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Production Planning & Control

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How to assess investments in industry 4.0

technologies? A multiple-criteria framework for
economic, financial, and sociotechnical factors

Rodrigo Pessotto Almeida, Néstor Fabián Ayala, Guilherme Brittes Benitez,

Francisco José Kliemann Neto & Alejandro Germán Frank

To cite this article: Rodrigo Pessotto Almeida, Néstor Fabián Ayala, Guilherme Brittes Benitez,
Francisco José Kliemann Neto & Alejandro Germán Frank (2022): How to assess investments in
industry 4.0 technologies? A multiple-criteria framework for economic, financial, and sociotechnical
factors, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2022.2035445

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Published online: 14 Feb 2022.

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How to assess investments in industry 4.0 technologies? A multiple-criteria

framework for economic, financial, and sociotechnical factors
Rodrigo Pessotto Almeidaa , Nestor Fabian Ayalab , Guilherme Brittes Beniteza ,
Francisco Jos
e Kliemann Netoa and Alejandro German Frankb
Production Economics Center (NECOP), Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil;
Organizational Engineering Group (NEO), Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil


Companies that want to adopt Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies may face difficulties evaluating the Received 14 October 2020
return on I4.0 investments. The complexity of implementing such technologies and uncertainties Accepted 17 January 2022
regarding the technological requirements, benefits, and organizational impacts make investment deci-
sions challenging in this context. We propose an investment appraisal framework for I4.0 technologies
Industry 4.0; investment
adoption based on a multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach. Using the Innovation assessment; sociotechnical;
Diffusion and Sociotechnical theories, we build a framework with three main stages (knowledge, per- economic; financial
suasion, and decision) to guide practitioners through an analysis of I4.0 investments from three differ-
ent perspectives: Economic, Financial, and Sociotechnical factors. We provide conceptual criteria for
investment appraisal and a methodological approach to combine quantitative and qualitative data for
the comparative assessment. We show an empirical application of this framework to assess ten I4.0
technology projects proposed in a multinational company. The application helps to illustrate the use
of this tool. It brings new practical insights into how to organize I4.0 investment projects into the fol-
lowing categories: strategic or structuring, value-creating, and side investments. We also show the
need to include several qualitative requirements and benefits in the technology evaluation to obtain a
more robust view of Industry 4.0 investment priorities.

1. Introduction aspects (Frank, Dalenogare, and Ayala 2019) since I4.0 is a

sociotechnical concept in which technological, social, and
The digital transformation leveraged by advanced technolo-
environmental aspects strongly interact (Sony and Naik 2020;
gies has established a new industrial stage, the so-called
Beier et al. 2020).
fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) (Schuh et al.
Nevertheless, while scholars have focussed on investigat-
2020; Klingenberg, Borges, and Antunes 2019). This techno- ing adoption levels in manufacturing firms (e.g. Frank,
logical diffusion in manufacturing industries promotes an Dalenogare, and Ayala 2019; Veile et al. 2019), building
environment where data, people, industrial assets, resources, maturity models for I4.0 implementation (e.g. Lu and Weng
processes, services, and systems are all connected 2018; Schuh et al. 2020; Wagire et al. 2021), exploring the
(Ghobakhloo 2019). Adopting I4.0 technologies can provide expected benefits from I4.0 technologies (e.g. Dalenogare
extensive manufacturing industry-spanning benefits, such as et al. 2018; Ghobakhloo 2019) and even testing for its posi-
increasing efficiency, productivity, quality, and flexibility tive effect on firm profitability (e.g. Lin, Wu, and Song 2019;
(Bednar and Welch 2020; Veile et al. 2019). Veile et al. 2019), there is a lack of studies addressing the
Its increasing diffusion and promise of considerable bene- evaluation of investments in this context (Oesterreich and
fits (Dalenogare et al. 2018) have led a growing number of Teuteberg 2016; Beier et al. 2020). Extant studies proposing
manufacturing firms to deal with the challenge of making assessment tools for investments in advanced manufacturing
investment decisions within the I4.0 context (Cheng et al. technologies (e.g. Tan et al. 2006; Evans, Lohse, and
2018). Due to the complex nature of I4.0 technologies Summers 2013; Bai and Sarkis 2017) or I4.0 technologies (e.g.
(Benitez, Ayala, and Frank 2020), many firms face difficulties Kamble et al. 2020; Dreyer et al. 2020) have limitations such
in assessing the real benefits of adopting these technologies as being restricted to traditional economic and operational
(Beier et al. 2020). Investments in I4.0 technologies are asso- dimensions, disregarding the integration required between
ciated with risks, and thus require a multi–perspective I4.0 technologies and existing systems, as well as the impact
approach to assess the potential gains from its adoption of these technologies on people and organizational aspects.
(Bednar and Welch 2020). Additionally, decisions on I4.0 Moreover, the literature (Bai et al. 2020; Benitez, Ayala, and
technologies adoption must not be reduced to only technical Frank 2020) frequently points out the difficulty of measuring

CONTACT Nestor Fabian Ayala Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
90035-190, Brazil
ß 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

return on investments (ROI) and Payback when assessing technique. Additionally, Sambasivarao and Deshmukh (1997)
Industry 4.0 projects, not providing a clear starting point for presented a decision support system integrating multi-
managers in the decision-making process for I4.0 technology attribute analysis, economic analysis, and risk evaluation ana-
adoption. Therefore, this literature gap opens an avenue for lysis. Likewise, Tan et al. (2006) presented a decision support
studies aiming to guide investment appraisal in the I4.0 con- system integrating case-based reasoning and a fuzzy neural
text, leading us to the following research question: how to network technique. Additionally, Evans, Lohse, and Summers
appraise investments in Industry 4.0 technologies in manufac- (2013) used an experience-based approach to propose a
turing firms? fuzzy decision tree to justify investments in manufacturing
As stated, the answer to this question should consider the technologies. Kakati (1997), in turn, presented a method
multidisciplinary complexity of implementing I4.0 technolo- integrating key external competitive factors as an alternative
gies (Sony and Naik 2019) and the fact that manufacturing to the assessment methodologies that underestimate the
goals achieved by adopting these technologies lie in the benefits obtained from the adoption of new technologies.
intersection between people, technologies, and innovation Seeking to make investment decisions in AMT more environ-
(Marcon et al. 2021; Kamble et al. 2020). Thus, in this study,
mentally conscious, Bai and Sarkis (2017) developed a hybrid
we combine two theoretical lenses, the Innovation Diffusion
multiple-criteria decision model, integrating neighbourhood
Theory (IDT) and the Sociotechnical Theory (STS), to propose
rough set theory and cumulative prospect theory based on
an investment-oriented decision-making framework for
a three-parameter interval grey number.
Industry 4.0 technologies adoption. From the Innovation
However, although the literature is extensive, there are
Diffusion Theory perspective, our framework is guided by the
still reports of failures and difficulties in assessing and adopt-
first three stages of the innovation-decision process model
ing advanced technologies (Cheng et al. 2018), which indi-
proposed by Rogers (2003): (i) knowledge, (ii) persuasion,
and (iii) decision. These are the stages until the firm decides cates that this remains an open question for researchers and
whether to adopt or reject an innovation (Rogers 2003). practitioners (Bai and Sarkis 2017). This issue has recently
Then, based on the Sociotechnical Theory (Marcon et al. become more pressing for manufacturing companies with
2021), we propose a sociotechnical dimension to comple- the accelerated introduction of new emerging technologies
ment the traditional financial and economic perspectives, (Cheng et al. 2018), enabling Industry 4.0 (Pacchini et al.
leading to a mathematical function combining them into an 2019; Schuh et al. 2020). Recent studies (Tabim, Ayala, and
overall investment integrative index. This integrative index Frank 2021; Agostini and Nosella 2019; Bai et al. 2020;
represents the expected return on investment, which can pri- Felsberger et al. 2020) have identified a gap and need to
oritize and support the decision to adopt or reject potential develop more complete models to support the assessment
I4.0 technology investments. Next, we test the proposed of investments in I4.0 technologies. Answering to this call,
framework in a manufacturing firm with wide experience in Kamble et al. (2020) identify performance indicators and
I4.0 technologies adoption. As a result, we found that introduce a performance measurement system to assess I4.0
although the economic and financial dimensions predomin- technology projects, while Dreyer et al. (2020) propose a
ate in investment decisions, including the sociotechnical per- multi-dimensional decision model to integrate classic per-
spective can change the investment decision. Our case study formance evaluation criteria with specific Industry 4.0 criteria.
revealed that combining the three perspectives in an overall Moreover, Tabim, Ayala, and Frank (2021) developed a deci-
index is opportune when managers want to evaluate non- sion process for the assessment of vertical integration adop-
financial and non-economic aspects for technology adoption. tion in the Industry 4.0 context.
However, extant models from both AMT and Industry 4.0
streams have some limitations. First, most models do not
2. Theoretical background
consider the premise that I4.0 technological solutions will
2.1. Current research on industry 4.0 have to be integrated with existing production systems
investment assessment (Felsberger et al. 2020; Cheng et al. 2018). This integration
requires an approach that will help to assess and optimize
Before the concept of Industry 4.0 appeared, the adoption of
technologies for manufacturing systems had been discussed the complex relationship between I4.0 technologies (Tabim,
within the Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) litera- Ayala, and Frank 2021; Davis et al. 2014; Bednar and Welch
ture (Sambasivarao and Deshmukh 1997; O’Brien and Smith 2020). Second, extant models mostly neglect sociotechnical
1993). Given the relevance of these technologies for the com- criteria such as people, organizational structure, and environ-
petitiveness of companies (Cheng et al. 2018), the issue of ment context where the I4.0 technology will be implemented
selection and justification of investments in AMTs has been (Marcon et al. 2021). However, I4.0 solutions are generally
widely addressed by researchers along time (Ordoobadi 2012; complex (Frank, Dalenogare, and Ayala 2019), and their
Zhou et al. 2009; Kakati 1997; Bai and Sarkis 2017; Tan et al. impact is not limited to the technical aspects. Thus, human
2006; Sambasivarao and Deshmukh 1997). First, Meridith and and organizational factors are very relevant for a successful
Surksh (1986) proposed classifying the range of techniques to implementation of these technologies in manufacturing sys-
assess technology investments from economic, analytic, and tems (Dornelles et al. 2021; Tabim, Ayala, and Frank 2021;
strategic perspectives. Besides, the authors indicate the condi- Dalenogare et al. 2018). Therefore, we propose a new mul-
tions under which it is most appropriate to employ each tiple-criteria framework that considers economic, financial,

