Week 2:: Work Meetings - Business Glossary?-What Documents Are Used in Companies? Mg. Mario Araujo Gamero

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WEEK 2: Work meetings -Levels of business meetings-What is a business

glossary?-What documents are used in companies?

Mg. Mario Araujo Gamero

Work meetings
Work meetings are one of the most common activities in
companies. These are necessary in any area and department of the
organization. It is the most efficient way to manage teams , and
thus, share internal or external information easily and effectively.

Meetings have many functionalities, in fact, according to their

objective and even according to who calls them, we can classify them
in one way or another. In this article we are going to differentiate
the organizational levels of the work meetings. As well as, to
analyze the most common typologies in the business field.
Levels of business meetings

According to the time of celebration we can find 4 types

of meetings . The periodicity with which a work meeting
is organized can give us a clue of the importance of the
subject and of the communication between the parties for
the coordination of the project.
Daily meetings

They are also called Dialy Huddles , and are those

short-term meetings that are usually held at the
beginning of the day . And that they gather every
day all, or most, of the employees of the workforce.
These short work meetings aim to make public the
achievements obtained , or report on the progress made
in each of the projects. Communicating and tracking
the achievements of other employees can serve as work
motivation for other colleagues.
Weekly meetings

The meetings work week tend to have a greater extent. Normally

from about 40 minutes to 1 hour. These can be organized at the
beginning of the week if the results of the previous week are to be
evaluated and the next ones presented . Or, at the end of the week
to make an analysis of everything that happened.

At the weekly meetings should include a slightly deeper

analysis of business goals , the goals of the week . And even, the
changes or conflicts that have been caused.
Monthly meetings

The monthly work meetings follow a different dynamic from the

previous ones. Generally, they are usually organized by departments .
They are longer and are held at the end of the month in order to
evaluate and plan . It is convenient for all team members to be there,
but if this situation could not occur, these keys to holding remote
meetings will be very useful.

These work meetings deal with issues of relevance to teamwork . It is

advisable that they have the figure of a moderator to give voice to all
Annual meetings

The meetings annual work , also known as retreats , are the most
important. Its periodicity is annual because it deals with the
conclusion and achievement of the objectives proposed for the annual
cycle. This is also about defining broadly the objectives that will
mark the development of business activities for the next year.

This type of meeting is usually held outside the company at the end
of the business course. They involved all the project managers,
directors and employees, regardless of the company hierarchy. These
4 tips to succeed in a business meeting will help you achieve success.
What is a business glossary?

The business glossary is used to define the concepts in the

business domain. By creating a business glossary, you establish
a common reference for the vocabulary used throughout your
organization. In Data Catalog, you can create categories and
terms in a glossary to manage and organize business concepts.
all engineering companies have
their respective glossaries
Here, we will share the different engineering specialties in Peru :

•Administrative Engineering .
•Environmental Engineering .
•Biomedical Engineering .
•Civil Engineering .
•Commercial Engineering
•Mining Engineering
•Systems Engineering
each engineering has its own glossary

for example
What documents are used in companies?
Image result for documents handled in industrial companies
Among the business documents that it is convenient to have in paper
format, the following stand out:
• Contracts. ...
• Licenses and permits of the company . ...
• Tax documents . ...
• Scriptures. ...
• Account passwords. ...
• Business cards
Documents used in manufacturing

All the operations that are carried out in a company are formalized by means of
documents or vouchers that allow to record the way in which they have been carried
out, serving these for a record in the company's books and as support for the
information that is produced, at the end of its managers adopt the decisions that
allow to meet the pre-set objectives.
Within the Industrial Organization we cannot omit this aspect, given the
importance they have in determining industrial costs. Every operation is subject to
the issuance of a document or voucher, that is why it is important to know the
integral process of all operations, which in an industrial company, are carried out to
convert inputs into products and which must be used to carry out the calculation of
The documentation used is the following:

Ø Material sheets and / or raw materials.

Ø Entry and exit of manufactured products.
Ø Order of production.
Ø Cost sheet.
Ø Work order.
Ø Instruction sheet.
Ø Letters and waybills.
Ø Quality control sheet.
Write an example for each type of document figure 13
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