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S T U D E N T : H E N R Y E R I C K B L A S O R T I Z

T E A C H E R : C R I S T I N A C A N O


Instinct or
Intellect ?
Achieve (verb)
He finally achieved his ambition, he became a professional.

Acquired (verb)
She acquired the painting in a foreign market for the sum of 30 dollars.

Apparently (adverb)
I heard a rumor that she's getting a divorce, but apparently it's not true.

Approach (verb)
The teaching of sports at my brother's school doesn't even approach the

required standard.

Behavior (noun)
Mario's behavior is getting worse and worse.

Category (noun)
There are three categories of accommodation that we chose yesterday.

Cognition (noun)
Cognition is very important for human development

Controversy (noun)
The controversy my sister caused with her comments at the meeting.

Obvious (adjective)
It was obvious that they were in love.

Perception (noun)
These posters influence people's perception

Unconscious (adjective)
Maria is unconscious of what is happening in her house.

Unique (adjective)
The ability he has is unique
Confront (verb)
The way he confronted the situation amazed me.

Discern (verb)
I have just discerned the situation and it is getting out of hand.

Sensory (adjective)
The sensory way that children learn things is amazing.

Trait (noun)
The way in which it unfolds is one of its greatest traits.

Viable (adjective)
In order to make the company viable ,we must lay off several employees.
Then one day in 1998 while Jack was out fishing, JoAnn suffered a heart attack. She

called for help but no one heard. Her dog also barked but also got no response.Then

Lulu came through with her bravery and quick-thinking. She saw JoAnn and realized

she was in distress, then ran to get help. She had to bust out of their backyard, which

left her skin cut up and bleeding. She ran out into the street and lay down in front of

traffic, which was a way to get humans’ attention. Later it was reported that some

cars just drove around the 150-pound Lulu, but one kind driver stopped to make sure

she was ok.

He could see the pig was stressed and injured, with blood showing from her escape.

The driver yelled out saying he found a pig who was hurt. JoAnn heard him and yelled

back to him. The driver called an ambulance, who took her to have immediate open-

heart surgery. Doctors said that if 15 more minutes passed she would have died.

Lulu’s incredible act spread across the country through local papers and news

interviews. She then appeared on international shows, in USA Today and People

magazine. She even made a front-page story on The New York Times. She made one

notable TV appearance on the Late Show With David Letterman, where she became

friends with George Clooney (With Clooney a famous owner of a pot-bellied pig at

the time). Her hero status was made official when she received the Tiffany gold hero’s

medal from the ASPCA.

Recovered from:

What the animal can do?

when the event

Lulu the Why is it considered a

smart animal?


Who is the owner of the Where this event

animal happened?

Maria has a monkey that can communicate with mimics.

Jorge has a friend named Mario who has a house in Miami.

The "pioner" factory where my brother works will close tomorrow

Nico's bracelet that his mother gave him was lost at school

On January 9 when my puppy was lost, my grandmother fell down the stairs.
Lately having animals by our side helps us feel mutually accompanied, they also communicate

with us through their eyes, wich makes them very intelligent beings, either by imatating our

behaviors or their perceptions. This caused controversy between opinions because sciencists

call it instict, but the video evidence shows that it is something else, such as Lulu the pig who

was able to solve problems in her environment, for that reason and many more cases I consider

that animals have great intelligence to help themselves and their humans.

An example of animal intelligence is the case of the pig Lulu whose events happened in 1998

when his owner Jack Altsman was fishing while his wife JoAnn, who suffers from advanced

obesity, had a heart attack. So desperately she started screaming but no one answered, even

their dog began to bark and was still not heard, until Lulu, realizing that her human was in

trouble didn't hesisate to go out the back of the house where there was sharp debrisshe,cut

herself and ran and sat in forn of traffic.

Lulu was able to sense the situation and knew how to ask for help, so the pig decided to get

people's attention by playing dead, several cars surrounded her to get through but there was a

man who stopped to see how the pig was doing, so that's it Lulu stood up and walked towards

the house where the man followed her and called the ambullance when he saw JoAnn,where

she underwent inmediate heart surgery . The case became famous due was interviewed by a

television channel that was famous at the time, and Lulu became a hero of her city.

In conclusion, Lulu is an example that animals are intellignet, the ease wich the pig can feel

and provide solutions to dangerous situation, is amazing. It is because I consider that animals

in general have a cognititve capacity, not as evolved as humans, but with clear similarity.

Omit some data that is repeated in the essay

Be careful with the word wich

Omit several things in the body of the essay

Minimal corrections in what is punctuation


Too nuch of a
good thing?
Vigorous (adjective)
He will take a vigorous vacation for all the work he has done.

Punctually (adverb)
Everyone arrived punctually to find the solution to the problem.

Immeasurably (adverb)
My sister suffers from heart problems and this is an immeasurably difficult

time for her.

Disparate (adjective)
The cultures of my country are disparate from those of chile.

Utterly (adverb)
My mother was utterly devastated when her dog died.

Awesome (adjective)
The day I won the award, it was awesome.

Impetuous (adjective)
He is impetuous with his family, it is scary to be with him.

