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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Using Multimedia Resources in Giving Information and Narrating Events in Personal Recounts
Third Quarter – Week 1
A. Learning Competency
EN7OL-IV-e-3.10 Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving
information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual

B. General Directions/ Instructions

After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
1. Read and follow each direction carefully.
2. Accomplish each activity in a pad paper for the mastery of competency.
3. Use the Learning Activity Sheets with care.
4. If you have any questions, contact, or see your teacher through messenger or
text. (Ana Cryzel/0926-893-0238)

C. Pre-Test
Directions: Match the social networks/websites logo with their name on the list below. Choose
the letter of the correct answer from the box.
a. YouTube b. Snapchat c. LinkedIn d. Instagram
e. Facebook f. Tweeter

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

D. Lesson
There are different types of social media –
1. Print Media
• Newspaper, Magazine, Books, Banners, Flyers and Brochures
2. Broadcast Media
• Television, Radio, and Cinema and Video Advertising
3. Internet Media
• Social networks/websites: including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, LinkedIn,
Snapchat, Quora, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. These networks are called as Relationship Network.
• Podcast: a series of audios on a particular topic or theme. We can listen to Audio and the
theme on a computer or a mobile phone.
• Online forums: (Reddit, Quora, Digg, etc.) an online place where we
can share knowledge, comment, message, or discuss a particular topic.
• Photo Sharing: Instagram, Imgur, and Snapchat
• Video-Sharing: YouTube
• Blogging and Publishing Networks: WordPress, Tumblr, Medium
• Consumer Review Networks: Yelp, Zomato, TripAdvisor
• Social shopping Networks: Polyvore, Etsy, Fancy
• Discussion Review: Facebook, Reddit, Quora

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

E. Exercises / Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
Amidst the pandemic that we are experiencing right now, lots of us were tied in
the four corners of our house because of the implemented quarantine. Some have to
work at home and students will be given an online class starting August 24, 2020. In
this situation most of us do not have a choice but to rely on multimedia to be updated of
what is going on.
We use different types of multimedia platforms for communications namely print,
broadcast and internet media. The most commonly used nowadays is the internet
media. The use of Social networks/websites is very free and accessible. The use of
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram give us an opportunity
to connect and to talk to our family and friends online. It also gives us an update of
what is happening on the outside world. Another thing is that, it becomes a venue for us
to express our feelings and emotion about a lot of things through videos, comments and
sharing of insights on different issues. And most of all, internet media is also use as
platform for us to reconnect our faith by hearing mass and words of God online.
Using these internet media platforms is as easy as counting to 1-3, but you have
to remember that you have to be responsible and sensitive to the issues that you will
post and comment on. You should know and you should be aware of the online etiquette
and consequence of your online actions.

A. Comprehension Questions:
1. How does pandemic affect our lives?
2. What social media platforms we used were mentioned in the text?
3. What are the benefits of using social media resources?
4. What should we remember in using internet media platforms?

B. Tell whether the statement is Fact or Bluff. Write A if the statement is a Fact and B if the
statement is a Bluff.
1. Multimedia resources give us an update of everything that is going on around us.
2. Twitter is an example of broadcast media.
3. We have to pay online in using the internet media mentioned above.
4. We can freely express our opinion using our Facebook account.
5. We have to be responsible in using internet media.

Activity 2
Directions: Read the excerpt from a personal blog and answer the following questions.
COVID-19: Time to strengthen faith in God
Jun 18, 2020 by Jennibeth Sabay

I fight loneliness by doing things that I like to do — playing the guitar and singing the
songs close to my heart. I listen to inspiring, uplifting talks or music, sit in silence and

I think of happy experiences and recall stories about people I love. I connect with people
in and out of community, sending inspiring group messages to young people. Above all,
it is my heart-to-heart talk, sharing and spending time with God in prayer that soothes
my lonely heart.
It is the time to serve the Lord. Seeing how the people show their generosity, support,
help, perform charitable service, and show their love for others, I can see the real church
— church that is concerned with others in need; the church that prays for one another.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

With technology, people are joining the online Masses. Some prepare an altar with
candles and put on the livestreaming of the Mass. Others even dress up with Sunday's
best clothes in their homes as they participate in online live Mass. I can see that people
value the Mass. But I can feel their longing in their hearts to be in God's presence inside
the church with the bigger family of God. I think this pandemic is strengthening the faith
of the people. It is bringing them closer to God. It brings out the love of God in them. This
crisis shall pass.

