Chapter 6 Additional Exercise

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Chapter 6 Additional Exercise

6.1 Measures of Central Tendency for Ungrouped Data

1. The following stem-and-leaf diagram shows the weights of some pencils.
Stem (1 Leaf (0.1 g)
6 3 a a a 7
7 1 2 2 3 b 6 8
8 0 c 5 5 8 9
The mean, the median and the mode of the weights of the pencils are 7.5 g, 7.35 g and
6.5 g respectively. Find the values of a, b and c.

2. Consider the set of data: a, a + 2, b, b, c, where a, b and c are distinct. If the mean, the
median and the mode of the set of data are 12.6, 13 and 14 respectively, find the values
of a, b and c.

Multiple Choice Questions

3. If the mode of nine numbers 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 9, 7, x and y is 3, then the median of the nine
numbers is
A. 3.
B. 3.5.
C. 4.
D. 5.

4. If the mean of six numbers 25, 14, 27, 24, 10 and x is x, then the median of the six
numbers is
A. 19.
B. 20.
C. 21.
D. 22.
6.2 Measures of Central Tendency for Data Organized by Frequency Distribution Tables
1. The table below shows the numbers of books borrowed from a library by some readers.
Number of books 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 2 1 6 3 x 7

If the median of the distribution is 4 , how many possible values of x are there? Explain
your answer.

Multiple Choice Questions

2. The table below shows the numbers of students in some classes of a school.
Number of 30 31 32 33 34 35
Frequency 5 7 15 11 6 1

Find the mean, the median and the mode of the numbers of students in the classes.
Mean Median Mode
A. 32.5 32.5 15
B. 32.2 32 32
C. 32 32 32
D. 32 32.5 32.5

Weights of a group of S3 students

3. The figure shows the histogram of the weights of a group
of S3 students. Find the mean weight of the students.
A. 41.5 kg 15

B. 43 kg 10
C. 44 kg
D. 46.5 kg
35.5 40.5 45.5 50.5
Weight (kg)
4. The figure shows the cumulative frequency
Daily rainfall of a city last month
polygon of the daily rainfall of a city last 30
Cumulative frequency

month. Find the median daily rainfall of the

city last month. 20

A. 105.5 mm 10
B. 116.5 mm
C. 118 mm 85.5 105.5 125.5 145.5
D. 125.5 mm Rainfall (mm)
6.3 Weighted Mean
1. The table below shows the ratings of three notebook computers A, B and C in three
Performance Weight Price
Notebook 3 6 9
Rating computer
8 8 2
computer B
Notebook 5 8 6
computer C
Weight m 4 n

(a) If the weighted means of the ratings of notebook computers A and B are 5.5 and 6.5
respectively, find the values of m and n.
(b) By comparing their weighted means, which notebook computer has the highest

2. The following table shows the scores (in marks) of Amy and Betty in two papers of a
Mathematics test.
Score (marks)
Paper 1 Paper 2
Amy 69 54
Betty 70 90

If Amy’s weighted mean score is 63 marks, find Betty’s weighted mean score.
Multiple Choice Questions
3. The consumer price index of a city is the weighted mean of the price indices of four
sections: food, housing, clothing and transport. The price indices and their corresponding
weights are shown below.
Food Housing Clothing Transport
Price index 44 93 61 70
Weight 2 3 1 2

Find the consumer price index of the city.

A. 65
B. 67
C. 69
D. 71
4. The table below shows Daisy’s results in Chinese Language.
Test 1 Test 2 Mid-term Final examination
Score 60 86 92 70
Weight 1 x x+1 6

If her weighted mean score is 79 marks, find the value of x.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
6.4 More about Measures of Central Tendency
1. A bus company runs four routes A, B, C and D. The numbers of bus passengers taking
the routes A, B, C and D per day are 100, 300, 800 and 500 respectively. The table below
shows the bus fare for each route before and after the adjustment.
Route A B C D
Fare Before the 4.5 10.4 16.8 8.3
($) adjustment
After the adjustment 4.6 10.8 18.5 8.6

(a) Find the percentage change in the mean bus fare after the adjustment.
(b) The bus company claims that the percentage increase in the revenue of the bus
company is less than 6.5% after the adjustment. Do you agree? Explain your answer.

