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Oliver: Hey, Alfie. How's things? Exercise 1. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
Alfie: Cool, great. You? What are you up to?
Oliver: Me? Nothing much. I'm just sitting here with a coffee and the laptop. 1. Could you / her / your take a message, please?
Alfie: Ah. Are you doing that project Doc. Taylor gave us? An analysis of motivation in ... 2. They showed us all they / their / ours holiday photos last night.
Oliver: No, I'm reading the newspaper on it. Politics ... the world economy ... 3. I'm sorry but these seats are my / their / ours .
Alfie: Oh right, the football results. 4. Sandy and I / me / her are going to the cafe.
Oliver: Exactly. "International relations", but on a football pitch! Anyway, what can I do for 5. Do you want I / me / my to turn this off?
you? 6. I saw your sister's paintings yesterday. She / They / Its were very good.
Alfie: Well, I've got a new bike! My uncle bought it for me - it's my birthday present. 7. They've got two babies and they take they / their / them everywhere.
Oliver: Wow! Did you tell him he's more than six months late? 8. Let he / my / him help you with that.
Alfie: No, I'm not complaining - a present's a present, and it's a nice bike. He got me a
helmet too, and I've got some cool cycling gloves as well - the man in the shop gave me them Exercise 2. Complete the gaps with a word from the list.
free. So, why don't you come round with yours and we can take them for a ride? I (2x) me (3x) mine you (2x)
Oliver: The gloves? he She it its
Alfie: Ha ha. The bikes ... take the bikes for a ride. See if Daisy wants to bring hers too. we us our
Oliver: Daisy's out with that new friend of hers, Amy. Hang on. Mum's calling.
She's in Turkey. Let me talk to her and I'll call you back. 1. That's my brother's cup and this is . My grandmother gave it to .
Alfie: OK. Say 'Hi' to her from me. 2. Good morning. Can help ?
Oliver: Will do. Hi, Mum. 3. Ah, there's Jade's watch. Could pass it to ? I'll keep it safe.
Sophie: Honey! Hi! 4. That poor dog has lost one of legs.
Oliver: How's Istanbul? 5. Look! I've got Poppy's phone number! She gave it last night.
Sophie: I'm loving it. 6. don't mind where go but doesn't like the beach.
Oliver: But you love everywhere you go ... 7. never lets watch TV after 9 p.m.
Sophie: True! But seriously, it's great fun - you'd love it ... all the different 'meze' at lunch, oh 8. Do you like new car? is second-hand.
the colours, and they bring you lots and you choose which ones you want - look, here's a
photo. Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with a personal pronoun or a possessive adjective.
Oliver: Oh, wow!
Sophie: And I've been to the Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sofia - of course, with my name! Um, 1. Has Jack left? He has forgotten hat.
the 2. Some of them didn't give the teacher homework.
Topkapi Palace... That's what you can see behind me. Oh, and I'm going on a night 3. I love these earrings! My friend gave to me for my birthday.
cruise on the Bosphorus tonight. It's really an amazing city, modern but traditional, 4. She's probably hungry. Can you offer something to eat?
full of culture and colour and … 5. When will we get exam results?
Oliver: So take me there. Or take us. Daisy'd like it too, wouldn't she? 6. Why are the cats making so much noise? Have you fed yet?
Sophie: She would, yes, I'm sure. 7. If anyone phones for me, tell I'll call them back.
Oliver: And have you been to a Turkish Bath yet? 8. It's not Daisy's! It's ! My mum bought it for me.
Sophie: Yes, a hammam. I went to one yesterday, I loved it! Now, the taxis here - they drive a
bit differently from ours back in Britain. They're a bit scary! Anyway, love, I've got
to go. How's Daisy? Give her my love!
Oliver: OK, Mum. Bye. Hi, it's me again. So tell me about this bike of yours, is it anything
like mine?
Exercise 1. Write the words under the correct preposition.
Daisy: Hi, Mum, How's it going? Monday morning 9 o'clock lunchtime Tuesday August
Sophie: Fine thanks, honey. How was school? Easter New Year's Eve 1997 the weekend Christmas
Daisy: Good. I've got a note for you from Mr Oliveira. the afternoon my birthday 17th March the past the 60s
Sophie: Who's Mr Oliveira? Your Portuguese teacher?  In ……………………………………………………………………………….
Daisy: I don't study Portuguese, Mum. You know that.  On ………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: True. But you could. It's a very useful language. They speak it in Brazil ...  At ……………………………………………………………………………….
Daisy: Mum, he's the new headmaster at college. And he isn't Portuguese - or Brazilian. Exercise 2. Write the preposition to fill the gaps.
He's British. But I think he said his parents are from Goa. 1. I finish school early Wednesdays.
Sophie: Goa? Wow. The headmaster ... Ah yes, I remember him. I met him at Christmas 2. Are you going to work the summer holidays?
when I went to your school for that concert. In December, anyway. A very nice 3. I only ever see my cousins Christmas.
man, yes. 4. the past, you couldn't buy such a variety of different foods.
Daisy: Mum ... 5. What shall we do the weekend?
Sophie: It would be good to speak to him about his parents' country. I could interview him, 6. Mobile phones were invented the 80s.
then visit Goa in summer … no, too hot maybe ... in autumn ... 7. My exam is 7th June.
Daisy: Well, he'd like to see you again too. 8. I'm having my first guitar lesson Friday afternoon.
Sophie: Really? Exercise 3. Circle the correct sentence.
Daisy: He wants you to go into school on Monday or Tuesday next week. 1. a. We were waiting during five hours.
Sophie: Oh? Have you done something wrong? b. We were waiting for five hours.
Daisy: No, of course not! You know me. He wants to ask if you can give a talk about your c. We were waiting at five hours.
work and your blog, your travels, that sort of thing. One day in April, during 2. a. What are you doing at the weekend?
Careers Week. b. What are you doing in the weekend?
Sophie: So on Monday or Tuesday? What time? c. What are you doing the weekend?
Daisy: In the afternoon or in the early evening. At 5 o'clock, if you can. 3. a. It's so beautiful in the park on summer!
Sophie: Hmm. I can go at half past four on Tuesday, if that's OK. b. It's so beautiful in the park at summer!
Daisy: I'll ask. c. It's so beautiful in the park in summer!
Sophie: Let me see. I'm away in Moscow for three days in April ... but during your school 4. a. We woke up on dawn because of all the mosquitoes!
holidays, I think. I'm going to Russia to write about traditions at Easter - oh, and b. We woke up in dawn because of all the mosquitoes!
then I'm away again at the end of the month. But I'm at home for two or three c. We woke up at dawn because of all the mosquitoes!
weeks. I can't go on Monday evening, because I have a tai chi class, and then I 5. a. I'm going on holiday tomorrow! I'm going in two weeks.
have to work at night. I have a video call at midnight ... Yes, definitely. I'll go in on b. I'm going on holiday tomorrow! I'm going for two weeks.
Tuesday afternoon. c. I'm going on holiday tomorrow! I'm going at two weeks.
