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Table of Contents

Information for Author

● Rules of the chapter section of manuscript

o Title
o Author(s) Identity
o Abstract
o Introduction
o Methods
o Results and Discussion
o Conclusion
o Acknowledgments (Optional)
o Reference
o Tables and figures
● Template Submission
o Introduction
o Method
o Results and Discussion
o Conclusion
o References
● Preview Publish
© BIOEDUKASI (cc-by-sa)

Information for Author

BIOEDUKASI-Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi is a peer review journal published by the
Department of Biology Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia. The journal
receives research, review, report manuscripts on biology education. Starting from
February 2021, the journal will publish manuscripts written in English. Paper focus
on biology curriculum, instruction, assessment on biology, as well as biology teacher
training and education are highly invited to be submitted in this journal. The journal
is published twice a year, in February and August.
Manuscripts must be submitted through the website of Bioedukasi: Jurnal
Pendidikan Biologi ( and firmly follow
the guideline of submission for authors. Author is encouraged to carefully read the
guideline, and the process of one manuscript from the step of submission, review, to
be finally published. If the author(s) have queries on the submission process, they
may contact the editor via email
(Important!) The following items should be double checked by the authors
prior to the submission:
No. Items

1. The author should ensure that the manuscript has met the focus & scope of
the Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi.

2. The manuscript has not been published yet, or not being processed in other
journals or proceedings of the conferences.

3. The manuscript has written matched with the template of Bioedukasi: Jurnal
Pendidikan Biologi (the template is available on the website)

4. Each author's name has been written correctly, embedded with the affiliate
and the email

5. All authors must confirm the non-conflict interest of the manuscript, proven
by a conflict-free letter signed by the authors and sent by the corresponding
author to the Journal editor.

6. The author(s) must declare the approval for transferring copyright rights to
Sebelas Maret University

7. Articles that have been reviewed cannot be withdrawn by the author.

8. Indonesian authors may submit the manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia and give
permission to the journal editor to translate the manuscript properly. Authors
from other countries must submit the articles in English and must be

9. One manuscript may length between 6 to 12 pages.

10. Bullet and numbering must be avoided throughout the manuscript.

11. The review-type or qualitative manuscript should match the template as

much as possible. However, some changes of the sequence may be allowed in
some considerations

12. Authors are encouraged to use the reference management and formatting
app such as Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote, style references used to APA
7th edition (American Psychological Association)

13. The cyclical authorship does not authorize authorization by copying from
other publications that have not been read by the original source (i.e., Axxxx

14. The references used must be at least 20, with a minimum of 80% of journal or
proceeding papers, which are published at least in the last 10 years

15. For simplicity in preparing manuscripts, use the template that has been
a. Copy-paste text only, then select the style provided in the ribbon style.
b. Save your articles in format ".docx"

● Make sure the email address is for active correspondence and is regularly
accessible (preferably connected to a smartphone)
● An active phone number must be added when authors sign up at the journal
registration system, to ease when there is trouble and lag of time in processing
the manuscript.
© BIOEDUKASI (cc-by-sa)

Rules of the chapter section of manuscript

The title must be short, solid, and clearly emphasized about the topic of the research.
The title is spelled in a sentence case, with a maximum of 10 words.

Author(s) Identity
Author. The author(s) listed in the manuscript are persons who mostly contribute to
the research or study and have a significant role in the preparation of the manuscript.
Names of the authors are entirely written without a title by following the format: last
name, first name. Author with a single word name, the name should be written as
first name and the same name for last name, or the first name abbreviated from the
leading letter along with the dot (.) and the last name fully written. Example: M.
Murni. All authors' names must be listed at the homepage of the Bioedukasi: Jurnal
Pendidikan Biologi when doing submission. The Scopus ID or Orcid ID, or Google
scholar ID of each author must be completely added to the registration form in the
metadata format of the OJS.
Affiliations. Each author must be written with the name of affiliation. If in one
article, there are several authors with the same affiliation, then the affiliation is only
written once. Writing format for affiliation is as follows: study program/department,
faculty, Institution, City-Country.
Example: Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta-Indonesia.
Email: each author's name listed in the manuscript must be added with the active
email address. The email used for correspondence is marked with an asterisk.

The abstract must contain the general introduction of topic, purpose, methods,
results, and conclusions, which are concise and clear to show the brief information
of the whole manuscript. The abstract must not contain citations, formulas, tables,
and pictures. The number of words in the abstract is between 150 to 250 words.

Keywords should reflect the content of the article to make it easier for readers to find
the article. Keywords are not abbreviated and should use the terms that are the main
issue of the entire manuscript. Keywords may consist of three to five words.

