BCG What Deep Tech Startups Want From Corporate Partners Apr 2017 - tcm9 150440

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What Deep-Tech Startups

Want from Corporate

By Nicolas Harlé, Philippe Soussan, and Arnaud de la Tour

This article is the first in a two-part series on Collaboration Between Corporates and
how big companies can collaborate with entre- Startups.1
preneurs and startups engaged in “deep tech-
nology”—developing technologies that ad-
vance scientific and technological frontiers in
industries as diverse as agriculture, health
A s Cisco’s John Chambers predicted
years ago, every company has become
a tech company. Affecting aspects of every
care, energy, and transportation—technologies industry—from the supply chains and
that in many cases address the biggest societal processes to customer journeys—digital
and environmental challenges and shape the technologies have revamped virtually every
way we solve the most pressing global issues. corporate function and activity. But some
This article looks at young companies’ needs companies do more than simply apply
with respect to other players in the startup eco- digital technologies to existing functions or
system, particularly large corporations. The innovative business models that reinvent
second, “A Framework for Deep-Tech Collab- customer experiences. These innovation
oration,” BCG article, April 2017, considers leaders seek to develop unique, proprietary,
ways that companies can go about setting and hard-to-reproduce technological or
up collaborations with deep-tech startups. scientific advances that have the power to
Both articles are based on research conducted create their own markets or disrupt existing
by BCG and Hello Tomorrow, a global initia- industries. Following the past decade of
tive that connects deep-tech entrepreneurs with digital innovation, these deep technologies,
corporations and investors. The research in- which will be at the center of the next wave
volved more than 400 deep-tech startups. BCG of industrial and information revolution,
and Hello Tomorrow also conducted in-depth represent the “next big thing” that venture
interviews with other key ecosystem players, investors are looking for.
including investors, support organizations, and
mentors. The full results are presented in the Because of their intense focus on science
report From Tech to Deep Tech: Fostering and technology, deep-tech startups face

For more on this topic, go to

their own particular set of challenges. An partnerships—but it is difficult to secure
innovation ecosystem has taken root and make them successful. While 95% of
around them, and within this ecosystem, startups wish to develop long-term corpo-
deep-tech companies see large corpora- rate partnerships, only 57% of them have
tions as the partners that can best help done so. There are many obstacles, includ-
their businesses mature and grow. ing the following:

At the same time, large corporations seek- •• Inadequate preparation on the part of
ing new sources of innovation are increas- the startup, including lack of a clear
ingly turning to new-venture vehicles, in- value proposition, application, and
cluding corporate venture capital, accel- proof of concept
erators and incubators, and idea labs. (See
Corporate Venturing Shifts Gears: How the •• Failure of both parties to clearly define
Largest Companies Apply a Broad Set of Tools the relationship right from the begin-
to Speed Innovation, BCG Focus, April 2016). ning, including agreeing on vision,
All these vehicles have soared in number business, knowledge, and HR objectives
among the biggest companies in multiple
industries, as these firms seek new partners •• Misalignment of timing and processes,
and skills that can bring more agility to their including complex and slow corporate
R&D operations, disrupt existing business decision making
models, provide access to adjacent markets,
and help them develop a more entrepre- •• Lack of a clear status and role for the
neurial internal mindset. Even though inno- startup within the larger company
vation built on deep tech is now a priority,
many companies still struggle to work effec- •• No high-level sponsorship for the
tively with startups, and the road to produc- startup within the corporation
tive collaboration is rocky.
•• Lack of buy-in from the business on the
BCG and Hello Tomorrow surveyed more corporate side
than 400 deep-tech startups, inquiring
about their needs and their preferred part- Large companies that want to bring deep-
ners. The tech ventures represent ten indus- tech startups into the fold need to consider
tries—aerospace, air quality and environ- carefully the particular needs of these
mental technology, beauty and well-being, young operations, particularly where the
data sciences, energy, food and agriculture, startups stand in their development and
health care, Industry 4.0, transportation what type of bets the bigger companies are
and mobility, and water and waste—in making. Both sides also need to work out
more than 50 countries. Our goal was to the fit and structure of the collaboration
understand deep-tech startups’ needs and and specify how the two entities will actu-
challenges and how they interact with other ally work together.
stakeholders in the ecosystem. In addition,
we conducted in-depth interviews with oth-
er key ecosystem players, including inves- What Makes Deep Tech
tors, support organizations, and mentors. Different?
Digital innovation is often about speed to
market and scaling up fast to seize
Deep-Tech Startups Seek first-mover advantage. Deep tech is differ-
Corporate Partners ent in several ways: it involves a strong re-
Our research revealed that startups have search base, a challenging business model,
plenty of choices when it comes to partners and large investment needs. Given their
but that they, like their preferred partners, ambition—and often their complexity—
struggle to make the relationships work. truly disruptive deep technologies can re-
Corporate partnerships offer lots of advan- quire considerable development time be-
tages—more than most other potential fore being brought to market.