and sociotechnical factors in assessing I4.0 technology adop- In the third stage, named decision, the firm decides if it will
tion projects. adopt or reject the innovative technology. Recently, Tabim,
Ayala, and Frank (2021) proposed to use this model with its
three stages in the Industry 4.0 context to support the adop-
2.2. Industry 4.0 technologies and the innovation- tion of information systems aiming at vertical integration.
decision process Although this study is one of the first in the Industry 4.0
Within the context of the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), domain that follows such an approach, the authors considered
innovation can be defined as an idea, practice, or object per- only the organizational factors in the innovation-decision pro-
ceived as new by an organization, such as new technologies cess involved and not the investment appraisal activities neces-
or new uses thereof (Rogers 2003). In this sense, I4.0 can be sary for the final adoption.
understood as a set of emerging innovative and digital tech-
nologies that provide new value for customers and organiza-
2.3. Sociotechnical theory for the appraisal of industry
tions (Pacchini et al. 2019), creating solutions with the
4.0 technologies investment
potential to transform processes, products, and services
(Ghobakhloo 2018). Such innovation is supported by the Companies often base investment decisions on financial or
integration of established technologies such as sensors and economic criteria using techniques vastly explored in eco-
wireless networks with emerging ones, such as the Industrial nomic literature, such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal
Internet of Things (IIoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3 D print- Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback period (Bai and Sarkis
ing, and big data analytics (Lu and Weng 2018; Klingenberg, 2017). However, these techniques ignore the impacts on
Borges, and Antunes 2019). sociotechnical aspects present in the I4.0 context, which may
Since the concept was coined in 2011, the implementa- jeopardize a manufacturing firm’s investment returns (Cheng
tion of the I4.0 technologies has gained high relevance et al. 2018).
(Meindl et al. 2021). However, practitioners have struggled to The interrelationship between humans, technological ele-
decide on which from the many possible applications of I4.0 ments, and the work environment in manufacturing systems
technologies is the more adequate for them (Dalenogare can be described as sociotechnical systems. According to
et al. 2018; Dalenogare et al. 2019; Frank, Dalenogare, and Cherns (1976), Sociotechnical Theory is often used to
Ayala 2019), pointing to the technology adoption decision describe the complex interplay between social and techno-
process as one of the main challenges for manufacturing logical aspects and the organizational and external environ-
firms (Tabim, Ayala, and Frank 2021; Felsberger et al. 2020; ments. Industry 4.0 solutions tend to be particularly complex
Bai et al. 2020; Dreyer et al. 2020). To address this challenge, systems as they integrate technologies such as IoT, Cloud,
we adopt the innovation-decision process model proposed Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence with their surroundings
by Rogers (2003) and derived from the IDT. Rogers’ IDT is (Benitez et al. 2022; Benitez, Ayala, and Frank 2020), having
well fit for the analysis of technology adoption decisions, as implications and being impacted by economic, social, tech-
observed in several articles from the operations management nical, organizational, and environmental aspects (Masood
field (e.g. Simo~es, Soares, and Barros 2020; Wei, Lowry, and and Egger 2019; Lu and Weng 2018; Enrique et al. 2018). As
Seedorf 2015), especially those related to information tech- Bednar and Welch (2020) and Sony and Naik (2020) stated,
nology (e.g. Bose and Luo 2011; Alshamaila, Papagiannidis, sociotechnical systems approaches are the best way to evalu-
and Li 2013). More specifically, the innovation-decision pro- ate the potential benefits of I4.0 technologies in organiza-
cess model has been employed by many scholars to shed tions. This was also recently demonstrated by Marcon et al.
light on technology adoption – e.g. green information tech- (2021) through empirical evidence in 241 companies since
nologies (Bose and Luo 2011), smart home technology (SHT) those concerned with sociotechnical factors during the
(Sanguinetti, Karlin, and Ford 2018), and customer relation- Industry 4.0 journey achieved higher maturity levels in
ship management (CRM) technology (Nguyen and Waring adopting Industry 4.0 technologies. Furthermore, Tabim,
2013) – because it offers a clear guide through the main Ayala, and Frank (2021) considered technology, organiza-
stages that should be observed to decide about innovative tional, and environmental factors during the selection of
technologies. information systems for Industry 4.0, showing the potential
The innovation-decision process model comprises five tensions among these factors that need to be evaluated. In
stages. The first three refer to evaluating the adoption or rejec- this sense, a sociotechnical lens allows us to look at I4.0
tion decision, and the last two refer to post-implementation technologies implementation not merely as new equipment
analysis. Thus, our study focuses only on the first three stages that people must be trained to use, but in all its complexity.
– pertaining to investment appraisal – since, to go to the It can also guide the adoption and optimized implementa-
fourth stage, firms need to have effectively made the imple- tion of I4.0 technologies to meet an organization’s techno-
mentation investments. The first stage, named knowledge, cov- logical needs (Sony and Naik 2019; Lu and Weng 2018).
ers the knowledge that firms should have about the desired From this perspective, it is possible to note that I4.0
technology to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of its investment decisions need to simultaneously evaluate
adoption. In the second stage, named persuasion, the organiza- aspects such as people training, acceptance of employees,
tion takes a favourable or unfavourable attitude (about information security, standardization of industrial protocols,
whether or not to invest) towards the evaluated technology. and norms and regulations (Kagermann, Wahlster, and

Helbig 2013; Oesterreich and Teuteberg 2016). Aspects like Sociotechnical Theory (STS) was adopted to assess the
the extensibility of functionalities related to product or man- impact of I4.0 technologies adoption in manufacturing sys-
ufacturing processes by introducing technological solutions tems. As shown in Figure 1, our proposed framework is
should also be evaluated (Agostini and Nosella 2019). based on the first three stages of the innovation-decision
Besides, investments in technologies can bring other benefits process proposed by Rogers (2003): (i) knowledge, (ii) persua-
that are harder to be measured. For example, the interoper- sion, and (iii) decision. In the first stage (i), the organization’s
ability and connectivity of machines result in interdepend- strategic objectives and prior conditions are evaluated in
ence in factories and manufacturing processes, increasing terms of technological innovation. With the understanding of
the complexity of assessing the benefits and impacts of these aspects, potential technology investments are devel-
these changes in production systems (Dreyer et al. 2020). oped. In the second stage (ii), the framework assesses the
These aspects reveal a difficulty in determining the profitabil- feasibility and consequences of adopting I4.0 technologies
ity of an investment in the I4.0 context. from the Sociotechnical, Economic and Financial perspec-
Thus, the uncertainty and complexity of investments in tives. In the third stage (iii), the final decision is supported
I4.0 technologies is a current problem faced by many manu- by determining an integrative index, combining the three
facturing firms and constantly highlighted by scholars (e.g. perspectives under analysis, which expresses the potential
Benitez, Ayala, and Frank 2020; Bosman, Hartman, and ROI of the potential technology investment. These stages
Sutherland 2019). A recurring challenge for these firms is cover information search and processing activities for the
assessing the ROI from technologies in the early stages to organizations to reduce uncertainties about the advantages
assist decision-making (Bosman, Hartman, and Sutherland and disadvantages of implementing new I4.0 technology.
2019; Cheng et al. 2018). In this sense, it is necessary to The next subsections detail all aspects that must be eval-
adopt methods that jointly approach sociotechnical (Marcon uated in each of the three stages in our framework
et al. 2021; Beier et al. 2020), economic and financial aspects (Figure 1).
(Frank et al. 2013), as proposed in the next section.

