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In vitro multiplication and genetic stability of two species of Micranthocereus

Backeb. (Cactaceae) endemic to Bahia, Brazil

Article  in  Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture · December 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s11240-017-1304-6


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4 authors, including:

Laila Mandel Civatti

Universidade Federal da Bahia


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Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult
DOI 10.1007/s11240-017-1304-6


In vitro multiplication and genetic stability of two species

of Micranthocereus Backeb. (Cactaceae) endemic to Bahia, Brazil
L. M. Civatti1   · M. N. G. Marchi3 · A. S. Schnadelbach1,2 · M. C. Bellintani1 

Received: 6 January 2017 / Accepted: 31 August 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017

Abstract  The two targeted species of this study, Micran- achieved in 90 days and that of M. polyanthus could be opti-
thocereus flaviflorus subsp. densiflorus and M. polyan- mized to 60 days of duration. In order to perform genetic
thus subsp. alvinii, are endemic to the state of Bahia and stability analysis along subcultures, ISSR markers were used
have ornamental value. The main goal of this work was to and genetic variation between shoots of each subculture and
micropropagate these species and to evaluate the genetic their donor plant was measured with Jaccard’s similarity
stability of the regenerated plants. To do so, shoots origi- coefficient. This analysis revealed high genetic stability in
nated from in vitro germinated plants were inoculated in the in vitro propagation of all the donor plants of M. fla-
MS/2 (Murashige, Skoog, Physiol Plant 15:473–497, 1962) viflorus and M. polyanthus in regards to three consecutive
media containing 1.34 μmol L−1 of α-naphthaleneacetic acid shoot subcultures, in which similarities were 100% for both
(NAA) for morphogenesis induction. This was repeated for species. The study of a greater number of subcultures is sug-
three consecutive subcultures, and the subcultured shoots gested to assess morphogenesis potential and genetic fidelity
were designated by order of production as S1, S2 and S3. in long term.
Retention of morphogenic potential and acceleration of orga-
nogenic response was observed after the three subsequent Keywords  Cactaceae · ISSR · Molecular markers ·
propagation events, so that if shoots were used as explant Micropropagation · Plant growth regulators · Somaclonal
source the in vitro propagation of M. flaviflorus could be variation

Communicated by T. Winkelmann. Introduction

Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s11240-017-1304-6) contains supplementary
The adaptations of plants belonging to family Cactaceae,
material, which is available to authorized users. such as the morphology of their cladodes and spines, as
well as their flowers, are motives for their collection and
* L. M. Civatti cultivation worldwide (Goettsch et al. 2015). In addition,
cactus populations are threatened by the devastation of their
Programa de Pós Graduação em Genética e Biodiversidade, habitats as well (Taylor and Zappi 2004). Therefore, propa-
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Rua Barão de Geremoabo, gation and conservation studies in Cactaceae are a necessity
147 ‑ Campus de Ondina, Salvador, Bahia CEP 40170‑290, (Goettsch et al. 2015).
According to Charles (2009), the eight species of Micran-
Programa de Pós Graduação em Recursos Genéticos thocereus possess ornamental potential and are, therefore,
Vegetais, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana,
subject to commercialization and threats created by illegal
Avenida Transnordestina S/N ‑ Novo Horizonte,
Feira de Santana, Bahia CEP 44036‑900, Brazil collection to that end. Micranthocereus flaviflorus subsp.
3 densiflorus (Buining and Brederoo) P.J. Braun and Este-
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia
Baiano, Rua Barão de Camaçari, 118 ‑ Centro, Catu, ves, is a cactus endemic to the state of Bahia, Brazil, with a
Bahia CEP 48110‑000, Brazil restricted distribution (Taylor and Zappi 2004). This species

