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J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 59, 509–515, 2013

Pantothenic Acid Deficiency May Increase the Urinary Excretion

of 2-Oxo Acids and Nicotinamide Catabolites in Rats

Katsumi Shibata, Kasumi Inomoto, Chifumi Nakata and Tsutomu Fukuwatari

Department of Nutrition, School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture,
Hikone, Shiga 522–8533, Japan
(Received June 20, 2013)

Summary  Pantothenic acid (PaA) is involved in the metabolism of amino acids as well as
fatty acid. We investigated the systemic metabolism of amino acids in PaA-deficient rats. For
this purpose, urine samples were collected and 2-oxo acids and l-tryptophan (l-Trp) and its
metabolites including nicotinamide were measured. Group 1 was freely fed a conventional
chemically-defined complete diet and used as an ad lib-fed control, which group was used
for showing reference values. Group 2 was freely fed the complete diet without PaA (PaA-
free diet) and used as a PaA-deficient group. Group 3 was fed the complete diet, but the daily
food amount was equal to the amount of the PaA-deficient group and used as a pair-fed con-
trol group. All rats were orally administered 100 mg of l-Trp/kg body weight at 09:00 on
day 34 of the experiment and the following 24-h urine samples were collected. The urinary
excretion of the sum of pyruvic acid and oxaloacetic acid was higher in rats fed the PaA-free
diets than in the rats fed pair-fed the complete diet. PaA deficiency elicited the increased uri-
nary excretion of anthranilic acid and kynurenic acid, while the urinary excretion of xanth-
urenic acid decreased. The urinary excretion of l-Trp itself, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, and
quinolinic acid revealed no differences between the rats fed the PaA-free and pair-fed the
complete diets. PaA deficiency elicited the increased excretion of N1-methylnicotinamide,
N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide, and N1-methyl-4-pyridone-3-carboxamide. These
findings suggest that PaA deficiency disturbs the amino acid catabolism.
Key Words  pantothenic acid, tryptophan, nicotinamide, 2-oxo acid, urine

We have studied factors affecting the amino acid fatty acids (20), and suppression of the proliferation
l-tryptophan (l-Trp)-nicotinamide (Nam) metabolism and promotion of the differentiation of keratinocytes
(1–5). The roles of vitamins B2 and B6 are well known (21). In addition, Trulson and Ulissey (22) reported
from the early period in the catabolism of l-Trp to Nam that low doses of l-Trp are lethal in rats with adrenal
(6–9). The complete clarification of l-Trp-Nam pathway insufficiency, which implies the involvement of PaA in
was completed by the development of measurement of the metabolism of l-Trp. PaA is involved in the impor-
the end Nam catabolites, N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-car- tant catabolic reactions of 2-oxo acids derived from
boxamide (2-Py) and N1-methyl-4-pyridone-3-carbox- amino acids by the deamination reaction, for example,
amide (4-Py) in 1988 (10). The method first made it pyruvic acid, 2-oxoglutaric acid, 2-oxoadipic acid, and
possible to calculate the conversion efficiency of l-Trp 2-oxo-branched acids. We recently developed the mea-
to Nam in rats since the amount of 4-Py occupies over surement of 2-oxoadipic acid (23), which is a common
80% of the Nam and its catabolites in rats (11). We catabolite of l-Trp and l-lysine.
already reported the effects of vitamin B1 (12), B2 (13), In the present study, we investigated how 2-oxo acids
and B6 (14) deficiencies on the conversion ratio of l-Trp (Fig. 1) and l-Trp metabolism (Fig. 2) are affected by
to Nam in rats. PaA-deficient status.
Pantothenic acid (PaA) is a member of the B-group
vitamins. which are integratively and cooperatively con-
cerned with the metabolism of fatty acids and amino Chemicals.  Casein from vitamin-free milk, l-methi-
acids. We reported that PaA deficiency causes the accu- onine, and sucrose were purchased from Wako Pure
mulation and re-administration of PaA decreases in the Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Osaka, Japan). Corn oil was
tissue fat in rats fed the PaA-free diet (15). Until now, obtained from Ajinomoto (Tokyo, Japan). A mineral
many reports have been published about the effects mixture (AIN-93-G-MX) (24) and vitamin mixture
of PaA deficiency, for example, retarded growth (16), (AIN-93-VX) (24) were purchased from Oriental Yeast
reduced adrenal function (17), severe anatomical and Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan).
functional impairments of the testes with resulting loss l-Trp, anthranilic acid (AnA), quinolinic acid (QA),
of fertility (18, 19), high serum levels of triglyceride and calcium pantothenate, pyruvic acid, oxaloacetic acid,
2-oxoglutaric acid, and 2-oxoadipic acid were purchased
E-mail: from Wako Pure Chemical Industries.