3.1. Knowledge
3. Proposed framework
The knowledge stage refers to the period when a firm is pre-
The proposed framework to support investment decisions in disposed to study a certain technological innovation, devel-
I4.0 technologies was developed combining two theoretical oping a certain level of understanding about this technology
lenses: while the innovation-decision process model from IDT (Rogers 2003). Thus, at this stage, the framework addresses
was used to structure the framework stages, the aspects related to developing suitable project investments in

Figure 1. I4.0 technologies investment analysis framework.


I4.0 technologies aligned with the firm’s strategy, maturity, section 2, this study employs a sociotechnical approach to
and potential to bring more competitiveness to its manufac- assess the qualitative aspects of adopting I4.0 technologies.
turing system. The stage is divided into two steps: (i) analysis Thus, each potential technology investment is measured
of strategic objectives; and (ii) analysis of prior conditions based on three indicators that form an integrative index.
and definition of potential technology investments. This index provides a multicriteria assessment combining the
sociotechnical (Beier et al. 2020), economic, and financial per-
spectives (Frank et al. 2013). In the next subsections, these
3.1.1. Analysis of strategic objectives
perspectives are presented.
Before adopting any technology, firms seeking to start their
journey towards Industry 4.0 need to determine their stra-
tegic objectives (Stentoft et al. 2020; Dalenogare et al. 2018). 3.2.1. Sociotechnical dimension
Therefore, this step presupposes the existence of a stra- Success in adopting new advanced technologies requires a
tegical alignment with technology implementation. In other sociotechnical approach (Marcon et al. 2021; Gillani et al.
words, that the firm has defined a strategic roadmap towards 2020; Beier et al. 2020), which involves four dimensions:
Industry 4.0 (Lu and Weng 2018; Ghobakhloo 2018). In this Social, Technology, Organization, and Environment (Hendrick
step, the firm also evaluates its current technological devel- and Kleiner 2001). These four dimensions were previously
opment stage and final goal (Schuh et al. 2020). Thereby, the adopted by Marcon et al. (2021) in the Industry 4.0 context.
firm can prioritize I4.0 technologies for implementation The study demonstrated that they all have a significant con-
(Frank, Dalenogare, and Ayala 2019). Finally, after selecting tribution to achieving a higher adoption level of Industry 4.0
the technologies aligned with its strategies, the firm can technologies. The Social dimension explores the relationship
address the fulfilment of the conditions required to success- between people and technologies, addressing the transfor-
fully adopt the selected I4.0 technologies (Pacchini mations caused by technologies and people’s role in the
et al. 2019). technology adoption (Kadir, Broberg, and Souza 2019;
Dalenogare et al. 2018). The technology dimension explores
3.1.2. Analysis of prior conditions and definition of poten- the specific characteristics of the technology under analysis,
tial technology investments addressing aspects that influence adoption, such as, for
This step addresses aspects related to the degree of organ- instance, complexity, compatibility, and interoperability with
izational readiness for the adoption of I4.0 technologies. For existing systems (Masood and Egger 2019). The organization
this step, it is necessary to collect the main technical and dimension addresses the characteristics and conditions pro-
operational information on the solution from the potential vided by the organizational context in terms of resources,
providers. Technical information should provide all the pre- organizational processes, and structure that can influen-
requisites and details about the technology’s modus oper- ce the technology adoption (Masood and Egger 2019).
andi (Pacchini et al. 2019). According to Rogers (2003), these Finally, the environment dimension expands the analysis to
requirements are called prior conditions, which lead the assess the influence of the external environment, including,
organization to evaluate the prerequisites for adopting a for example, government, regulations, and the market (Yeh
technology. As observed by Pacchini et al. (2019), Industry and Chen 2018; Masood and Egger 2019).
4.0 technologies are interrelated, and some of them may To select the factors that should be addressed in each
need previous technologies as a prerequisite for considering sociotechnical dimension of the framework, we first per-
their implementation. For instance, a company should not formed a systematic literature review (SLR) following the
analyse investments in implementing big data without a pre- PRISMA method (Moher et al. 2015). Details about this pro-
vious implementation of an infrastructure for digital systems cedure are provided in Appendix A. After SLR procedures, 32
(Pacchini et al. 2019). articles were studied individually to compile an initial list of
Nevertheless, if the company is not ready to implement 15 sociotechnical factors related to advanced technology
the desired technology, that does not mean it should give implementation. Then, the factors were submitted to the
up on it. It only means that the first the prerequisite technol- evaluation of five academic experts and four industry experts
ogy should be assessed and implemented, and only then the in two separated workshop sessions (details about the
subsequent technology be assessed, or still that both interre- experts are provided in Appendix B). During these work-
lated technologies should be jointly assessed. Upon this ana- shops, the experts qualitatively discussed the factors. Three
lysis, it will be possible to define the potential technology factors were excluded because they were not completely
investment, which may involve a single technology or a set suitable for the I4.0 context or because they measured simi-
of technologies in a solution customized to the firm’s needs lar sociotechnical aspects. Besides, some factors were
(Klingenberg, Borges, and Antunes 2019). rephrased for clarification and to better fit the I4.0 context.
Thus, a final list of 12 factors was submitted to a second
round of evaluation by the nine experts, this time individu-
3.2. Persuasion
ally, with all of them approving the list without modifica-
The persuasion stage is when the organization forms a tions. Table 1 presents the final list composed of 12 factors
favourable or unfavourable attitude towards adopting the deemed suitable for assessing the sociotechnical perspective
new technology (Rogers 2003). In this sense, as justified in and the articles where they are cited.

Table 1. Sociotechnical dimensions and criteria.


(Davies, (Horvath Gunawan, (Kamble, (Kumar, (Masood (M€uller, (Sony
(Contador Coole, and (Ghobakhloo (Herceg and and Gunasekaran, (Kiel Singh, and and (Moktadir Kiel, and (Raj and (Stentoft (Veile (Wagire (Yeh and
et al. Smith and (Ghobakhloo et al. Szabo Reaiche and et al. Chandel Egger et al. Voigt et al. Naik et al. et al. et al. Chen
Criteria Description 2020) 2017) Ching 2019) 2019) 2020) 2019) 2020) Sharma 2018) 2017) 2018) 2019) 2018) 2018) 2020) 2019) 2020) 2019) 2021) 2018)
Technology Technological The firm’s ability to X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
maturity (T1) intentionally leverage
technologies, channels,

and digital skills to

support the transformation
of its processes and the
business as a whole.
Technological Level of complexity for the X X x
complexity implementation and use
(T2) of the proposed
I4.0 technology.
Technological The degree to which the X X X X X X X X X
compatibility proposed I4.0 technology
(T3) is consistent with the
firm’s existing
Organization Production The level of readiness of the X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
system manufacturing system for
readiness the implementation of the
(O1) proposed I4.0 technology.
Organizational The degree to which the X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
structure (O2) firm’s current structure
supports the
implementation and use
of the proposed
I4.0 technology.
Organizational The degree to which the X X X X X X X X X X X X X
processes organization’s processes
(O3) and procedures support
the proposed
I4.0 technology.
Environment Competitive The degree to which the X X X X X X X X X X X
pressure (E1) firm’s competitive
demands are addressed by
the technology features
Regulatory The degree to which the X X X
compliance proposed I4.0 technology
(E2) is aligned with
regulatory compliance.
Supplier The level of accessibility and X X X X X X X X
conditions training of suppliers of the
(E3) proposed I4.0 technology.
Social Working The degree to which the X X X X X X X X X
conditions proposed I4.0 technology
(S1) supports employees’
working conditions.
People’s The degree of the proposed X X X X X X X X X X X X X
acceptance I4.0 technology potential
of new acceptability (usability).
Workforce skills The degree to which the X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
and proposed I4.0 technology
competences is aligned with employees’
(S3) skills and competences.