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

is listed in the Appendix II of CITES (Convention on Inter- media until the setting up of experiments, with periodical
national Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and transfers to fresh media to allow growth and sustainment.
Flora) and is classified by the IUCN (International Union for These in vitro germinated plants of M. flaviflorus and M.
Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species as polyanthus, 18 and 15 months old respectively, were used
“near threatened” (CITES 2016; Machado and Braun 2013). as explant source for in vitro multiplication.
The other species of the same genus targeted in this work,
M. polyanthus subsp. alvinii M. Machado and Hofacker, also Culture conditions
has a restricted distribution being endemic to Bahia, except
it is rare and classified as “threatened” by the IUCN Red Culture conditions were established in growth room with a
List of Threatened Species and the Brazilian Ministry of 16-h photoperiod under an irradiance of 60 μmol m−2 s−1
the Environment (MMA 2008; Machado et al. 2013). Since supplied by fluorescent lamps of cold white light (Duramax,
in situ conservation for these species is lacking, M. flaviflo- 40W) at a constant temperature of 25 ± 3 °C.
rus and M. polyanthus were objects of ex situ conservation
efforts, including studies of in vitro establishment through In vitro multiplication of M. flaviflorus and M.
seeds collected at natural populations, along with storage polyanthus
and cryopreservation of such seeds and micropropagation
of in vitro germinated plants (Veiga-Barbosa et al. 2010; The nutrient medium used for in  vitro multiplication
Civatti et al. 2015a, b, 2017). was MS/2 supplemented with 15  g  L−1 of sucrose and
In vitro multiplication using plants germinated in lab- 1.34 μmol L−1 of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), gelified
oratory can supply the demand of the ornamental market with 6 g L−1 of Agar and chemically sterilized with sodium
while protecting the integrity of natural populations indi- hypochlorite containing 2.5% of active chloride (adapted
rectly, and still provide plants for reintroduction initiatives. from Teixeira et al. 2006) (Civatti et al. 2017). The in vitro
Genetic fidelity studies have demonstrated, however, that germinated plants were cut crosswise, apexes and roots were
micropropagation can generate genetically distinct plants, a desconsidered, and explants were then placed on the nutrient
phenomenon known as somaclonal variation (Khattab et al. medium aforementioned. Shoots obtained at each multiplica-
2014). Works with Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) tion event were detached from their explants and inoculated
markers have been efficient in detecting somaclonal vari- in MS/2 free of plant growth regulators under the same cul-
ation in numerous cacti, for example, Hylocereus undatus ture conditions. After two to three transfers in said medium,
(Haw.) Britton & Rose (Fan et  al. 2013), Pilosocereus these shoots were themselves cut crosswise, desconsidering
robinii (Lem.) Byles & G.D. Rowley (Khattab et al. 2014), apexes and roots, and placed in medium supplemented with
Melocactus glaucescens Buining & Brederoo (Torres-Silva 1.34 μmol L−1 of NAA for morphogenesis induction. This
2014), and Stephanocereus luetzelburgii (Vaupel) N.P. Tay- was repeated for three consecutive subcultures, and subcul-
lor & Eggli (Marchi 2016). tures shoots were named in chronological order S1, S2 and
Considering that in literature there are no studies of long S3. Threfore, in vitro germinated plants that were multi-
term conventional or in vitro propagation of M. flaviflorus plied using NAA at 1.34 μmol L−1 (called donor plants, or
and M. polyanthus, the aim of this work was to evaluate D) originated S1 shoots, which then went through the same
morphogenesis along three successive in vitro multiplica- process to originate the S2 shoots, and these similarly origi-
tion events and determine if somaclonal variation is found nated the S3 shoots.
within three subcultures of shoots from the targeted species. The retainment of morphogenic potential was evaluated
along three consecutive cycles of in vitro multiplication.
Means of the variables number of shoots per explant, per-
Materials and methods centage of shooting explants, percentage of rooting explants,
and percentage of surviving explants were calculated at
Initial plant material each in vitro multiplication event, in which parcial evalua-
tions were made every 30 days achieving 120 days for each
Seeds of Micranthocereus flaviflorus subsp. densiflorus and event. In these multiplication events ten replicates of five
M. polyanthus subsp. alvinii obtained from mature fruits explants were used as donor plants (D) and ten replicates of
were disinfested in laminar flow cabinet by immersing six explants were used for the following subcultures (S1, S2
seeds in absolute alcohol for 1 min, followed by soaking in and S3), for each species.
sodium hypochlorite at 2.5% for 15 min, and then rinsing For the temporal analysis of in  vitro morphogenesis,
three times with sterile water before sowing in half-strength the variables number of shoots per explant and shooting
Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium (MS/2) at 25 ± 3 °C. explants (%) were measured at every partial evaluation
Plants obtained in this manner were maintained in MS/2 of in vitro multiplication using the same sample design

