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Review of the expressed doctrine.

Philosophicals trends Review of Aristotle
Materialists  They didn´t speak about the essence
and substance.
 They avoided the incorporeals things.
 They didn´t speak about the becoming
and the motion.
 They ignored the formal cause.

Pythagoreans  They mixed up the physic with the

 The number can´t be the cause of the
thing and the thing at the same time.

Platonics World of the ideas

Water Idea (real existence)

H2O Numeric representation

Fisic world

Water in the reality

(imitation of the
idea “water”)

 The idea for explain the things doubles

them. (idea and reality exist at the
same time)
 It is imposible than the substance is
separated of the thing.
 The ideas don´t explain about the
motion and substance of the thing.

the contraries in the Pythagoreans
limited – Unlimited Πέρας ἄπειρον
Disparate - Pair Περιττόν ἄρτιον
One - Multiple ἓν πλῆϑος
Right - Left Δεξιόν ἀριστερόν
Man - Woman ἄρρεν ϑῆλυ
Stand - moved ἠρεμοῦν κινούμενον
Straight - Curved εὐϑύ καμπύλον
Light - Darkness ϕῶς σκότος
Good - Bad ἀγαϑόν κακόν
Square - Rectangle Τετράγωνον ἑτερόμηκες


Book - A

Structure of the first book:


Historical confirmation of the four causes´s theory.
(of the Physic II 3 and 7)

Chapters III- X

1. Exposition of the previous 2. Review of the expressed 1° 2°

philosophers´s doctrine. doctrine.
οὐσία ὕλη
Chapters III-VII Chapters VIII-X
Σοφία: science of
the first cause and A The philosophers that A the phylosophy´s
the principles. have refered the material principles. Before Plato.
and efficient cause .
3° 4°
B Firsts references of the B Review of the platonic´s
formal cause. doctrine. ἡ ἀρΧή τῆς τὸ ου ἕνεκα
κινήσεως καὶ τἀγαθόν
C The formal and final C Conclusion.
cause of the platonic´s

Chapters I-II D Result of the previous

philosphical exposition.

Points of reference:

1. He determines and explains the concept of σοφία.

2. He establishes the causes mentioned in the book of the phisical: material, formal, efficient and the final.
3. He expounds the previous philosophers as those that search the principle of all.
4. He demonstrate the defects of the theories of the previous philosophers and correts them.

Confirmation of the causes in others philosophers:

Φιλόσοφός ᾀρχή
Material principle.

Θαλῆς ὕδωρ (Water)

Ἀναξιμένης , Διογένης ἀέρα (air) is previous of the water.
Ἳππασος , Ἡράκλειτος πῦρ (fire).
Ἐμπεδοκλῆς ὕδωρ - ἀέρα - πῦρ and γῆν (The four elements.)
Ἀναξαγόρας ἄπειρον (The principles are infinites)
Efficient principle.
Ἀναξαγόρας Just as the animals, in the nature there is a mind who is
the cause of the world. the cause of the good bien is the
principle of the beings.
Ἡσίοδον The love and the desire as the principles of the beings.
Ἐμπεδοκλῆς The friendship is the cause of the goods things and the
hatred of the bads things.
Λεύκιππος , Δημόκριτος The fullness and the empty are materials causes of the
beings, the rare dense as principle of affetcions.
Formal and final principle.
Πυθαγόρειοι ἀριθμός (numbers.)
Πλάτων εἶδος (ideas.)


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