News Anchor Uprak

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English New Anchor

Group Name :
1. Christian Setiawan
2. Debi Ester Claudia
3. Fabelio Rafael
4. Friska Rayanti
5. Kavita Diya Zinta
6. Sendi Gustian

XII Social 2
First news “Accidents of motorcyclists and car drivers”
News presenter : Fabelio Rafael
Studio : Sendi Gustian
Reporter 1 : Friska Rayanti
Reporter 2 : Debi Ester Claudia
Witness 1 : Kavita Diya Zinta
Witness 2 : Christiano Setiawan

News presenter : There was a crash between a pick up car and a motorcycle
that caused the motorcycle driver to die. And there is a witness
when the crash happened. And we have our reporter there in
the first place.

Reporter 1 : Morning everyone. I’m Friska and my partner here debbi I'm
here on the site surrounded by many people that want to know
what actually happened.

Studio : Oke kavita can you tell us what actually happened there? How
is the situation at that site right now?

Reporter 2 : Ok Sendi I'm standing right behind where the motorcycle

crashed. And not far from where I am standing is lying a dead
body of a motorcycle owner that has been crashed. And it’s so
crowded here because many people want to know what actually

News presenter : Do you know any witnesses there? Can you ask them what
actually happened to us?

Reporter 1 : So I'm here with 2 witnesses kavita and christian

Can you please tell us what just happened?

witness 1 : The motorcycle passed this intersection fast. Then a pickup car
wanted to pass. so, because the driver didn't see the motorcycle,
he crashed the motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle died
instantly.. The pickup driver was just a little injured. and it's not

Witness 2 : The pickup driver was just a little injured. and it's not
but i think the picked up car driver was drunk because he can
talk clearly when police interrogate him and not only that, his
clothes smells alkohol.

Reporter 2 : Okay studio I just heard the picked up car just got drunk so that
he can drive focusly. And we still try to find out what actually

News presenter : Can you guys please ask the details of the crash?

Reporter 2 : Got it. Can you guys please tell us the kronologi of the accident?

Witness 1 : Yeah i was there when the crash happened. I just got back
from work and tried to hold my jacket on. And I see the crash
happen not far from where I just stopped. I tried to come closer
and checked the situation. The motorcycle driver was still
breathing so screams to seek help and he came.

Witness 2 : I ran as fast as I could when I heard someone asking for help.
And after I knew what was happening I called the police and
ambulance. And when the police came they started to
interrogate the car driver but he look like not well and turns out
the he drank.

reporter 2 : Thanks for the information sir. Now, that's happened. We went
back to the studio.

Studio : Reporter can you tell us the situation there?

Reporter : As you can see now, it is so crowded here. Does the crowd
happen from the start?

Witness 1 : No it doesn’t. People started to come after they heard the

police siren.

Witness 2 : Yeah it means the crowd happen not so long ago

Reporter 1 : Okay back to the studio.

Studio : Thanks for the information. Now, that's our headline news
today. For everyone please stay tuned cause we will be right
back in minutes. Please be careful wherever you are going.
Second News “Child Murder in North Jakarta”

News anchor 1 : Kavita Diya Zinta

News anchor 2 : Debi Ester Claudia
Reporter : Sendi Gustian
Ibu korban (saksi) : Friska Rayanti
Kepolisian : Christiano Setiawan
Pengadilan : Fabelio Rafael

News anchor 1 : "Good morning everyone, come back with us on the "criminal
case". I am Kavita Dyazinta Dewi and my partner Debby Claudia
will accompany you in the next few minutes."

News anchor 2 : "Thank you Kavita. This morning, we will present the latest
news regarding the 'discovery of the body of a 9 year old
teenager in North Jakarta."

News anchor 1 : "Yes, it is known beforehand, the victim with the initials AV was
last seen on Wednesday in front of a hospital in Kemayoran. At
that time the people who were with the victim were the mother
and her caregiver. And after that day, the victim AV disappeared
and never return."

News anchor 2 : "Four days later, AV was found dead in a parking lot near an
amusement park, off the coast of Indah Kapuk.

News anchor 1 : "Okay, for more detailed information. We have already

connected with our reporter, Sendi Gustian"

News anchor 2 : "Yes, Joint, how are things there?"

Reporter : "Yes, Debby, I am currently at the victim's house. A sense of

loss and sadness has enveloped AV's family , admitted that she
did not expect the perpetrator to do this to her son."

News anchor 1 : "Sendi, is it possible for the victim's mother to be interviewed?"

Reporter : "Yes, it is known even though the victim's mother is in

treatment for depression. She can still give a clear picture of the
last time her son was seen."
(The reporter went to the victim's mother as a witness)

Reporter : "Actually how is the full story about the day your son

Witness 1 : "On that day, I had a scheduled treatment at a hospital. Alvito

and Agnes took me that day. I didn't suspect anything, because
Agnes looked like her usual self."

Reporter : "In your eyes, how is Dave's figure?"

Witness 1 : "Agnes is a nanny figure that Alvito likes. She will take care of
my son, every Wednesday. They get along well. There is
absolutely no indication that Agnes will have plans to kill my son

Reporter : "Okay, thanks for the explanation. I'm sorry for the death of
your son."

Reporter : "Yes, Kavita. Such is the information regarding the last

whereabouts of the victim from the witness who is none other
than the victim's own mother."

News anchor 2 : "Okay, thank you, Sendi"

News anchor 2 : "Well, to know more clearly about the continuation of this case.
You have been connected with the court and the police who are
handling this case."

News anchor 1 : "How will the police investigation continue?"

Police : "The perpetrator, AT, was initially unable to answer questions

from our side. Then he brought the detective to the place where
the suspect was suspected of dumping the victim's body."

News anchor 2 : "Actually, what is the chronology of the kidnapping of the victim
before the murder?"

Police : "It is known, after dropping the victim's mother. The perpetrator
took the victim to her residence, where the perpetrator's
boyfriend lived there. The next day, the perpetrator called the
victim's grandmother saying that the victim wanted to stay
another day. At that time the perpetrator was still communicating
with the victim's mother, but after that their communication was
cut off."

News anchor 2 : Are there any indications for the perpetrators to commit murder?

Police : "No, there is absolutely no indication that the perpetrator had

committed a previous murder."

News anchor 1 : "What is the outcome of the court regarding the perpetrator,

Court : "Yes, Kavita. We heard from a psychiatrist that the perpetrator

would react "sadistically" when he was angry. It is also known
that when killing victim AV, the perpetrator was under the
influence of drugs. It can be seen in the injuries found on the
face, chest , and the boy's arm is completely inexplicable
because it's so severe."

News anchor 2 : "Then did the police know the reason for the perpetrator's

Police : "Not yet, but our party assumes that the perpetrator did this for
no definite reason. It is known from his criminal tracks, the
perpetrator has also killed a 6-year-old child"

Court : "In response to the public outcry over this case, the judge to
order the supervision of the offender after the prison has been
imposed is too late to apply to him."

News Anchor 2 : "Hopefully the perpetrators receive a punishment that is

commensurate with their actions"

Court : "we will carry out our duties in accordance with applicable

News anchor 1 : "Okay, thanks for the explanation."

News anchor 2 : "Okay viewers, today's case teaches us to

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