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Choose the word with the correct spelling.

Pilihperkataan yang mempunyaiejaan yang betul.

1. The children are playing in the ______________ now.

A. compound
B. kompound
C. campound
D. compaund

2. There will be a drawing ____________ today.

A. competition
B. competitian
C. campetition
D. cumpitetion

3. The teacher has given us __________ to leave.

A. permision
B. pemission
C. permission
D. parmission

4. Hashim likes to drink __________ juice.

A. oren
B. orenge
C. oronge
D. orange

5. Give _____________ to what the teacher is teaching.

A. atention
B. attention
C. atention
D. attenttion

6. Mary was _______________ because her computer was not functioning.

A. disapointed
B. dissappointed
C. disappointed
D. dissapointed

7. The contractor is _________ but he is very humble.

A. wealthi
B. wealthy
C. wealty
D. weathy
8. The Menara Kuala Lumpur is very ___________
A. famos
B. famus
C. famous
D. fames

9. The Rafflesia flower has a ____________ smell.

A. terrible
B. terible
C. teribel
D. terrible

10. The story is about a _________ bird.

A. beautiful
B. beatiful
C. betiful
D. beutiful


Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilihperibahasa yang paling sesuai.

1. My younger brother could not keep his mouth shut.

He _______________________________________ about the surprise trip which
we had planned for our parents.
A. made both ends meet
B. turned over a new leaf
C. let the cat out the bag
D. took the bull by its horns

2. The thief has promised to __________________________________ when he comes out from

prison one day.
A. turn over a new leaf
B. look before you leap
C. rain cats and dogs
D. catch someone red-handed

3. We have to help one another to finish the science project quickly.

As the saying goes, ___________________________________________________
A. a stitch in time saves nine
B. more haste, less speed
C. make hay while the sun shines
D. many hands make light work
4. Kassim _______________________________________ when he saw the King for the first time
in his life.
A. kept a straight face
B. put his best foot forward
C. had butterflies in his stomach
D. talked till the cows came home

5. Aisyah always fails in her English test but I believe she will pass one day if she really tries hard.
As the saying goes _______________.
A. where there’s a will, there’s a way
B. honesty is the best policy
C. better late than never
D. a friend in need is a friend indeed

6. Don’t ____________________.Speak directly and truthfully to me.

A. cry over spilt milk
B. bear around the bush
C. let the cat out of the bag.
D. count the chickens before they are hatched

7. Ali may ook pleasant outside but he is a crook. Remember, _______________.

A. no man is an island.
B. it is better late than never.
C. don’t judge a book by its cover.
D. laughter is the best medicine.

8. He never gave up. He tried and tried until he succeeded. Like the saying __________.
A. better late than never.
B. every cloud has a silver lining.
C. if there is a will, there is a way.
D. if you reap, so will you sow.

9. You were attacked once. So don’t walk in the same place again. Like the saying ________.
A. once bitted twice shy.
B. to burn the midnight oil.
C. to pull the bull by the horn.
D. to burn the candles at both ends.

10. Sometimes, you only need one person to get the job done well. As the saying goes, ________.
A. no man can serve two masters.
B. one good turn deserves another.
C. too many cooks spoilt the broth.
D. a rolling stone gather no moss.

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