Daisy: Can you write a note or send him an email, please? 6. a. I always go out at Friday nights.
Sophie: I'll phone him during the day tomorrow. I'm free for a few hours in the morning. b. I always go out on Friday nights.
Daisy: OK, I'll tell him. Where are you? c. I always go out in Friday nights.
Sophie: Here in town. I'm at the travel agent's. I'm chatting to your friend Jenna - I hadn't 7. a. It's very noisy at night in this street.
seen her for months! I didn't know she was working here; she's organizing my b. It's very noisy in night in this street.
flights to Russia. Do you want to speak to her? c. It's very noisy on night in this street.
Daisy: No, it's OK, I'll see her at the weekend. We're going to a party on Saturday night. 8. a. I'll see you on next Friday.
Sophie: OK, well I'll be home in about an hour - at about 7 o'clock probably. Pizza and a b. I'll see you next Friday.
DVD tonight? c. I'll see you on at next Friday.
THE DEFINITE ARTICLE Oliver: Hey, do you want to talk to Mum? She's here...
Daisy: How's the birthday boy?! Daisy: Yeah, sure. Hey, it's really good to hear you - I'm glad you're having a fantastic time.
Oliver: Fine! It's awesome. Even the weather is good! And happy birthday!!
Alfie: So why are you in Switzerland? I thought your mum was taking you to the Italian
Oliver: When we landed at the airport, the day before yesterday, the friend of hers who's
looking after us suggested a few days in the mountains, here in Switzerland. He's showing us Exercise 1. Write the words and phrases in the correct group.
the different regions and teaching us about the food before visiting Como and Milan. He's a youngest roses (in general) Monday Moon Jane's
brilliant chef. Danube Andes first Lake Geneva Beasley Street
Daisy: So what's your schedule? love (in general) Mount Everest Ministry of Education
Oliver: Well, the plan is four days here in Switzerland - this is the third day - then four days in  The …………………………………………………………………………….
Italy. …………………………………………………………………………………….….
Daisy: Ah, OK. And is the internet connection good?  Ø ……………………………………………………………………………….
Oliver: This is Switzerland, sis; everything is good! The Swiss seem incredibly organised and …………………………………………………………………………………….….
the technology here is first class. The only problem is we'll be moving around a lot - a
different place every day. But I'll try to connect from the hotel every evening. Exercise 2. Check your grammar: multiple choice - the definite article - Circle the best
Daisy: Cool. answer to complete the sentences.
Alfie: Anyway, tell us stuff! Have you had any birthday presents? Are you having fun? 1. He collects . He's got over two thousand! Books / the books
Oliver: Presents - yes, my sister there hid a little parcel in my suitcase, so when I was 2. We're going skiing in for New Year! Alps / the Alps
unpacking the case I had a really cool surprise. 3. She's of a country in Europe. a president / the president
Alfie: And have you opened the parcel? What was in it? 4. Honey, could you feed , please? a dog / the dog
Oliver: A special cheese knife! I'm glad you didn't put it in the bag I took as hand luggage, 5. My sister loves . She wants to be a vet. Animals / the animals
Daisy! 6. My mum wants to go to for her birthday. a cinema / the cinema
Daisy: I'm not totally stupid... 7. The Gilbert and Ellis Islands are in . Pacific Ocean / the Pacific Ocean
Oliver: Anyway, it's the perfect present for Switzerland. The cheese here is amazing! Oh, and 8. They say makes the world go round. Money / the money
I've learned to make Raclette, one of the most popular cheese dishes. We can try it when I get
home. Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with 'the' or ' Ø '.
Daisy: You're not bringing cheese home on the plane, are you?! The smell will be terrible … 1. What's on at theatre next week?
Oliver: No, no, don't worry. But I'll bring some chocolate. The chocolate here is the best in the 2. Who is most famous athlete in world?
world, or so they say. 3. 'Jamie! Your mother's on phone!'
Alfie: No watches? The Swiss watch is an amazing piece of engineering... 4. Mount Everest is in Himalayas, in both Nepal and China.
Oliver: Mmm, agreeing but the prices are amazing too. What else? Oh, the scenery is 5. Washington DC, capital city of USA, isn't in a state.
incredible! The Alps are so dramatic! They're like ... like the poster you've got in your room, 6. Everybody needs love.
Daisy. 7. I want to sit on beach and watch sun go down.
Daisy: The poster of the Himalayas next to the window?... 8. Could you take rubbish out, please?
Oliver: OK. Similar. The highest mountains in Europe are in the Alps. We were near Mont
Blanc yesterday. That's the highest in Europe. Oh, and we saw some of the United Nations
buildings in Geneva; they're very impressive. And the International Red Cross headquarters is
in Geneva. I really liked the building, it's very elegant and different-not a typical office
building at all.
Alfie: So what about Italy? What are you going to see there?
Oliver: Well, we're starting in Como in the north - I think Mum is hoping to see George
Clooney at the bus stop - he's got a house near Como - and there's a funicular railway, so we'll
take the funicular to the top to a restaurant where the views are amazing. And I want to try the
ice cream of course! And then Milan - the Duomo, the cathedral there, the clothes shops - hey
Daisy - and Mum wants to take me to see The Last Supper.
Alfie: Oh, wow! That's awesome - I know that painting. Da Vinci. Really famous …
Oliver: That's the one - and she wants to go to the opera too. The Scala.
Daisy: You're going to the opera?!
Oliver: Well, I'd rather go to the football, but hey ... and of course, we're going to try the food
- the pasta, the pizzas, the meat...
Alfie: I envy you, mate!
Exercise 1. Are these sentences True or False?
Oliver: So, where do you get the best pizza in London? 1. To compare two things, we add -er to many adjectives. True False
Alfie: No doubt about it, it has to be Pietro's. 2. We add -est to make the superlative form of many adjectives. True False
Daisy: No way! The pizzas in La Bella Napoli, just around the corner, are so much tastier ... 3. We never change the spelling of the adjective before adding -er / -est. True False
and they've got more variety ... and the friendliest waiters! 4. We often use "than" after a comparative. True False
Oliver: Yeah, I think she's right, Alfie; much better quality. It's not the cheapest though, but 5. We often use "the" before a superlative. True False
they're so good! 6. With longer adjectives, we use "more" + adjective or "most" + adjective.
Alfie: All right then, yeah, La Bella Napoli is nearer than Pietro's. The cheese isn't as good True False
though, and for me it's all in the cheese! 7. There are a lot of irregular comparatives and superlatives. True False
Daisy: You could have pasta? Exercise 2. Write the words to fill the gaps. Use comparatives and superlatives.
Alfie: Pasta in La Bella Napoli? They do the most disgusting pasta I've ever tasted. 1. The clothes here are (good) than in my town.
Daisy: All right! 2. That's my (bad) mark ever!
3. It's (far) than I thought - I think we're lost.
Daisy: Hi, Mum. How's Rome? 4. That's the (disgusting) meal I've ever had!