The introduction should contain the general introduction, the problem definition,
gap analysis in the literature, problem solution, study motivation, aims and
objectives, research questions, and significance and advantages of the research.
Tables and figures are suggested to be avoided in the introduction. The introduction
was presented succinctly, and the number of words is no more than 10-15% of the
total words.

The method of the quantitative research must contain experimental setup, data
collection, data analysis, statistical testing if any, assumption, and remit of the
experiment; while the qualitative research must cover the setting of the research,
including place, number and criteria of respondents, sampling technique, data
collecting procedures, validating procedures, coding, interpreting, and
representing the data or data analysis technique. Writing a formula must follow the
international standards of notation and symbols, which followed by the reference if it
is cited from others.

Results and Discussion

Results and discussion can at least include” what?” which conveys results or findings
from research and should be synchronized with the research questions, “why?”
which answers the cause-effect relationship and should be supported by a theoretical
framework. There is a link between the results obtained and the basic concepts;
“what else?” compare the results of your research with other research, suggested to
provide implications for research results both theoretical and applied.
Results and discussion are written in a single unit. The author is not justified
to separate the results and discussion, especially in the form of a new chapter.
Results and discussion are sharply analyzed and interpreted one by one of the
findings enriched with the relevant references from primary sources. The results
presented in this section are net results. Data analysis processes such as statistical
calculations and hypothesis testing processes are no need to be presented. Only the
results of the analysis and the results of hypothesis testing need to be reported. Data
should be represented accordingly using suitable tables, pictures, and graphs. All
data presented should be supplemented with clear captions.

Conclusions include a summary of findings and future research recommendation.
Conclusions emphasize the novelty of the discovery or development carried out,
written briefly, concisely, and clearly. Future research exploration may be suggested
for further research to be developed by other researchers and can be conveyed briefly
and clearly in a new paragraph of the conclusion.

Acknowledgments (Optional)
Acknowledgements contain appreciation given by the author to those who have
contributed significantly in the research, both in the form of financial support,
licensing, consultants, and assisting in data collection and analysis.

References are written in accordance with the citations in the article, a minimum of
20 references with more than 80% of primary sources from journals or proceedings
published within the last 10 years.

Tables and figures

1. Tables and figures should match the informative needs of a paper
2. Each table, image, and graphic must be accompanied by a caption, for the title of
table is located at the top of the table, while for figures is at the bottom
3. Tables and figures should be placed at the middle of a page
4. Pictures must have good resolution
5. Do not put a screen shot image of table or graphic or diagram
© BIOEDUKASI (cc-by-sa)

6. For graphic images, it is recommended to have color without the graphic title,
for the legend to be written on the caption after the graphic name
7. Tables must contain at least two rows of data and require a count, and there are
no unit repeats
8. The table only uses lines at the top and bottom of the table head and cover at the
end of the data, without vertical lines
9. The tables should be presented intact, not cut to another page
10. If there are two tables whose contents are interrelated, they can be placed close
BIOEDUKASI: JPB Vol. x No. x Tahun 20XX | xx – xx

Template Submission
1693-265X (Print)| 2549-0605 (Online)

Pengelolahan Sampah Plastik Produk Daur Ulang Sebagai Bahan

Sulaimi Diana Firdaus a, 1, *, Imas Cintamulya b, 2
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Science Education, Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban, Tuban
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe
Tuban, Tuban
1 *;
* Imas Cintamulya

Submission : dd/mm/yyyy

Revision : dd/mm/yyyy

Accepted : dd/mm/yyyy


Abstract explains the core of manuscript informatively and obviously including the subject matter,
aims and proposed approach and solution, methodology, key findings and conclusions. The
number of words in the abstract is about 150-250 words, written in one paragraph. Font type and
size are Book Antiqua 10pt. The abstract was written in single-spaced, and the margin was narrower
than the main text. Keywords need to be listed and reviewed and the main terms underlying the
conduct of the research. Keywords could be a single word or phrase. Keywords including 3-5 words
or phrases. These keywords are required for ease of searching the title and the topic of research.

