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B731 A-C

Module 1

• Student Assignment Booklet •
Module 1

B731 A-C

Printed in Canada
Welcome to the first module of your Stratford Career Institute Electrician program. No
doubt you are eager to get started. Before you do, however, please take a moment to read
this introduction. It will explain how the materials in this package are designed to be used.

The reading material for Module One is A Practical Approach to Electrical Work by Ray E.
Staszko. This text introduces you to the electrical trade and the variety of work
opportunities it comprises, as well as provides an overview of the basic safety information
every electrician needs to know. The main portion of the book outlines the procedures for
making proper electrical connections and gives an introduction to one of the most
frequently used tools in electrical work—the multimeter. Finally, the text provides several
practical exercises to get you started with some hands-on experience with electrical
connections, and gives a brief teaser of some of the more advanced topics you will
encounter as you continue in this course.

This Student Assignment Booklet divides the reading material for Module One into three

Assignment 1: Pages 1 to 27, Exam 1

Assignment 2: Pages 28 to 69, Exam 2
Assignment 3: Pages 70 to 104, Exam 3

Each assignment is preceded by a list of Learning Objectives and contains instructions

pertaining to the relevant exam and answer sheet. Read through the objectives before you
begin to study the material. Be sure to complete each assignment in the order shown and
send only your completed answer sheet to the school for evaluation. Please send in each
exam as you complete it, rather than saving them and sending them in batches. Chapter 5
of this text provides instructions for several exercises for you to practice making various
types of electrical connections. We encourage you to work through these exercises (and
repeat them several times); however, only the exams in this Student Assignment Booklet
are mandatory for this course, and they are the only things you should send to the school
for grading.

You may contact us with any questions or comments you may have about the material, in
writing, by e-mail, or via our toll-free instructional lines. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for more information on how to interact with the school. Our staff is here to help
you, and your input is valuable to us in our ongoing efforts to optimize this course for our
present and future students.

Assignment 1

Learning Objectives

After you have studied pages 1 to 27 of the reading material, you will be able to

• Review the various employment opportunities available in the electrical trade.

• Discuss areas of the electrical trade that are expected to see increased employment
opportunities in the future.

• Summarize the basic scientific concepts of electricity.

• Recognize the safety risks in working with electricity, and describe ways to avoid

• Identify the main causes of electrical fires and shocks, and explain how they occur.

When you have completed the reading material and feel confident you have mastered
the objectives, complete Exam 1, which begins on the next page.

Exam 1
Instructions: Select the item which best answers the question or makes the statement
true. In all cases there is only one best choice. Mark the letter of that choice on the
answer sheet provided. Upon completion of the exam send only the answer sheet to
the school for grading. Do not wait until you complete the next exam.

1. Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between

atoms and electrons?

a. Atoms are positively charged particles that move around electrons.

b. Atoms are negatively charged particles that move around electrons.
c. Electrons are positively charged particles that move around atoms.
d. Electrons are negatively charged particles that move around atoms.

2. Your reading material describes the “damage potential” of electricity as being

determined by its amperage and its voltage. Which of the following best
describes a 9-volt smoke detector battery?

a. low amperage, low voltage

b. low amperage, high voltage
c. high amperage, low voltage
d. high amperage, high voltage

3. Some circuits are designed in one long loop or chain so that interrupting them at
any point prevents the entire circuit from energizing. These circuits are referred
to as __________.

a. series circuits
b. parallel circuits
c. ground-fault circuits
d. tripped circuits

4. Which of the following materials is the BEST conductor of electricity?

a. plastic
b. rubber
c. copper
d. glass

5. Your reading material mentions switches, fuses, and circuit breakers as three of
the most important devices for __________.

a. creating a path to ground

b. cutting off or isolating an electrical circuit
c. storing electrical energy
d. updating electrical circuits

6. Since electricity is a form of energy, it can easily be converted into __________.

a. heat
b. light
c. both heat and light
d. None of the above is correct—it is very difficult to convert electricity to
other types of energy.

7. To ensure safety when more than one electrician may be working on a job,
electrical codes and standard work procedures often call for circuits that are
being worked on to be __________.

a. locked and tagged

b. wired in series
c. wired in parallel
d. installed one at a time

8. According to your reading material, the two MAIN devices that can store
electrical energy are __________.

a. batteries and conductors

b. conductors and insulators
c. insulators and capacitors
d. batteries and capacitors

9. Typically, where does the work of the lineman stop and the work of the general
contractor start?

a. at the power-generating station

b. at the high-voltage towers that run between the power-generating station
and the local distribution station
c. at the local distribution station
d. at the point where the power supply is routed to an individual building