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

aforementioned. The means of these variables for each eval- DNA amplification
uation (30, 60, 90 and 120 days) were compared in every
in vitro multiplication event (namely M1, M2 and M3, in For DNA amplification, 20 ISSR primers described by Wolfe
chronological order). et al. (1998) were tested and the JOHN, MAO, MANNY,
The number of shoots produced per explant was com- 814, 844 and 899 primers were selected. Amplification reac-
pared considering all donor plants of both species, a variable tions were executed in a total volume of 20 μL containing
consisting of the arithmetic mean of shoots generated by 1× reaction buffer (500 mM KCl, 100 mM pH 8.4 Tris–HCl,
all explants of each donor plant during every multiplication 1% Triton X-100), 2.5 mM of ­MgCl2, 12 pmol of primer,
event. For each donor plant, three replicates of three explants 200 µM of dNTPs, 1 U of Taq polymerase, ultrapure auto-
each had their shoot production accounted for. claved water and DNA (Supplementary material). In the
amplifications with the 814 primer 3.3 mM of ­MgCl2 were
used instead. A control sample without DNA was included
Genetic stability analysis
in each amplification to verify the absence of contamination
in the reagents.
To assess genetic stability in M. flaviflorus and M. polyan-
The amplification program initialized at 94 °C for 90 s,
thus each donor plant and shoots originated from it for three
followed by 35 cycles at 94 °C for 40 s, 45–51 °C for 45 s
subsequent subcultures were analysed. For every donor plant
(see Supplementary material), and 72 °C during 1 min and
(D) one shoot of each subculture was analysed, compairing
30 s, proceeded by one cycle at 94 °C for 45 s, 44 °C for
the D plant to its shoots of each subculture in electrophoresis
45 s, and a final extention at 72 °C for 7 min. Later on, sam-
gel. In total, 19 donor plants (D) and one shoot originated
ples were submitted to electrophoresis in 2.0% agarose gel,
from each subculture (S1, S2 and S3) for every one of them
stained with GelRed and photographed with Wise Capture
were evaluated for M. flaviflorus (76 plants in all), and so
II program (version in an ultraviolet light transil-
were 18 donor plants and their shoots from M. polyanthus
luminator. Every gel was repeated at least twice for analysis.
(72 plants altogether).
Statistical analysis
DNA extraction
In vitro multiplication along subcultures of M. flaviflorus
Regenerated apexes of plants multiplied at every subculture and M. polyanthus
were sources of plant material used for DNA extraction.
Genetic material was extracted from the samples using small For data analysis, ANOVA was performed and means were
amounts of plant tissue (5 mg) through Doyle and Doyle’s compared with the Tukey Test at 95%, in the statistics pro-
(1987) protocol adapted to microtubes. The extracted gram SISVAR 5.3 (Ferreira 2008). All data expressed in %
DNA was purified utilizing an ammonium acetate protocol was arcsine-transformed before analysis.
(Patrocínio, E., personal communication). To perform this
purification, 50 μL of DNA were diluted in 550 μL of pH Comparison of number of shoots per explant
8.0 Tris–EDTA (TE buffer) at room temperature for 1 h. between donor plants
Afterwards, 200 μL of ammonium acetate at 7.5 M were
added and the microtubes were homogenized and incubated ANOVA was performed for data analysis and means of
in ice for 15 min. Next, the microtubes were centrifuged for the number of shoots per explant were compared using the
10 min at 8.000 RPM and the supernatant was transferred Scott–Knot Test at 95% of significance, aiming to eliminate
to a new microtube, to which 800 μL of cold absolute etha- ambiguity in the comparison of means under analysis, in the
nol were added, and the solution was homogenized. These statistics program SISVAR 5.3 (Ferreira 2008).
microtubes were then incubated for one hour at −20 °C and
subsequently centrifuged for 10 min at 12.000 RPM. After Analysis of genetic stability
two washes with 70% ethanol the DNA pellets were dried at
room temperature overnight. These pellets were resuspended The banding patterns in the gels were manually read and
in 50 μL of TE for 48 h at room temperature. coded as presence (1) and absence (0) of bands in a binary
Following extraction, DNA analysis was performed matrix. Loci with low resolution and without reproducibil-
through spectrophotometer quantification (L-QUANT, Loc- ity were excluded from analysis. The percentage of plants
cus Biotecnologia) and through electrophoresis in 1% aga- with somaclonal variation originated from each subculture
rose gel in 1× Tris–EDTA (TAE) buffer. The band pattern for both species was calculated considering as variation any
formed was observed staining the DNA with GelRed in the difference in the banding pattern between donor plant and
presence of ultraviolet light. its respective shoots. Genetic variation among plants was