Sophie: Hello, love, yes, all's well, thanks. What are you doing? 5. I hope your team's (lucky) today than last week.
Daisy: I'm with Oliver and Alfie. We're going to have a pizza. I'll put you on speaker phone. 6. They're (happy) in their new school than in their old one.
Sophie: That's a coincidence! I've just eaten the most amazing pizza ever. It was the best I've 7. It's the (good) song on the album.
ever had. 8. Your spaghetti sauce is (tasty) than my mum's.
Daisy: Sounds good! Exercise 3. Circle the correct sentence.
Oliver: Was the base good, Mum? 1. a. The more amazing thing just happened to me!
Sophie: Oh yes, the crispiest base ever, really delicious. b. The most amazing thing just happened to me!
Alfie: I wish you could send it over here, Mrs G! c. The amazingest thing just happened to me!
Sophie: I'll save you a slice, Alfie! So, where are you all going to eat? 2. a. He's a lot taller than you.
Oliver: La Bella Napoli. b. He's a lot taller you.
Sophie: Oh yes, they're not bad. They use the worst cheese though. For me, it's all in the c. He's a lot taller from you.
cheese! 3. a. She's worst than me at maths.
Alfie: That's just what I said, Mrs G! b. She's worse than me at maths.
Oliver: Yeah, maybe the pizza at La Bella Napoli isn't as good as I remember. c. She's more bad than me at maths.
Daisy: Thanks a lot, Mum ... I like the pizza there. Obviously not as good as the pizza you get 4. a. He's the most good in the team at goal scoring.
to eat in Rome, but it's absolutely fine! Shall we speak tomorrow, Mum? b. He's the best in the team at goal scoring.
Sophie: OK, love, enjoy your pizza. c. He's best in the team at goal scoring.
5. a. This pizza isn't as good as Alfie's.
Daisy: Oh, I really fancied a pizza ... until Mum called. b. This pizza isn't as good Alfie's.
Oliver: Yeah, me too, but thinking about the pizza in Rome... c. This pizza isn't as best Alfie's.
Alfie: It sounded so delicious! 6. a. It's frighteninger if you look down.
Oliver: How about fish and chips? b. It's more frightening if you look down.
Daisy: Good idea, you can't go wrong with fish and chips. c. It's the frightening if you look down.
Alfie: Yeah, you know what they say ... When in Rome ... 7. a. Where's the most cheap place to eat?
Oliver: When in Rome? What do you mean? b. Where's the more cheap place to eat?
Alfie: You know that saying ... When in Rome, do as the Romans do. c. Where's the cheapest place to eat?
Oliver: Ah ...
Daisy: Fish and chips it is then - but should we go to Hubbard's or The Dolphin?
Exercise 1. Complete the gaps with a question word:
Daisy: Hi, I'm home! What Where How How often When Why Who whose
Oliver: Hi there, I didn't know you were out. I thought you were still in bed. What have you 1. A: are you going on holiday?
got that bag for? Where have you been? B: Next Friday.
Daisy: I've been swimming! This is the new me. No more lying in bed on Sunday mornings. 2. A: are you going?
I want to get fit again. It's been a long, lazy summer! B: Croatia.
Oliver: Oh yeah? What's all that about? Or rather ... who have you met? 3. A: bought the tickets?
Daisy: No one! I went with a new girl in my class - Amy. She's cool. Anyway, what about B: My mum did.
you? Why are you having breakfast so late? Who were you out with last night? 4. A: do you go on holiday?
Oliver: Would you like some tea? I went to the cinema with Alfie and a couple of others, B: Once every two years.
then we went for a curry in town. It was cool. 5. A: don't you go more often?
Daisy: That sounds like a good night. What did you see? B: Because we don't want to.
Oliver: Dale wanted to see that new sci-fi thriller, the one with ... oh, what's his name? 6. A: do you do the other years?
Daisy: I know the film. What was it like? B: We relax in the garden and visit friends.
Oliver: Not bad. The curry afterwards was better though. We had a laugh. 7. A: do you choose your holiday destination?
Daisy: Speaking of laughs, do you want to see something funny? B: We use the internet.
Oliver: Go on then. 8. A: And idea was it to go to Croatia?
Daisy: Tara! What do you think? Does it suit me? B: Our neighbours recommended it.
Oliver: What do you look like!!?? Can you get it? It's behind you. Exercise 2. Circle the correct sentence.
Daisy: Ummm, ah, it's Mum. Hi, Mum! How's Africa? 1. a. What you have for lunch? / b. What did you have for lunch? / c. What had you for lunch?
Sophie: Hi, honey! Africa's very well, thank you! How are you? 2. a. Who is that letter from? / b. From who is that letter? / c. Who is from that letter?
Daisy: Haha. You're in Tanzania, aren't you? What's it like? 3. a. She always sings in the shower? / b. Sings she always in the shower? /
Sophie: Oh, it's amazing! Absolutely gorgeous. I'm at the coast now, near Dar-es-Salaam - it's c. Does she always sing in the shower?
wonderful. And the last few days have been perfect. I've taken so many photos! 4. a. Can we go and visit Gran? / b. We can go and visit Gran? / c. Can go and visit Gran?
Daisy: Yeah? What have you been taking pictures of? 5. a. Who you bought those boots? / b. Who bought you those boots? /
Sophie: Well, I've been to Lake Victoria - incredible, it's as big as a sea and the sunrises, oh, c. Who did buy you those boots?
with the fishing boats ... and I've been to Arusha, near Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru. 6. a. Do you go to the cinema how often? / b. How often do you go to the cinema? /
They're both snow- capped volcanoes in the north - very impressive - and I've spent c. How often you go to the cinema?
two days in the Serengeti National Park. 7. a. What did he in Germany? / b. What he did in Germany? / c. What did he do in Germany?
Daisy: Did you see any lions? Or giraffes? 8. a. Would you like another piece of cake? / b. Do you would like another piece of cake? /
Sophie: Oh yes!! And, and ... well, a lot of animals. What an experience! I am so lucky! c. Do you like another piece of cake?
Daisy: Did you get many good photos? Stupid question, right? Exercise 3. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.
Sophie: Ha ha. Yes, hundreds! I'll be home on Monday - shall we get some pizzas and look at 1. to Who were you ? talking
my photos? Just the three of us? …………………………………………………………………………………….
Daisy: Yeah, cool! Hey, shall I pass you to Oliver? He's here with me ... 2. are at they ? looking What
Sophie: OK, thanks love. ……………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: Hi, Mum ... no, I'm fine! It's just ... no, nothing ... how are you? 3. music ? down the you Could turn
4. is for What homework the today ?
5. Who that photo ? took
6. match time does ? the start What
7. you How clean often ? do teeth your
8. penguins bears Why don't ? polar eat

Ollie: What time is it? Oh, hi, Mum. It’s a bit early, isn’t it? Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with a word from the list.
Sophie: Oh, yes, I suppose it is. Look, Ollie, I’ve got to ask you a really huge favour … Negative , 'be', 'do', auxiliary, positive
Ollie: Slow down, Mum. I’m not awake yet. 1. If the main part of the sentence is positive, we add a ….. question tag.