Multiple Choice Questions

2. Consider a set of ungrouped data. a, b and c are the mean, the median and the mode of
the set of data respectively. Which of the following must be correct?
I. a must consider all the data in calculation.
II. b must be one of the data.
III. c must exist.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only

3. The hourly wages of ten part-time workers in a factory were as follow:

$39, $37, $35, $37, $32, $34, $38, $42, $94, $38
The human resource manager of the factory claims that ‘The hourly wage of a part-time
worker is $42.6 on average.’ Which of the following best explains why the manager’s
saying is misleading?
A. The average is not one of the data.
B. The data are not arranged in ascending order.
C. The extreme value affects the average.
D. The average is miscalculated.
6.5 Effects of Changes in Data on Central Tendency
1. A study team has 5 members. The mean, the median and the mode of their ages are 15,
15 and 13 respectively. After one member left the team, the mean age of the remaining
members reduced. Find the new median age of the remaining members.
Multiple Choice Questions
2. Four years ago, the mean age of a family was 33. Find the mean age of the family after 3
years from now.
A. 32
B. 34
C. 36
D. 40

3. If the mode of a, b, c, d, e is 32, then the mode of 3a – 1, 3b – 1, 3c – 1, 3d – 1, 3e – 1 is

A. 11.
B. 32.
C. 93.
D. 95.

4. The mean, the median and the mode of a set of data are all 8. If a datum ‘7’ is removed
from the set of data, which of the following must be correct?
I. The mean will increase.
II. The median will increase.
III. The mode will remain unchanged.
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

5. A datum ‘0’ is inserted into a set of data {a, b, c, c, d}, where a < b < c < d < 0. How do the
mean and the median change?
Mean Median
A. Increase Increase
B. Increase Remain unchanged
C. Decrease Increase
D. Decrease Remain unchanged
1. ∵ Mode is 6.5 g.
∵ Median = 7.35 g
7.3 7 0.1b
= 7.35

14.3 + 0.1b = 14.7

b= 4
∵ Mean = 7.5 g
6.3 6.5 3 6.7 7.1 7.2 2 7.3 7.4
7.6 7.8 8 8 0.1c 8.5 2 8.8 8.9
= 7.5

134.8 + 0.1c = 135

c= 2

2. ∵ Median mode
∴ There should be two ‘14’s in the data.
i.e. b = 14.
Case 1: Median = c
c = 13
∵ Mean = 12.6
a (a 2) 13 14 14
= 12.6

2a + 43 = 63
a = 10
Case 2: Median = a + 2
a+2 = 13
a = 11
∵ Mean = 12.6
11 13 c 14 14
= 12.6

c + 52 = 63
c = 11
∴ It is not possible.
∴ a = 10, b = 14, c = 13

3. ∵ Mode = 3
∴ There should be three ‘3’s in the data.
i.e. x = y = 3.
Arrange the data in ascending order.
∴ 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
∴ Median = 3
∴ The answer is A.

4. ∵ Mean = x
25 14 27 24 10 x

x + 100 = 6x
x = 20
Arrange the data in ascending order.
10, 14, 20, 24, 25, 27
20 24
∴ Median =

= 22
∴ The answer is D.
1. ∵ Median = 4
∴2+1+6+3 >x+7
12 > x + 7
x< 5
∵ x must be a positive integer.
∴ x = 1, 2, 3 or 4
∴ There are 4 possible values of x.

2. Total number of classes = 5 + 7 + 15 + 11 + 6 + 1 = 45

30 5 31 7 32 15 33 11 34 6 35 1
Mean =

= 32.2
45 1
Since the total number is odd, the median is the 23rd datum th datum of the data of
‘Number of students’ when the data are arranged in ascending order.
∴ Median = 32
According to the table, the highest frequency is 15.
∴ Mode = 32
∴ The answer is B.

35.5 40.5
3. Class mark of first interval = kg

= 38 kg
class mark of second interval = 43 kg
class mark of third interval = 48 kg
38 10 43 20 48 20
Mean weight = kg
10 20 20

= 44 kg
∴ The answer is C.