Insufferable (adjective)
This heat is so insufferable that I'm afraid to go outside.

Chilly (adjective)
The back bathroom is so chilly i would freeze in it.

Presumptuous (adjective)
The way he gave his opinion was presumptuous in the meeting.

Fond of (verb)
He is very fond of his work, he never leaves his office.

Ultimately (adverb)
Ultimately everything will be owned by local governments.
Emphatic (adjective)
The detective's words were spoken in such an emphatic tone that

everyone was surprised.

Inevitably (adverb)
The actions of humans inevitably cause world destruction

Loveless (adjective)
My brother has a loveless relationship , but they are too toxic

Radically (adverb)
We have to act radically on pollution on our planet

Tolerable (adjective)
The presentation he made was so prejudiced but at least he got a

tolerable grade.

Worrisome (adjective)
His attitude towards alcohol and drugs is worrisome.

We are becoming more independent and less constrained by the old social norms.

This will have an impact on the relationships we form, with fewer people choosing

traditional marriage, a rise in official (and unofficial) civil partnerships, and more

people remaining single for longer, if not forever.


What it could be like: Rather than humans working with machines, automation is likely

to make some jobs redundant: taxi drivers replaced by self-driving Uber cars;

receptionists replaced by robots; doctors outclassed by algorithms that can plug into

vast medical databases; and travel agents wiped out by trip-planning, flight-booking

web services.

Of course, greater awareness of what we need to do to stay healthy will be equally

important, as will avoiding passing health fads such as juicing, weight loss

supplements and weird detoxification rituals like eating clay. And if we can stay

away from futuristic cosmetic surgery procedures such as JewelEye (implanting

platinum jewels into the whites of the eye to give that movie-style sparkle), so much

the better.


What it could be like: Technology underpins everything we’ve looked at so far – food,

health, relationships and work. We’re heading into a future where improved battery

technology will likely enable better electric cars, personal flying machines, Hyperloop

transportation systems, private space tourism and drone delivery services. We’ll

probably wear Band Aid-style fitness sensors on our skin, charge our devices using

wireless power, let algorithms optimise and guard our homes, and have virtual

assistants (the next generation of Google Now, Siri and Cortana) to help us manage

the flood of data and make sense of it.

Recovered from:

•have studied all the

careers that I like.


administration, pastry)

• It got boring after

several years.

Transportation: Health:

travels in the time

interplanetary ships
My life

robot doctors

cure for deadly

floating cars diseases

in 2175
Marriage House:
relationships of all kinds

would be accepted most modern and

technological houses

Technology: Scientists have

improved computers and created new devices

screens There are many

robots like a hand robots that can help

you to clean your



I played piano when I was ten years old.

I searched you on Instagram, but I didn’t find you.


We have finished dessert and we are ready to go.

I have been sick since Monday.


I’ ve been losing my mind for her since we were at university.

We’ ve been visiting them once a week for the last year.
The future is now, and we have not realized yet. I got up rapidly because I heard a strong sound. I opened my

eyes, it is a chilly evening, Opening the door of my awesome bedroom, I noticed that everything was different. The

lovely sunset that was a ball of fire was not there. Instead, the moon which was a silver alarm clock ticking was

sticking out in my room, the sky was darkened to a faint violet, I could not see the stars. There is no clean air to

breathe, it is worrisome. Was it because of the contamination? I do not know what exactly happened in the world,

but things have changed significantly from 2020 to 2175 throughout my life and, in this process, I have had positive

and negative experiences

First, I noticed that there is a balanced percentage of positive and negative experiences of being alive this year. A

positive example of a positive thing that I am experiencing this year is that I have the fortune to see 3 of my 20

grandchildren sleeping quietly every weekend, but that makes me feel a little sad. I start crying when I remember

the day they were born. It is also during these decades that I remember the time when my life was full of

happiness. Many scientists have been creating new vaccines, cures and they also have discovered new treatments

for serious diseases. They also created new devices even though some people did not agree, but it was inevitable

because technology advance more each day. Scientists have been showing that they are shining stars. I even

donated some money for this purpose.

I can say that I had lived negative moments in my life, especially when pandemic started in 2020. I lost many

relatives I could not be indifferent about that situation. That was me, a man who was shy and scared dared to help

people during quarantine by donating things to poor people. If I had not done that, more people would have died

from lack of food. As my father used to say: "Sometimes life is like a hare. It runs fast to win, and that's when you

decide if you will run fast too or slow while you're listening to your heart to be happy." Besides, insufferable people

are using these devices with bad intentions. Moreover, abortion and suicide have become more common because

some of these devices are created to commit this act, so citizens are not fear of seeing people die. The fact that

the smell of blood became something common is terrible because children grow up with that.

In brief, most of the things that we experienced and knew from the past have changed inevitably through time, I

have realized many things and most of them were good experiences, I was involved on a project, and I supported

that project with money. On the other hand, I always remember some problems that people had such as the

pandemic and quarantine, people’s minds have changed and now they accept that people die.

Be careful with the spelling and some words, especially in choice and which.

In the conclusion you should not compare different situations like the past and the

present because you are talking about the future in the text.

