. Except for the purpose of servicing the insurance policy i.e., for executing the purchase
order, Insurance Company/ Insurance Intermediary/ Bidderis should ensure that the
information provided (data & documents pertaining to YSR Bima) is/ are not used for
any other purpose. The Insurance Company/ Insurance Intermediary/ Bidder/s should
ensure that the information given by the departmenVs is not disclosed to any
unintended person, firm, body, corporate and,/or authority and make every effort that
the data/ information is kept confidential.

7.12. Prices: Price(s) mentioned in the purchase order shall be firm and is/ are not subject to
escalation on any account, till the purchase order is executed in full.

7'13. Taxes. Levies and Duties: Goods and Service Tax payable shall be shown separately in
the invoice against the purchase order. Similarly, GST will be paid as per the rate
applicable at the time of billing.

7.14. variation in Statutorv Levies: An upward variation/ revision in statutory levies (or)
introduction of new levy, after opening of the bids/ issuance of purchase order/
purchase of the policy, shall be accounted to the purchaser/ proposer. Similarly. the
purchaser/ propose should be given the advantage of reduction/ refund to the extent of
any downward variation/ revision in levies after opening of the bids/ issuance of
purchase order/ purchase of the insurance policy.

7.15. Terms of Pavment: Payments witl be made through Account payee cheques or b1,
Electronic Transfer only. In case of erroneous payment/ remittance ol excess to the

Page 23 of35
insurance company, the same shall be relunded immediately upon the reconciliation oi
premiums paid or upon the request olthe purchaser.

7.16. The TIA reserves the right to split the tender in whole or in parts at its sole discretion
without assigning any reason/s and can place the Purchase Order(s) on more than one

7.17. Prices:

7 .17 .1. All prices shall be firm and shall be indicated in the Commercial/ Price Bid
Variable prices will not be accepted.

7.17.2. Taxes and duties: GST payable shall be shown separately in the offer and

7.17 .3. It is the responsibility of the Insurer/Bidder, to ascertain and ensure that all
taxes/ duties. charges etc.. are included in the Price/ Commercial Bid without

7.18. Payment terms

7.18.1. The Total Premium (including GST) will be paid, before the scheduled
commencement of Insurance Cover, subject to submission of the Invoice. The
Invoice in original, in the name of Spl. Commissioner of Labour, shall be
submitted to the O/o Commissioner of Labour (GoAP), Paturi's Pride. Papaiah
Street 'X' Roads, Seetharampuram. Vijayawada - 02, immediately on receipt
ofpurchase order. for arranging payment.

7.18.2. In case, any excess payment is made to the insurer. erroneously or for any

other reason(s), the bidder shall refund the amount received in excess ol
premium payable as per Purchase Order. Any delay in such refund. beyond I5

days from the date of request for repaymenV refund/ recovery, will attract an
interest as per prevailing Bank Rate.

7.18.3. Any incidental charges, such as bank charges etc., incurred by the insurer
during the execution ofthe contract shall be to the Insurer's/ Bidder's account

Page 24 of35
7.18.4. The insurance company (or) the insurance intermediary shall make its/ their
own alrangemenVs to ensure the collection of declarations, collection of
premiums on submission of bills and to claim bills along with documents from
respective departments/ locations of Labour Department and also handing over
the insurance policies, proceeds on claim settlement and to submit other
documents if any to O/o Commissioner of Labour.

7.19. fusk Purchase:

7.19.1. TIA reserves the right either to accept or to reject the bid response/s without
assigning any reasons whatsoever. ln case the successful participant/s fails to
execute the contract as per the stipulated schedule, TIA reserves the right to
place orders from the open market or by floating another tender, and recover
the additional expenditure so incurred from the insurer. This is without
prejudice to any/all other rights of TlA, as indicated in this Specification.

7.19.2. Validitv Of offer: The Offers shall be valid lor a period of 90 days lrom the
date of opening of Price/ Commercial Bids. The period of validity cannot be
counted from any other date other than the date ofopening of the price bids.

7.20. Extension and Termination:

7.20.f. TIA reserves the right, to seek extension of insurance cover, for a specific
period, if necessitated. The Insurer/ Insurance Company shall arrange

extension ofthe insurance coverage for the period as sought by TIA on Prorata
basis. Such extension, if requested, shall be for a period not more than 3

months per instance and limited to 2 (Two) instances after end ofa insurance
policy period.

7.20.2.The TIA reserves the right to cancel the order either in part or in futl. by
giving 15 (Fifteen) days of notice, if the Bidder/ Insurance Intermediary/
Insurer/ Insurance Company/ Service Provider fails to comply with any of the
terms of the RFP/ NIT/ Purchase Order/ Insurance Policy/ MoU/ MoA"/ SLA.