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA license

Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4

DOI: email:

© BIOEDUKASI (cc-by-sa)

Permasalahan lingkungan telah menjadi isu global (mendunia), setelah hampir semua
elemen masyarakat menyadari akan bahaya yang ditimbulkan dari kerusakan lingkungan.
Salah satu penyebab kerusakan lingkungan adalah pencemaran lingkungan yang
disebabkan oleh banyaknya sampah yang dihasilkan oleh manusia (Nadjmi, 2020). Sampah
merupakan segala sesuatu yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi sebagai barang produksi maupun
konsumsi, yang jika langsung dibuang ke lingkungan tanpa pengolahan terlebih dahulu
dapat menjadi beban bagi lingkungan (Agustin & Diputra, n.d.; Setiyawati et al., 2019)
Sampah juga akan terus diproduksi dan tidak akan pernah berhenti selama manusia
tetap ada dan bisa dibayangkan bahwa jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat
akan semakin meningkat (Putra & Yuriandala, 2010; Ramadi et al., 2021). Sampah juga
merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang serius dan harus mendapat perhatian khusus
yang sebagian besar berasal dari aktivitas manusia, baik sampah yang dapat diuraikan
maupun yang tidak dapat diuraikan (Suryana, 2018; Setyowati & Mulasari, 2013).
Permasalahan tentang sampah sebagai akibat manusia tidak bertanggung jawab atas sampah
yang telah dihasilkannya sehingga yang dihasilkannya itu justru berakibat fatal bagi
lingkungan (Disperkimta, 2019). Misalnya seperti membakar sampah yang dapat mencemari
udara dan mengganggu saluran pernapasan masyarakat (Purbaningrum, 2019). Hal ini
mulai disadari secara aktif oleh sebagian masyarakat yang sudah mulai banyak bertumbuh
kawasan dan gerakan cinta lingkungan, seperti kelompok masyarakat yang mendirikan
bank sampah sebagai solusi dari pengendalian sampah yang berada di lingkungan (Hani,
2019). Masyarakat juga ada yang mulai mengelola sampah anorganik. Sampah tersebut
dikumpulkan dari tiap-tiap rumah tangga kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi satu untuk
tiap jenisnya, terutama pada sampah plastik pada botol-botol dan berupa cup plastik yang
bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan kerajinan atau bahan keterampilan (Sebagai et al., 2011;
Malina et al., 2017)
Keterampilan dan kompetensi pengolahan sampah yang dimiliki masyarakat nantinya
diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kepedulian untuk meminimalkan sampah. Meminimalkan
sampah ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara 3R, yaitu reuse (pakai ulang), reduce (mengurangi
timbulnya sampah), dan recycle (mendaur ulang menjadi barang yang berguna) (Agustin &
Diputra, n.d.). Pencetusan progran 3R ini merupakan program pengurangan dan
penanganan sampah yang bersumber dari Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 18
Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah (Buana, 2016; Aryenti 2011:42; Saputro, Kismartini,
& Syafrudin, 2015). Program ini sangat membantu pemerintah dalam mengatasi
permasalahan sampah, dana yang harus dikeluarkan untuk biaya pengangkutan, perawatan,
pembelian alat, bayar upah pekerja, dan biaya transportasi dapat ditekankan. Keterlibatan
masyarakat untuk berperan serta dalam kegiatan daur ulang perlu diikut sertakan, baik
sebagai produsen, maupun sebagai anggota masyarakat penghasil sampah (Wardhani &
Harto, 2018). Berkaitan dengan pengolahan sampah plastik, beberapa pemerintah daerah
telah menetapkan aturan yang ketat, salah satunya dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi
Bali melalui Peraturan Gubernur Bali Nomor 97 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pembatasan Timbulan
Sampah Plastik Sekali Pakai. Penetapan berbagai aturan tersebut diharapkan dapat
meminimalisir pencemaran lingkungan karena sampah plastik (Pergub, 2018).
Permasalahan sampah plastik juga dihadapi masyarakat Desa Brengkok Dusun
Cumpleng. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, masyarakat telah melakukan kegiatan
pengelolahan sampah menggunakan prinsip 3R, yaitu reduce, reuse, dan recycle. Meskipun
demikian, beberapa masyarakat masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas
recycle, yaitu melakukan daur ulang atas sampah anorganik, khususnya sampah plastik
(Amalia & Putri, n.d.). Pengolahan sampah plastik ini sudah dilaksanakan, tapi cuma
beberapa saja yang melakukan karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan
(Rustiarini et al., 2021). Jadi pada permasalahan tersebut akan diadakan kegiatan
penyuluhan atau workshop pengolahan sampah plastik produk daur ulang sebagai bahan
kerajinan, seperti tas, dompet, vas bunga, piring, hiasan dinding dan lain sebagainya. Untuk
peserta kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu PKK beserta masyarakat di Desa Brengkok Dusun
Cumpleng. Dan respon masyarakat adanya pengelolahan sampah plastik produk daur ulang
sebagai bahan kerajinan ini sangat membantu karena memiliki tujuan untuk mengurangi
potensi terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan yang diakibatkan sampah plastik. Selain itu,
kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan usaha kreatif dari hasil mendaur ulang sampah
plastik, sehingga aktivitas pengolahan sampah plastik ini menjadi suatu peluang bisnis.
Dengan demikian upaya kreasi sampah plastik ini bisa meningkatkan perekonomian
masyarakat di Desa Brengkok Dusun Cumpeng.
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah : (1) Bagaimana pengelolahan sampah
plastik produk daur ulang sebagai bahan kerajinan yang ada didesa Brengkok dusun
Cumpleng? (2) Kerajinan apa saja yang dihasilkan? (3) Bagaimana respon masyarakat
adanya pengelolahan sampah plastik produk daur ulang sebagai bahan kerajinan?

