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Luz Ximena Martinez Ortiz 4F MT

is the long-term increase in the average

temperature of the Earth's climate system. It is

a primary aspect of current climate change,

demonstrated by direct measurement of

temperature and various warming effects.

Increase in greenhouse


Burning of fossil fuels.

Deforestation of forests and


Excessive use of fertilizers.

High waste production.

The global average temperature could

increase up to 1.5 C between 2030 and

2052 if global warming continues to

advance at its current rate many cities

could disappear

Loss of animal and plant species,

productive fertile soils and

ecosystems. Decrease in

agricultural production and food

insecurity. Alteration of resources

if we recycle, we will help the planet

If we all pull the trash in its place, we'll all stop


If we stop using public transport, we'll stop

global warmin

if we save energy we will help the planet.

If we reduce and reuse, pollution will


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