7.20.3. Any Purchase Order/ Contract/ MoU/ MoA"/ SLA"/ Insurance Policy that may
arise out of this RFP/ NIT will initially be for a period of 1 (One) year, which

Page 25 of35
can further be renewed up to 3 (Three) years (year after year), as decided by
the TIA on the basis of evaluation report submitted by the TEC. before the end
of each policy year.

7.20.4. Notwithstanding an).thing to the contrary, if there is any change in policy

decision, neither extension nor renewal of the insurance policy shall be

7.20.5. Under any circumstances whatsoever. the Insurer/ Insurance Company shall
not cancel the insurance policy (YSR BIMA Group Accidental Insurance
Policy 2022-23) without the concurrence ofthe TIA.

7.21. Any further communications, amendments etc. shall be available on the website of AP
e-Procurement TIA reserves the right to (i) reject
any or all bids with or without assigning any reasons whatsoever. (ii) reschedule /
postpone the bid date(s) due to any unforeseen circumstances at any stage of the bid
process (iii) cancel or annul the entire bid process without assigning any valid reasons


7.22. The terms and conditions contained in this RFP/ NIT document will be converted into
contracV MoU/ MoA./ SLA along with servicing parameters and qualifiable timelines.

Page 26 ol35
g.l. In case of ambiguity, the Special Terms and conditions shall supersede (will take
precedence over) the General Terms and Conditions that are mentioned in Section-vll

of this RFP/ N IT

8.2. The General Insurance companies, if required. shall acquire all/ any relevant and
material information pertaining to various underwriting factors and factors attributable
to the rating of the proposed risk before quoting the insurance premiums'

8.3. Addition/ Alterations/ Modifications: The purchaser reserves the right to make
additions/alterations/ modifications to the No of Lives in the purchase order. The
Insurer shall insure such No of Lives also at the same rate as originally agreed to and
incorporated in the purchase order.

8.4. Co-Insurance: The insurance intermediary for YSR Bima 22-23 inter alia 'Ll Bidder'.
is authorized to handle all issues pertaining to Co-lnsurance, Placement and Allocation
of Premium. Nevertheless, any such co-insurance/ co-sharing will not relieve the leader
insurer from any obligation, duty or responsibilities under the MoU/ MoA/Contract/
Insurance Policy Purchased for YSR Bima 2022-23/ SLA"/ Tender/ RFP. The
suggestions of such intermediary are final in all respects in this regard.

8.5. No invoice shall be raised by the insurance intermediary/ insurance broker either to the
O/o Commissioner of Labour or to the Labour Department, as their commission/
remuneration/ reward, if any, will be paid by insurance companies as per IRDAI
(Payment of remunerations to insurance Intermediaries) Regulations, 2016 that are

amended from time to time.

8.6. The insurer and the intermediary will be held responsible for any unpaid, underpaid and
improperly repudiated claims through IRDAI - IGMS. IRDAI (Protection of
Policyholders' Interests) Regulations. 2017, Insurance Ombudsman etc. In addition to
it, the Insurance Intermediary will be held responsible along with insurance company
for delay in settlement of claims beyond the timelines as agreed in MoU. Penalty
clauses, as agreed in MoU, will be strictly implemented for inordinate delay of claim

Page 27 of -15
8.7. Modifications: This Insurance order if placed. shall constitute an entire agreement
between the parties hereto. Any modification to the purchase order shall become

binding only upon the same being conltrmed in writing duly signed by both the panies.

8.8. Acceptance olordel: l'he Purchase Orders will be sent to su pplier in duplicate and they
shall retum one copy along with enclosures. duly signed and stamped. within l(One)
working day in token of having received and accepted the order.

8.9. The TIA, at sole discretion unilaterally may change the number of proposed lives not
below the minimum no of lives mentioned in this RFP/ NIT document. The successful
bidder shall be bound to issue policy for the revised number of lives at the same rate.
terms & conditions.

8.10. The Purchaser/ TIA reserves the right to reduce the proposed number of lives, within
the scope of this RFP/ NIT. during the YSR Bima Group Accidental Insurance Policy
20222-23 period. As and when the number of insured lives is/ are reduced./ deleted
during the policy period, the proportionate premium shall be refunded by the insurance
company to Labour Department. Govt. ofAndhra Pradesh, Vijayawada on prorate basis
within 15 days from the date of intimation of such reduction/ deletion in no of insured

8.11. The insurance company and/ or the intermediary to whom the purchase order is

awarded will be responsible for settlement of claims as agreed in the MoU. The
performance of the insurance company as well as the insurance intermediary which
doesn't settle the claims in a fair manner within stipulated TAT from the date of
submission of all the necessary documents, will be recorded and considered for general
evaluation ofinsurance company for any future participation in tenders under CoAp.