510 Shibata K et al.


Met Gly
Trp Lys Ser

2-Oxoadipic acid

p-Hydroxyphenyl- Pyruvic acid

Pyruvic acid
Citric acid Arg

Oxaloacetic acid Pro


2-Oxoglutaric acid


2-Oxoiso- 2-Oxo-3-methyl-
valeric acid valeric acid

Val Ile

Fig. 1.  2-Oxo acid metabolism. Urinary excretion amounts of pyruvic acid, oxaloacetic acid, 2-oxoglutaric acid, and
2-oxoadipic acid were measured.

Xanthurenic acid (XA), kynurenic acid (KA) and group) and each rat was housed in a metabolic cage
3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HA), and N1-methylnic- CT-10 (CLEA Japan). Group 1 was freely fed a conven-
otinamide (MNA) chloride were purchased from Tokyo tional chemically-defined complete diet (Table 1) and
Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). N1-Methyl- used as an ad lib-fed control. Group 2 was freely fed the
2-pyridone-5-carboxamide (2-Py) and N1-methyl- complete diet without PaA (PaA-free diet) (Table 1) and
4-pyridone-3-carboxamide (4-Py) were synthesized by used as a PaA-deficient group. Group 3 was fed the com-
the methods of Pullman and Colowick (25) and Shibata plete diet (Table 1), but the daily food amount was equal
et al. (10), respectively. All other chemicals used were of to the amount of the PaA-deficient group and the group
the highest purity available from commercial sources. was used as a pair-fed control group. The experimental
Animals and diets.  The care and treatment of the period was for 34 d. The body weights and food intakes
experimental animals conformed to the University of were measured daily at around 09:00. The last day of
Shiga Prefecture guidelines for the ethical treatment of the experiment (09:00 at day 34), each rat was orally
laboratory animals. The room temperature was main- administered 100 mg l-Trp/kg body weight dissolved
tained at around 22˚C and about 60% humidity with in saline, in order to strengthen the effects of PaA-
a 12/12 light/dark cycle (06:00–18:00/18:00–06:00). deficiency on the metabolism of l-Trp. The 24-h urine
Male 3-wk-old Wistar rats obtained from CLEA Japan, samples were collected at 09:00 (day 34)–09:00 (day
Inc. (Tokyo) were divided into three groups (n55 per 35) of the last day in amber bottles containing 1 mL of
Amino Acid Metabolism in Pantothenic Acid Deficient Rats 511

Body protein Daily Trp intake


Protein N-Formylkynurenine Melatonin







2-Amino- AMS

Fig. 2.  l-Trp metabolism. Urinary excretion amounts of l-Trp, AnA, KA, XA, 3-HA, QA, Nam, MNA, 2-Py, and 4-Py
were measured. AnA, anthranilic acid; KA, kynurenic acid; XA, xanthurenic acid; 3-HA, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid; QA,
quinolinic acid; Nam, nicotinamide; MNA, N1-methylnicotinamide; 2-Py, N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide; 4-Py,