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

Table 1  Morphogenic response of Micranthocereus flaviflorus and

MF39 MF40
M. polyanthus after three consecutive micropropagation events (M1,

5.5 b
M2 and M3)

2.6 b
Event Shooting (%) Shoots/explant Rooting (%) Survival (%)

3.5 b
M. flaviflorus

2.4 b
 M1 93.4 a 6.2 a 95.6 a 97.8 a

Table 2  Mean number of shoots per explant of each donor plant from Micranthocereus flaviflorus and M. polyanthus propagated through three in vitro multiplication events

 M2 93.6 a 5.8 a 92.0 a 93.6 a

4.7 b
 M3 100 a 6.4 a 100 a 100 a

5.6 a
M. polyanthus

10.4 a
 M1 97.7 a 3.5 a 100 a 100 a
 M2 100 a 2.9 a 100 a 100 a

2.5 b
 M3 100 a 3.9 a 100 a 100 a

6.3 a
Means followed by the same letter do not differ significantly by the

5.1 a
Tukey test (p > 0.05)

7.9 a
estimated through Jaccard’s similarity coefficient (Jaccard

4.3 b
1912) using the Past 3.11 software (Hammer et al. 2001).

7.7 a

3.5 b

7.5 a

In vitro multiplication of M. flaviflorus and M.

7.3 a

5.5 b

Means followed by the same letter in each line do not differ significantly by the Scott-Knot test (p > 0.05)
 Identification code of donor plant (MF, Micranthocereus flaviflorus; MP, Micranthocereus polyanthus)
None of the analyzed variables showed significant differ-

2.1 b
ences between in vitro multiplication events of the studied
3.4 b
species, which indicates retention of morphogenic potential

3.3 b
in both cases (Table 1). The shooting, rooting and surviving
rates remained high (over 90%) for the two species, with
4.5 b