8.12. The insurer and the intermediary will be held responsible for any unpaid. underpaid and
improperly repudiated claims through IRDAI - IGMS. IRDAI (protection of
Policyholders' Interests) Regulations, 20 I 7, Insurance Ombudsman etc.,

8.13. Documentation:

8.13.1.The insurance company should issue the premium receipt and the policy
documents wilhin 7 days after receipt of requisite premium. The complete

Page 28 of35
policy document will therefore be made available to TIA. within 7 working days
of commencement of coverage.

8.13.2. Any amendments required to the policies shall be confirmed by issuing

endorsement within 5 working days ol the receipt of the necessary iniormation
from the purchaser/ proposer.

8.13,3. Letters, Faxes, Telephonic Messages and e-Mail should be acknowledged and
answered immediately.

8.14. Claims:

8.14.1. The Insurance Company or Insurance Intermediary or both. at the time of Mot.l/
MoA/ SLA, commencement of Insurance Policy shall provide a comprehensive
claims procedure and list of documents required tbr each type of claim.

8.14.2. A panel of approved insurance investigators acceptable to the puchaser has to

be drawn up in consultation with Insurance Intermediary and monitoring
agency. They are to be utilized in case of all claims that would requires

investigation. The details regarding insurance investigators should be shared

with the TEC and TIA within 3 weeks of tender finalization.

8.14.3. In the event of a claim, implementing agency would arrange immediate

intimation to the insurance company through IT/ ITES platform (Portal). and
such claim should be downloaded and registered within 24 FIrs. from the date of
upload in to the Portal.

8.14.4. At the time of intimation. a complete list of documents/requirements of claim

shall be informed to the Implementing Agency / Intermediary/ Nominee or such
other Authorized person which shall be furnished expeditiously by the
implementing agency.

8.14.5. TIA shall also nominate an official who shall co-ordinate with all the

8.14.6. When material information is requested pertaining to the status of claim/

reasons for rejection/ closure/ investigatior/ payment, the same should be

Page 29 of35
provided within deadline specified and every conceivable effort shall be made
to ensure deadlines are met in this regard. If deadlines cannot be met. a full and
detailed explanation should be provided.

8.15. All claims lodged with the lnsurer shall be promptly settled on the basis of the
necessary documentation as per MoU/ MoA/ SLA.

8.16. The Insurance Company. if required, shall appoint the investigator nominated by
monitoring agency immediately upon downloading of the claim documents from the IT
Platform/ Portal and shall settle the claim expeditiously as per the timelines of MoU.

8.17. A copy of each and every investigation report should be submitted to the monitoring
agency for their review.

8.18. By responding to this RFP,NIT. the insurer confirms/ accepts that the premium quoted
is final and that there will be no revision, unless there is a revision in the proposed
coverage and sum insured.

Page 30 of 35


9.1. Pre-Qualification/ Technicat Bid and Price/ Commercial Bid documents to be

Submitted are as per Section-Xl: Schedule-B: Check List


I (a) Name and address ofthe insurance company.

Name and designation of the authorized person.
Contact Number & e-Mail of the authorized
person to whom reference shall be made for
expeditious technical co-ordination. in the event
of placement of order.

l(b) Name and address of the insurance

intermediary, Name and designation ol
authorized person, Contact Number & e-Mail of
the authorized person to whom reference shall
be made for expeditious technical co-ordination.
in the event ofplacement ofOrder.

2) Offer/Quotation Ref. No of the lnsurance

company/ companies:

3) Type ofcompany

s) GST Registration Number (lnsurance Company/


7) PAN No (lnsurance Company/ Companies)

Page 3l of35


(Price/ Commercial Bid: PART-2 of Bid Response)

10.1. Not to be submitted with the PQB/ Technical Bid/ Part -l Documents. Failure to

comply will result in rejection of Bid Response.

10.2. To fulfill the checklist as per Section-l1.4 of the RFP/ NIT document

Table: 7

Policy Rate Per Total

Period Person Premium
Per Lakh Payable
Capital (lncl.
Age No of of Sum
Type of Group Sum
Group Persons Insured GST)
Per Year

18 to 70 All Primary Bread
Eamers of BPL
(Not 30.06.23
families holding Rice
Rs. 5
having Cards - details will to l .l I .00-000
attained be provided by/
the age of collected from
7t) implementing agency

Total Premium Payable (lncl. GST):(In Rs.)

In words: Rupees Only

10.3. Coveraqe: (Table: 8)

Loss 7" Of Capital Sum Insured

I Accidental Death ofthe Insured 100%
't Permanent Total Disability (PTD) 100%

Up to 50%. as per GPA/ GJPA product of

Permanent Partial Disabitity (PPD)
insurance company filed with IRDAI

Page 32 ol35
10.4. The lumpsum rate quoted for the complete scope of RFP/ Tender shall be the sole

criteria for bid evaluation and the Ll bidder shall be adjudged subject to General'
Special & Technical Terms and Conditions mentioned in this document.