Table  1.  Compositions of the diets. was tested by using Student’s two-tailed t-test. The dif-
ferences p,0.05 were considered to be statistically sig-
Complete diet PaA-free nificant. The values of ad-lib control were shown as ref-
(Control) diet erence values. GraphPad Prism (version 5.00; obtained
from GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA) was used
g/kg diet
for statistical analysis.
Vitamin-free milk casein 200 200
l-Methionine 2 2 RESULTS
Sucrose 703 703
Corn oil 50 50 Nutritional variables
Mineral mixture (AIN-93-G-MX)1 35 35 Figure 3 shows the daily changes in food intakes and
Vitamin mixture (AIN-93-VX)1 10 0 body weight in weaning rats fed the complete diet (ad-lib
PaA-free vitamin mixture (AIN-93)1 0 10 fed and pair-fed groups) and PaA-free diet (PaA-deficient
group). The data on the ad-lib fed control are shown as
Reeves (24).
reference values. The food intake in rats fed the PaA-free
diet became lower from day 5 compared that in rats fed
the complete diet. After that, the food intake stayed at
1 mol/L HCl and were stored at 225˚C until needed. around 10 g/d. Nevertheless, the body weight in rats fed
Analyses of urine.  The urine amounts of Trp (26), the PaA-free diet gradually increased as shown in Fig.
5-HT (27), 5-HIAA (27), AnA (28), KA (29), XA (30), 3B. The body weight gain was lower in rats fed the PaA-
3-HA (30), QA (31), Nam (10), MNA (32), 2-Py (10), free diet than in rats pair-fed the complete diet.
4-Py (10) and 2-oxoadipic acid (23) were measured as The urinary excretion of PaA on the last day of the
described. The pyruvic acid, oxaloacetic acid, and 2-oxo- experiment is shown in Fig. 4A. The excretion amount
glutaric acid were reacted with DMB, derivatized to fluo- of rats in the PaA-deficient group was almost zero.
rescence compounds, and measured by HPLC (23). Urine 2-oxo acids
Statistical analysis.  For the statistical evaluation, CoA is an essential compound for the metabolism of
the significance of the differences in the mean values 2-oxo acids. We measured the urinary excretion of 2-oxo
between the pair-fed control and PaA-deficient groups acids such as pyruvic acid, oxaloacetic acid, 2-oxoglu-
512 Shibata K et al.

25 300
20 250

Food intake (g/d)

Body weight (g)

10 *
5 50

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
d d

Fig.  3.  Effect of PaA deficiency on the food intake (A) and body weight gain (B). Weaning male rats of the Wistar strain,
3 wk old, were divided into three groups: Group 1 () was freely fed a conventional chemically-defined complete diet
(Table 1) and used as an ad lib-fed control. Group 2 () was freely fed the complete diet without PaA (PaA-free diet) (Table
1) and used as a PaA-deficient group. Group 3 () was fed the complete diet (Table 1), but the daily food amount was equal
to the amount of the PaA-deficient group and the group was used as a pair-fed control group. The experimental period
was for 34 d. The body weights and food intakes were measured daily at around 09:00. Values are means6SE for 5 rats.
The significance of the differences in the mean values at the last day between the pair-fed control and PaA-deficient group
was tested by using Student’s two-tailed t-test. The differences p,0.05 were considered to be statistically significant from
the pair-fed control.

A Urine pyruvate+oxaloacetate 150
Urine PaA (nmol/d)

800 (arbital unit)

600 100
Ad lib-fed Pair-fed PaA-def 0
Ad lib-fed Pair-fed PaA-def

Urine 2-oxoglutaric acid

C 2.5
Urine 2-oxoadipic acid

( mol/d)

( mol/d)




Ad lib-fed Pair-fed PaA-def 0.0
Ad lib-fed Pair-fed PaA-def

Fig.  4.  Effect of PaA deficiency on the urinary excretion amounts of PaA (A), sum of pyruvic acid and oxaloacetic acid (B),
2-oxoglutaric acid (C), and 2-oxoadipic acid (D). Values are means6SE for 5 rats. The significance of the differences in the
mean values at the last day between the pair-fed control and PaA-deficient group was tested by using Student’s two-tailed
t-test. * The differences p,0.05 were considered to be statistically significant from the pair-fed control.

