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Martinez, Junyl Mae Cosme

BSE - English II

“PARA KAY B” by Ricky Lee

Para Kay B (O Kung Paano Dinevastate ng Pag-ibig ang 4 Out of 5 sa Atin) is not your typical
Romantic Novel wherein, “they lived happily ever after” is the ending, because if the twist
made by the author Ricky Lee, the book gained enormous awards and recognition. It does not
only focused on love, but also friendship, family, sacrifices, and even more. The book has 5
stories in it, which shows how love can destroy us, how love can change someone, how love
can make you do things you don’t even imagine you can do, and how love can devastate
people’s life. And as a young adult, I’ve learned a lot from this book. I've learned that I
shouldn’t force love if it is not right, if it will hurt the people around me, and if it will tear me
down in the end. 

What could be a promise do? The first story of this book is about Irene who was left hanging
because of a broken promise made by Jordan. Irene was haunted by her special ability in
remembering things, she has a very sharp photographic memory, and after 14 years, day by
day, she can still remember how, when, and where Jordan told her that he will marry her. She
waited for Jordan to come back,and yes he did, but he doesn't remember Irene at all. Irene
was devastated, was broken, and it made her regret, or a question was left, Did he really love
Jordan, or was she only captivated by the promise? The story made me realize that No one
should ever promise to someone if he/she can't fulfill it. We don't know how much those
promises mean to them, they might get disappointed, hurt, or depressed, we don't know. And if
we made a promise to someone, we should do something, we should do our best to do what
we had swore. And I think, promises are not only for your special someone, but also to your
friends and families too. They deserve to get what you had promised, and you deserve what
you desire because of a promise.

The next story is the most improper and the most uncomfortable to read because it is about
siblings who fell in love with each other. And as a Filipino, we have this tradition or culture,
which says, that you can't have a love affair to your brother/sister, it is incest, even if it is not in
the law, it is not right to have relationship with your family. Lupe and Sandra's relationship
didn't end well, since Sandra chose what is right even if it doesn't make her happy, even if it
will make her life miserable by not choosing the love of her life. The lesson of his tort is not
only about wrong relationships, but also choosing what is ight is not a bad choice either. And if
I were to be in that situation, choosing right will be my final decision, I don't care if I'm not
happy, as long as my family and my friends are, maybe I can learn to love what they love or
what they think is best for me. This story also reminds me of our beliefs as Filipinos. 

A fantasy story which I loved the most even if it was also a tragic one. Maldiaga is a place
wherein people don't know love, they don't know what is it, how do people fall in love, how love
works. But then, Erica is a typical teenager like us, who was curious about love, she wanted to
know what love is, and she went to the outside world and watched tv series and somewhat
made her even more curious about the feeling. She met Jake, and her only intention was to
learn what love is, period. But Jake fell for her, and Erica rejected him because she reminded
herself of her intention. Unfortunately, Jake went to Maldiaga to learn how to unlove someone,
and in that scenario, Erica realized that he loves Jake, because she misses him, she felt pain
when Jake left. Erica's world was devastated when Jake went back, because he doesn't know
how to love anymore, no emotions, no feelings. She regrets letting him go, but she needs to
accept it because it was her fault. She has to face the consequences. I gained a lot of wisdom
because of this story. I should never let opportunities go because it might be the last. And in
my chosen track, I should not let those opportunities or people that might help me grow. I
should appreciate the people who love and help me in my life. 

The fourth story which I haven't related that much because it was a lesbian story, Ester and
Sarah's love story, but they didn't had the "happily ever after" just life the other stories of this
book. Their story started when Ester believed that the first person that you will see in a mirror
while looking at the moon will be your true love and that person will still love you for the rest of
your life, and luckily, it was Sarah who she saw. They got separated and got married because
they chose what is right. Ester's husband died and Sarah's husband was sick when they met
each other again. They tried to reconcile but sooner, the husband got better, so, still, they
didn't end up with each other. The moral of this story for me, is to know our limits, know our
boundaries. We should never cheat on someone even if it is for your true love, because you
chose to be with that person already. We should be contented with what we have, and
treasure your family. 

Lastly, the story of Lucas having unrequited love for Bessie. Lucas adores and loves Bessie for
who she is, he accepts her and embraces who she really is, but Lucan is just a good friend for
Bessie. The most important takeaway I got from this story is that we should love ourselves
first, before loving others. We should know our worth and go on with our lives. Happiness is
living the life we truly want, but if it's not possible, then do something to have plan B. 
These stories taught me many things, especially when it comes to love. First, is to love myself
first, because if I do, I would know my worth and will not waste my time on someone or
something. Next, is that I should not always choose what makes me happy, I should consider
my family or the people around me, especially in making major decisions that might change or
ruin my life. Another one is I should only make promises if I can really do it, because I already
learned how much it would destroy someone holding onto a promise. And lastly, I should learn
to forgive the people that caused me pain and agony, because that is the only way we can
move on and continue life. 

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