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Thank you, excellency chair for passing me the floor.

Good evening your excellency Mr. Chair of the meeting, and all the delegates,
excellencies lady and gentleman.

It is an honorable for Vietnam to participate in the 40th ASEAN Summit, which is being
held in Cambodia under the theme of “ASEAN A.C.T: Addressing Challenges Together.”

This is delegate on the behalf of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. I am honor to be able
deliver my speech in this stimulation regarding the South China Sea Dispute.

To begin with, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a victim, rather than an aggressor, in
the Biển Đông, in Vietnamese which has known as South China Sea dispute. South China Sea
dispute is a major flashpoint threatening territory and jurisdiction between China and ASEAN
maritime states. Since Bejing has been aggressively pushing its claims, tensions with our country
which have been rising, while Vietnam tries to protect our national sovereignty and interests.

The source of the problem is two-fold, firstly, it is because the Paracels and the Spratlys,
which these two archipelagoes do not belong to China according to the history. Moreover,
because of the chaos during the colonization era till now these two archipelagoes should be
returned to Vietnam back. Furthermore, recently, China has become more active in the South
China Sea dispute because of the natural resources and their additional geopolitical benefits.
The Republic of Vietnam imposes the policy of South China Sea by counting on three
crucial pillars. Firstly, Vietnam has adequate historical evidence, legal foundation, also its right
to it exclusive economic (eez) and continental shelf in the sea to prove that our authority over the
Paracels and the Spratlys. Secondly, it contradicts the use of force with a long-term peaceful
resolution in accordance of UNCLOS. Thirdly, Vietnam are waiting for the resolution and
cooperating with other parties to succeed in the argument and conserve the stability of the
Therefore, The Republic of Vietnam believe that the South East Asian countries will
trying to solve all the problem that had happened during this time for The Republic of Vietnam.
It’s so important to create the strong resolution, which we can call it as a long-term success in the
argument and long-term peaceful resolution.

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