Sophie: Sorry, love. It’s just that I’ve got a bit of a problem. I’ve broken down … 2. If the main part of the sentence is negative, we add a ….. question tag.
Ollie: Hang on, you’re in a desert in the middle of Australia, aren’t you? 3. If the sentence contains an ….. verb or modal verb, we use that for the question tag.
Sophie: It’s not exactly a desert, you know. It’s called the outback. 4. The other exception is the verb ….. - we use that for the question tag if it appears in the
Ollie: Mum! It’s really dangerous to get stuck out there! main part of the sentence.
Sophie: It’s not so bad, but I need you to find someone in Alice Springs who will come and 5. If the main part of the sentence contains a different verb, we make the question tag using
get me. Tell them that I’m about two hours away on the Stuart Highway, south of Alice. I ….. , in the correct form.
can’t look for information because there’s no mobile coverage here and I can’t get the internet.
Ollie: So how are you phoning me? Exercise 2. Choose the correct tag to complete the questions.
Sophie: On my satellite phone, of course. 1. It's next to the supermarket, don't it? / isn't it?
Daisy: What’s going on? Mum isn’t in trouble, is she? 2. You've met my brother before, don't you? / haven't you?
Ollie: Yes … 3. He was born in 1970, didn't he? / wasn't he?
Sophie: No, I’m fine. I’ve got plenty of food and water. 4. Bela can help, can't she? / doesn't she?
Ollie: But it must be really hot out there. 5. I'm right, aren't I? / am I?
Daisy: Oh, we told you not to drive in the outback on your own, didn’t we? 6. You can't drive down your road, can't you? / can you?
Sophie: Listen, you two, I’m absolutely fine. I just need a bit of help with a phone call. 7. They won't be late, will they? / are they?
These things happen when you travel independently. You can’t expect to see the world 8. You're coming tomorrow, aren't you? / do you?
without a few little problems.
Daisy: Uh oh, I can feel the travel versus tourism lecture coming on. Exercise 3. Write the correct verb to complete the question tag.
Sophie: That’s enough from you two. Ollie, the satellite number is on the fridge. Give me a 1. It’s a lovely day, ….. it?
call when you’ve arranged something. 2. That pasta wasn’t very good, ….. it?
Ollie: OK, Mum, it’s your phone bill. Keep cool! 3. He didn’t wash up, ….. he?
Sophie: I’ll try. Bye loves, and thanks! 4. You couldn’t check my homework, ….. you?
Ollie: I think she might be getting a bit old for this sort of travelling, don’t you? 5. I’m going in your car, ….. I?
Daisy: Nah, she’ll be OK. She’s a lot tougher than you or me. I can’t imagine her doing 6. You booked the tickets, ….. you?
anything else, can you? 7. She's finished, ….. she?
8. He eats meat, ….. he?
9. They're coming tomorrow, ….. they?
10. You've been to Paris, ….. you?
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the present perfect
Amy: So is your mum home? simple or continuous.
Daisy: No, she's not. She's … Ollie? Where's Mum? I've forgotten. 1. I (write) five emails today.
Oliver: In Dubai. She's been writing about the architecture there. 2. Sorry the kitchen's a mess. Ollie (cook).
Daisy: Ah, yeah. She's been travelling so much recently. I never remember where she is. 3. Sorry I'm late! Have you (wait) long?
Why? What were you going to ask her? 4. He (learn) English for six years.
Amy: Oh, nothing much. My Chinese teacher has given me some homework to interview 'an 5. I (see) that film! It was terrible.
interesting person', and translate it into Chinese for Monday. And your mum's been 6. They've been playing for forty minutes but no one (score) a goal yet.
writing her blog for years now, hasn't she? She's already visited lots of places, and 7. We (know) each other for years.
hasn't she won some awards? 8. I really need a break! I (revise) all morning!
Daisy: She's only won one. But yeah, she won a big award earlier this year. Anyway, Oliver's 9. Hey, you look different. Have you (change) your hair?
just made some cake. Do you want some? Mum 'll probably call soon. And if she 10. Can we go if we (finish)?
doesn't, you can interview Oliver! 11. Your hands are really dirty! What have you (do)?
Amy: Oliver? Your brother, Oliver??? 12. Who (eat) all the cake?! There's none left.
Daisy: Yeah, why not? He's going to be a master chef, you know. He's been learning to make Exercise 2. Read the sentences and circle the correct option.
amazing food and he's been practising his baking too. And he's travelled loads! 1. He's waiting for Amy. He arrived 40 minutes ago.
Amy: OK, you've convinced me! a. He's been waiting for 40 minutes.
Daisy: Hi! How's Dubai? b. He waits for 40 minutes.
Sophie: Fine, it's good. There's a constant mist of desert sand, but it's an interesting place. c. He's waited for Amy for 40 minutes.
Particularly considering the city has only really been here a couple of decades. It was 2. Sophie is planning to buy souvenirs. 1t's on her list of things to do.
a port for a long time before, but the modern city of Dubai is new. a. Sophie's already bought souvenirs.
Daisy: What have you seen so far? b. Sophie hasn't bought souvenirs already.
Sophie: Well, I've been in the Burj Khalifa - the tallest building - the one in that film with c. Sophie hasn't bought souvenirs yet.
Tom Cruise. It's incredible! And I've eaten at the Burj Al Arab too! That's the hotel 3. Sophie wanted to visit the Burj Al Arab hotel. She went there two days ago.
that looks like a yacht sail. It is so luxurious! I haven't been to the palm tree island a. Sophie hasn't been to the Burj Al Arab hotel yet.
yet, that's tomorrow. b. Sophie has already been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.
Daisy: Have you bought any souvenirs? A Ferrari? c. Sophie has just been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.
Sophie: Ha! No, I haven't had time yet but I'll bring you something, even if it's only sand! 4. I don't know what octopus tastes like!
a. I haven't been trying octopus.
b. I've already tried octopus.
c. I've never tried octopus.
5. Ollie took his cake out of the oven a moment ago.
a. Ollie has been making a cake.
b. Ollie has just made a cake.
c. Ollie hasn't made a cake yet.
6. He's learning how to make Japanese food. He started his course in April.
a. He's been learning how to cook Japanese food since April.
b. He's already learnt how to cook Japanese food.
c. He learnt how to cook Japanese food in April.
7. The first thing she did was go to a traditional restaurant.
a. She's already tried the local food.
b. She's never tried the local food.
c. She hasn't tried the local food yet.
8. We didn't have English class this morning. 1t's the last lesson, later today.
a. We haven't had English already.
b. We haven't had English yet.
c. We've just had English.

Sophie: Mmm, it's so nice to be chilling out at home after all that running around. Exercise 1. Draw a line to match the direct and indirect (reported) speech forms.
