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WEEK 3: What is Project Management?

Value judgment Adverbs of degree

Mg. Mario Araujo Gamero

What is Project Management?
It consists of the use of knowledge,
skills, tools and techniques aimed at
achieving the success of the proposed
objectives of a specific project.
A project is a piece of work which is not a
process or an operation. It has a start, an end,
and goals.
What is Project Management?

.Project management is the science and
art of organizing all the components of
a project. For example, the launching of
a new service, a marketing campaign,
or the development of a new product are
projects. In fact, even a wedding is a
project that requires management.
Types of project management?
According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), a methodology is
defined as ‘a system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by
those who work in a discipline. Lean practices, Kanban, and Six Sigma are
project management methodologies examples.’
Six Sigma.
back to the drawing board

This phrase indicate that an idea, plan, or proposal has

. been unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised.

I agree that there should be a complete rethink: we should go back to the
drawing board and reconsider the trust option.
The company went back to the drawing board to make a better product.
"the government must go back to the drawing board and review the whole
issue of youth training"
Have some way to go

a long distance to go —sometimes used figuratively He still has a

way to go before his foot has healed. We've done a lot of work, but
we. have a long way to go.
We have been talking here this morning about high technology and it
seems we still have some way to go
It is also clear that both countries have some way to go before they can
be considered market economy countries.
Network modernisation and price rebalancing still have some
way to go.
to start from scratch,
to begin from a point at which nothing has been done yet Nothing like this
had ever been done before, so we had to start from scratch.
To start from the very beginning. To create something new with no
experience, knowledge or advantage.

I have worked hard and started this empire from scratch, so now I am
considered an expert in the industry.

He is not able to start from scratch now . he has work experience of 8

Value judgment

Is an analysis based on a particular set of beliefs, ways of life, or values. It

can also be defined as a specific value system and with its consequence of
the particular situation
• I am not making a value judgment, just stating facts.
• This isn't a value judgment
• He said: you are making a value judgment and I would actually like to
hear from you, Mr Staes, what we can do in practical terms?
Adverbs of degree

Degree adverbs inform us about the intensity or degree of an action, an

adjective or another adverb. Degree adverbs are generally placed before the
adjective, verb, or adverb they modify, although there are certain exceptions
that are explained below.
Degree adverb Modifies Example

extremely Adjective The water was extremely cold.

too Adverb You are walking too slowly.


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