4. From the graph,

total frequency of the data = 28
The median is the value corresponding to the cumulative frequency of 14 .

∴ Median = 116.5 mm
∴ The answer is B.
1. (a)Weighted mean of notebook computer A = 5.5
3 m 6 4 9 n
= 5.5
m 4 n

3m + 24 + 9n = 5.5m + 22 + 5.5n
2.5m – 3.5n = 2 …… (1)
Weighted mean of notebook computer B = 6.5
8 m 8 4 2 n
= 6.5
m 4 n

8m + 32 + 2n = 6.5m + 26 + 6.5n
1.5m – 4.5n = –6 …… (2)
3 × (1) – 5 × (2):
(7.5m – 10.5n) – (7.5m – 22.5n) = (6) – (–30)
12n = 36
Put n = 3 into (1).
2.5m – 3.5(3) =2
(b) Weighted mean of notebook computer C
5 5 8 4 6 3
5 4 3

= 6.25
∴ Notebook computer B has the highest rating.

2. Let m and n be the weights of papers 1 and 2 respectively.

Amy’s weighted mean score = 63 marks
69m 54n
= 63
m n

69m + 54n = 63m + 63n

6m = 9n
= 1.5
70m 90n
Betty’s weighted mean score = marks
m n

70 90
= n marks
70 1.5 90
= marks
1.5 1

= 78 marks

3. Consumer price index of the city

44 2 93 3 61 1 70 2
2 3 1 2

= 71
∴ The answer is D.

4. Weighted mean score = 79 marks

60 1 86 x 92 ( x 1) 70 6
= 79
1 x ( x 1) 6

178x + 572 = 79(2x + 8)

20x = 60
∴ The answer is C.
1. (a) Mean bus fare before the adjustment
= $ 4.5 10.4 16.8 8.3

= $10
Mean bus fare after the adjustment
= $ 4.6 10.8 18.5 8.6

= $10.625
10.625 10
Percentage change = 100%

= +6.25%
(b) Daily revenue before the adjustment
= $(4.5 × 100 + 10.4 × 300 + 16.8 × 800 + 8.3 × 500)
= $21 160
Daily revenue after the adjustment
= $(4.6 × 100 + 10.8 × 300 + 18.5 × 800 + 8.6 × 500)
= $22 800
Percentage change in the revenue
22 800 21160
= 100%

= +7.75%, cor. to 3 sig. fig.

> 6.5%
∴ The claim is disagreed.

2. Mean must consider all the data in calculation.

∴ I is correct.
Median may not be one of the data for ungrouped data.
∴ II is not correct.
Mode may not exist.
∴ III is not correct.
∴ The answer is A.

3. Mean = $ 39 37 35 37 32 34 38 42 94 38

= $42.6
1. Let a, b, c, d and e be the ages of the five members in ascending order.
∵ Median = 15
∴ c = 15
∵ Mode = 13
∴ The two data which are smaller than 15 must be 13.
i.e. a = 13 and b = 13
∵ Mean = 15
13 13 15 d e
= 15

d + e + 41 = 75
d + e = 34
∵ d and e must be distinct and greater than 15,
∴ d = 16 and e = 18
∴ The set of data is 13, 13, 15, 16, 18.
∵ The mean of the ages decreases after one member left the team.
∴ The datum removed is greater than 15.
i.e. 16 or 18.
13 15
New median =

= 14

2. Present mean age = 33 + 4

= 37
Mean age after 3 years from now = 37 + 3
= 40
∴ The answer is D.

3. New mode = 3(32) – 1

= 95
∴ The answer is D.
4. The datum removed is smaller than the mean.
∴ The mean will increase.
∴ I is correct.
The datum removed is smaller than the median.
∴ The median will increase or remain unchanged.
∴ II is not correct.
The datum removed is not equal to the original mode.
∴ The mode will remain unchanged.
∴ III is correct.
∴ The answer is B.

5. ∵ A datum ‘0’ is inserted into a set of negative data.

∴ The mean will increase.
Arrange the data in ascending order.
a, b, c, c, d, 0
c c
∴ Median =

∴ The median will remain unchanged.
∴ The answer is B.

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