an overall average of 6.1 shoots formed in explants of M. MP29

2.4 b
flaviflorus and 3.4 in M. polyanthus. Neither species pre-

sented callogenesis or hyperhydricity along the evaluated

6.3 a

multiplication cycles.
3.4 b

The analysis of the mean number of shoots per explant


for each donor plant, taking into consideration all three

6.5 a

multiplication events, revealed that different donor plants

2.9 b

responded differently to propagation with 1.34 μmol L−1 of

9.1 a

NAA in both species (Table 2). Ten M. flaviflorus donor

plants showed a greater organogenic potential than the rest
2.6 b

(MF24, MF25, MF26, MF27, MF28, MF32, MF33, MF34,

7.0 a

MF36 and MF37), while only three of M. polyanthus donor


plants (MP32, MP35 and MP37) stood out in in vitro shoot

2.7 b

production (Table 2).
7.3 a

Shoot formation time in each subculture of the two stud-


ied species indicates there was acceleration in morpho-

2.9 b

genesis from the M1 multiplication event to the M3 event


(Fig. 1). In the case of M. flaviflorus, the 120 days period

3.0 b

was necessary for this species to achieve its maximum num-

M. polyanthusa

MF21 MF22

ber of shoots per explant only in the first in vitro multipli-

M. flaviflorusa

5.1 b 5.5 b

cation event (M1), since shoot morphogenesis per explant

attained its maximum value earlier in the subsequent events
3.0 b

(M2 and M3), 90 days after the setting up of the experiments


Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

M. flaviflorus 120 M. flaviflorus

a a
Number of shoots per explant

% of shooting explants
7 a a a 100 a a a
a b
a 80 b
4 b b 60 b M1
3 b M2
M2 40
2 M3
M3 20
c c c c c c c c
0 0
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
Time (days) Time (days)

M. polyanthus M. polyanthus
Number of shoots per explant

5 120
a a a a a a

% of shooting explants
a 100 a
4 a a b
a a a 80
3 ab M1
M1 60 b
b M2
2 M2 40
b M3
1 M3 c b
b c b c
0 0
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 1  Mean number of shoots per explant and percentage of shoot- Tukey test (p > 0.05), columns of the same multiplication event do not
ing explants of Micranthocereus flaviflorus and M. polyanthus in each differ from each other if signaled with the same letter
in  vitro multiplication event (M1, M2 and M3). According to the

(Fig. 1). Likewise, the explants of this species on the first off-types were observed in any of the subcultured shoots for
propagation event (M1) took 120 days to reach the highest either species (Fig. 2).
percentage of shooting explants, which occurred at 90 days
in the following events (M2 and M3), confirming the accel-
eration of morphogenic response in M. flaviflorus (Fig. 1). Discussion
For M. polyanthus, on the other hand, the number of
shoots produced per explant found at 60 days on the last In vitro regeneration is an intricate phenomenon that suf-
multiplication event (M3) did not differ significantly from fers influences from genetic and environmental factors (Rani
the shooting at 90 or 120 days of that event, indicating a and Raina 2000; Sriskandarajah et al. 2006). In other words,
decrease in response time of this species’ explants, from there is evidence that different plants have intrinsic factors,
90 days to attain maximum number of shoots per explant in be that information of genetic or epigenetic origins, which
previous propagations (M1 and M2) to 60 days in event M3 interact with external factors existent in plant tissue cul-
(Fig. 1). The same tendency can be observed in the vari- ture conditions (Batista et al. 1996; Gurriaran et al. 1999).
able percentage of shooting explants, also demonstrating the The biochemical pathways that control cytokinin homeo-
quickening of morphogenic response in this species (Fig. 1). stasis, for instance, may be affected by characteristics such
as explant, morphology, genotype, and by the culture con-
Genetic stability analysis ditions themselves (Batista et al. 1996; Auer et al. 1999;
Benson 2000). Therefore, the heterogeneous morphogenic
The six primers used in sample amplifications produced response presented in Table 2, in which donor plants of the
64 loci, with an average of 10.7 loci/primer. Fragments same species demonstrate distinct multiplication rates, is
showed variation in size of 200 up to 2500 base pairs (bp). characteristic of native species, such as M. flaviflorus and
The analysis detected high levels of Jaccard’s genetic simi- M. polyanthus, known to maintain greater genetic diversity
larity between donor plants and their shoots from different when compared to those already selected in breeding pro-
subcultures, with similarities of 100% in both species. No grams (Brammer 2002). Hence, for the micropropagation of