taric acid, and 2-oxoadipic acid to investigate systemic olism of l-Trp-degradation. The data on the ad-lib fed
metabolic disturbance of amino acids. The data on the control are shown as reference values. PaA deficiency
ad-lib fed control are shown as reference values. Since elicited increased urinary excretion rates of AnA and
we could not separate pyruvic acid and oxaloacetic acid, KA, while the urinary excretion rate of XA decreased, as
the values of the two compounds are shown together shown in Table 2. No differences in the urinary percent-
(Fig. 4B), and were higher in the PaA deficient rats than ages of l-Trp itself, 3-HA, or QA were observed between
in the pair-fed rats. No differences in the urinary excre- the rats fed the PaA-free and pair-fed complete diets
tory amounts of 2-oxoglutaric acid and 2-oxoadipic acid (Table 2).
were observed between the PaA deficient and pair-fed Urine Nam and its catabolites
rats (Fig. 4C and D). We investigated how PaA deficiency affects the Nam
Urine metabolites of l-Trp→QA catabolism. The data on the ad-lib fed control are shown
We investigated how PaA deficiency affects the metab- as reference values. In the present experiment, the diets
Amino Acid Metabolism in Pantothenic Acid Deficient Rats 513

Table  2.  Urinary excretion percentages of l-Trp itself and its metabolites.

l-Trp AnA KA XA 3-HA QA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Ad-lib fed 0.02360.010 0.11460.011 0.47760.020 0.37460.012 0.05660.008 1.93360.327

Pair-fed 0.03660.010 0.08360.007 0.33060.028 0.27860.027 0.06060.007 0.29560.035
PaA-deficient 0.03560.010 0.12960.011* 0.48560.049* 0.15660.017* 0.07860.008 0.31560.067

Values are means6SE for 5 rats. The significance of the differences between the pair-fed control and PaA-deficient group
was tested by using Student’s two-tailed t-test. * The differences p,0.05 from the pair-fed control were considered to be
statistically significant.

Table  3.  Nutritional variables in rats at the final day of the experiment.

l-Trp intake from food Orally administered l-Trp Total intake of l-Trp NiA intake
(mmol/d) (mmol/d) (mmol/d) (mmol/d)

Ad lib-fed 21569 12864 34366 4.660.1

Pair-fed 12365 7761 20061 2.760.1
PaA-deficient 118614 6762* 185615 2.560.2

Values are means6SE for 5 rats. The significance of the differences between the pair-fed control and PaA-deficient group
was tested by using Student’s two-tailed t-test. * The differences p,0.05 from the pair-fed control were considered to be
statistically significant.

Table  4.  Urinary excretion amounts of Nam and its metabolites, and the excretion ratios.

Nam MNA 2-Py 4-Py Sum

4-Py/2-Py (2-Py14-Py)/MNA
(nmol/d) (nmol/d) (nmol/d) (nmol/d) (mmol/d)

Ad-lib fed 224677 9356134 9826118 8,7706458 10.960.7 9.4361.18 11.261.6

Pair-fed 2969 173613 11365 1,1166103 1.460.1 9.8060.56 7.260.7
PaA-deficient 35617 1,1216226* 316649* 2,2176159* 3.760.4* 7.3760.61* 2.961.0*

Values are means6SE for 5 rats. The significance of the differences between the pair-fed control and PaA-deficient group
was tested by using Student’s two-tailed t-test. * The differences p,0.05 from the pair-fed control were considered to be
statistically significant.