10.5, The Participating Insurance company/ companies & Insurance Intermediary may, in
their own interest, quote the rates and premium for policy items in line with Rules.
Regulations and Applicable Guidelines of Statutory Bodies such as IRDAI (Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India).

10.6. No invoice shall be raised by the intermediary to the Labour Depa(ment. as their
remuneration, if any, will be paid by insurance companies as per IRDAI (Payment ol
remunerations to insurance Intermediaries) Regulations, 2016 that are amended from
time to time.

10.7. The Final Bid arrived based on the Reverse Tendering Process is bound & deemed to

be considerate of all material information critical to the rating of the risk.

10.8. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary. if the PRICE BID submitted by the insurance
company/ insurance intermediary is inclusive ofany deviations. discounts. rebates etc.

10.8.1. The same should not be charged upon Labour Department / Purchaser/ Insured
at any time during the policy period.

10.8.2. The same should not be recovered from the claims payable, if any. resulting
Iiom insured perils ofthe policies issued under this RFP/ NIT.

10.8.3. The same cannot be carried forward to future policies purchased by Labour
Department/ TIA.

10.9. Conditional quotations will not be accepted. If the conditional quotations happen to be
I't or 2nd lowest, they will be treated as invalid and the next lowest quotation will be
treated lst or 2'd lowest as the case mav be.

Page 33 ol35

11.1. The Bidders (either Insurance Company or the Insurance Intermediary) are
requested to check that the following documents are submitted:

I 1.2. Pre-Oualification documents common to all bidders (Insurance Compan\' &

lnsurance Intermedian,)

11 .2.1 . Copy of IRDAI renewal fee receipt of insurance company for the FY 22-

11.2.2. Copy of GST Form-6 of the insurance company pertaining to the state of
Andhra Pradesh

1 1.2.3. Copy of PAN card

I 1.2.4. Copy of audited financial statements or relevant sections of latest IRDAI

Annual Report/s. as a proof of Gross Direct Premium above Rs. 1000
Crores in the preceding 3 financial years.

I1.2.5. Duly stamped and signed copy of RFP/ NIT document (each and every
page) by the authorized representative/ duly constituted attomey of the
insurance company. as a token of acknowledgement of having read and
accepted all terms and conditions therein.

1 1.2.6. Self-declaration to the extent of Section 3.1.3.

I I .2.7. Duly filed in Schedule -A

11.2.8. Any other document/ information relevant to this RFP/ NIT document

I 1.3. Pre-Oualification documen ts to be submitted by the insuran ce intermedian :

11.3.1. All documents ofinsurance company/ companies as per Section:11.2

I 1.3.2. Copy of current License/ Certificate of Registration issued by IRDAI

1 1.3.3. Copy ofinception License/ Certificate ofRegistration issued by IRDAI

I 1.3.4. Copy of GST Form-6 of the insurance intermediary, preferably of the

state of Andhra Pradesh.

1 1.3.5. Copy of PAN card

I1.3.6. Copy of Purchase Order (or) Policy Copy (or) MoU (or) MoA (or) SLA
(or) such other documents as a proof of satisfying the requirement/s of
Section-3.2.3 of this RFP/ NIT document.

Page 34 of 35
I1.3.7. Copy/ Copies of audited flnancial statements as a proof ol satisfying the
requirement/s of Section-3.2.4 of this RFP/ NIT document.

1l.3.8. Copy/ Copies of IRDAI BAP Reports as a proof of satisfying the

requiremenVs of Section-3.2.5 of this RFPi NIT document.

I I .3.9. Self-declaration to the extent ol Section 3.2.6

11.3.10. Copy ofprofessional indemnity insurance policy of insurance intermediary.

11.3.11. Duly counter stamped and counler signed copy ofRFP/ NIT document (each
and every page) by the authorized representative/ duly constituted attomey of
the insurance intermediary. as a token of acknowledgement of having read and
accepted all terms and conditions therein. The sign and stamp shall be affixed
on the RFP/ NIT document which will be signed by the authorized
representative/ duly constituted attomey of the insurance intermediary as per
Section-l 1.2.5.

ll.-1. Price/ Commercial Bid Document/s:

11.4.1. Price/ Commercial Bid documents to be submitted by Insurance Company: Duly filled in, signed and stamped copy of Price Bid on the letter head
of the insurance company.

11.4.2. Pice/ Commercial Bid documents to be submitted by Insurance Intermediary: Duly filled in, signedand stamped copy of Price on the letter head of
the insurance company/ companies. Duly filled in, signed and stamped copy of Price Bid on the letter head
of the insurance intermediarv. Comparison statement. if any.

For Special Co ro
O/o Commi oner of Labour.
Paturi's Pride.
Papaiah Slreet 'X' Roads.
Seetharampuram. Vijayawada - 02.

Page 35 ol35

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