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

balance in endogenous levels of said hormones, however,

may be altered during in vitro multiplication events and thus
determine organogenic potential depending on the species
(Lema-Rumińska and Kulus 2014). In tissue culture, active
phytohormone concentrations in explants are modulated by
exogenous factors (photoperiod, light intensity, temperature,
plant growth regulators, among others) and by metabolism
(Auer et al. 1999; Gurriaran et al. 1999; Benson 2000).
In summary, modifications originated from interactions
between intrinsic factors, like phytohormone concentrations,
and extrinsic ones, like cycles of propagation using plant
growth regulators (NAA at 1.34 µM, in this case), could
have been responsible for altering cell cycle signaling and
thus quickening the shooting process in M. polyanthus and
M. flaviflorus, without loss of morphogenic potential. Such
dynamics were demonstrated with Schlumbergera russeli-
ana × S. truncata, in which an elevated auxin metabolism
in combination with the activity of cytokinin oxidase/dehy-
drogenase favored shooting after a few subcultures (Sris-
kandarajah et al. 2006). For Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri × R.
rosea, the low activity of enzymes with anti-oxidant action
caused recalcitrance (Sriskandarajah et al. 2006).
Another possible explanation for the acceleration
observed in the present work is that of a temporary rever-
sal to a juvenile state in prolonged in vitro tissue cultures,
which is associated to a high morphogenic capacity in spe-
cies of other plant families (Sriskandarajah et al. 1982). This
could explain the fact that, in the multiplication events for
which shoots from previous events (M2 and M3) served as
explant source, propagation transpired more rapidly than in
the events for which the source of explants were in vitro
germinated plants of M. flaviflorus and M. polyanthus
(M1). Such observation was also made for Prunus species,
in which tissues of different ages formed calli with distinct
morphological competences, wherein calli developed from
Fig. 2  Micropropagation of both Micranthocereus flaviflorus (a, c, e) seedlings were induced into a juvenile state of regeneration,
and M. polyanthus (b, d, f) with media containing 1.34 μmol L−1 of something that did not occur with calli originated from adult
NAA (bar 1 cm). Donor plants produced S1 shoots in a and b, while
S1 shoots produced S2 shoots in c and d, and S2 shoots produced S3 trees (Druart 1980). On the other hand, in disagreement with
shoots in e and f  such findings, explants of Pilosocereus gounellei (F.A.C.
Weber ex K. Schum.) Byles & G.D. Rowley created from
older plants showed greater regeneration capability than
such species, donor plants with higher morphogenic poten- those cut from younger plants (Marchi 2012).
tial must firstly be selected, so that greater efficiency in plant Generally, micropropagation is more successful when
production may be achieved. young tissues are used as explant source because they have
The acceleration in morphogenesis of M. flaviflorus and superior organogenic competence (Peres 2002). This might
M. polyanthus from the donor plants (M1) to the following be occasioned by the presence of a great amount of mer-
shoot subcultures (M2 and M3) may have been caused by istematic and undifferentiated cells in said tissues (Shin
modifications in endogenous plant hormone concentrations et al. 2000), which can be related to their rapid growth and,
throughout the in vitro multiplication process. Cytokinins thus, better regenerative response (Bispo et al. 2007). Con-
and auxins are central factors in the developmental control sequently, it is proposed that to decrease propagation time
of shoots and alterations in the endogenous levels of these in both targeted species the plant material used as explant
plant hormones in explants might contribute to an increase source be shoots instead of in vitro germinated plants, so
in their regenerative capabilities (Jiménez 2005). The that, in such case, in vitro multiplication of M. flaviflorus is

