Program Semester (Prosem) TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022: No Unit Tema Alokasi Waktu Pert. Tanggal

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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

Satuan Pendidikan : SD PLUS ANBATA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VI / Ganjil

No Unit Tema Pert. Tanggal
Unit 1 How Do I Get to the Library?
 To ask for directions
1 Let’s 4 Mt.
 To give directions
 Prepositions of place
Unit 2 I am sick
4 Mt.
2 Let’s
Names of illnesses

3  Ujian Formatif 1 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Unit 3 I am Reading a book
4 Let’s  Tell habits 4 Mt.
Learn  Tell what is happening

5  Ujian Formatif 2 (Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil/UTS) 1 Mt.

Unit 4 She often Gives Me Candies

6 Let’s  Subject Pronouns 4 Mt.
Learn  Object Pronouns
7  Ujian Formatif 3 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.
Unit 5 I was in the Park Yesterday
8 Let’s  To tell about past events 4 Mt.
Learn  Be (past simple)

9  Ujian Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Medan, 2021
Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Suwardi, S.Pd.I Rahajeng Tiyas Kusuma Wardani, S.S

TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

Satuan Pendidikan : SD PLUS ANBATA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : V / Ganjil

No Unit Tema Pert. Tanggal
Unit 1 What Alokasi Waktu is it?
1 Let’s  To tell the Alokasi Waktu 4 Mt.
Learn  To ask for the Alokasi Waktu
Unit 2 What Day is it Today? am sick
 The days of the week 4 Mt.
2 Let’s
 daily Alokasi Waktutables
 The prepositions at and on

3  Ujian Formatif 1 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Unit 3 It is the First of January
 about dates, age and birthdays
4 Let’s  about the prepositions “on” 4 Mt.
 To ask about date and age

5  Ujian Formatif 2 (Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil/UTS) 1 Mt.

Unit 4 This is My Family

6 4 Mt.
Let’s  about family tress
 about possessive pronouns
 about occupations
 To ask questions using “who”
 To ask about someone’s preofession

7  Ujian Formatif 3 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Unit 5 What does she look like?
 about adjectives
8 Let’s  To describe someone 4 Mt.
 To ask what someone look like

9  Ujian Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Medan, 2021
Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Suwardi, S.Pd.I Rahajeng Tiyas Kusuma Wardani, S.S

TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

Satuan Pendidikan : SD PLUS ANBATA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : IV / Ganjil

No Unit Tema Pert. Tanggal
Unit 1 How are you?
1 Let’s 4 Mt.
 how to greet friends
Unit 2 Hi, what’s your name?
 learn to introduce ourselves 4 Mt.
2 Let’s
 learn to ask someone’s name
 learn to uses “my” and “your”

3  Ujian Formatif 1 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Unit 3 Where are you from?
 learn about nations and nationalities
4 Let’s  learn to say our origin and nationallitty 4 Mt.
 learn to ask someone’s origin

5  Ujian Formatif 2 (Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil/UTS) 1 Mt.

Unit 4 Things in the classroom

6 4 Mt.
Let’s  learn about objects in the classroom
 learn about activities
 learn to borrow something politely

7  Ujian Formatif 3 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Unit 5 How many pencils do you have?
 learn about numbers
8 Let’s  learn to ask the number of thinngs 4 Mt.
 Learn about “a” and “an”

9  Ujian Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Medan, 2021
Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Suwardi, S.Pd.I Rahajeng Tiyas Kusuma Wardani, S.S

TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

Satuan Pendidikan : SD PLUS ANBATA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : III / Ganjil

No Unit Tema Pert. Tanggal
Unit 1 Whose hat is it?
1 Let’s  about possessive pronouns 4 Mt.
Learn  how to use ‘Whose”
Unit 2 I am Reading a book
2  present continuous tense
4 Mt.
 yes/no questions
 wh-questions

3  Ujian Formatif 1 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Unit 3 My house is big
4 Let’s  yes/no questions 4 Mt.
Learn  antonyms

5  Ujian Formatif 2 (Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil/UTS) 1 Mt.

Unit 4 I am happy
6 Let’s  somebody’s feelings 4 Mt.
Learn  to ask how someone is feeling
7  Ujian Formatif 3 Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.
Unit 5 Colours
8 Let’s  colours 4 Mt.
Learn  to ask about colours

9  Ujian Semester Ganjil 1 Mt.

Medan, 2021
Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Suwardi, S.Pd.I Rahajeng Tiyas Kusuma Wardani, S.S

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