The Boston Consulting Group • Hello Tomorrow 2

For deep-tech startups, a strong research ment, the payback periods are also typical-
capability is essential since their innova- ly further in the future because of the lon-
tions rely mostly on fundamental and ad- ger time to market. Funding is, therefore, a
vanced R&D supported by highly devel- big and time-consuming challenge.
oped skills, knowledge, and infrastructure.
New materials that demonstrate promising
properties in lab conditions need improve- It Takes an Ecosystem—and a
ments to meet industrial standards. Exter- Corporation Can Be a Pillar
nal factors—for example, clinical trials in For all of these reasons, deep-tech entre-
the health care industry—mean the need preneurs look to a broad ecosystem of or-
for additional resources and can extend the ganizations, institutions, and individuals
development process for years. for support. The most common top priority
is funding: 80% of the startups we surveyed
The business models are challenging be- rank it among their top three needs. But it
cause deep-tech startups are creating prod- is far from their only need. Startups look to
ucts that are absolutely new. Entrepreneurs the supporting ecosystem for help with
must think not only about the technologi- market access (61%), technical expertise
cal development of their product but also (39%), and business expertise and knowl-
about how to jump-start nascent or nonex- edge (26%). Startups are attracted to partic-
isting markets. This requires the ability to ular funders by the specific attributes that
anticipate and understand customer needs they bring to the table. (See Exhibit 1.)
that don’t yet exist, as well as a detailed Startups’ needs evolve as they and their
strategy that addresses the challenges of products move closer to market, and the at-
industrialization and scaling up production. tractiveness of various types of funding
On top of that, some groundbreaking prod- partners shifts as well.
ucts are based on advanced materials and
newly developed resources, so deep-tech Our survey found that overall, deep-tech
startups need sharply honed business skills startups target venture capital, business an-
to work through such challenges as pro- gels, corporations, and the public sector in
curement, manufacturing, and achieving roughly equal measure, with 15% to 25% of
scale. Furthermore, there is always the dan- respondents indicating a preference for
ger that incumbents, feeling the threat of each. (University grants are generally seen
disruption, will actively seek to slow down, as less desirable: they are preferred by only
or block, new technologies from entering 10% of startups.) A comparison of historical
the mainstream. funding sources and startups’ preferred
funding channels for the future reveals the
Because in many cases, expensive infra- evolution of the funding life cycle. It’s not
structure is required to support develop- surprising that friends and family most of-
ment and deep tech generally takes time to ten provide seed capital: 40% of our respon-
mature and reach the market, substantial dents benefited from such investments.
funding from understanding and patient And, on average, 30% of companies ac-
investors is essential. (More than 20% of cessed the public sector, but we found wide
the companies in our survey expect to discrepancies among countries and indus-
work three years or more before getting a tries. For second-stage funding, deep-tech
product to market, and 50% of startups un- startups turn toward so-called professional
derestimate the time that they will need.) sources—venture capital funds, business
Early experimentation and prototyping angels, and corporations—which, in addi-
generally require expensive equipment. tion to being able to provide larger sums of
Testing and scaling is much more costly cash, can also provide business intelligence,
when it involves purchasing hardware as professionalism, network access, and mar-
well as software, which is available and rel- ket credibility. Fear of misaligned vision
atively inexpensive from the cloud. Not and objectives is a concern, however. Some
only is deep-tech capital intensity higher 35% of startups that had not yet received
than that of conventional product develop- venture capital funding considered such