1. It is clear from the blog that the author is ___________?

a. humble b. optimistic c. vain d. faithful
2. What kind of experiences does she recall during this time of crisis?
a. sad b. broad c. joyful d. unpleasant
3. According to the blog, to what did the author compare the generosity of the people during
those times?
a. music b. experiences c. church d. people
4. How did the author address her loneliness in times of trouble?
a. talk to others b. tell stories c. tell stories d. spend time praying
5. What is the purpose of the blog?
a. to inspire b. to inform c. to express d. to entertain

F. Post Test
Directions: Determine what category do these items belong. Choose your answer from the box
A. Social networks/websites D. Print Media
B. Blogging E. Photo Sharing
C. Video Sharing F. Broadcast Media

1. YouTube
2. Wordpress
3. Brochure
4. Twitter
5. Instagram

G. Reference:
De Vera, C., (2020). English – Grade 7, Quarter 3 – Module 1: Use Multimedia Resources in
Giving Information and Narrating Events in Personal Recounts (1st ed.). Department of
Education - Schools Division of Pasig City.

Prepared by:


English 7 Teacher

Noted by:


Officer-in-Charge, Bukal INHS

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Using Appropriate Oral Language, Stance and Behavior
Third Quarter – Week 2
A. Learning Competency
EN7OL-III-b-3 Use the appropriate oral language, stance and behavior when giving
information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating events in factual and
personal recounts

B. General Directions/ Instructions

After going through with this unit, you are expected to:
1. Read and follow each direction carefully.
2. Accomplish each activity in a pad paper for the mastery of competency.
3. Use the Learning Activity Sheets with care.
4. If you have any questions, contact, or see your teacher through messenger or
text. (Ana Cryzel/0926-893-0238)

C. Pre-Test

Directions: Identify if the statement is True or False. Write T if the statement is True and F if It
is False.
1. Oral language is the system through which we use spoken words to express knowledge,
ideas, and feelings.
2. Vocabulary influences our reading comprehension as well as our comprehension of
other people's words in everyday conversation.
3. Syntax is focused on the smallest units of meaning within a word, as well as the rules
about how those words are formed.
4. Oral language consists of five areas: phonology, grammar, morphology, vocabulary, and
5. Phonology covers the organization or system of sounds within a language.

D. Lesson

Oral language is the system through which we use spoken words to express
knowledge, ideas, and feelings.
Oral language is often associated with vocabulary as the main component.
However, oral language is comprised of much more. In the broadest definition, oral
language consists of six areas shown in the diagram.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Phonology- an element of oral language dealing with our pronunciation of the words
and how our speech organs move to produce the sound. The clarity of our statement
for us to be understood relies on how well we produce the sound and how well we
pronounce the words.

Let’s practice reading these examples:

Plural words pronounced as:
[z] for words like cabs, bags, bars
[s] for words like caps, backs, faiths
[əz] for words like buses, garages, matches
Soft [th] words like thing, thank, thorn, thought
Hard [th] words like though, then, these, that
Gh sounds as [f] like laugh, cough, elephant, photo

Vocabulary (Semantics)- the word we choose to use in talking to other people is one
of the important factors in our successful conversation and communication.
 To call someone a lady means more than simply being female. Semantics
tell us that, if she's a lady, she possesses elegance and grace.
 A child could be called a child, kid, boy, girl, son, daughter.
 The word “run” has many meanings- physically running, depart or go,
spent or even snag in a pair of hose.

Morphology- is focused on the smallest units of meaning within a word, as well as the
rules about how those words are formed including roots, suffixes, and prefixes.
Correct usage of such will give you smooth conversation with others.
Example: Using eco bag is one simple step to save earth because we can use it
again and again.
BETTER: Using eco bag is one simple step to save earth because we can reuse it
many times.

Grammar (Syntax). The rules of grammar help us decide the order we put words in
and which form of a word to use. Precision and vivid picture of what we are telling
people can be achieved through rules of grammar as to when, where and how the
event happened and as to how a thing looked like.
Examples: I will go to the cinema after my work.
I went to the cinema yesterday.
I excitedly went to the biggest cinema in town.
• The underlined words give details on the statements.

Pragmatics- require the understanding of the social use of language. This includes
social norms regarding conversational turn-taking, personal space, and appropriate
behavior with peers and authority figures in a variety of common social situations.
I heart you! - "heart" refers to an organ in our body. However,
pragmatically, "heart" in this sentence means "love"- to "heart" someone
means you love him.

