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There was a little girl that lived near the riverbank. Her name
is Maria. She was born in a poor family. Sometimes they cannot
eat breakfast. Her house is far. They don’t have electricity. She
dreams of having a good life. So she study hard and finished her
studies. Now she can completely eat her meals and can watch
television. Thank God for the good life she had now.

1. Who was raised in a poor family?

a. Elsa
b. Charlo
c. Dante
d. Maria
2. What is Maria’s dream?
a. Buy a new toy
b. Have a good life
c. Play always
d. Travel around the world
3. Where is Maria’s house located?
a. In the forest
b. In the mountaintop
c. Near the riverbank
d. Near the sea


My favorite teacher is a girl. Her name is Joylen. She is

living at Tulunan. She is a happy teacher. She has long curly
hair and brown skin color. I admire her for being friendly and
caring. She loves to smile at everybody.

1. Where does her favorite teacher live?

a. Davao City
b. Digos City
c. Magsaysay
d. Tulunan

2. What is the name of her favorite teacher?

a. Jenny
b. Joy
c. Jolly
d. Joylen
3. What type of hair does her favorite teacher have?
a. Long straight hair
b. Short straight hair
c. Long curly hair
d. Short curly hair

It was a fine day today. Joshua is excited to experience another
vacation day and spend time with his family. They plan to go
swimming at the beach.

1. What do you think is Joshua’s feeling on vacation day?

a. Bored
b. Excited
c. Sick
d. Surprised

2. What activity may Joshua and His family enjoy on vacation

a. Dancing
b. Eating
c. Sleeping
d. Swimming
3. Where did Joshua’s family planned to go on vacation day?
a. Pool
b. River
c. Beach
d. Mountain

Peter the Fish Keeper

I am Peter. I am a fish keeper. I love to collect gold fishes.

Because gold fishes are beautiful. They come in different colors.
Some of them are red and white, some are orange and black. I
kept them inside an aquarium and displayed inside the house.

1. Who is the fish keeper in the story?

a. Emma
b. Lorna
c. Peter
d. Sandro
2. What kind of fish does Peter love to collect?
a. Angel fish
b. Bangus
c. Gold fish
d. Tilapia
3. Where does Peter keep his gold fishes?
a. Aquarium
b. Basin
c. Box
d. Refrigerator

I have a best friend. The name is Miggy. It is a clever dog. It
makes me happy when I am lonely. My pet loves to play and run.
When I am home, my pet wiggles its tail and kiss my cheeks.

1. What kind of animal is Miggy?

a. Cat
b. Chicken
c. Dog
d. Goat

2. What did Miggy do with his tail?

A. Play
B. Run
C. Sleep
D. Wiggle
3. What is the name of the dog?
a. Mardy
b. Marky
c. Miggy
d. Minky

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