As observed in Table 1, the sociotechnical factors have a 3.2.2. Economic and financial dimensions
fundamental characteristic, i.e. they measure the degree of Although some studies address the financial and economic
readiness of the firm to adopt the analysed technology. As dimensions as a single dimension (e.g. Chan et al. 2001;
demonstrated by Gillani et al. (2020), sociotechnical aspects Sambasivarao and Deshmukh 1997), in this study, we follow
are antecedents that impact the firm’s implementation of others that present these dimensions as complementary (e.g.
digital manufacturing technologies. By consequence of cor- Kessler 2013; Copeland, Weston, and Shastri 2004; Lefley
rect technology implementation, the firm obtains better per- 1996). According to this view, while economic evaluation is a
formance indicators that financial and economic results can comparative analysis to determine what to invest in, based
measure. Moreover, as Sony and Naik (2020) suggested, for on profitability, financial evaluation addresses the needs and
the successful and sustainable implementation of Industry availability of resources to carry out the investment (Kessler
4.0, the joint optimization of technical, organizational, social, 2013; Copeland, Weston, and Shastri 2004; Lefley 1996). In
and environmental factors is desired. other words, economic evaluation is based on the opportun-
Thus, to measure the expected impact of sociotechnical ity costs, whereas financial evaluation is based on explicit
factors on potential technology investments, this study uses costs paid by enterprises (Atkinson et al. 2012; Mankiw and
an integer scale from 1 to 5. Thus, desirable (DCi) and Taylor 2006). For the economic dimension, we use the Net
undesirable (UCi) expected consequences for criterion i are Present Value (NPV) method to assess the potential technol-
ogy investments (Frank et al. 2013). NPV assesses the differ-
judged by experts and receive a score in this scale according
ence between the present cash-flow value for t periods of
to their impact. For cases where impacts are nonexistent or
the project (FCt) by comparing revenues and expenses along
low, the criteria receive a score of 1 or 2, respectively. On
the t periods and the initial investment required (FC0),
the other hand, the assigned score must be 4 or 5, respect-
according to Equation 4 (Copeland, Weston, and Shastri
ively, if the impacts are judged high or very high. Equations
2004). The assessment of these differences requires an inter-
1 and 2 are used to determine the total desirable conse-
est rate, known as the Minimum Attractive Rate of Return
quences (DC’) and total undesirable consequences (UC’),
(MARR), provided by the firm, representing the investors’
respectively. The index j refers to the sociotechnical dimen-
expectations (Sambasivarao and Deshmukh 1997). In this
sions. Thus, j ¼ 1 (Technology), 2 (Organisation), 3 sense, an NPV greater than zero indicates that the project
(Environmental), or 4 (Social). The index i refers to the criteria investment is feasible because it exceeds investors’ expecta-
within each dimension j and i ¼ 1, 2, or 3. Likewise, wsi is the tions (Copeland, Weston, and Shastri 2004).
weight of criterion i within the sociotechnical dimension j.
On the other hand, Yj is the weight of each sociotechnical NPV ¼ þ FC0 (4)
dimension j to determine the value of the Sociotechnical t¼1 ð1 þ MARRÞt
impact (STSi). To determine the weight of importance for NPV provides a quantitative assessment based on cash
each dimension and criterion, pairwise comparisons should flow that should estimate revenues (desirable) and expenses
be performed following the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (undesirable) (Sambasivarao and Deshmukh 1997). Thus, the
(Saaty 2004). revenues considered in the cash flow must represent the
¼ 4 X
i¼3 effects provided by the project investment in manufacturing

DC ¼ Yj  wsi  DCi (1) systems, such as, for example, productivity, cost, quality,
j ¼ 1 i¼1 delivery, and flexibility (Cheng et al. 2018). On the other
¼ 4 X
i¼3 hand, expenses must represent all costs related to the acqui-

UC ¼ Yj  wsi  UCi (2) sition, implementation, operation, and maintenance of the
j ¼ 1 i¼1
technological solution (Oesterreich and Teuteberg 2016). For
To determine STSi, which represents the ratio between instance, the cost for employee training (Veile et al. 2019)
the total desirable and undesirable consequences, this study and the usage cost of new technology (Yeh and Chen 2018)
adopts an adaptation of the analysis used by Zhu, Shah, and are examples of implementation and operation costs,
Sarkis (2018). The authors calculate the ratio of benefit and respectively, which require assessing consequences (desirable
opportunity for cost and risk valuations. Thus, the STSi value and undesirable) to be expressed in monetary units. As
is calculated from Equation 3. stated in section 3.2, in this study such information was
obtained from previous initiatives and PoCs from this and
STSi ¼ (3) other units abroad, as well as from detailed quotes from
technology suppliers.
This analytical perspective allows for the consideration of For the financial dimension, we adopt the Payback
non-monetary aspects, normally difficult to be expressed in a method to assess the potential technology investments.
monetary unit, in the decision-making process, from a socio- While NPV evaluates profitability, payback is a method that
technical perspective. However, as valuation in monetary calculates the return per year from project start until the
terms is an approach traditionally used by organizations, this accumulated returns are equal to the cost of the investment
study also includes the economic and financial perspectives (Lefley 1996). This analysis provides the time to recover the
(Frank et al. 2013), which are discussed in the follow- investment cost, considering the MARR defined by investors
ing subsection. (Copeland, Weston, and Shastri 2004). Payback is equivalent

to the number of t periods necessary to make NPV zero Equation 8, where rECOi is the result of the NPV for potential
(Frank et al. 2013). Then, payback is calculated using NPV ¼ technology investment i transformed into a scale from 0 to
0 in Equation 4. The time taken to achieve the payback is 1.
defined as the payback period (PBP) (Lefley 1996). L þ NPVi  cNPV
rECOi ¼ 1  e NPV (8)

3.3. Decision The parameter LNPV represents the maximum monetary

value for the NPV, defined by the firm’s experts. The varia-
The Decision stage is the last in the process of I4.0 technolo- bles cNPV and hNPV are parameters for the S-curve, deter-
gies investment appraisal. At this stage, the firm engages in mined by Equations 9 and 10, respectively. The values of
activities that either adopt or reject the new technology NPVmax, the upper projection for the NPV, and NPVmin, the
(Rogers 2003). In this way, the decision to adopt or reject a lower projection for the NPV, are defined based on the opin-
potential technology investment will be guided by perform- ion of the experts involved in the economic evaluation.
ance in the sociotechnical, economic, and financial dimen-  
ln ð10:9Þ
sions. However, although the three are important, they are ln ln ð10:1Þ
cNPV ¼   (9)
different. Thus, this stage proposes creating an index that ln LLNPV þ NPVmax
NPV þ NPVmin
integrates these three perspectives to assess potential tech-
nology investments (Frank et al. 2013). To that end, the indi- LNPV þ NPVmax
hNPV ¼ 1= (10)
vidual values of the three evaluated dimensions need to be ðln ð1 0:9ÞÞ cNPV

standardized to the same scale to determine an integrative

Finally, the Paybacki result represents the financial per-
investment index that will guide the decision on whether to
spective, expressing the time required to recover the invest-
adopt or reject a potential technology investment.
ment cost in a unit of time, usually years. Thus, it is
necessary to transform the payback into a scale with an
3.3.1. Performance indexes standardization interval from 0 to 1, so that it can be used in the calculation
This step aims to adjust the potential technology investment of the integrative index, according to Equation 11, where
performance indicators, STSi, NPVi, and Paybacki, on a stand- rFINi is the payback value of potential technology investment
ardized scale. The STSi index, obtained from Equation 3, rep- i normalized.
resents the ratio between the desirable and undesirable  cPay
LPay þPaybacki
consequences of the potential technology investment, rFINi ¼ e (11)
judged based on sociotechnical criteria. In this sense, STSi
must be adjusted to a scale with a range from 0 to 1 to be The LPay parameter is equal to 0 since the best payback is
used as an input for calculating the integrative index. This the immediate return on invested capital (Frank et al. 2013).
adjustment can be performed by developing an S-curve The parameters cPay and hPay are determined by Equations
bounded by upper and lower levels (Frank et al. 2013), 12 and 13, respectively. While Paybackmax represents the
according to Equation 5, where rSTSi is the result of the STS worst scenario, Paybackmin represents the best scenario, that
for project investment i transformed into a scale from 0 to 1. is, the shortest time to recover the invested capital.
The parameter LSTS represents the maximum value for the ln ð0:1Þ
ln ln ð0:9Þ
STSi, defined by the firm’s experts. cPay ¼   (12)
L þ STSi  cSTS ln Payback
 STSh min
rSTSi ¼ 1  e STS (5)
hPay ¼ (13)
The parameters cSTS and hSTS determine the shape and ð ln ð0:9ÞÞ

amplitude of the S-curve, represented by Equations 6 and 7,

respectively. The values of STSmax, the upper projection for The transformation of the indicators that represent the
the STS, and STSmin, the lower projection for the STS, are three perspectives allows the firm to proceed to the stage
defined based on the opinions of the experts involved in the where these indicators are integrated into an overall index
sociotechnical assessment. to support the investment decision-making process, devel-
  oped as follows.
ln lnln ð10:1Þ
cSTS ¼   (6)
ln LSTS þ STSmin 3.3.2. Integrative investment index
LSTS þ STSmax After standardising the scales of the indicators, this step
hSTS ¼ 1= (7) involves determining an overall index. We adopted an aggre-
ð ln ð1  0:9ÞÞ cSTS
gation function known as the ordered weighted aggregation
On the other hand, the result of NPVi represents the eco- (OWA). The OWA is a useful aggregation technique and
nomic perspective, expressing the investment profitability in widely used for multicriteria aggregation that determines a
monetary terms. Thus, it is necessary to transform this result decision-making process (Jin, Mesiar, and Yager 2019). In this
to a scale with an interval from 0 to 1 to be used as an input sense, to aggregate the three indicators, we adapt the
in calculating the integrative index. This transformation was method proposed by Merigo  and Casanovas (2011), called
also defined by the S-curve (Frank et al. 2013), according to induced Euclidean ordered weighted averaging distance