Ollie: Oh, yeah, travelling to glamorous places for a living must be such a drag! Direct speech Reported speech
Ollie: Mum, you can be so childish sometimes. Hey, I wonder how Daisy's getting on in her 1. Present simple a. Past perfect
job interview. 2. Present continuous b. Past simple
Sophie: Oh, yes, she said she was having it at four o'clock, so it'll have finished by now. 3. Past simple c. Past continuous
That'll be her ... yes. Hi, love. How did it go? 4. 'will' d. 'could'
Daisy: Well, good I think, but I don't really know. They said they'd phone later and let me 5. 'can' e. 'the next day'
know. 6. 'tomorrow' f. 'would'
Sophie: What kind of thing did they ask you?
Daisy: They asked if I had any experience with people, so I told them about helping at the Exercise 2. Correct and write these sentences on the line below.
school fair and visiting old people at the home, that sort of stuff. But I think they meant 1. He said her that he loved her.
work experience. …………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: I'm sure what you said was impressive. They can't expect you to have had much work 2. She said she knows the answer.
experience at your age. …………………………………………………………………………………
Daisy: And then they asked me what acting I had done, so I told them that I'd had a main part 3. Ryan said had bought the tickets.
in the school play, and I showed them a bit of the video, so that was cool. …………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Great! 4. She told me don't speak in the library.
Daisy: Oh, and they also asked if I spoke any foreign languages. …………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Languages? 5. Sara asked if had he finished.
Daisy: Yeah, because I might have to talk to tourists, you know. …………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Oh, right, of course. 6. She asked me where was my sister.
Daisy: So that was it really. They showed me the costume I'll be wearing if I get the job. …………………………………………………………………………………
Sending it over ... 7. They asked me come back later.
Ollie: Hey, sis, I heard that Brad Pitt started out as a giant chicken too! This could be your big …………………………………………………………………………………
break! 8. She asked did I spoke French.
Daisy: Ha, ha, very funny. …………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Take no notice, darling. I'm sure you'll be a marvellous chicken.
Exercise 3. Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
1. 'I feel ill.'
Sandra said .
2. 'I'm going into town.'
Mark said .
3. 'I studied music for five years.'
Alex said .
4. 'I've been to Shanghai.'
She said .
5. 'We can help you.'
Will said .
6. 'It will rain on Tuesday.'
The weather forecast said on Tuesday.
7. 'What's your name?'
The police officer asked me .
8. 'Are you over eighteen?'
The teacher asked Amy .

Sophie: Hello? Hi? Can you hear me? I'm outside the hotel. My room is being cleaned. It's a Exercise 1. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
bit noisy. 1. stolen! My wallet been has
Oliver: Yeah, I can hear you, Mum. How's China? ………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Amazing. I'm in Zhangjiajie. 2. repaired. Our being television is
Oliver: Where? ………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Zhangjiajie National Park. It's been used in a lot of films. I was told the scenery in 3. bags made are These by hand.
Avatar was based on the landscape here. …………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: Really? Wow! Has it got mountains a bit like fingers? 4. made The one week! film was in
Sophie: Yeah, that's the place. ………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: So, how do you get up the mountains? Can you? 5. not to were They asked do that.
Sophie: One mountain has an enormous lift, the biggest outdoor elevator in the world, so I've …………………………………………………………………………………
been informed. It takes you right to the top. It was fantastic! 6. decided will be The winners next week.
Oliver: What else have you seen? …………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Well, I met some local girls wearing regional costume. They were absolutely 7. The Hunger were books. based Games films on a series of
gorgeous. They're decorated with bands of flowers and there's a lot of red. …………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: Ah, nice, but don't even think about it as a Christmas present! 8. Over sold. three million have DVDs of Avatar been
Sophie: OK, got the message! …………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: Good! What are you up to tomorrow?
Sophie: Well, we're going to Baofeng Lake. I think loads of films have been made there too. Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the passive.
It's going to be fascinating. 1. The theatre has cancelled the play.
Oliver: Cool. What about the language? Have you learned any Mandarin? = The play ____________________________ by the theatre.
Sophie: Not much, to be honest. My guide translates for us. She's the best! Anyway! I'll call 2. Did someone tell the students about the trip?
tomorrow and I'm back on Saturday. I hope to find everything clean and tidy … = Were ____________________________ about the trip?
you've been warned!! 3. They haven't announced the opening date yet.
Oliver: Yeah, Mum. Have a great day tomorrow - look forward to seeing the photos. Bye. = The opening date ____________________________ yet.
Sophie: Love you. 4. A car hit my dog.
= My dog ____________________________ by a car.
5. Someone had burgled his house.
= His house ____________________________.
6. Students will organise the party themselves.
= The party ____________________________ by students themselves.
7. Clare didn't write that note.
= That note ____________________________ by Clare.
8. Someone is painting our classroom.
= Our classroom ____________________________ painted.
9. People saw a meteorite over the North Pole.
= A meteorite ____________________________ over the North Pole.

Oliver: Hey, how's Iceland? Exercise 1. Match the two sentence halves and write a-h next to the numbers 1-8.
Sophie: I love it. 1. If they don't stop that noise, a. if I ate that.
Oliver: Oh, what a surprise! 2. If I had enough money for a holiday, b. unless I have to babysit.
Sophie: It is actually. I don't normally like camping! 3. If you can't repair your headphones, c. I'll go next door and complain.
Oliver: If I had the opportunity to visit places like that, I wouldn't complain! 4. I'd be ill d. you might need to buy new ones.
Sophie: What's the matter with you today, Ollie? 5. If we had more space at home, e. if you fancy a chat.
Oliver: Ah, nothing really. 6. Ice cream melts f. I'd go to Iceland.
Sophie: If you don't tell me, I'll just keep asking ... 7. I'll see you on Saturday night g. we could have a dog.
Oliver: Hmm. Yesterday, you were so excited, you didn't ask about my exam! 8. Call me h. if you don't keep it in the freezer.
Sophie: Oh, Ollie! I'm so sorry. You're more important to me than camping and volcanoes!
Oliver: Well, it doesn't always feel like it. Exercise 2. Circle the correct verb form to complete the conditional sentences.
Sophie: If I promise to travel less, will you forgive me? 1. If the bus is late, I 'll be /'d be / was late for school.
Oliver: No. Because you won't travel less. You love it. And if you travelled less because of 2. I'll phone Charlie from home later if I remembered / remember /'ll remember .
me, I'd feel worse. So … it's not an option. 3. If I go to the shops this afternoon, I buy /'ll buy / would buy some chocolate for you.
Sophie: You don't make it easy! Seriously, honey, I don't think I knew about the exam. 4. If I have / would / had enough money, you know I'd lend it to you.
If I'd known, I would have asked, you know that. 5. I can / could /'ll borrow my parents' car if I had my driving licence.
Oliver: Well, anyway. Have you been near that volcano? What's its name? 6. I wouldn't / won't / not tell anyone if you tell me.
Sophie: Even if I had three days of classes, I wouldn't be able to say it, I don't think. 7. If there's any cake left, I had / would have /'ll have another piece.