10. Ground-fault circuit interrupters are special outlets designed for use

a. in buildings and climates where temperatures may be extremely hot

b. outdoors or where circuits may occasionally become wet
c. where many appliances will be plugged into the same circuit
d. in situations where wires or other electrical components may be left

11. Why can uncontrolled electricity be so dangerous?

a. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, and the human body is

made mostly of water.
b. The nervous systems of humans and other animals work like miniature
electrical circuits, which can be damaged by large amounts of electricity.
c. Electricity may cause severe burns.
d. all of the above

12. An electrical potential occurs whenever an object acquires extra __________.

a. electrons
b. atoms
c. neutrons
d. amperes

13. Your reading material cautions that the top and bottom plugs on outlets in
__________ are usually not on the same circuit.

a. bedrooms
b. the garage
c. bathrooms
d. the kitchen

14. Which of the following factors does NOT affect a conductor’s resistance?

a. thickness (diameter)
b. location in a circuit
c. material it is made of
d. length

15. Which of the following electrical devices acts MOST like a drawbridge?

a. circuit breaker
b. fuse
c. switch
d. tag

16. The “work” done by an electrical circuit is called a/an __________.

a. resistance
b. load
c. charge
d. insulator

17. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to de-energize a circuit?

a. installing a fuse
b. opening a switch
c. removing a component
d. tripping a circuit breaker

18. __________ is a difference in electric charge between two points in a circuit.

a. Static electricity
b. Voltage
c. Amperage
d. Electrical arcing

19. How many volts is a typical car battery?

a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12

20. If you are on the job and witness someone experiencing electrical shock, and
you cannot get to the power source to switch off the circuit, what is your BEST
course of action?

a. Use your body to force the person away from the source of electricity.
b. Inform the foreman or supervisor before taking any other action.
c. Use a piece of wood to force the person away from the source of
d. Use a piece of metal to force the person away from the source of

This completes Exam 1. Please be sure to transfer your answers to the answer sheet
after reviewing them. Then mail the answer sheet to the school in the postage-paid
envelope provided, submit it through our web site at, or fax it to us
toll-free at 1-888-486-9428. You may begin Assignment 2.

Stratford Career Institute
8675 Darnley Road,
Town of Mount-Royal, QC H4T 1X2
Exam 1
Lesson Number B731A

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10. A B C D 20. A B C D

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Assignment 2

Learning Objectives

After you have studied pages 28 to 69 of the reading material, you will be able to

• Summarize the criteria for a successful electrical connection, and discuss ways in
which an electrical connection can lose quality.

• Describe the basic procedure for stripping and splicing wire:

– determining the wire size

– cutting the cable and stripping off the outer sheath
– stripping the individual conductors
– preparing the stripped wire for splicing
– making splices using wire nuts

• Identify modifications to the wire-stripping procedure that are necessary in special


• Outline the basic procedure for attaching wires to terminals.

• Explain the three main functions of electrical multimeters.

• Discuss ways to test wiring and other electrical devices using an ohmmeter.

• Name a variety of other electrical testing devices.

When you have completed the reading and feel confident you have mastered the
objectives, complete Exam 2, which begins on the next page.

Exam 2
Instructions: Select the item which best answers the question or makes the statement
true. In all cases there is only one best choice. Mark the letter of that choice on the
answer sheet provided. Upon completion of the exam send only the answer sheet to
the school for grading. Do not wait until you complete the next exam.

1. The figure below shows a wire being prepared to be attached to a __________.

a. wire nut
b. set screw
c. terminal screw
d. splice

2. A device that indicates whether or not a complete circuit exists, usually by

means of a light or a beep, is called a/an __________.

a. continuity tester
b. receptacle analyzer
c. outlet tester
d. voltage proximity tester

3. A cable is labeled with the following code:

10-2 G Type NM 800V

Which of the following statements about the cable is FALSE?

a. It contains two 10-gauge conductors.

b. It can carry up to 800 volts.
c. It contains a bare copper grounding wire.
d. It contains ten 2-gauge conductors.

4. Which of the following is NOT measured using one of the three basic modes of
a multimeter?

a. resistance
b. voltage
c. conductivity
d. current

5. A conductor has a diameter of 1⁄2 inch, but there is a nick in one section so that
the diameter of that section is 1⁄4 inch. Which of the following statements is

a. The conductor will have a current-carrying capacity closest to that of a

⁄2-inch conductor.
b. The conductor will have a current-carrying capacity closest to that of a
⁄4-inch conductor.
c. The conductor will not conduct electricity at all.
d. There is no relationship between diameter and current-carrying capacity.