(IEOWAD). This method is an extension of OWA, which uses financial aspects. Third, the firm should have a defined strat-
inducing variables to assign different weights to the criteria egy for its digital transformation or Industry 4.0 journey
in constructing the overall index. IEOWAD allows the deci- towards smart manufacturing (Lu and Weng 2018).
sion-making to take into consideration more complex reor- Following these criteria, a multinational machinery and
dering processes that can describe the decision problem in a equipment manufacturer for the agricultural industry was
complete way (Merigo  and Casanovas 2011). Equation 14 selected, hereinafter named AGRI. Globally, AGRI is one of
was used to determine the tridimensional overall index, the most important manufacturing firms in its sector. AGRI
called the integrative investment index (IIIi), where IIIi repre- owns more than 50 factories around the world, and most of
sents the integrative investment index for the potential tech- them are running I4.0 initiatives. The results of these initia-
nology investment i. tives and proof of concepts (PoCs) are shared with all the
  factories through an internal advanced manufacturing forum
IIIi ¼ 3  wSTS  rSTSi 2 þ wECO  rECOi 2 þ wFIN  rFINi 2 formed by specialists representing each branch. In Brazil, the
(14) manufacturing plants of AGRI are known as some of
the most mature in the implementation of Industry 4.0 in
The parameters rSTSi, rECOi, and rFINi represent the normal- the whole country. Many Industry 4.0 concepts and technolo-
ized value of the sociotechnical, economic, and financial per- gies have already been tested as proof of concept or imple-
spectives, respectively. The parameters wSTS, wECO, and wFIN mented in the Brazilian factories, including smart predictive
represent the weight of rSTSi, rECOi, and rFINi, respectively, to maintenance, smart logistics, smart connected tools and
determine the integrative index. These weights receive a equipment, vertical integration, autonomous guided vehicles,
value from 0 to 1, where the sum of these weights must be additive manufacturing, exoskeletons, smart glasses, collab-
equal to 1. orative robots, augmented reality, among others. This firm
The IIIi index expresses the expected performance of the has a formal strategy towards Industry 4.0, with clear I4.0
potential technology investment, simultaneously combining objectives defined until 2023. Particularly, the industrial unit
the three perspectives under analysis. In addition to the mul- where the case study was conducted is currently considered
ticriteria analysis, the IIIi index provides simplified and object- to be at the fourth stage of Acatech’s maturity index (Schuh
ive guidance to support decision-making in selecting which et al. 2020), i.e. transparency. With some initiatives involving
potential technology investments the firm should make first. predictive analytics already running, the firm is still in the
Additionally, the main advantage of adopting distance meas- process of understanding the full potential of the data being
ures (OWA) in decision-making is to compare the potential collected across the factory to be able to use it for root
technology investment with an ideal result (Merigo  and cause analysis. According to its Industry 4.0 strategy, AGRI
Casanovas 2011), which represents the result required by the plans to reach the last stage of Acatech’s maturity index
firm. Thus, the best performance does not mean that the (adaptability) in this industrial unit by 2023.
potential technology investment presents the best result in In the first contact with AGRI experts, they reported diffi-
all dimensions, but the best balance between the three eval- culties justifying the investments in I4.0 technologies
uated perspectives (Frank et al. 2013). employing the traditional corporate investment appraisal
process, based on economic and financial criteria only. Thus,
AGRI demonstrated much interest in being the object of this
4. Demonstration of the framework application study and providing all necessary data, which made the
The proposed framework was applied in a company to dem- interactions between researchers and experts productive
onstrate its usage in practice, allowing also to test and valid- throughout the framework testing and validation steps. The
ate it in a real case. The investigation of specific cases is a framework was used to appraise ten investment projects in
highly consolidated approach in operations management lit- I4.0 technologies proposed by AGRI (Table 2).
erature to analyse and assess the adoption of Industry 4.0
technologies (see Davies et al. 2020; Strandhagen et al. 2020; 4.1.2. Data collection
Agrifoglio et al. 2017). The demonstration is divided in two We used different sources of information to increase the reli-
parts. First, the methodological procedures to select the case ability of our analysis (Yin 2009). We used a data triangula-
and collect the data is described. Second, the results of the tion approach which combines different data sources to
application are described. understand the framework application (Voss, Tsikriktsis, and
Frohlich 2002; Yin 2009). The first sources were interviews
4.1. Methodological procedures for the application with experts from AGRI. To enhance the reliability of data,
five experts from AGRI actively participated in testing the
4.1.1. Case selection framework. Three of them are from the advanced manufac-
The firm was selected based on specific criteria to investigate turing area, responsible for implementing technologies on
our framework application (Voss, Tsikriktsis, and Frohlich the shopfloor. The fourth expert is an IT Manager responsible
2002). First, the firm should have already made investments for integrating new operations and information technologies
in projects involving the adoption of advanced technologies. with the current IT systems. The fifth expert is an
Second, the firm must have a formal investment appraisal Engineering Manager responsible for designing and rolling
process, considering, at least, the traditional economic and out new products in the production line (details about the

Table 2. Potential technology investments.

Project name Technology Goal
(P1) Smart AGVs – MIR Autonomous vehicles, Smart sensors, RFID This project proposes the use of smart AGVs to deliver part
kits to assembly lines.
(P2) Industrial Cloud Cloud, Industrial cloud, Big Data Analytics, This project is related to the first wave of the Industrial
Cybersecurity Cloud Project and covers the development of an
infrastructure for data gathering and dashboard creation
for assets evaluation.
(P3) Implementation of Wearables This project aims to implement exoskeletons to improve
exoskeletons results and benefits regarding ergonomics and efficiency
in manufacturing.
(P4) Smart Devices – Augmented reality (AR) This project aims to implement the Google Glass
Google Glass technology in the quality inspection processes and for
Data Gathering.
(P5) Robotics Robotics Process Automation (RPA) This project aims to apply RPA to reduce manual workload
Process Automation and improve accuracy and controls in
administrative processes.
(P6) Automated Actuators, Smart sensors, Robotics, Standards This project aims to automate the welding process to save
welding process and Protocols costs and increase capacity.
(P7) Machining Centre Actuators, Smart sensors, Flexible Manufacturing This project aims to implement a new flexible cell to
– Integration Systems (FMS), Machine to Machine, Standards increase the machining capacity and allow mass
and Protocols, Human-Machine Interface customization and modularization in the
production line.
(P8) Machining Centre Actuators, Smart Sensors, Human-Machine This project aims to integrate machine to machine in an
– Migration Interface, Machine to Machine, Standards existing machining line to guarantee interoperability
and Protocols and transparency among the processes.
(P9) Team Centre - Simulation, Computer-aided design (CAD), This project aims to implement an integrated solution to
PLM solution Computer-aided engineering (CAE), ERP, Big manage information (data, process, systems and people)
Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity throughout the entire product life cycle (PLM solution).
(P10) Intelligent Manufacturing execution system (MES), ERP, Cloud, This project aims to implement an integrated solution
manufacturing Big Data Analytics, IoT, Cybersecurity, based on MES to promote intelligence in the decision-
processes Smart sensors making process in manufacturing.

experts are provided in Appendix C). Besides these experts I4.0 strategy were studied. The whole data collection process
who directly interacted with the researchers, other areas was conducted from November 2019 to February 2020.
were consulted by the experts during framework testing for
supplementary information, including supply chain, financial,
4.1.3. Data analysis
and production, as well as technology suppliers and experts
As a first step for data analysis, the individual recorded inter-
from other factories around the world. The discussions and
views were literally transcribed by a research assistant to
analysis of the investment were conducted in three focus
facilitate analysis. For the focus groups, the researchers lis-
groups sessions with the experts. Three to four hours were
tened to the recordings several times to improve the notes
spent in each session. Sessions happened in three different
taken during the events. Then, the researchers analysed the
weeks to give the experts time to collect the necessary infor-
data collected from individuals and focus groups to extract
mation, which sometimes had to be requested from other
the main insights from participants’ feedback. Several meet-
units. Also, a final meeting was help to present to the
ings were held between the three researchers to consolidate
experts the results of the investment appraisal. During the
the findings from interviews and analysed documents.
framework application, the experts also collected inputs from
Additional documents or information were required from
the board of directors, especially regarding the strategic
AGRI experts when necessary. Also, since the framework
decisions that should be considered.
application and testing process was gradual, it was possible
All interviews and focus groups were recorded using an
to clarify any doubts or divergences between the researchers
audio recorder, while the researchers wrote notes about their between one meeting and the next. The final results of the
impressions and comments from participants. Notes were framework were presented to AGRI’s global director for oper-
taken by two researchers that are authors of this paper and ations management and to the board of directors of AGRI’s
by one research assistant. This approach was followed by a Brazilian division, where the framework was applied.
confrontation of each researcher’s impressions about the
interview, leading to a better and broader view of the case
while reducing observers’ bias (Yin 2009). 4.2. Application of the framework
Additionally, we analysed documents from previous
The framework application at AGRI is described following
investments, such as electronic sheets with costs and returns,
each of the stages proposed from the innovation-
texts with qualitative justification for the investments, tech-
decision process.
nical sheets, and suppliers’ quotes. We also analysed reports
from past initiatives and proof of concepts (PoCs) of I4.0
technology from this unit and other units abroad. The results 4.2.1. Knowledge stage
of these previous initiatives were essential to our economic At the first stage, AGRI’s experts selected ten potential tech-
and financial analyses. Plus, internal documents with AGRI’s nology investments (Table 2) to test our framework. The

