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2,000,000 years ago, early humans started making tools for hunting and gathering,

which contributed to the survival of the species*. Now, modern men and women (like
you!) are still conceiving of such ideas, to make life easier or more interesting.

Products and Services is a chance to develop and showcase your ideas that respond
to the needs of daily life.
*Plummer , T. ( 2004). Flaked stones and old bones: Biological and cultural evolution at the dawn of technology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 125(S39), 118 -164.

Products & Services, Part II

Products and Services is an opportunity to Process
develop and showcase ideas that address the needs Once we receive your submission, we will get in
of daily life, from novices and professionals alike. touch with you about the possibility of developing
your idea.
Following the success of Products & Services Part
I last year, award-winning designer Catherine Selected entries will be shown in the Products and
David will continue to share her industrial knowl- Services exhibition in December 2008, at rm103.
edge, and utilise the exhibition platform of rm103, They will also be featured on the Products and
to turn your ideas into products or services. Services and rm103 websites.

Tell us your ideas and we may be able to help you It will be an opportunity for exposure to the
realise it, connect you with the right people, or design industry, as well as a chance to meet other
showcase them in the exhibition! like-minded individuals.

We are interested in showcasing your ideas and Submission deadline: November 1st 2008
creations that solve everyday problems you However, the earlier we find out about your idea,
encounter, improve upon existing products or the more likely that we can work with you to
make life more interesting. develop the idea further.

All ideas will be considered, even impossible ones, Copyright

should they have the ability to inspire. Any moral and paternity right regarding the
submitted project is the participant’s property.
Participation is open to everyone:
Participants will be fully credited when their work
DIY enthusiasts, make-shift toolmakers, problem- is shown.
solvers, alterators, modifiers, designers, students,
artists, philosophers, scientists, future entrepre- Questions?
neurs or anybody who dreams up amazing ideas email-
and projects in their kitchens, bedrooms, garages visit-
or backyards.
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Submission Form for Products & Services, Part II

your name / team name / pseudonym:


contact phone #:

your idea for a product or service:

attach photos, drawings or diagrams if you like (digital files should be in .jpeg, .gif or .pdf format)

Send completed forms to us via:

post- Products and Services
P. O. Box 25510,
St Heliers
fax- +64 9 523 1198

Submission Deadline: November 1st 2008

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