The Boston Consulting Group • Hello Tomorrow 3

Exhibit 1 | Startups Seek Different Partners for Different Needs

1. Funding 24 20 17 25

2. Market access 18 43

3. Technical knowledge and expertise 19 39 26

4. Business knowledge and expertise 25 24 19 25

5. Access to facilities 46 9 18 15

6. Talent acquisition 30 29 14

Incubator or accelerator University Corporation Other

Venture capital fund Public or social sector Business angel

Source: BCG–Hello Tomorrow deep-tech survey.

misalignment a critical roadblock. However, The Evolving Needs of Startups

only 20% of those that actually had venture Large companies looking to partner with
capital investors reported any friction. deep-tech startups need to segment these
up-and-comers according to their maturity
In addition to funding, startups’ preferenc- and market readiness. Sharpening their un-
es for each type of potential partner are derstanding of startups’ needs and expec-
shaped substantially by their assessments tations provides a user’s guide to what
of their other needs. As a result, corpora- startups are seeking from other partici-
tions are the preferred partners for compa- pants in the ecosystem. In Exhibit 3, the
nies looking to gain access to the market maturity axis is the level of development
through, for example, access to market and of the technology or product itself. The es-
customer data, an existing customer base, timation of maturity ranges from early
or a distribution network. Those that give stage (idea, proof of concept) to intermedi-
top priority to technical knowledge and tal- ate stage (prototype, minimally viable
ent acquisition look to universities. Venture product) to late stage (market-ready prod-
capital firms, corporations, and business uct). The market readiness axis indicates
angels are all seen as desirable for provid- whether a product or technology will easily
ing business expertise. And it’s no surprise find commercial application and custom-
that incubators and accelerators rank high ers. It takes into account customer needs
among startups seeking access to facilities and receptiveness, the regulatory environ-
such as offices, labs, and testing grounds. ment, and current innovations in the field.

When it comes to partner desirability, corpo- Applying this segmentation analysis to our
rations have a decided advantage over other sample reveals four categories of startup,
ecosystem participants. Corporations are the each with its own set of needs: potential
preferred partners for most potential needs: quick wins, demand bets, development
they are differentiated by their ability to pro- bets, and technology bets.
vide market access, technical knowledge,
and business expertise, and funding is the Potential Quick Wins. These are startups
icing on the cake. (See Exhibit 2.) that have a commercially ready product

The Boston Consulting Group • Hello Tomorrow 4

Exhibit 2 | Startups’ Perception of Their Needs and Preferred Partners

VENTURE OR PUBLIC OR Share of startups

Funding ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 80

access ✔ ✔ 61

expertise ✔ ✔ ✔ 39

expertise ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 26


✔ ✔ 23


Corporations are among the partners preferred for supporting the

✔ ✔ 22

full scope of needs. They are preferred primarily for market access
and technical knowledge; although funding is not the leading startup
expectation, companies include it in their offer

Startup considers
stakeholder a preferred
✔ Startup prefers the stakeholder’s
support to that of others
✔ Startup would like the
stakeholder’s support

Source: BCG–Hello Tomorrow deep-tech survey.