main selection criterion was that the project should involve electronic spreadsheet form. In addition to the technical
the implementation of an Industry 4.0 technology. As part description, a field was added to justify and highlight the
of the first step, i.e. analysis of strategic objectives, we alignment of the potential technology investment with
required the experts to explain AGRI’s strategy towards AGRI’s I4.0 strategy to present the analysis of prior conditions
Industry 4.0. The analysed business unit has clear objectives and any actions or guidelines needed to fulfil it. Finally, other
on what they call a smart factory roadmap, comprising the fields were added to present the assessment of the socio-
following steps, one for each year: (2019) Visibility, with the technical, economic, and financial aspects to be discussed in
objective of collecting current state information in real-time; the next subsections.
(2020) Monitoring, with the objective of monitoring and ana-
lysing gathered data; (2021) Control, with the objective of
4.2.2. Persuasion stage
controlling the processes based on data; (2022) Optimization,
This section presents the results obtained by the analysis of
with the objective of implementing data-driven changes and
potential technology investments regarding the NPV,
improving processes reviewing the standards; and (2023)
Payback, and Sociotechnical Impact (STSi) indicators. The
Autonomy, with the objective of having processes that moni-
NPV and Payback indicators have long been used by AGRI.
tor, control and optimize themselves.
However, although considered relevant by the experts, the
With this strategy in hand, the five experts analysed and
sociotechnical aspects had never been formally addressed.
discussed the ten potential technology investments. The The evaluation of the sociotechnical perspective initially
experts reached consensus on nine potential technology required setting some parameters. First, the selected criteria
investments aligned to AGRI’s smart factory roadmap. were validated with experts, which led to the final list in
However, a deeper discussion was necessary for the project Table 3. The second step involved determining the weights
Exoskeleton (P3). While it is a cutting-edge technology, it of each sociotechnical dimension (Yj), as well the weights for
was unclear how it would help achieve the Industry 4.0 the criteria in each dimension (wsi). Table 3 presents these
declared objectives. After some discussion, AGRI’s experts weights, obtained from paired comparisons carried out by
decided to maintain the project because it would help not AGRI’s experts, following the Analytic Hierarchy Process
only productivity but also employees’ working conditions, a (AHP) proposed by Saaty (2004). In the following step, AGRI’s
goal that is also pursued by the company with the imple- experts judged the potential technology investments in
mentation of Industry 4.0. Thus, the ten potential technology terms of desirable (DCi) and undesirable (UCi) consequences,
investments passed step 1. using a scale of 1 to 5 for each of the criteria. The sum of
The second step analysed previous conditions required for the product of the weights (Yj) and (wsi) with the respective
the adequate adoption of each investment. First, the experts score of the desired consequences (DCi) resulted in the total
collected technical information from the technologies. The desirable consequences (DC’). Likewise, the sum of the prod-
information came from two main sources: (i) technology pro- uct of the weights (Yj) and (wsi) with the respective score of
viders and (ii) previous PoCs executed by units worldwide. undesirable consequences (UCi) resulted in the total undesir-
With this understanding, the experts judged AGRI’s prior con- able consequences (UC’). Table 3 shows the results obtained
ditions to support the new technologies adoption. This ana- for each potential technology investment, and Appendix D
lysis led to the rejection of one of the potential technology shows the worksheet used to assess sociotechnical criteria.
investments: P10. Although important for the firm strategy, Finally, the results for the ratio (Equation 3) between the
this solution required a prior advanced infrastructure to share total desirable and undesirable consequences (STSi) are pre-
and store data in the cloud, still unavailable at AGRI. In some sented in Table 4.
cases, the analysis of the prior conditions also revealed a The NPV value assessed the economic perspective. The
need to expand the scope of the potential technology invest- NPV values were divided by the total investment value to
ment to cover all requirements of the technological solution. address the differences in monetary amount between poten-
Once the potential technology investments were defined, tial technology investments. This ratio is known as the
the information describing each of them was organized in an Profitability index, which measures the ratio between the

Table 3. Sociotechnical assessment.

Criteria Yj wsi DC1 UC1 DC2 UC2 DC3 UC3 DC4 UC4 DC5 UC5 DC6 UC6 DC7 UC7 DC8 UC8 DC9 UC9
T1 0.21 0.44 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 4 1 4 1 5 1
T2 0.21 0.25 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3
T3 0.21 0.31 3 1 4 1 3 1 5 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 3
O1 0.32 0.40 3 1 4 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 2 5 2
O2 0.32 0.23 4 1 4 3 2 1 4 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 4 3
O3 0.32 0.37 4 2 4 2 5 1 3 3 4 1 4 2 2 2 3 1 4 2
E1 0.25 0.29 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 4 1
E2 0.25 0.48 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1
E3 0.25 0.23 1 1 2 3 3 1 5 1 5 3 4 2 5 4 4 3 2 2
S1 0.22 0.53 3 1 4 1 5 1 1 3 4 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 4 1
S2 0.22 0.27 1 3 5 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1
S3 0.22 0.20 1 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 2
DC’ 1 UC’ 1 DC’ 2 UC’ 2 DC’ 3 UC’ 3 DC’ 4 UC’ 4 DC’ 5 UC’ 5 DC’ 6 UC’ 6 DC’ 7 UC’ 7 DC’ 8 UC’ 8 DC’ 9 UC’ 9
2.62 1.45 3.21 1.48 3.19 1.24 3.22 1.84 3.30 1.56 3.19 1.70 2.67 1.52 2.31 1.24 3.53 1.73

NPV and the total investment (Copeland, Weston, and Shastri lower levels defining the S-curve were defined. AGRI invest-
2004). Finally, the financial perspective was assessed based on ments with a Payback  2.5 years are considered acceptable.
the Payback. For values with Payback > 2.5 years, investment is restricted.
The results in Table 4 show that technology investment Therefore, the high-performance level for Payback was
P3 presents the best performance for the sociotechnical indi- Paybackmin ¼ 2.5 years (score 0.9), while the low-performance
cator, STS3 ¼ 2.6. This means that technology investment P3 level adopted was Paybackmax ¼ 6 years (score 0.1).
is expected to provide desirable consequences at a rate of Parameter L was defined for the ideal condition that
2.6 times the undesirable consequences when considering could be reached in each indicator (e.g. for Payback, we
the sociotechnical criteria. On the other hand, technology adopted LPay ¼ 0, representing the immediate return on
investment P8 presents the best result for the economic indi- investment). Table 5 presents the parameters adopted for
cator, NPV8 ¼ 68.2%. This indicates that the NPV of technol- each indicator by the company’s experts, and the values of
ogy investment P8 corresponds to 68.2% of the total the parameters c and h of each S-curve (according to
investment value. Likewise, technology investment P8 also Equations 5 to 13).
shows the best performance for the financial indicator, Figure 2 shows the resulting S-curve for each evaluation
Payback8 ¼ 2.1 years. So, it is possible to observe different dimension under analysis. From these curves, the following
results comparing sociotechnical against financial and eco- standardized scores were obtained: sociotechnical (rSTS), eco-
nomic criteria. nomic (rECO), and financial (rFIN).

4.2.3. Decision stage Integrative investment index

This stage seeks to support the choice between adopting or This step initially required the definition of the weights for
rejecting a particular technology investment through the each dimension: sociotechnical (wSTS), economic (wECO), and
integrative investment index (IIIi). financial (wFIN), for the composition of the integrative invest-
ment index IIIi, according to Equation 14. However, during
discussions with the experts, three categories of investment
Standardization of performance indexes
were defined: (i) Strategic or structuring investment (SSI), i.e.
The indicators to be integrated were standardized to a scale
investments that aim to meet strategic demands, or that
ranging from 0 to 1 using an S-curve transformation
enable the execution of future I4.0 projects; (ii) Value-creating
(Frank et al. 2016; Frank et al. 2013). First, the upper and
investment (VCI), i.e. investments that promote, for example,
optimization, predictability, and adaptability of operations,
Table 4. STSi, NPVi, and Paybacki results.
and with perceptible and quantifiable benefits; and (iii) Side
Project STSi NPVi (NPV/Inv.) Paybacki
investment (SI), i.e. investments which are not directly aligned
P1 1.80 12.21% 3.13
P2 2.17 8.89% 4.60 with the firm’s I4.0 main goal but have the potential of gen-
P3 2.57 7.00% 4.30 erating rapid economic gains for the organization.
P4 1.75 8.89% 3.90
P5 2.11 11.35% 3.80
Figure 3 presents the three categories of investment and
P6 1.87 46.89% 2.50 the corresponding weights (wSTS, wECO, wFIN) defined by
P7 1.75 –2.24% 3.67 AGRI’s experts through paired comparisons, following the
P8 1.86 68.18% 2.10
P9 2.04 –4.78% 4.50 AHP method described in Section 3.2.2 (Saaty 2004). As
shown in this figure, in strategic or structuring investments,

Table 5. Parameters of the S-curve.