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

achieved in 90 days and that of M. polyanthus is performed since in the absence of regulators 25.9% of shoots showed
in 60 days total. variation on the ISSR pattern (Torres-Silva 2014). Regard-
Although there was no increase in shooting production ing M. flavilflorus and M. polyanthus, high genetic stability
from one subculture to the next in the studied species, for was found, though studies surveying a greater number of
other cacti consecutive cycles of propagation augmented subcultures are needed to investigate how many subcultures
morphogenic response, as was the case of Pelecyphora asel- can be performed consecutively without the emergence of
liformis Ehrenb., for which the second multiplication event somaclonal variation.
increased the number of shoots produced by 20–25% (San- By using solely NAA as exogenous regulator in the
tos-Diaz et al. 2003), and that of S. luetzelburgii’s plants, micropropagation of M. flaviflorus and M. polyanthus direct
which showed higher shoot production after four in vitro cul- organogenesis and high genetic similarity were promoted,
ture cycles (Marchi 2016). The execution of further propaga- illustrating that low regulator concentrations and direct
tion cycles using shoots of M. polyanthus and M. flaviflorus organogenesis may uphold in vitro genetic fidelity for three
is suggested to verify if there is an increase in morphogenic subcultures in these species. Low concentrations of plant
potential in these species with more than three succeeding growth regulators (6-benzyladenine; 0.44 µM) also main-
in vitro multiplication events. tained genetic stability in the direct organogenesis of the
The occurrence of somaclonal variation, here regarded bromeliad Puya berteroniana Mez (Viehmannova et  al.
as the presence of polymorphic bands between donor plant 2016). Notwithstanding, studies with other cacti seem to
and its shoots, is dependent upon not only the methodol- indicate that the species itself might be a determining factor
ogy employed to propagate these plants, but also the in vitro concerning the assurance of genetic stability during multi-
cultivation time, the propagated species and the genotype plication, regardless of the propagation technique applied
of each plant in question (Rani and Raina 2000; Rout et al. (Rani and Raina 2000; Rout et al. 2006; Sharma et al. 2011;
2006; Sharma et al. 2011; Zoghlami et al. 2012). In Cacta- Zoghlami et al. 2012). Tissue analysis of Copiapoa tenuis-
ceae, studies of genetic stability are still scarce (El-Kazzaz sima Ritt. forma monstruosa cultivated in the presence of
et al. 1999; Palomino et al. 1999; Mangolin et al. 2002; 2,4-D revealed that this species did not have its ploidy lev-
Lema-Rumińska 2011; Zoghlami et  al. 2012; Fan et  al. els altered in its shoots, calli or somatic embryos (Lema-
2013; Hua et al. 2014; Khattab et al. 2014; Torres-Silva Rumińska 2011). Furthermore, karyotypic stability was
2014; Lopes et al. 2016; Marchi 2016), and no pattern can also confirmed for Mammillaria san-angelensis Sánchez-
be traced for somaclonal variation frequency in species of Mejorada in plants propagated with auxin and kept 7 years
this family. in vitro (Palomino et al. 1999).
The use of plant growth regulators in high concentrations Genetic stability was found in other cacti cultures micro-
or for a prolonged time, together with indirect organogen- propagated through direct organogenesis using plant regula-
esis, is related to increase in genetic variation rates in tissue tors, similarly to what was identified for the donor plants in
culture (Malda et al. 1999; Rani and Raina 2000; Pérez- M. flaviflorus and M. polyanthus within three shoot subcul-
Molphe-Balch and Dávila-Figueroa 2002; Rout et al. 2006; tures. In cultures of Hylocereus undatus, also by means of
Torres-Silva 2014). In accordance with this presupposition, ISSR markers, polymorphic bands were not found between
in callus cultures of Cereus peruvianus Mill. kept with donor plants and their respective shoots after 15 in vitro
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and high concen- propagation cycles (Fan et al. 2013), which is in accord-
trations of kinetin (KIN) a genetic variability of 62% up to ance with another study in the genus, seeing that after 11
96.5% was detected using Random Amplified Polymorphic subcultures of in vitro multiplication no polymorphism was
DNA (RAPD) markers (Mangolin et al. 2002), the same detected between propagated shoots and their donor plants in
as with plants regenerated from calli of Echinocactus gru- Hylocereus sp. using another dominant marker, Start Codon
sonii Hildm., also cultivated with 2,4-D (El-Kazzaz et al. Targeted (SCoT) (Hua et al. 2014). Plants of Opuntia ficus-
1999), and for calli from Hilocereus undatus generated indica (L.) Mill. cultivated in vitro for 5 years were identi-
with 2,4-D (Lopes et al. 2016). As for P. robinii, exposure fied with similarities of 91% and 100% between donor plant
time was short (only 30 days), but the presence of Thidiazu- and its shoots using RAPD markers (Zoghlami et al. 2012),
ron (TDZ) in the nutrient medium induced high variation these similarities as high as those found for M. flaviflorus
when compared to other treatments with 6-benzylaminopu- and M. polyanthus (100%). In view of this, the protocol here
rine (BAP), KIN, 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) and control, presented may be executed for in vitro multiplication of M.
although shoots were formed through direct organogenesis flaviflorus and M. polyanthus.
(Khattab et al. 2014). And if, on the one hand, the presence Considering the possibility of somaclonal variation
of plant growth regulators may have induced variation in appearance, studies of genetic stability in plant tissue cul-
micropropagated shoots of M. glaucescens, that was not the ture are necessary even in the development of a micropro-
only factor acting on the genetic instability of this species, pagation protocol where there is no callogenesis or apparent

