Week 6 Group Activity SWOT Analysis

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Handicraft Industry in the Philippines

Handicraft is a skilled activity in which something is created by
Handicraft is a type of activity in which useful and attractive
hand in a conventional manner rather than by machines in a products are made totally by hand using minimal tools. There are
factory, or an object created by such an activity. problems in our country that must be addressed, and they can
The following are the Philippines' handicraft industry's strengths: only be remedied by individuals and government agencies
Handicraft products can be sold locally or exported abroad.
working together.
The combination of ethnic and contemporary designs in handicraft The following are the Philippines' handicraft industry's weaknesses:
products is trending these days. A scarcity of skilled workers.
Provides employment to a vast segment of craftsmen. Less interest in craft industry especially among young people.
Preserves cultural heritage. Lack of product promotion.
It generates substantial foreign exchange for the country. Lacking infrastructure and communication facilities.
Production flexibility exists. Insufficient knowledge of modern technology.
Labor costs are low, resulting in a low price. Poor information about recent market trends.
Low new-entry barriers.
Poor understanding of the worldwide market and requirements.

Handicraft bring opportunities to many, including us people. Small industries, particularly handicraft production, are a
Handicrafts industry is full of creativity, opportunities, and major form of employment and in every nation, they constitute a
benefits. Making handicrafts show teamwork and it may be a new significant part of their export economy.
skill you can do! The following are the Philippines' handicraft industry's threats:
The following are the Philippines' handicraft industry's opportunities: Raw materials are not easily accessible.
Employment is generated especially for the undergraduates. Marked increase in expenses due to excessively expensive fuel
Handicraft is a profitable business. and spare parts prices.
Rising demand for handicraft products. Low competitiveness among small-scale industries because of
Able to market and sell craft products using social media. increasing prices of raw materials.
Building a handicraft industry needs a lesser initial investment. Increased black-market pricing.
People will be able to enhance their skills in making crafts. Poor degree of schooling among craftsmen.
Reduces stress and anxiety. Instead of the number of workers, only the owner is skilled in
particular stages of manufacturing.

O Angel Camille T. Medrano Zephrylle Kaye M. Morales T

Althea B. Bacani Makaila C. Pruna

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