Components of oral language are powerful factors that influence your skills in
communication once you master them. You can use these skills to process and deliver
instructions, make requests, ask questions, receive new information, and giving
information, making explanations, narrating events and interact with peers. These
communication skills will be exceptional when incorporated with good body gestures
and attitude.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Good body gestures and attitude you should observe and incorporate to oral
language skills.

 Have a positive posture, relaxed and open facial expression.

 Avoid unnecessary gestures or distracting mannerisms.
 Maintaining eye contact helps you gauge audience’s attention and adjust your
language, volume, or the organization of speech. This will help you better
understand, communicate more clearly and successfully interpret nonverbal
cues about their clarity.
 Be natural, spontaneous and conversational.
 Speak loudly and articulate clearly.
 Remember how tone of voice—which includes pitch, volume, speed, and
rhythm—can change the meaning of what you say to avoid misunderstanding.
 Listen attentively when someone is speaking or giving instructions.
 Let your body mirror your feelings.

E. Exercises / Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Give your response to the following situations. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Can you tell me where the market is?
a. Yes, turn around and walk straight.
b. Just walk along the road and you will see it.
c. Sure, just go down the street and turn left. It’s next to the laundry shop.
2. I want to cook steamed banana. How will I do it?
a. Ask your mom to cook it for you.
b. Leve the banana in the pot and heat it.
c. Put the banana in the pot and pour some water then let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes
until it is cooked.
3. Why are you late in our class today?
a. It is none of your business so let me in.
b. Please forgive me. My alarm did not ring that’s why I woke up and came to school
late. May I come in?
c. My mother went to the market and buy some food to eat for our lunch.
4. Which statement gives you information?
a. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella today.
b. I work as a teacher and I’m teaching English to grade schoolers.
c. Please buy me some food for dinner because our refrigerator is empty.
5. Which of the following narrates an event?
a. When I was young, I loved to play in the rain with my friends. We ran after another
and stopped under the big tree to rest. After that, we went home and ate delicious hot
b. To live a simple and happy life, remember to be contented on what you have. Don’t be
jealous and be happy for everyone. Live with a peaceful mind and heart and love
yourself as well.
c. These are the things that you need to remember in cooking your favorite food. First,
complete all your ingredients. Then, start following your procedures and lastly don’t
forget to cook with love.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Activity 2
Directions: Read the selection and answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What is the best word that will complete the sentence? I will ________ the books in the library
after I read it.
a. rewrite b. reread c. return
2. Which word has a hard [th] sound?
a. throw b. thunder c. weather
3. Complete the sentence to make it grammatically correct. “Please be quiet. I’m _________. “
a. worked b. working c. works
4. What is the best definition for the underlined word? He wears his coat for this winter season.
a. A fur covering an animal skin.
b. An outer garment covering torso and arms.
c. Canvas painted with thick tar and secured round a mast.
5. “You are the sunshine of my life.” In pragmatics, what does this sentence mean?
a. You are my happiness.
b. You are my life’s sunshine.
c. You are the sun that shines in my life.

Activity 3
Directions: Using the illustration below, construct simple sentences to make a short story about the
scenes. Write your sentence on the space provided and tell the story by reading it aloud in front of your
family members and be sure to observe proper pronunciation when you do that.

1. _____________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

F. Post Test
Directions: Identify the correct answer for the following statements.
1. What will be your best statement for this situation? You want to borrow your new classmate’s
a. Give me your pen please.
b. May I borrow your pen?
c. Hey Dude! May I borrow your pen?
2. Which sentence is correctly structured?
a. There are many beautiful things to look forward to.
b. She came to school late because she walk from home to school.
c. I forget my book yesterday that’s why I don’t have any homework.
3. It’s dinner time and you saw your sister’s hands are dirty. What will you say?
a. You will not eat until your hands are clean.
b. Eat your dinner without using any utensils.
c. Go to the sink, wash your hands with soap and rinse it thoroughly.
4. The following are proper gestures that the speaker should do except one.
a. Maintain eye contact.
b. Speak loudly and never mind what others are doing.
c. Avoid unnecessary gestures or distracting mannerisms.
5. As a speaker, what will you do if someone is interrupting you while you’re still talking?
a. Pause for a while and tell him to shut up.
b. Never mind that person and continue talking.
c. Pause for a while, approach him politely and give him time to talk.

G. Reference:
Mallon, C., (2020). English – Grade 7, Quarter 3 – Module 2: Using Appropriate Oral Language,
Stance and Behavior (1st ed.). Department of Education - Schools Division of Pasig City.

Prepared by:


English 7 Teacher

Noted by:


Officer-in-Charge, Bukal INHS

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