6. What information can you glean from taking a voltage reading on a battery?

a. the strength of the difference in potential between the terminals

b. the amount of energy in the battery
c. the amount of work the battery can perform
d. all of the above

7. A plastic cap that is used to secure and protect a splice is called a __________.

a. terminal
b. wire nut
c. set screw
d. pigtail

8. As you operate successively more devices in a circuit, the current __________

and the voltage __________.

a. increases, increases
b. decreases, decreases
c. increases, decreases
d. decreases, increases

9. An electrician is working to connect a stranded wire to a terminal screw. After

twisting the stranded wire into a loop and tightening the screw, the resulting
connection is sloppy with many wires sticking out of it. What is the most likely
cause of this problem?

a. The procedure was incorrect because stranded wires should not be

connected to terminal screws.
b. Pliers were used to twist the wire into a loop.
c. The stranded wire was twisted clockwise.
d. The stranded wire was twisted counterclockwise.

10. The cords for ungrounded appliances, such as lamps, often have __________.

a. two stranded conductors

b. two solid conductors
c. one stranded conductor and one solid conductor
d. two grounding wires

11. Identify the element which makes the following scenario INCORRECT.

An electrician is testing a switch using a multimeter as an ohmmeter. The switch

is not installed. First, the electrician connects the two leads of the meter to the
two terminals of the switch where the power conductors would be connected if
the switch were installed. The switch is in the OFF position, and the meter
shows maximum resistance. Then, the electrician opens the switch to the ON
position, and the meter shows a reading very close to zero. The electrician
concludes that the switch is working properly.

What is wrong with this scenario?

a. When a switch is in the OFF position, the ohmmeter should show zero
b. An ohmmeter cannot be used to test an isolated electrical device.
c. When the switch is flipped to the ON position, it is closed, not opened.
d. In order to test resistance, a multimeter needs to be set as an ammeter.

12. “Meggers” are used to measure __________.

a. very high voltages

b. very high resistance values
c. very high currents
d. none of the above

13. When removing the outer sheathing from a length of cable in order to strip the
individual conductors, you should often start your cut about __________ from
the end of the cable.

a. 2 to 4 inches
b. 6 inches
c. 8 to 10 inches
d. at least 1 foot

14. Which conductor size is most appropriate for typical lighting and wall outlet
circuits in residential settings?

a. 8-gauge
b. 10-gauge
c. 12-gauge
d. 14-gauge

15. When you test a device or other component with an ohmmeter, where is the
current generated?

a. within the device or component

b. from an external battery
c. from a power distribution source
d. within the ohmmeter

16. If you touch the two leads of an ohmmeter together, what will happen?

a. You will get a resistance reading of zero.

b. You will get a resistance reading close to the middle of the selected
c. You will get a maximum resistance reading.
d. You will destroy the tester.

17. When two or more grounding wires are connected via a pigtail to the same
grounding hole on a metal box, what color wire nut should be used to secure the

a. white
b. green
c. red
d. brown

18. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

a. When measuring current, the meter is usually connected to the circuit in

series. When measuring voltage, the meter is usually connected in
b. When measuring current, the meter is usually connected to the circuit in
parallel. When measuring voltage, the meter is usually connected in
c. When measuring both current and voltage, the meter is usually
connected to the circuit in series.
d. When measuring both current and voltage, the meter is usually
connected in parallel.

19. Your reading material mentions that some resistors can deviate from their
specified resistance value by up to __________.

a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%

20. What is the correct procedure for splicing stranded wires?

a. Twist the wires together in a clockwise direction using lineman’s pliers.

b. Twist the wires together in a counterclockwise direction using lineman’s
c. Twist the wires together in a clockwise direction by hand.
d. Twist the wires together in a counterclockwise direction by hand.

This completes Exam 2. Please be sure to transfer your answers to the answer sheet
after reviewing them. Then mail the answer sheet to the school in the postage-paid
envelope provided, submit it through our web site at, or fax it to us
toll-free at 1-888-486-9428. You may begin Assignment 3.

Stratford Career Institute
8675 Darnley Road,
Town of Mount-Royal, QC H4T 1X2
Exam 2
Lesson Number B731B

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9. A B C D 19. A B C D

10. A B C D 20. A B C D

Please remember to write your student number in the space provided.

Assignment 3

Learning Objectives

After you have studied pages 70 to 104 of the reading material, you will be able to

• Understand how to strip and splice various types of cable.

• Explain how to perform a variety of tests using a multimeter as an ohmmeter.

• Summarize some of the more advanced concepts that electricians must master:

– diagrams and schematics

– electrical layouts and installation/wiring patterns
– simple calculations

• Define many basic terms used in the electrical trade.

When you have completed the reading material and feel confident you have mastered
the objectives, complete Exam 3, which begins on the next page.

Exam 3

Instructions: Select the item which best answers the question or makes the statement
true. In all cases there is only one best choice. Mark the letter of that choice on the
answer sheet provided. Upon completion of the exam send only the answer sheet to
the school for grading. Do not wait until you complete the next exam.