Wait, I can't say it unless I read it - Eyjafjallajokull. There are about 30 active 8. If you had three wishes, what did / would / will you wish for?
volcanoes in Iceland; the eruption in 2010 of Eyja … of that volcano really wasn't so
serious. If it hadn't affected flights, we wouldn't have heard much about it. There's a Exercise 3. Write one word to complete each conditional sentence.
bigger volcano near it - with a shorter name too - Katla. I've been to see that. 1. If I enough money, I'd buy a car.
The landscape here's awesome ... You can't imagine what it's like. 2. If I to Dan's party, I'll call you.
Oliver: No? Well, I'll never go unless you take me. 3. I sleep better if I didn't have to share a room.
Sophie: Darling, please … 4. you call me when you get there?
Oliver: Sorry. What's it like? 5. If I have too much homework to do this weekend, I'll come out with you.
Sophie: It's beautiful. Water, rock, ice, lava, geysers … there aren't many trees, obviously. 6. I'd really bored without my phone!
I'll send photos later. 7. If you regular exercise, you'll feel a lot better.
Oliver: Look, do you want to speak to Daisy? 8. You don't need to call me unless you a problem.
Sophie: Ollie, love?
Oliver: I'll be OK. Let's talk tomorrow.
Sophie: OK. Hi, Daisy.
Daisy: Hi, Mum.

Daisy: Right, I think we're almost ready. I just hope everyone arrives soon so we can hide Exercise 1. Match the two sentence halves and write a-g next to the numbers 1-7.
before Amy gets here. 1. I wouldn't have overslept a. if you'd asked.
Ollie: What time did you tell people to come? 2. If she had gone to bed earlier, b. you wouldn't have been so stressed
Daisy: About now, and Amy half an hour later. at the last minute.
Ollie: Mmm, but most of our friends arrive late and Amy's usually early. 3. I could have lent you the money c. she wouldn't have been so tired.
Daisy: It'll be OK, I told them to be on time. They'll all be here in a minute. 4. They wouldn't have found out d. if you had studied medicine.
Alfie: Oh, hi, Amy. I bet we're the first to arrive. 5. You could have been a doctor e. if my alarm clock had gone off.
Amy: Hello. First for what? 6. If you'd been more organised, f. they wouldn't have had
Alfie:The party, of course. The surprise party. so many problems.
Amy: I came to revise a bit with Daisy. Nobody told me anything about a party! 7. If they'd taken my advice, g. if you hadn't told them.
Alfie: They must have just forgotten. You can revise another day, can't you?
Amy: Yes, but I haven't brought anything, and if I'd known, I would have worn something Exercise 2. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
nicer. 1. have told me. would if remembered I you'd
Alfie: I'll say my present is from both of us, and you look great, you always look great. .......................................................................................................................................
Um, well, let's go in, shall we? 2. would had have revised more, passed the exam. she If she
Daisy: What are you doing here!? .......................................................................................................................................
Alfie: We're here for the party of course. The surprise party. 3. the train If we have hadn't missed we would arrived on time.
Daisy: Well, it's not a surprise any more, is it? .......................................................................................................................................
Alfie: What do you mean? 4. If been there have met him. you'd could you
Ollie: It was a surprise party for Amy, you idiot. .......................................................................................................................................
Amy and Alfie: Ohhhh. 5. I If could have I'd known helped.
Alfie: Well, nobody told me. I thought it was for Sophie. .......................................................................................................................................
Ollie: I did tell you. If you didn't play video games at the same time as you read your texts … 6. if could have gone wanted to. You you'd
Alfie: I definitely would've remembered if you'd told me! .......................................................................................................................................
Amy: Listen, it doesn't matter! I think it's really, really sweet of you to have a party for me.
And I am surprised. I couldn't be more surprised! Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the third conditional.
Daisy: Ah, good. Happy birthday for two days ago! 1. He didn't get the job. He couldn't buy a bigger flat.
Amy: Thanks a lot, Daisy, and Ollie. It's a lovely surprise! = If he'd got the job, a bigger flat.
Daisy: It would've been even better if Alfie hadn't ruined it! 2. You didn't say you were sorry. She left.
= She wouldn't have left if you were sorry.
3. You didn't tell us earlier. We didn't do anything.
= We could have done something us earlier.
4. You stopped quickly. We didn't crash.
= If you hadn't stopped quickly, crashed.
5. You didn't listen to me. This happened.
= This never would have happened if you to me.
6. You didn't apply for the job. You didn't get an interview.
= You might if you'd applied for the job.
7. I went to the party. You persuaded me to go.
= I wouldn't have me to go.
8. I didn't know she was coming. I didn't wait for her.
= I would if I'd known she was coming.
CAN, COULD and WOULD Daisy: We'd love to!
Daisy: Wow, it's cold out there! You're home early. Are you alright?
Oliver: Never better … Hey, you couldn't pass me that plate, could you? Please? Thanks. EXERCISE
But the heating at college broke down this morning, so when our accountancy
lecturer said "Ladies and gentlemen, would you like a free afternoon to study at Exercise 1. Match the two sentence halves and write a - h next to the number 1 - 8.
home?" Well, it was an offer we couldn't refuse really. It was freezing! 1……..Would you like to come for lunch this weekend?
Daisy: Well, I see you've been busy. What is it? Can I have a taste? 2…….. Can you help me with this table a moment?
Oliver: Yes, of course you can! Here. What do you think? 3…….. Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?
Daisy: Mmmm. Wow, that's really good soup, there, big brother. What is it? 4…….. Would you like me to ask my brother?
Oliver: It's a country recipe. I found it in one of Gran's old cookery books. But I've made a 5…….. Can I come round to your house later?
lot. Why don't you call Amy? You can ask her round for dinner, if you like. There's 6…….. Could you lend me £20, please?
more than enough. I've made bread too, look. 7…….. Can I get you a cup of tea?
Daisy: You are one amazing brother! 8…….. Would you mind passing me that menu, please?
Oliver: I know. Now go and phone. a. Oh, yes, please! Could you?
Daisy: Amy? Oh, hi, Mrs. Hao. Could I speak to Amy, please? Thank you, Amy? It's Daisy. b. Well, actually, my mum's not feeling well. Maybe another time.
Amy: Hi! What's up? c. I suppose so. But I need it back before Friday.
Daisy: Would you like to come to our house for dinner? d. Yes, of course. Here you go.
Amy: Ah, yes, that would be really cool. Thank you. And could you say thanks to your e. Yes, sure. Where do you want to put it?
mum for me? f. I'm sorry, I'm not from around here.
Daisy: Well, actually, she isn't here. It's Oliver's idea. He's made some wonderful soup. And g. No, I'm OK, thanks, I've just had one.
bread. h.Oh, I'd love to, thank you.
Amy: Nice! I could bring something for dessert, if you like. I can make an apple cake ...
Pardon, Mum? Ah, thanks! It's Chinese New Year, so we've got some special sweets Exercise 2. Write the word to fill the gaps.
here. My mother says I can take some to your house, so you can try them. 1. Can I you something to drink?