Parameter Sociotechnical Economic Financial
High-performance level (score 0.9) STSmax 3.00 NPVmax 70.0% Paybackmin 2.50
Low-performance level (score 0.1) STSmin 0.30 NPVmin –15.0% Paybackmax 6.00
Parameter L LSTS 5.00 LNPV 90.0% LPay 0.00
Parameter c cSTS 7.49 cNPV 4.07 cPay 3.52
Parameter h hSTS 7.16 hNPV 1.30 hPay 4.74

Figure 2. Sociotechnical, economic and financial scores.


the weight of the sociotechnical perspective is greater Finally, it was possible to determine IIIi. Table 6 presents
because the return in the financial and economic perspec- the result of IIIi and the ranking of investment prioritization
tives is not clear yet. Still, these investments are essential for proposed by the index.
building the foundations of a consistent I4.0 path. An To illustrate the III index composition, Figure 4 presents a
example of this type of project is AGRI’s investment in an graphical representation of the index for technology invest-
Industrial Cloud to collect data for every equipment across ment P8. This investment presented the best scores for the
the shopfloor. The side investment category has higher economic and financial perspectives, combined with average
weights in the economic and financial perspectives to justify scores for the sociotechnical perspective.
executing projects that are not part of the firm’s core I4.0 By examining Table 6, it is possible to observe that the
strategy. For instance, while developing the RPA project (P5), potential technology investments ranked in the top three
a supplier demonstrated to AGRI that automating the weld- positions are projects classified in the Value-creating invest-
ing process (P6) would reduce the need for a second turn. ment (VCI) and Side investment (SI) categories, in which the
This project was not originally planned but was executed indexes for economic and financial perspectives were high.
because of the immediate savings and short payback time. On the other hand, the 4th technology investment, P3, has
low scores for the economic and financial perspectives but
presents the best score for the sociotechnical perspective
and was classified as a strategic or structuring investment
(SSI). Thus, we can observe the impact of appropriate incorp-
oration of sociotechnical aspects into the investment ana-
lysis, as proposed in our framework. For instance,
considering only financial and economic aspects, project P3
would be only in the 7th position and P2, now ranked 7th,
would be only in the last position. AGRI’s experts unani-
mously agreed that the rank considering the three perspec-
tives reflects the firm’s strategical needs much more closely
and that the proposed framework avoids ambiguous assess-
ment of qualitative factors. This was also validated by the
global director for operations management and to the board
of directors of AGRI’s Brazilian division to whom the frame-
work and the results were presented for validation.
Figure 3. Categories of investments and weights. The experts defined the cut-off decision point, i.e. the
minimum value of the integrative investment index (IIIi), to
accept an investment. Based on a reanalysis of ten projects
that the firm had rejected in the past and on a discussion
about the worst scenario that would be acceptable by the
firm for each perspective (i.e. financial, economic, and socio-
technical), the experts arrived at the following values: for SSI
projects, III 0.81; for VCI projects, III 0.76; and for SI proj-
ects, III 0.70. Thus, all potential technology investments in
Table 6 were considered feasible projects. Finally, Table 6
also presents the ranking resulting from the traditional AGRI
approach, based on Payback. The first three projects
remained the same, as these are projects with high indexes
for the economic and financial dimensions, mainly prioritized
by AGRI when choosing between projects. Also, the results
showed that these projects are in the VCI and SI categories,
in which both dimensions have significant representation for
Figure 4. Scores of the P8 technology investment. AGRI, especially the financial one. The main changes are

Table 6. Potential technology investments ranking.

Project name Category wSTS wECO wFIN STS rSTS ECO rECO FIN rFIN III Model Rank AGRI rank
(P8) Machining Centre - Migration VCI 0.26 0.24 0.50 0.52 0.89 0.94 1.46 1st 1st
(P6) Automated welding process SI 0.11 0.29 0.60 0.52 0.70 0.90 1.41 2nd 2nd
(P1) Smart AGVs - MIR VCI 0.26 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.31 0.79 1.10 3rd 3rd
(P3) Exoskeletons implementation SSI 0.44 0.16 0.40 0.78 0.26 0.49 1.06 4th 7th
(P5) Robotics Process Automation VCI 0.26 0.24 0.50 0.61 0.30 0.63 0.98 5th 5th
(P7) Machining Centre - Integration VCI 0.26 0.24 0.50 0.48 0.18 0.67 0.93 6th 4th
(P2) Industrial Cloud SSI 0.44 0.16 0.40 0.64 0.28 0.41 0.88 7th 9th
(P4) Smart Devices - Google Glass SSI 0.44 0.16 0.40 0.47 0.28 0.60 0.88 8th 6th
(P9) Team Centre - PLM solution SSI 0.44 0.16 0.40 0.59 0.16 0.43 0.83 9th 8th

observed in the P3 and P2 projects. Although these projects between technology and the social, organizational, and
have low scores for the financial and economic dimensions, environmental dimensions (Oesterreich and Teuteberg 2016).
their good scores in the sociotechnical dimension make Therefore, Beier et al. (2020) and Dalenogare et al. (2018)
them more attractive investments than other projects with observed that successful adoption of I4.0 technologies
higher economic and financial scores. Therefore, such results requires a wider and systemic perspective of analysis. Based
allow us to compare between the previous approach on a deep exploration of the I4.0 literature and of the
employed by the company, which was only based on the Innovation Diffusion and Sociotechnical theories, we provide
financial criteria shown in Table 4, and the new one in which a systemic view to measure technological complexity, exter-
economic and sociotechnical criteria were also integrated, nal environment, organizational work, and social elements in
demonstrating a sensibility of the ranking to change prior- investment decisions. Consequently, the proposed integrative
ities and to justify better qualitative aspects of the invest- index provides flexibility to evaluate complex I4.0 projects.
ments. In this sense, the experts used these outputs to
discuss these investments with the board and choose not
only those with high payback but also those that contribute
5.1. Theoretical contribution and implications
with subjective factors of the factory. The framework pro- This paper provides two main contributions to the literature
vided them with an objective base to justify qualitative con- gaps. One gap is that current models do not consider the
tributions of the I4.0 investments. integration of I4.0 technological solutions with existing pro-
duction systems. In this sense, this study proposes an
approach that helps to assess and optimize the complex
5. Discussion and conclusions
relationship between I4.0 technologies and the current pro-
I4.0 investments create challenges beyond technical and duction system requirements. Moreover, this study also con-
quantitative aspects (Bosman, Hartman, and Sutherland tributes to a second gap: most of the existing models only
2019). Subjective qualitative aspects surrounding the adop- consider technical criteria. As a contribution, the proposed
tion of I4.0 technologies make investment decisions complex, model proposes evaluating sociotechnical factors, including
requiring efficient decision-making methods (Tabim, Ayala, people, organizational structure, and environment context.
and Frank 2021; Bai et al. 2020; Dreyer et al. 2020; Bai and Such factors have been proven relevant in the Industry 4.0
Sarkis 2017). We provide a clear step-by-step investment implementation (Marcon et al. 2021; Tabim, Ayala, and Frank
decision-making process that can guide practitioners in 2021), but prior studies only analysed correlations and quali-
determining the return on investment of technologies in the tative benefits, while investment methods and models did
I4.0 context. We also provide a list of criteria for evaluation not consider such an integrative approach in the Industry
and guidelines and examples of how practitioners can priori- 4.0 domain.
tize between potential technology investments, justify invest- The framework can be compared with prior studies in
ments, and select the best options. the literature such as Bai et al. (2020), Dreyer et al. (2020),
The application of our proposed framework in an empir- Felsberger et al. (2020), Bai and Sarkis (2017), and Frank
ical study provided important findings. First, we confirmed et al. (2013), which propose models for the appraisal of
the relevance of incorporating the sociotechnical perspective technology investments. However, the main difference in
into the decision-making process. This perspective can be our framework is the addition of a sociotechnical perspec-
considered a driver for implementing I4.0 technologies since tive to guide the investment decision. The use of a socio-
it includes elements often neglected by traditional technical perspective in Industry 4.0 has been proven to be
approaches. A decision to invest in I4.0 technologies guided an important success factor when Industry 4.0 technologies
only by economic and financial criteria can be risky, as it are adopted (Marcon et al. 2021). Following such findings,
only provides a partial view of the expected, desirable, or our framework adopts this view by considering essential
undesirable consequences. Our empirical study exposed the elements for the correct selection of Industry 4.0 invest-
need to separate the analysis of investments into three cate- ments, including technological complexity, external environ-
gories to better reflect the phases a firm will go through in ment, organizational work, and social aspects. In addition,
its path towards I4.0, i.e. Strategic or structuring investment, the framework provides a procedure to measure the effect
Value-creating investment, and Side investment. Since most of these elements, improving the reliability of investment
I4.0 technologies are not stand-alone (Benitez, Ayala, and decisions (Brynjolfsson and Hitt 1996). Therefore, the study
Frank 2020), some investments with low economic and finan- contributes by determining an integrative index through
cial returns should be made to create the foundations for this framework. This index combines the traditional invest-
those that will provide this type of return. ment appraisal – involving economic and financial aspects
Several authors have studied the appraisal of technology – with the sociotechnical perspective. This approach implies
investments in the manufacturing industry context (e.g. Bai greater flexibility in decision-making, which allows to assess
and Sarkis 2017; Frank et al. 2013; Jiao, Du, and Jiao 2007). highly complex projects related to the adoption of I4.0
However, the I4.0 context is new, and many reasons make technologies. As suggested by Cheng et al. (2018) and
this context different from the previous industrial revolution Frank, Dalenogare, and Ayala (2019), maturity in I4.0 tech-
stages (Benitez, Ayala, and Frank 2020; Frank, Dalenogare, nologies is obtained by the progressive adoption of
and Ayala 2019). Industry 4.0 implies complex interactions technologies.