1. When you first start making splices, you should judge your work according to
__________. Later on, when you become more experienced, you should
concentrate on __________.

a. how long it takes you to complete; the quality of the connections

b. the quality of the connections; how long it takes you to complete
c. how secure the splices are; using the minimum amount of material for
each splice
d. using the minimum amount of material for each splice; the quality of the

2. Electrical codes in North America require the voltage at an outlet to be

__________ of the voltage that is available at the electrical panel where the
circuit begins.

a. up to 5%
b. 5% or more
c. up to 95%
d. 95% or more

3. What is the name of the code that provides specifications for electrical wiring
projects in the United States?

a. National Electricians’ Code®

b. National Code for Electrical Wiring®
c. National Electrical Code®
d. North American Electrical Code®

4. If one of the cables in a three-wire cable is damaged, you can test each wire
individually with an ohmmeter. How will you tell which one is faulty?

a. When the damaged wire is in the circuit, the test should show maximum
b. When the damaged wire is in the circuit, the test should show low
c. When the damaged wire is in the circuit, the test should show resistance
close to the middle of the range selected.
d. When the damaged wire is in the circuit, the tester should not work at all.

5. According to numbers from the U.S. Department of Energy, there was a roughly
__________ increase in electric consumption in U.S. homes between
1949–1958 and 1989–1998.

a. twofold
b. threefold
c. fivefold
d. tenfold

6. Conduits and raceways are __________.

a. special types of conductors used mainly in industrial settings

b. metal boxes designed to hold a large number of splices
c. materials for protecting electrical cables or conductors in situations where
they will be exposed to possible damage
d. special types of insulation designed to reduce voltage drop in very long
cables or wires

7. What is an electric arc?

a. a movement of electrons along a conductor

b. a negatively charged particle
c. a discharge of electricity between two electrodes
d. a piece of wire used to connect two or more wires to a terminal or other

8. Why must electricians be extra careful when calculating power requirements for
circuits that will run motors?

a. Many motors draw more power when they first start up than when they
have been running for awhile, and the circuits must be able to handle this
initial burst.
b. For many motors, the longer they are running, the more power they draw,
so the circuits must be able to handle a large amount of power.
c. Many motors draw power in a cyclical fashion, alternating between high
and low power requirements, and the circuits must be able to handle
these variations.
d. Motors are generally used to run other large devices, and the circuits
need to be able to supply enough power to run both the motor and the
additional device(s).

9. An electrician is testing a switch with an ohmmeter. The switch is in the OFF

position, and the probes of the tester are attached to the two terminal screws.
The ohmmeter returns a numerical reading. What conclusion can be drawn?

a. The switch is working properly.

b. The switch is defective.
c. The probes of the ohmmeter are placed incorrectly.
d. No conclusions can be drawn because this is not a valid testing

10. Some homeowners feel that there isn’t enough electrical power available to
them. What is the most likely cause of this problem?

a. There is not enough power in the distribution system for their homes.
b. The wiring and panels in their homes are not capable of safely handling
the power that would be necessary to run all of their electrical devices.
c. They are probably trying to run too many devices off of each outlet.
d. They probably have one large device that is using all of the power allotted
to their home.

11. You have just run a cable from your home electrical panel to a small shed
behind your house, a distance of about 15 feet. After performing a test on the
cable, you find that the voltage drop from one end to the other is about 10%.
What can you do to reduce the resistance in the connection?

a. Use a cable with wires that have a larger diameter.

b. Use a cable with wires that have a smaller diameter.
c. Use a longer cable.
d. Nothing—10% voltage drop is normal.

12. Resistance in a circuit always produces __________.

a. heat
b. a spark
c. electrical arcing
d. increased conductivity

13. A basic switch, such as a wall-mounted light switch, that has only two positions,
ON and OFF, is called a __________.

a. one-pole switch
b. two-pole switch
c. single-pole switch
d. double-pole switch

14. How much insulation should generally be stripped before splicing two wires

a. 1
⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch
b. 3
⁄4 to 1 inch
c. 1 to 1 1⁄2 inches
d. 1 1⁄2 to 2 inches

15. More current can pass through a __________ wire than through a __________

a. thin, thick
b. thin, short
c. long, thick
d. thick, thin

This completes Exam 3 and Module 1. Please be sure to transfer your answers to the
answer sheet after reviewing them. Then mail the answer sheet to the school in the
postage-paid envelope provided, submit it through our web site at,
or fax it to us toll-free at 1-888-486-9428. You may begin Assignment 1 of Module 2.

Stratford Career Institute
8675 Darnley Road,
Town of Mount-Royal, QC H4T 1X2
Exam 3
Lesson Number B731C

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10. A B C D

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