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Groups of students are required to develop a business plan on an idea, a project, a product, or a service.

The group assignment is delivered in the form of a written plan (70%) and a presentation (30%). All group
members must contribute equally to the group assignment.

Written Report (70%): Suggested outline

Title Description

Title page Project title, student names and identification numbers,

lecturer name.

Contents page List of tables, list of figures, and list of sections, and
subsections. Numbering follows the style 1.1.1, 1.1.2. …

Section 1 Project or Idea Introduction

Section 2 Market Analysis:

- Market potential, annual growth rate, market
development stage, market trend Analysis
- Competitors (Supply size), market share overview
- Customer segmentations (Demand size), Target
segments, specific target customer portrait
- Context, trend analysis
- Value proposition, Differentiation, Competitive
advantages, selling point

Section 3 Key activities plan:

- Operation (activities and cost projected)
- Organizational structure, Human resource
management, (HR activities and cost projected)
- Marketing Plan (Objectives, detail of activities, …)
for first year and projected for following years

Section 4 Conclusions and Recommendations

Reference list Harvard referencing

Appendices Extra materials

Word limit (section 1~4): No more than 10 pages.

The report must be submitted on LMS by 16th July, 2022. A deduction of 10% of the assignment mark will
be applied for each day of late submission.

Presentation (30%)
The presentation is based upon your written plan. Try to keep it concise and focused with major points
and recommendations. Creativity is highly recommended.

After presentation, there will be Q&A section.

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