Daisy: Oh yes! Chinese New Year! Mum's in Hong Kong this week, writing about the 2. Would you if I closed the window?
celebrations. She emailed us some photos. But I thought your family's from 3. Would you like come skating with us?
Cambridge ... ? Do you celebrate Chinese New Year? 4. Can I you a hand?
Amy: Yes, of course! Three of my grandparents are from Hong Kong, in fact - though my 5. you possibly lend me a pen, please?
mother's father is Scottish. My parents and I are British, but we celebrate as a family. 6. Dad says we borrow his bicycle if we're careful.
Listen, I'd better go and make that cake, or it'll be too late. 7. You carry this, could you?
Daisy: OK! Oh, Mum's calling. See you in an hour. 8. you be free for lunch on Saturday?
Amy: Great. See you.
Daisy: Hi, Mum! Exercise 3. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Sophie: Hi! Listen, it's just after midnight here and it's really noisy ... 1. have some I Can water ?
Oliver: Wow, it sounds amazing! …………………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: It is. Plus I've recorded some great interviews and got some fantastic photos for the 2. coffee Would like ? you a
blog. WOW! …………………………………………………………………………………………
Daisy: You couldn't send some photos to Amy too, could you, Mum? Is that OK? Her 3. How ? I help can you
family's from Hong Kong - I'm sure she'd love to see it. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Yes, no problem, but don't give me her email address now, I can't hear anything very 4. do Could a favour me ? you
well! It's too loud! …………………………………………………………………………………………
Daisy: OK. 5. giving a you me mind Would hand?
Sophie: I'll phone you again tomorrow morning, OK? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver/Daisy: OK. Love you. 6. up please? me Can pick you later,
Sophie: Love you too. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: She's having fun. 7. explain you Could this, please ?
Daisy: Yes. I miss her. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: Me too. 8. come for you round to like Would dinner?
Daisy: Amy? Is everything OK? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Amy: Yes, fine. My mother says would you two like to have dinner with us tomorrow?
She says we can celebrate Chinese New Year together. And Dad says we can have
special food - he'll make it - and we've got fireworks and ... you know ... if you like ...
HAVE TO, MUST and SHOULD Daisy: You'll be home next week, and maybe you should take some time off travelling. Spend
Oliver: Amy! Hi! What are you doing here? some time with us. And with him. And I'll be leaving school in a year so, go on, Mum.
Amy: It's my new Saturday job. Hi, Alfie. Life's too short! You should phone him!
Oliver: Really? Sophie: Well, I'll think about it. I'd better go - I mustn't miss the helicopter! Is Oliver there?
Amy: Yes. I want to study veterinary science at university and my parents suggested I should Daisy: No, he's out buying that pet ... ah no, here he is. Ollie, it's Mum.
get some experience of working with animals. Sophie: Did you get anything?
Oliver: And do you like it? Oliver: Yes I did! And his name's Hannibal.
Amy: It's my first day ... Anyway. What can I do for you?
Oliver: Well, I've got some money and I've decided I'd quite like a pet. Daisy and Mum like EXERCISES
the idea, but Mum says I mustn't get a spider, a scorpion or a snake. Exercise 1. Put the phrases in the correct groups.
Amy: That's understandable. a) drive on the right side of the road in the UK - everyone drives on the le
Alfie: Let's see the dogs. Oh yeah! Look at these, mate! Puppies! What's that white one? b) call the emergency services if you just have a cold.
Amy: That's a Dalmatian. c) arrive at the airport early in case there are delays.
Alfie: But they've got black spots, haven't they? d) be seventeen to drive a car in the UK.
Amy: Not when they're puppies, no. You have to wait until they're bigger. Then the spots e) complete a lot of exams, study and training to be a doctor.
appear. f) always get enough sleep before driving a car.
Alfie: Ah, I never knew that. Dalmatians are quite big, aren't they? g) use your mobile phone during an exam.
Amy: Yes, they are. You should really have a garden. h) rest and drink lots of liquids if you have a cold.
Oliver: Well, we've got one ... i) show your passport or identity card to get on a plane.
Amy: And you have to take them out for a walk twice a day. Well, you don't have to go twice,  You have to …………………………………………………………………………
but you must go at least once. Every day. Rain, snow, sun ... every day. And you mustn't  You mustn't …………………………………………………………………………...…
forget to take two or three small plastic bags when you go out.
Oliver: Plastic bags? Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes and write these sentences on the line below.
Amy: Well, when your dog, you shouldn't leave it on the street. You should always clean it 1. You must to see the Chrysler Building when you're in New York.
up, put it in the bin. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: Hmm. And a smaller dog? Should I get one of these? 2. Do I should call him?
Amy: They're Yorkshire terriers. They're very small ... …………………………………………………………………………………………
Alfie: ... and noisy! You'd better get something a bit quieter, Ollie. Think of your neighbours! 3. You haven't to wear uniform in the sixth form.
Oliver: How about that one? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Amy: As an adult, Old English Sheepdogs are extremely large - like that one. And you've got 4. We don't must make any noise; my grandfather's sleeping.
to look after their hair regularly. You should brush them as often as possible, and get …………………………………………………………………………………………
their hair cut. 5. You really should to go and see a doctor about that.
Oliver: Hmm. What about a cat? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Alfie: We used to have a cat. She was a bit unfriendly. She used to scratch the sofa - and our 6. He doesn't should talk to people like that.
legs - and she stole food if you left it for a moment. You've got to be careful with a cat …………………………………………………………………………………………
– some are nice, but some are ... well ... 7. Why we always have to come to the same cafe?
Oliver: Oh, ff. A turtle? They're small and quiet and they don't have hair ... …………………………………………………………………………………………
Amy: They grow. And then you have to buy a bigger tank. You'd better buy a thermostat and 8. Must you to make that terrible noise all the time?
a filter if you want a turtle. And you mustn't forget to change the water; they don't smell …………………………………………………………………………………………
great ...
Oliver: What about a hamster?... Exercise 3. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Sophie: I don't know what I should do. I mean, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable ... 1. You anyone tell ! mustn’t
Daisy: I don't mind! And if you like him ... why not? He has to decide if he wants to go out ...............................................................................……………………………………………….
with the mother of a student, though. But he seems nice. Maybe you should go for a 2. have We early be there to
coffee or lunch and see how you feel? If you don't like him, you don't have to see him ……………………………………………………………………..………….…………………
again. 3. call remember I Dad to must
Sophie: I shouldn't be asking you about this sort of thing! Oh, but I feel like a teenager. ……………...…………………………………………………………………………………..
Why do these things have to be so complicated? 4. don't to pay have You
Daisy: It's not complicated, Mum! You mustn't forget, he's the one who suggested going for a ………………………………………………..………………………………………………..
drink, so he obviously likes you - and you obviously like him! What's complicated?
Sophie: I'm in New Zealand! I'm about to go and fly over volcanoes ... it's not easy to
combine my kind of life with ... well, with a romance!!

