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Dynata (435) 753-1303 Employee # __________

-Acronyms for notes

CB: call back GK: gatekeeper
LP: listed person LM: left message
NLWC: no longer w/company EST +2 EX/EXT: extension
NI-not interested
NA: not available DO NOT make up your own acronyms

Callback Papers- Only put callbacks on the paper if they are positive callbacks that you talked with the Respondent and
they told you to callback at a certain time and on a certain date, or if you are not going to be here that day and someone
else needs to call it. If we give you callback papers for you to call and you disposition it something other than a callback
(answering machine, not available, no answer, etc.) it goes back into the sample bin so please cross it off the sheet. If you
talk to the correct person and reset it as a callback write the new callback time on the callback paper. When you leave an
800# make sure to leave the pin # as well and set it for three days later in your callbacks so you can follow up on that

Probe Clarify
Getting an initial response. Clarifying any vague response
Asking questions to get additional Asking questions to get MORE
Information DIFFERENT from SPECIFIC information about
what the respondent has already stated. The respondents answer

Good probing questions: Good clarifying questions:

What else... -What do you mean by that specifically
What others... -Please explain.
Why else… -Why do you say that...

The easiest way to think of a good probing or clarifying question is to use what or why and refer back to either the initial
question for a probe or to their response to clarify.

-Take time to memorize the military call letters while dialing, it will increase your speed greatly when you read back their
email to them.
A- Alpha B-Bravo C-Charlie D-Delta E-Echo F- Foxtrot
G-Golf H-Hotel I-India J-JuIiet K-Kilo L-Lima
M-Mike N-November 0-0scar P-Papa Q-Quebec R-Romeo
S-Sierra T-Tango U-Uniform V-Victor W-Whiskey X-X-ray
Y-Yankee Z- Zulu

-Emails are always typed in the same sentence case as the rest of the survey.

-Remember to push the mute button between all calls.

-Never agree or disagree with the respondent. Use the words 'I understand' or 'I see'
Limiting Refusals
Understand that people are reluctant to be interviewed because of the four following reasons:

1. They think you are a telemarketer

• Reassure the respondent that we are only looking for their opinions, that their answers are kept confidential, and
that there are no follow-up sales calls.

2. They have a fear of the unknown

• Sounding like a professional researcher can make a big difference here. You only have about 30 seconds to
convince the respondent to speak with you. Remember, the respondents begin to form their opinions of you in the
first 6-8 seconds of the call. Speak up at a steady pace, with a clear voice, having enthusiasm, and using a
conversational tone. Sit upright at your desk and don't slouch. Be self-confident and in control- shaky introductions
will not sound credible. You can be aggressive but not pushy. - Remember to listen. You need to understand a
respondent's concern to be able to respond appropriately. This can only be done through active listening.
• Learn about the study you are doing and know the study well enough to answer basic questions. Know whether or
not you can share the name of the sponsor at any point. -Remember that you are the research associate. You
collect data in the form of people's opinions about a particular item, service, issue, or company. A refusal is a lost
opportunity for a completed survey.
3. They aren't interested
• If you sound interested and show excitement for the study you are on, it can help the respondent to feel the same
• When the respondent is busy, schedule a better time for us to call them back.
• Help the respondent understand the importance of their opinions and how they will be helping companies provide
better products and services to customers like them.
• Show genuine interest
• Jump right into the survey rather than asking permission. If a respondent offers no response during a break or
pause in your introduction, that is a signal to continue the conversation. Don't interpret the silence as a need to
get permission.
4. They are worried about an invasion of privacy.
• Every respondent will consider privacy differently. It is important to be sensitive to that. Encourage respondents to
answer the questions and reassure them it is all confidential. Their name is never associated with the answers they
• We will NEVER provide our respondent's contact information to other organizations -Their answers are never used
to target sales, promotions, or special offers.
• Respondents can be 100% confident their contact information will be safe with us.
Shifts and Scheduling
Hours of operation: Monday through Friday from 7 AM-5 PM MST, Saturday from 9 AM - 2 PM MST

Minimum Hours: We ask that you work a minimum of 15 hours per week with a minimum shift consisting of 3
hours per day.

Maximum Hours: 40 hours per week

Scheduling changes can be changed weekly and should be submitted by Thursday at noon. Any questions or
concerns should be discussed with Tami, the call center manager. If you are not scheduled, you may still come
in for extra hours.

Break Schedule

Breaks cannot be taken within the first or last hour of your shift. Always check out/check in with a Production
Supervisor when you take a break. Breaks are not mandatory.

4+ hours: you are allowed one 15-minute paid break.