contained the preformed niacin, nicotinic acid. The metabolism of amino acids. CoA is the member of 2-oxo
intakes on the last day are shown in Table 3. There- acid dehydrogenases, such as pyruvic acid, 2-oxoglu-
fore, Nam and its catabolites originate not only from taric acid, and 2-oxoadipic acid. Therefore, PaA-defi-
l-Trp but also nicotinic acid. PaA deficiency elicited the cient rats must eliminate an extremely large accumu-
increased excretion of MNA, 2-Py, and 4-Py, and there- lated amount of 2-oxo acids in the body into urine.
fore, the sum of Nam and its catabolites, as shown in However, the urinary excretion amounts of 2-oxoglu-
Table 4. The ratios of 4-Py/2-Py and (2-Py14-Py)/MNA taric acid and 2-oxoadipic acid were almost the same for
were lower in the rats fed the PaA-free diet than in rats the PaA-deficient and the pair-fed control rats. The uri-
fed pair-fed the complete diet (Table 4). nary amounts of both groups were 1/2 that of the ad-lib
fed control, which was proportional to the food intake.
Thus, the urinary excretion amounts of 2-oxoglutaric
PaA involved in the metabolism of amino acids such acid and 2-oxoadipic acid are controlled by the intakes
as CoA as well as fatty acids. PaA deficiency caused the of the related amino acids. On the other hand, the uri-
retardation of the body weight gain of growing rats nary excretion of the sum of pyruvic acid and oxalo-
compared to the pair-fed control group. The retardation acetic acid was higher in the PaA-deficient rats than
of body weight gain means a shortage of energy intake. in the pair-fed control rats. We could not separate the
As the energy intakes for the PaA-deficient group and two compounds (23); thus we showed their values as a
pair-fed group were exactly the same, the retardation in sum. Pyruvic acid is produced not only by amino acids
the PaA-deficient rats suggests the inhibition of diges- such as l-alanine but also by glucose. In this connec-
tion and absorption of macronutrients. tion, l-alanine is a catabolite of l-Trp, which is produced
We investigated how PaA deficiency disturbs the by the reaction of l-kynurenine→AnA1l-alanine and
514 Shibata K et al.

l-3-hydroxykynurenine→3-hydroxyanthranilic acid1l- ing MNA oxidase were lower in the PaA-deficient rats
alanine. The urine amount of the sum of pyruvic acid than in the pair-fed control rats. The extremely higher
and oxaloacetic acid in the pair-fed control rats was 1/2 urine excretion of MNA in the PaA-deficient rats is its
that of the ad-lib control rats, which was proportional evidence. The ratio (2-Py14-Py)/MNA reflects amino
to the food intake. This was not the case for the urine acid nutritional status (36–38). Thus, PaA deficiency
amount of the sum of pyruvic acid and oxaloacetic acid elicits a worsening of amino acid nutritional status.
in the PaA-deficient rats; no difference in the urinary Another urine ratio, 4-Py/2-Py, was lower in the PaA-
excretion of the sum of pyruvic acid and oxaloacetic deficient rats than in the pair-fed control rats, indicating
acid was observed, although the intake of food in the that PaA deficiency lowered the activity of 4-Py-forming
PaA-deficient rats was 1/2 that of the ad-lib fed rats. MNA oxidase rather than the activity of 2-Py-forming
This finding means that PaA deficiency elicits the inhi- MNA oxidase. This effect of PaA deficiency might not be
bition of the reaction of pyruvic acid dehydrogenase, a direct action but an indirect action through worsening
which leads the accumulation of pyruvic acid. Leoni amino acid nutrition.
et al. (33) reported that lactic acid is elevated in PaA In conclusion, our study which used urine samples,
kinase-associated neurodegeneration patients. We did illustrates the value of metabolic profiling as a tool for
not measure lactic acid, which is a metabolite of pyruvic systematically exploring the biochemical basis of the
acid. To systematically explore the effects of PaA defi- PaA-deficient state.
ciency, it is better to measure the hydroxyl acids derived
from 2-oxo acids. Acknowledgments
PaA is not directly involved in the l-Trp catabolic This investigation was part of the project “Stud-
pathway, but it is concerned with the metabo­ lism; ies on the nutritional evaluation of amino acids and
for example, pyruvic acid is produced by the reac- B-group vitamins” (principal investigator, Katsumi Shi-
tions of l-kynurenine→AnA1l-alanine and l-3- bata), which was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scien-
hydroxykynurenine→3-HA1l-alanine, both of which tific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of
are catalyzed by the same enzyme, PLP-dependent Science.
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