This section is used both for articles derived from research and study results. The method
section for the research paper may contain the design of steps or procedures carried out in
data collection (data collection techniques) and analysis used to obtain results. Otherwise, it
may contain the number of respondents used in the study. Writing a formula can use the
equation by including the main source used as a reference. Articles that are of a study
nature (not the results of the study) may contain a flow of thought in conducting the study,
steps in data collection (information gathering), analytical techniques (if any), and criteria or
reference standards used to conduct a critical and in-depth study.

Results and Discussion

Results and discussion can at least include ”what?” which conveys results or findings from
research, the data presented are not raw data, “why?” scientific study and there is a link
between the results obtained with the basic concepts; “what else?” compare the results of
your research with other research, it is suggested to provide implications for research results
both from theoretical and application.
This section presents the results of research and discussion so that the author is not
justified in separating the results and discussion in the form of new chapters / subchapters.
How to write the results and discussion is done directly by reviewing sharply one by one the
results of the research obtained with the support of relevant references and prioritizing from
primary sources (journals). The results presented in this section are net results. Data analysis
processes such as statistical calculations and hypothesis testing processes need not be
presented. Only the results of the analysis and the results of hypothesis testing need to be
reported. The results of the study can be supplemented with tables, pictures, and graphs (the
provisions of writing in information for the author) to clarify the presentation of the results
of the research verbally. Before presenting, tables and graphs must be given a narrative and
then commented on or discussed.
© BIOEDUKASI (cc-by-sa)
Figure 1. Caption about this figure

The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research
questions; (2) shows how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret/interpret the findings
obtained; (4) linking research findings with other studies; and (5) bringing up new theories
or modification of existing theories.

Table 1. Title of the table

Table column head
Table head table column
table column subhead table column subhead

content contenta Content content

content content Content content

content content content content
sample of a tale footnote

should match the informative needs of a paper; (2) Each table, image and graphic must be
accompanied by a caption, for the caption table is located at the top of the table, while for
pictures and graphics the caption is at the bottom; (3) Writing tables and pictures should be
placed at the beginning or end of a page; (4) Before using tables and pictures, the author is
emphasized to provide narrative reviews related to the tables or pictures to be presented
along with including the number of tables or figures presented; (5) Pictures must have good
resolution; (6) For graphic images, it is recommended to have color without the graphic title,
for the legend to be written on the caption after the graphic name; (7) Tables must contain at least
two rows of data and require a count, and there are no unit repeats; (8) The table only uses
lines at the top and bottom of the table head and cover at the end of the data; (9) The tables
should be presented intact, not cut to another page; (10) If there are two tables whose
contents are interrelated, they can be placed close together; (11) Presentation of tables and
pictures / graphs can combine two columns of text if needed.

Conclusions are written briefly, concisely, and clearly in one paragraph, which is a summary
of the results and discussion and answers from the objectives of the research/publication.
Emphasis on the novelty of discovery or development. If there are suggestions from research
relating to the results of research for practical activities or further research based on the
renewal results found, it can be delivered briefly and clearly at the end of a paragraph or can
make a new paragraph.

Acknowledgment (optional)
Acknowledgement contains appreciation given by the author to those who have been
instrumental in the research, both in the form of financial support, licensing, and assisting in
data collection.

It contains references according to citations in the publication text with a minimum number
of 20 references. Primary source references (preferably journals) of at least 75% of all
references used and published in the last 10 years. Font Lucida bright, size 10pt, with line
spacing 1sp, spacing after 3pt (style “References J.B”).
The provisions for writing references by alphabetical order are adjusted to the format
specified. Writing should use a reference management application such as Mendeley. The
writing format used refers to the APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association)
format. Ketentuan penulisan referensi secara alphabetis disesuaikan dengan format yang
sudah ditentukan.
As a guide in doing citation and writing a list of references can learn the following link.:
how to use mendeley.