Daisy: This is so good. I … Oh, that might be Mum phoning from Bali. I'll put her on speaker. Exercise 1. Draw a line to match the sentences that have the same meaning.
Hi, Mum! 1. I'm sure that's Katie. a. That must have been Katie.
Ollie: Hi, Mum! 2. I'm sure that isn't Katie. b. That girl must be Katie.
Sophie: Ah, you're both there, good. Hi, how are you doing? 3. It's possible that it's Katie. c. It might not be Katie.
Daisy: We're fine. Just having some pizza. And you? 4. Maybe that isn't Katie. d. That girl can't be Katie.
Sophie: Really good. I'm about to eat too. I've just been walking round this amazing market 5. I'm certain that wasn't Katie. e. It may be Katie.
and it's made me hungry. I'm going to order a big bowl of spicy noodles. 6. Perhaps that was Katie. f. It can't have been Katie.
Ollie: Don't make us jealous, Mum! You're always doing that. 7. It was definitely Katie. g. It could have been Katie.
Sophie: Sorry, love. I was thinking about you just now, actually, and I've got a little quiz
prepared for you. Exercise 2. Write a modal verb to fill the gaps.
Daisy: A quiz? 1. She's won prizes for her research. She be really intelligent.
Sophie: Yeah. Can you both see the phone? I'm going to send you some photos of Indonesian 2. I'd take an umbrella if I were you. It looks like it rain.
food. Tell me what the food is. 3. It be him. He's on holiday until next week.
Daisy: OK, fire away. 4. Hey guess what?! I be getting a car for my birthday! It's not completely
Sophie: Right, picture number 1. definite yet though.
Daisy: Ooh, that looks a bit like pasta, burnt pasta, but it isn't, is it? 5. I can't believe you've been waiting all this time! You be really bored.
Ollie: Nah, that's a kind of insect. A kind of worm? 6. His car's not here. He have gone out.
Sophie: Yes, very good. One point to Ollie, but that was an easy one. Next. 7. Look how much sugar and salt it's got in it! It be good for you.
Ollie: They're weird. They might be some kind of small pig. 8. Have you looked next to your computer? I think you have left your keys
Daisy: I don't know. Are they little dogs? there.
Sophie: Ah, they're actually a lot smaller than that. They're bats. Exercise 3. Correct and write these sentences on the line below.
Daisy and Ollie: Bats! 1. It mays be him. He's about that height.
Sophie: Yes, without wings. I haven't seen anyone eating them but someone must do. …………………………………………………………………………………………
OK, next. 2. You could to be right. Let's check on the internet.
Ollie: That looks like tomato juice, but it can't be, that would be too easy. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Daisy: It could be some kind of exotic fruit juice like papaya or mango. 3. It's six o'clock. She must have leave work by now.
Sophie: Nowhere near. I'll give you a clue. It isn't made from fruit or vegetables. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Ollie: So, it must come from an animal. 4. That can't being them. Their car's yellow.
Daisy: I know, it's blood! …………………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Yes, half a point to Daisy. Another half a point for the animal. 5. Joe might be to play football at the moment.
Daisy: A fish? A snake? A crocodile? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Sophie: Yep, a snake. It's cobra blood, very good for the health, they say. 6. That virus may of come from an app.
Ollie: Yeeuch, you've put me right off my pizza! …………………………………………………………………………………………
7. This writing is terrible. That can be an 'e', but I'm not sure.
8. I don't believe it! You can't had failed your exam!

Daisy: What's up, Oli? Exercise 1. Write the verbs in the correct group.
Oliver: Hm? Oh, nothing. avoid finish invite someone stop
Alfie: Oh come on, something's wrong. decide enjoy mind look forward to
Oliver: No, seriously... need want promise plan
Daisy: Don't tell me, you invited Amy to go to your class dinner but she decided to go with  + -ing : suggest (e.g. I suggested going …)
Elliot instead... ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Alfie: Well, you like cooking, so lunch isn't the problem. I know! You want to wear your ………………………………………………………………………………………………
favourite T- shirt but it's got tomato on it. ……………………………………………………………………...………………………
Oliver: No! Well, yes, that too - I don't know how to clean it but, no, that's not the real  + infinitive : offer (e.g. I offered to go …)
problem. It's …well ... it's Mum. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Daisy: Have you had an argument? When did she phone? Oh, I hate missing her calls! ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Oliver: She hasn't called yet, don't worry. ……………………………………………………………………...………………………
Daisy: So what's up? Come on! Just tell us! I don't like seeing you like this, Oli!
Oliver: Well, she's in Italy. And she promised to take me there. I was looking forward to Exercise 2. Circle the correct option to complete these sentences.
going. I planned to go to some real Italian restaurants to, you know, have some real
Italian food, so I could try to make some at home. And I wanted to visit Rome and 1. I'm really looking forward to seeing you / to see you at the weekend.
Venice and Florence and Siena and ... well, she hasn't even remembered to phone or 2. I promise not to tell anyone / telling anyone .
to send an email or anything! 3. I must remember to call Dad / calling Dad on his birthday.
Daisy: No, but she will. You know she's always so busy. She never stops working. Or maybe 4. The thing I most enjoy to do / doing at the weekend is sleeping.
she's had a problem. But it'll be cool, she'll phone. 5. Do you remember to come here / coming here when you were two?
Alfie: Do you know what you need? You need to have some fun! We can pretend to be in 6. You can't pretend to be eighteen / being eighteen - you only look twelve!
Italy! 7. What do you want to give Mum / giving Mum for her birthday?
Daisy: Pretend to be there? 8. I need to stop doing my homework / to do my homework late at night - I keep making
Alfie: Yes! Let's do it! You wanted to practise cooking Italian food, didn't you? So ... here's terrible mistakes!
a cookbook. We just need to choose a dish and then we need to buy ingredients. You
cook, Oliver, and I know how to make a great tiramisu. Daisy, you get some Italian Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
music - we can eat in the garden, like at a pavement cafe.
Daisy: Alfie, you're mad. You're wonderful and mad, and I love doing mad things... 1. I love (go) to see my grandparents!
Sophie: Hi, guys! 2. Please remember (give) your keys to your brother.
Oliver/Daisy: Hi, Mum! 3. We've decided (go) to Turkey for our holidays.
Alfie: Hi, Sophie! 4. I'd really love (see) you again.
Daisy: How's Italy? 5. I'm not looking forward to (go) to the dentist.
Sophie: Oh, it didn't stop raining all day yesterday, and today it's foggy! It's impossible! I can't 6. Oh, I hate (have) to get up early on a Sunday!
see anything or go anywhere. I'll have to come back next month. Oh, and Oli, would 7. What do you want (do) later?
you like to come too then? Gennaro Falcone, the famous restaurant owner, has offered 8. Would you mind (close) the window?
to teach you some of his most popular recipes. I told him you really enjoy cooking.
Oliver: I'd love to go, Mum! Thanks!
Sophie: So. What are you doing? It looks ... interesting!

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