6-8 hours: you are allowed one 15-minute paid break and one 30-minute unpaid lunch. These must be taken at
separate times with at least an hour between the two breaks.
8+ hours: you are allowed two 15-minute paid breaks (taken separately) and one 30-minute unpaid lunch.

Pay Scale

Base wage: $11.00 per hour

Bilingual agents: $12.00 per hour

Compensation arrives every other Friday in the form of direct deposit or a pay card.
Open-End Help Sheet
o Don't assume you understand, ASK the respondent what they mean.
o Understand the question
o For example, if the question reads "What is the most important reason for...?" We are looking
for one reason. Make sure to clarify with the respondent to get specific information.
• Record verbatim
o Actively listen
o Be sure their response is answering the question. If it does not answer the question, let the
respondent know you've typed what they have said but this particular question is asking (reread
the question).
o Probe three times or until unproductive and clarify all vague responses
o If the respondent is going too quickly for you to type the entire comment into the open-end,
politely ask them to slow down and let them know that you are typing everything in.
o Read it back to the respondent, as needed.
o This will help clear any vague responses, will jog the respondent's memory for more
information, and they will let you know if you missed anything.

After you have finished the survey, check the following before saving,

o Fix typing mistakes and spell out any abbreviations

o The only abbreviations that can be left anywhere is BLVD for boulevard in the address box;
everything else that is abbreviated needs to be typed out.
▪ APT (apartment), STE (suite), DR (drive), ST (street), E (east)
o Be sure that it is in first person
o I want them to. . . I like the fact that they. . . We really appreciate... We should... Always check
to see if the answers are supposed to be in sentence case or all caps for the particular project
you are dialing on, then make sure all answers are recorded that way.
o Use spellcheck, if needed.
o Make complete sentences without changing the meaning of the respondent's answer.
o Use proper punctuation
o Spell out numbers 0-9, except in time, percent, and money.
o Always put a period and double space between sentences, and commas between elements in a
o Reread your open-ended questions one last time before you click 'Save & Next'
o Ask for help if you are unsure if it is done properly
List of Dispositions and when to use them
No Answer: After 4-5 rings and no one came to the line.
Busy Signal: When you hear a Busy tone (beeping instead of ringing).
Telephone Answering Device: Reach a voicemail, answering machine, any automated system that does
not allow you to reach someone.
Not available: Respondent is out of the office or not home. If they say to call later that day and you
can’t get a specific time or date because they hang up.
Dead Air: You don’t hear anything for 30 seconds. Make sure to redial the number and wait another 30
seconds then code as dead air.
Disconnected or Non-working: A recorded message saying the number is disconnected and no longer
is service.
Privacy Manager/Tech Barriers: A recorded message saying to enter your phone number or that the
number has been blocked. Does not accept unknown calls. Any type of privacy block for telemarketing.
Technical phone Problem: Technical difficulties on the line.
Residence: You have reach a home when you are calling a business. Only use this if you have spoken
with someone and they have told you that it is not a home business.
Soft Refusal: When the respondent is nice to you, but not willing to do the survey. Be sure you ask for
a callback first and make sure to CHECK with a supervisor first.
Hard Refusal: If they are swearing at you or attacking you personally. Make sure to CHECK with a
supervisor first.
Language Barrier: If the project can not be conducted in another language and the respondent does
not speak english, this can include if they are hard of hearing and nobody else is able to be spoken with
at that time.
Put on Do Not Call List: If you are told “Put me on your do not call list” or “take me off your list”

It is imperative that calls are dispositioned comedy. If you have any questions, please ask. If you accidentally disposition a call incorrectly,
please write down the pin number and the Project name and take it to a supervisor. Do NOT we Soft or Hard refusal without first seeking
permission from a supervisor.
Progressive Discipline Points System
Tardy: 1-4 points based on minutes

No Call No Show: 7 points per shift

Unexcused Unscheduled Absence: 1 free per quarter then 3 points per occurrence

Cell phone use on the floor: 2 points per occurrence

Excused Unscheduled Absence: May result in 0-13 points, based on severity

Workplace Misconduct: 1-13 points based on severity

-Falsification: 5-13 points
-Call avoidance/dumping: 8 points
-Quality <85: 2 points per instance
-Unsubstantiated time: 2 points for every 15 minutes

-Production score per pay period 75-85: 2 points
-Production score per pay period 51-74: 4 points
-Production score per pay period <50: 6 points

If you receive 12 points, you may be subject to a suspension or termination

For every full calendar month, an employee does not receive any points, 2 points may
be removed.

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