Based on the ordered weighted average (OWA) aggrega- MES (Manufacturing execution system) (Frank, Dalenogare,
tion function adopted to determine the integrative index, and Ayala 2019). Or new machines can be implemented with
our framework can avoid the difficulty of comparing poten- the same protocol to communicate via IoT and M2M in the
tial technology investments in the I4.0 context. According to future (Kagermann, Wahlster, and Helbig 2013). Finally, our
Bai and Sarkis (2017), an investment decision is complex study also identified a set of criteria that managers can
because different technologies may not be directly adopt to guide their I4.0 investment decisions.
comparable. Furthermore, at this time, investments in I4.0
technologies mostly involve technological solutions unknown
to manufacturing firms (Pacchini et al. 2019), often with no
5.3. Limitations and future research
base for comparison. In this context, our framework is useful Although our framework considers strategic aspects in
because it does not require comparisons between potential which suitability can be one of the pursued targets of the
technology investments, but rather compares them against companies or a regulatory requirement, one limitation is
an ideal result desired by the firm. that this dimension was not a central aspect of the pro-
Finally, we can consider that the proposed framework, posed framework for I4.0 technologies evaluation. While
based on IDT (Rogers 2003), is one of the first attempts to manufacturing is moving towards a green perspective, this
systematize the process of creating, measuring, and deciding dimension may require becoming an additional sociotechni-
on investments in I4.0 technologies. By doing so, our frame- cal dimension and not only one of the elements of the four
work provides a guideline for measuring factors neglected considered dimensions, as previously proposed in other
by previous investment assessment models. multicriteria frameworks for technology assessment (Frank
et al. 2016). Secondly, we applied our framework in a large-
sized company with a clear strategy and investment plans.
5.2. Practical contribution and implications
However, being a single case study may be a limitation for
Our results can contribute to manufacturing firms looking to the generalizability of our findings. Thus, we encourage
invest in I4.0 technologies by providing a step-by-step invest- other researchers to test our framework in other firms.
ment decision-making process that diminishes the current Future research can also test and adapt the framework to
difficulty to estimate its return on investment (Benitez, Ayala, small and medium-sized firms that need a structured view
and Frank 2020). Managers can use our framework to obtain of their operational strategy before investing in I4.0 tech-
more clarity in their investment appraisal processes. nologies. Moreover, since our model only supports manag-
Identifying the requirements and expected benefits before ers in the initial stages of the decision on whether to invest
deciding on whether to adopt or reject certain technologies in a certain project, we suggest the future incorporation of
allows them to prioritize potential technology investments, an evaluation tool during the implementation stages of I4.0
justify them, and reject undesirable projects. Additionally, projects. This tool could be adapted to the Industry 4.0 con-
this process can be followed by aggregating inputs from text to support ongoing decisions like proceed, reduce,
multiple decision-makers. abandon, or expand the chosen project. Another opportun-
The proposed framework and the results of our empirical ity is to add risk assessment, strategic, and sustainability
case study allowed us to identify some insights for decision- aspects in the persuasion stage to assess I4.0 technologies
makers. First, the framework evidences the need for a stra- investments, supplementing the three perspectives consid-
tegical definition of the firm’s I4.0 path. In this path, projects ered in this study. In this sense, our work delivers an initial
that the company may not be able to execute at the step of a project investment decision-making framework
moment may arise. In this sense, our framework drives man- which can support scholars in future studies incorporating
agers to evaluate the prior conditions, which sometimes may a broader scope of criteria and perspectives for the
point to a provisional rejection of projects. In some cases, to appraisal of Industry 4.0 investment projects. Finally, our
deal with these projects, our case study identified the use of study focuses only on investments in I4.0 technologies for
PoCs as an alternative. This is a practice adopted by AGRI to the manufacturing dimension. Since I4.0 also comprises
test the impacts of such projects on a smaller scale before other dimensions such as smart working, smart products,
making a final decision on their implementation. and smart supply chain (Frank, Dalenogare, and Ayala 2019;
Another contribution of our study is a classification of dif- Fettermann et al. 2020), future research can study technol-
ferent categories of investments in I4.0 technologies. The ogy investments in these other dimensions where criteria
classification of investments in Strategic or structuring invest- and strategic aspects might differ.
ment, Value-creating investment, and Side investment helps
managers to understand which returns to expect from each
type of investment and which factors should be prioritized Disclosure statement
during the investment appraisal. It also clarifies the relation- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
ship between investments in the different stages of an
Industry 4.0 path. In this way, projects can be planned to be
complemented in the future (Benitez et al. 2022). For Funding
example, an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system may This project has received research funds from the Brazilian National
be implemented and prepared for future integration with an Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq – Conselho

Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tecnologico) [Process n. operations and technology management, with emphasis on digital trans-
443680/2018–3 and 306034/2018–2], the Research Council of the State formation, Industry 4.0, and new business models in manufactur-
of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS, Fundaç~ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do ing firms.
Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) [Process n. 17/2551–0001 and 21/2551-
0000658-7] and the Research Coordination of the Brazilian Ministry of ORCID
Education (CAPES) (PhD scholarship).
Rodrigo Pessotto Almeida
Nestor Fabian Ayala
Notes on contributors Guilherme Brittes Benitez
Francisco Jose Kliemann Neto
Alejandro German Frank
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Appendix A. Systematic literature review process OR ‘implementation’ OR ‘criteria’ OR ‘determinants’ OR ‘challenges’ OR

for the identification of sociotechnical factors ‘factors’ OR ‘barriers’ in the title, AND ‘Production system’ OR
‘manufacturing’ in title-abstract–keywords. This initial search provided
Searches were carried out on the Scopus, Web of Science, and 605 articles. Only papers up to 2015, in English, were selected (199
ScienceDirect databases. The initial search combined the terms ‘Industry articles). Next, duplicate articles were removed (128 articles). Two other
4.0’ and ‘sociotechnical’, resulting in few papers with specific approaches filters were applied: (i) Publication type: journal articles; and (ii) Content:
on investment appraisal criteria in the I4.0 context. Thus, a search proto- Articles that highlighted factors related to the adoption of I4.0 technolo-
col was defined. We used the combination of the terms ‘Industry 4.0’ gies (27 articles). Finally, five additional papers were selected, using for-
OR ‘smart manufacturing’ OR ‘Advanced manufacturing’ AND ‘adoption’ ward and backward snowball techniques (32 articles) (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Process for selecting articles.

Appendix B. Information about the experts who participated in the assessment of the list of Sociotechnical factors.
Expert Expert field Role Area or Research field Experience Countries of activities
Expert 1 Academic Professor of Industrial Industry 4.0 and Servitization > 13 years Brazil and France
Engineering and
Researcher, Ph.D.
Expert 2 Academic Associate Professor of Servitization, Industry 4.0, and > 14 years Brazil and Italy
Industrial Engineering and Digital Transformation
Researcher, Ph.D.
Expert 3 Academic Postdoc student in Industrial Industry 4.0, Ecosystems, and > 7 years Brazil and Italy
Engineering, Ph.D. Supply Chain
Expert 4 Academic Ph.D. candidate in Industrial Industry 4.0 and Smart > 10 years Brazil and France
Engineering Product-Service Systems
Expert 5 Academic Associate Professor of Economic engineering, Costs, > 40 years Brazil and France
Industrial Engineering and Investment Appraisal
and Consultant
Expert 6 Industry Executive Director Industry 4.0 and > 22 years Brazil
Industrial Automation
Expert 7 Industry Director of Institute of Digital Manufacturing and > 20 years Brazil and Germany
Technology, Ph.D. Innovation Management
Expert 8 Industry Digital Manufacturing Digital Manufacturing and > 15 years Brazil
Process Engineer Industrial Engineering
Expert 9 Industry Industry 4.0 Process Engineer Industry 4.0 and Industrial > 5 years Brazil and England

Appendix C. Information about the AGRI experts who participated in the framework testing and validation.
Interviewees Role Area Experience Experience at AGRI
Expert 1 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Manager Advanced Manufacturing > 25 years > 18 years
Expert 2 Industry 4.0 Process Engineer Advanced Manufacturing > 10 years > 4 years
Expert 3 Continuous Improvement Engineer Advanced Manufacturing > 7 years > 5 years
Expert 4 IT Manager Manufacturing business > 30 years > 7 years
Expert 5 Product Engineering Manager Design and rolling out of new products > 10 years > 5 years

Appendix D.
Appendix D. Worksheet for assessment of sociotechnical criteria (Figure 6)

Figure 6. Worksheet for assessment of sociotechnical criteria.

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