Be carefull in the spelling.


Making a
Passion (noun)
My passion for soccer is unmatched.

Proudly (adverb)
Maria proudly held up her trophy for her mother to admire.

Challenge (noun)
It's going to be a difficult job but I'm sure he'll rise to the challenge.

Satisfaction (verb)
The teaching of sports at my brother's school doesn't even approach the

required standard.

Admiring (adjective)
She received many admiring glances after the excellent performance she


Determined (adjective)
She is very determined that is why she is now very recognized

Devote (verb)
He devoted his life to finding a cure for AIDS.

Donate (verb)
You have to donate to be able to help people with low resources.

Fulfilling (adjective)
The sound of the floor is very fulfilling , that I would stay to live with you.

Indignation (noun)
The indignation that my mother feels for crime is too strong

Inspired (adjective)
That inspired act that my brother did, I make his teachers happy

Manage (verb)
He could never manage the situation of being a father.
Opposed (adjective)
I am opposed the abuse towards my aunt

Oxymoron (noun)
There is a belief that recovery from anorexia is an oxymoron.

Proposal (noun)
He gave a very amazing job proposal that everyone fell silent to listen to


Resentful (adjective)
The resentful greeting that Maria gave, gave a hope of a future


Satisfaction (noun)
The satisfaction everyone felt upon hearing the news

Thrilled (adjective)
He is thrilled with his new toy brought from abroad
1) Feel useful

When you become a volunteer you feel useful. You realize that your actions, your

tasks as a volunteer have a goal and help other people or the environment.

2) Create ties with your community

Do you like working with other people, side by side, joining forces, sharing

experiences and learning from each other, walking and growing together? When you

become a volunteer for an organization in your community, you meet different

people and learn to join efforts to achieve a goal. Perhaps by volunteering you will

make good friends and friends!

3) Test your abilities

Learning from a book is not the same as learning from real life. When you volunteer

you immerse yourself in the experience and apply your knowledge and skills. Add

your volunteering experience to your CV or curriculum, the companies or NGOs you

would like to work for, I am sure they will positively value everything you have learned

as a volunteer.

4) Improve your self-esteem and generosity

Becoming a volunteer means getting involved, feeling useful, feeling part of

something, feeling needed. These feelings improve self-esteem and the concept of

oneself, at the same time that they help us get out of ourselves a little, soften the

self-centeredness that reigns in our lives and be more generous.

5) Become an agent of change

Do you want to change the world? Put your grain of sand to make things better? To

end suffering and injustice? By becoming a volunteer or volunteer you can become

an agent of this change that you long for. Volunteering means joining forces to

improve society or the environment.

Recovered from:


+ Pros - Cons

It tests our abilities and No money is received

helps us become better in exchange for these
people by helping the extra jobs
community. also
improving our self-
By showing people to
esteem, charity and
join, it makes people
feel bad who cannot
due to work factors,
You can become agents etc.
of change, gain
experience for future
work as a teacher,
mayor, waiter

In addition to helping to
have more job
opportunities in the
future, you can meet
people who have the
same interests as you.

Supporters of mandatory volunteering say it is a good way for students to get

valuable experience even though they are not paid

Though school should not require a student to doing anything after school

except homework, volunteering is better than just sitting around watching TV

or playing video games.

Although schools have many required classes that may not be a student’s

personal choice and so it shouldn't be mandatory ,volunteering is a personal


In spite the fact that a bad volunteering experience will stop people from

volunteering again in the future, most student volunteers have successful

experiences, and many continue to volunteer later in life

Despite the fact that mandatory volunteering may benefit the community,

they may do a bad job and therefore cause more harm than good.
Today there are several unfavorable cases in our country and in the world in general, such as pollution,

poverty, among others. Cases that are of great concern to a nation as a society, that is why people create

support groups to improve and help with these problems, within these programs there are volunteers with

the desire to improve their environment. Even though it is an optional choice, it is necessary to evolve as

people. That is why I consider that the volunteer program is important for a big change.

Being a volunteer in addition to helping with the lives of others, also helps yours. Many people who have

volunteered have revealed that their lives have changed, both emotionally and physically. Since it improves

your self-esteem and generosity, important traits to be yourself, it keeps you active which helps you improve

your metabolism. In addition to that, the smile you see in those people in need is the greatest reward one

can have. Despite the fact that being a volunteer is a personal choice, volunteering is needed to be able to

move forward with a project. Lately several projects are collapsing due to the lack of help from the

community, thousands of people who would benefit from this help, are left with nothing.

The emotion that one feels doing something good is satisfying .When I was a child my passion was charity,

the satisfaction I feel every time I do something I know to help is really great. Although my mother always

wanted me to spend more time with friends, I spent it with fellow volunteers. Volunteering is a thousand

times better than watching television and playing video games in free time, it is a commitment to yourself

and to society.

As you can see, volunteering benefits everyone, the experience and feelings that are gained with these

projects is admirable, with my experience in these matters, I am proudly satisfied with my work in community

aid and I know that if I 18-year-old has managed to change his life and the lives of others, you can, the youth

of today have access to many social channels that can help to be a change in our society

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