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult

abnormalities in the obtained plants, as was the case of M. Civatti LM, Marchi MNG, Bellintani MC (2017) Micropropagation
polyanthus and M. flaviflorus, given that somaclonal varia- of two species of Micranthocereus (Cactaceae) with ornamental
potential native to Bahia, Brazil. Afri J Biotechnol 16:749–762
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presence do not always exist (Khattab et al. 2014). Besides, small quantities of fresh tissues. Phytochem Bull Bot Soc Am
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is known about somaclonal variation of its species, justify- Druart P (1980) Plantlet regeneration from root callus of different Pru-
nus species. Sci Hortic 12:339–342
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Conclusions Fan Q, Zheng S, Yan F, Zhang B, Qiao G, Wen X (2013) Efficient
regeneration of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) and na assess-
Maintenance of morphogenic potential and acceleration in ment of the genetic fidelity of in vitro-derived plants using ISSR
organogenic response were found along three subsequent markers. J Hortic Sci Biotechnol 88(5):631–637
Ferreira DF (2008) SISVAR: um programa para análises e ensino de
in vitro multiplication events of M. flaviflorus and M. poly- estatística. Rev Cient Sympos 6(2):36–41
anthus, and the high genetic similarity between donor plants Goettsch B et al (2015) High proportion of cactus species threatened
and their shoots within three subcultures indicates great with extinction. Nat Plants 15142:1–7
genetic stability in the in vitro propagation of both species. Gurriaran MJ, Revilla MA, Tames RS (1999) Adventitious shoot regen-
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The in vitro multiplication of M. flaviflorus may be achieved and Nugget. Plant Cell Rep 18:1007–1011
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stability for further subcultures is suggested to optimize the tol Electron 4(1):9
Hua Q et al (2014) A protocol for rapid in vitro propagation of geneti-
propagation process and guarantee genetic fidelity along cally diverse Pitaya. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 120(2):741–745
more subcultures. Jaccard P (1912) The distribution of the flora of the alpine zone. New
Phytol 11(2):37–50
Acknowledgements  The authors would like to thank the Coorde- Jiménez VM (2005) Involvement of plant hormones and plant growth
nação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for regulators on in vitro somatic embryogenesis. Plant Growth Regul
providing financial support. 47:91–110
Khattab S, Sherif FE, El-Garhy HA, Ahmed S, Ibrahimc A (2014)
Genetic and phytochemical analysis of the in vitro regenerated
Pilosocereus robinii by ISSR, SDS-PAGE and HPLC. Gene
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