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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

accelerate v
acceleration n
airspeed n
ambulatory adj
apace adv
away adv (GONE)
barrel v
beetle v
belt v (MOVE FAST)
blistering adj (FAST)
bob v
bomb v (GO FAST)
brake v
breakneck adj
brisk adj
budge v (MOVE)
burst n (INCREASE)
careen v
career v
catatonic adj
cavort v
celerity n
charge v (MOVE FORWARD)
charge n (MOVE FORWARD)
chase v (MOVE FAST)
chop-chop exclamation
clock v (SPEED)
cool v (BECOME LESS)
crash adj
crawl v (MOVE)
crawl n (MOVEMENT)
crawler n (MOVING)
creep v
creeping adj
dally v
dart v
dawdle v
decelerate v
deliberately adv
downshift v (VEHICLE)
drift v
ease v (MOVE)
edge v
express adj (FAST)
fast adj (QUICK)
fast adv
firm adj (FIXED)
flash v (MOVE FAST)
fleet adj
flit v
float v (MOVE)
floating adj
forge v (MOVE)
free-flowing adj
freeze v (STOP MOVING)
gallop v
gallop n (SPEED)
galloping adj
gently adv

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

going n (SPEED)
gradual adj
gradually adv
gravitation n (MOVEMENT TOWARDS)
grounded adj (UNABLE TO MOVE)
ground speed n
gun v
hare v
haste n
headlong adv, adj
helter-skelter adv
hie v
high-speed adj
hotfoot adv
hurtle v
hustle v (PUSH)
immobile adj
immobilize v
immovable adj
inch v
inert adj (NOT MOVING)
infiltrate v
jam v (STICK)
jammed adj (STUCK)
labour v
laggard n
lickety-split adv
locomotion n
loiter v
lunge v
meteoric adj (VERY FAST)
mobile adj (MOVING)
mobility n (MOVING)
momentum n
motile adj
motion n (MOVEMENT)
motionless adj
motor v
movable adj
movement n (POSITION CHANGE)
nimble adj
nip v (GO QUICKLY)
nippy adj (QUICK)
nose v (VEHICLE)
nudge v
outrun v
pace n (SPEED)
pacy adj
passage n (MOVEMENT)
PDQ adv
pell-mell adv
pelt v (RUN)
poky adj (SLOW)
poky adj (FAST)
pootle v
pop v (MOVE)
posthaste adv
power v (STRENGTH)
precipitous adj
prompt adj
promptly adv

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

quick adj
quicken v
quick-fire adj
quickly adv
race v (HURRY)
rapid adj
rapid-fire adj
rate n (MEASURE)
retard v
retardation n
rock-solid adj
rolling adj (GRADUAL)
run v (GO QUICKLY)
run n (GO QUICKLY)
running n (GOING QUICKLY)
rush v (GO/DO QUICKLY)
scamper v
scoot v
scorch v (DRIVE FAST)
scrabble v
scramble v (MOVE QUICKLY)
scramble n (CLIMBING)
scud v
scurry v
scuttle v (RUN)
sedentary adj
shoot v (MOVE QUICKLY)
sidle v
skip v (MOVE)
skitter v
slack adj (NOT ACTIVE)
slack v
slacken v (LESS ACTIVE)
slip v (DO QUICKLY)
slow adj (NOT FAST)
slow v
slow adv
slow burn n (ACTIVITY)
slowcoach n
slowdown n
slowly adv
slowpoke n
sluggish adj
smartly adv (QUICK)
spanking adj
speed v
spin v (DRIVE)
spring v (MOVE QUICKLY)
sprint v
sprint n
spurt n (INCREASE)
stagnant adj (NOT FLOWING)
stampede v
standstill n
static adj
stationary adj
steadily adv (GRADUALLY)
steady adj (GRADUAL)
still adj
stock-still adv
stop v (FINISH)
straggle v
straggler n

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

streak v (MOVE FAST)

streak v (RUN NAKED)
streaker n
subsonic adj
supersonic adj
surge v
sweep v (MOVE)
swift adj
swoop v
tear v (HURRY)
tootle v
trail v (MOVE SLOWLY)
transfixed adj, at transfix v (UNABLE TO MOVE)
trip v (MOVE)
trot v (HURRY)
trot n (RUN)
trundle v
velocity n
wander v (WALK)
weave v (MOVE QUICKLY)
whisk v (REMOVE)
whizz v
whoosh n
whoosh v
whoosh exclamation
worm v (MOVE)
zap v (GO QUICKLY)
zip n (SPEED)
zip v (GO QUICKLY)
zippy adj
zoom v
cool off, at cool v (BECOME LESS)
immobilise, at immobilize v
labor, at labour v
moveable, at movable adj
pacey, at pacy adj
pokey, at poky adj (SLOW)
pokey, at poky adj (FAST)
slowpoke, at slowcoach n
whiz, at whizz v
bit by bit
make a bolt for somewhere
at a fast/good clip
the comings and goings
in/with the course of time
in dribs and drabs
gather speed, strength, momentum, etc.
hightail it
hotfoot it
before you can/could say Jack Robinson
leg it
at a fair, great, etc. lick
little by little
force the pace
at full pelt
be on the prowl
at rest
the speed of light/sound
struggle along, through, out, etc.
do a ton
at top speed
trickle in, out, back, etc.
wend your way
go like a bomb idiom
Rome wasn't built in a day idiom
by and by idiom

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

claw your way (somewhere) idiom

by degrees idiom
as fast as your legs would carry you idiom
go/send sth/sb flying idiom
put your foot down idiom
(at) full speed/tilt/pelt idiom
full steam ahead idiom
gently does it! idiom
glued to the spot idiom
make good time idiom
go great guns idiom
grind to a halt/standstill idiom
make haste idiom
haul ass idiom
have a heavy foot idiom
hell for leather idiom
hold still idiom
go/sell like hot cakes idiom
inch by inch idiom
like lightning idiom
a mile a minute idiom
not move a muscle idiom
in ones and twos idiom
pull up short idiom
at a rate of knots idiom
rooted to the spot idiom
before you can say Jack Robinson idiom
like a shot idiom
at a snail's pace idiom
from a standing start idiom
step on it idiom
like a streak of lightning idiom
as if it is going out of style idiom
take your time idiom
at full/half throttle idiom
at full tilt idiom
time stands still idiom
be treading water idiom
in the twinkling of an eye idiom
spread like wildfire idiom
floor it, at put your foot down idiom
easy does it!, at gently does it! idiom

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