Conflict of interest statement

Name of author corresponding: ........
We are an author in this article and declare that every author in this article has a real
contribution, and this article clears from conflict-of-interest authors, articles not yet ever
published and not in process published in another. If we are breaking the statement then we
are willing to subject fines double from the cost of publication, and if we withdraw this
paper from the review process willing to subject fines half of the cost of publication.
BIOEDUKASI: JPB Vol. x No. x Tahun 20XX | xx – xx

Preview Publish


1693-265X (Print)| 2549-0605 (Online)

Title format sentence case (subjects/research variables that indicate novelty,

and approximately 10 words)

First author a, 1, *, Second author b, 2, Third author c, 3

First affiliation (Study program, Faculty, University, City-Country)
Second affiliation (Study program, Faculty, University, City-Country)
Third affiliation (Study program, Faculty, University, City-Country)
Email First author *; Email second author; Email third author
* Corresponding author

Submission : dd/mm/yyyy

Revision : dd/mm/yyyy

Accepted : dd/mm/yyyy


Abstract explains the core of manuscript informatively and obviously including the subject matter,
aims and proposed approach and solution, methodology, key findings and conclusions. The
number of words in the abstract is about 150-250 words, written in one paragraph. Font type and
size are Book Antiqua 10pt. The abstract was written in single-spaced, and the margin was narrower
than the main text. Keywords need to be listed and reviewed and the main terms underlying the
conduct of the research. Keywords could be a single word or phrase. Keywords including 3-5 words
or phrases. These keywords are required for ease of searching the title and the topic of research.

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA license

Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4

DOI: email:

To cite this article:
The introduction should include the background of the issue or problem as well as the
urgency of the research, rationalization, and analysis gap with existing research, so that it
can demonstrate the renewal given in the science of biology education. (which distinguishes
it from other studies). The purpose of the research must be clearly seen in the introduction.
In the introduction, it is better not to contain tables and pictures. The introduction is
straightforward and no more than two pages long. A review of relevant literature and the
development of hypotheses (if any) can be included in this section. Terms of doing citations
(name, year), in doing citations, are emphasized to use reference manager applications such
as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote. This aims to avoid errors in citation and writing references at
the end of the article.

This section is used both for articles derived from research and study results. The method
section for the research paper may contain the design of steps or procedures carried out in
data collection (data collection techniques) and analysis used to obtain results. Otherwise, it
may contain the number of respondents used in the study. Writing a formula can use the
equation by including the main source used as a reference. Articles that are of a study
nature (not the results of the study) may contain a flow of thought in conducting the study,
steps in data collection (information gathering), analytical techniques (if any), and criteria or
reference standards used to conduct a critical and in-depth study.


Results and discussion can at least include ”what?” which conveys results or findings from
research, the data presented are not raw data, “why?” scientific study and there is a link
between the results obtained with the basic concepts; “what else?” compare the results of
your research with other research, it is suggested to provide implications for research results
both from theoretical and application.
This section presents the results of research and discussion as a whole so that the author
is not justified in separating the results and discussion in the form of new
chapters/subchapters. How to write the results and discussion is done directly by reviewing
sharply one by one the results of the research obtained with the support of relevant
references and prioritizing from primary sources (journals). The results presented in this
section are net results. Data analysis processes such as statistical calculations and hypothesis
testing processes need not be presented. Only the results of the analysis and the results of
hypothesis testing need to be reported. The results of the study can be supplemented with
tables, pictures, and graphs (the provisions of writing in information for the author) to clarify
the presentation of the results of the research verbally. Before presenting, tables and graphs
must be given a narrative and then commented on or discussed.

First author, et al. | 4 to 5 word from title......

Figure 2. Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi citation rate

The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research
questions; (2) shows how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret/interpret the findings
obtained; (4) linking research findings with other studies; and (5) bringing up new theories
or modification of existing theories.

Table 1. Caption table is written in the lower case

Table column head
Table head
table column subhead table column subhead

content content content

content content content

sample of a tale footnote

Conclusions are written briefly, concisely, and clearly in one paragraph, which is a summary
of the results and discussion and answers from the objectives of the research/publication.
Emphasis on the novelty of discovery or development. If there are suggestions from research
relating to the results of research for practical activities or further research based on the
renewal results found, it can be delivered briefly and clearly at the end of a paragraph or can
make a new paragraph.

Acknowledgement contains appreciation given by the author to those who have been
instrumental in the research, both in the form of financial support, licensing, consultants, and
assisting in data collection.

Author, I. (year). Title. City: Publisher
Last name, F. M (year). Article title. Journal Name, vol(no), xx-xx. DOI
Name, F. M. (year). Article title. Journal Name, vol(no), xx-xx. Retrieved from URL

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