and a market that is prepared to adopt it. work (42% of startups in this group men-
The immediate challenge is to achieve tioned this as a challenge, compared with
scale (initiate large production volumes, for 16% overall) and market resistance to
example, or mount a major public-relations change (37% of them cited this as a chal-
and marketing campaign), and for this, lenge, compared with 20% overall). Other
they need fresh funding, market access, than funding, their most important re-
and talent. Among startups in this group, source needs are market access (a customer
40% consider venture capital funds the base and a distribution network) and
preferred channel (compared with 25% business knowledge, for which the pre-
overall) because venture capitalists tend to ferred partners are, respectively, corpora-
offer more generous levels of funding. To tions and venture capital funds.
develop the customer base and the distri-
bution network, many startups turn to Development Bets. These startups have
corporations, although only 25% of them identified a market opportunity and
expect to get funding out of these collabo- defined a value proposition, and they are
rations. One-quarter of them do expect to developing a technology to respond to the
get visibility, and 20% indicated that they opportunity. They have not yet created a
expected to gain credibility, business market-ready product. They are focused on
knowledge, or technical knowledge. gaining access to technical expertise (a
critical need for half of these startups,
Demand Bets. These are startups with a compared with 40% overall) and overcom-
product that is sufficiently mature to be ing technological uncertainty (which 25% of
launched but that still has no broad them describe as critical). To obtain the
commercial application. Their main expertise they need, they are willing to
challenge is to identify and create a market consider collaborations with companies
for their technologies. The two key road- and universities, but less than half have
blocks are the lack of a distribution net- actually established corporate partnerships

The Boston Consulting Group • Hello Tomorrow 5

Exhibit 3 | The Four Types of Deep-Tech Startups

3 1

High market
readiness POTENTIAL
45% 15%

4 2

Limited market
30% 10%

Early stage and intermediate stage Late stage

(1–7) (8–9)
(technology readiness level)
x% Share of startups

Source: BCG–Hello Tomorrow deep-tech survey.

(compared with 57% overall). Of the col-

laborations that the development bet
startups have established, 60% are research
F or large companies with big innova-
tion ambitions, picking the deep tech-
nologies to support depends on strategic
partnerships that share the costs and risks priorities and a strong market assessment.
of R&D and accelerate the product devel- Choosing the right partner, however, is
opment. much like a courtship, especially since the
relationship is likely to be a lengthy one. In
Technology Bets. These are startups that our experience, these arrangements tend to
have identified a promising (though not involve significant commitment from both
fully developed) technology that lacks a sides—not just in terms of money but also
market application. Their objective is to management time, organizational exper-
develop a viable product that fills a market tise, and resources. Understanding what
need. The two chief roadblocks that these your prospective partner is looking for, as
startups face are long development time (a well as how those needs align with your
major problem for 30%) and technological own ambitions and capabilities, raises the
uncertainty (noted by 25%). Because the chances for success.
attendant uncertainty makes funding risky,
their funding is generally from university
and public sources. Obtaining access to Note
corporate knowledge and support is 1. See From Tech to Deep Tech: Fostering Collaboration
Between Corporates and Startups, http://media
relatively difficult for technology bets
owing to the risk factors involved. Survey
participants from this group express
stronger needs for all resources, as they
need to turn a technology into a solution to
a problem, and they need to develop a
marketable product in order to reach the
potential-quick-win stage.

The Boston Consulting Group • Hello Tomorrow 6

About the Authors
Nicolas Harlé is a senior partner and managing director in the Paris office of The Boston Consulting
Group. You may contact him by email at

Philippe Soussan is a partner and managing director in the firm’s Paris office. You may contact him by
email at

Arnaud de la Tour is a cofounder and vice president of Hello Tomorrow. You may contact him by email at

The authors would like to thank Rodolphe Chevalier for his important contribution to this article.

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advi-
sor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all
regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep in­sight into the dynamics of companies and
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients
achieve sustainable compet­itive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results.
Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 85 offices in 48 countries. For more information, please

Hello Tomorrow is a global organization that gathers together a community of thousands of the world’s
brightest talents, who leverage science and deep technologies to create a better future. Hello Tomorrow
initiates and propels collaborations between the world’s most promising projects and leading entrepre-
neurs, executives, and investors to bring breakthrough technology to market. The annual Hello Tomorrow
Startup Challenge and Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, as well as numerous international events around
the world, provide a unique platform, connecting local deep-tech ecosystems with a global innovation net-

© The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2017.

All rights reserved.

The Boston Consulting Group • Hello Tomorrow 7

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