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Phase 5 - System Implementation

Systems implementation refers to the steps taken to finish the design (if needed) in the
authorized systems design document, as well as test, install, and start using the new or upgraded
Information System. It is the fifth main step in the development of system analysis and design.

After the system has been tested and accepted by the user, phase 5 or the system implementation
will be initiated . Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into
practice. The installation of the system will support the intended business functions. System
performance is compared to the performance objectives that were established during the planning
phase. The main steps involved in this phase are acquisition and installation of Hardware,
installation of Software onto production computers, Conversion, user training and documentation
of the system into daily work processes.

The hardware and the relevant software required to run the system must be fully operational
before implementation. One of the most critical and important elements in the cycle is the
conversion. The data from the old system must be transformed to be operational in the ew type of
format system. The database needs to be set with recovery and security procedures with them
fully defined. During this phase, all of the programs in the system are put onto the user’s
computer which then after it has been loaded, user training will begin. The types of training
includes how to execute the package, how to enter the data, how to process the data and lastly
how to take out the reports. Then, after the training phase has been completed and the users are
well informed regarding the computerized system, the work will change from manual to
computerized working and this process is called Changeover or we call conversion.
Conversion Types

Direct Conversion

There are several types of conversion, the first one is called the Direct approach. It is often
regarded as the riskiest out of all the conversion types.It is the complete replacement of the old
system and the reason it is more risky is because it requires comprehensive system testing and

Parallel Conversion

The second type of conversion is called the Parallel run which provides the most control. In the
parallel approach, both the old and new systems operate together for a time. It runs the manual
and computerized system both simultaneously for a certain defined period and processes the
same data. This type of conversion is less risky but more costly due to three reasons. First,
manual results are comparable with the computerized system results. Then, the operational work
is doubled and the third is in a scenario in which the computerized system is facing failure at the
early stage, it does not affect the work whatsoever as the manual system keeps on working as it

Pilot and Phased-In Method

The third type of conversion is the Pilot. This type of system is one of the techniques for
deploying the system. However, there is another type called Phased implementation and both
terms are sometimes used interchangeably. In the Pilot run, the new system is run by one section
of the organization, then another. It is tried with the data from one or more of the previous
periods for the entire or part of the system which then the results are compared with the old
system results. Compared to the other type of conversion, Pilot is much less expensive and risky
than Parallel run. There are multiple ways to roll out the new system and the first one is by doing
it all at once by deploying all parts of the system to all the Consumers. Second, by deploying it
piece by piece or little at a time, it is known as Phased implementation. Third, by releasing the
whole system on one go but only to a small group of users and lastly a phased implementation in
a pilot mode for a very large mission critical system.

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