Unit 1 - Practice - S1-2022

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Royal University of Law and Economics

Unit 1 Exercise Practice

Class:…P1B02- Date:……………

Name: VUN
I. Vocabulary
1. Write the correct words from the box with its definitions

Boring, happy,
doctor, dangerous, chef, engineer,photographer,
unhappy politician, journalist,
pilot, interesting, Occupation,safe,
police officer,
poor,travel agent,,rich

1. Boring
: not interesting to do something
2. Chef
: a cook in a restaurant
3. Dancer : a person who earns money by dancing
4. Dangerous : unsafe or harmful
5. Doctor : a professional who helps sick or injured people
6. Engineer : a person who plans the making of machines, roads and bridges
7. Happy
: a joyful feeling
8. Interesting : something that is exciting or unusual
9. Journalist : a person whose job is to collect news

10. Photographer_: someone who takes photos as a job

11. 11. Pilot _: a professional who flies airplanes

Police office_r : a person who is trained to maintain law and order

Politician _: a person with a job in politics or government

14. 14. Poor _: to not have a lot of money

15. 15. Rich _: to have a lot of money
Teacher _: a person whose job is to teach students

Travel agent_: a person who plans trips and holidays

18. 18. Safe : not dangerous

19. 19. Unhappy : a sad feeling
20. 20. Occupatio : Job
Royal University of Law and Economics

II. Grammar
A. Unscramble the sentences
1. a/not/is/Ali/police officer. Ali is not a police officer.
2. politicians./are/They/not They are not politicians.
3. are/We/Japanese. We are Japanese.
4. am/I/a/chef. I am a chef.
5. not/She/French./is She is not French.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of pronoun +

be or contraction of pronoun + Be
1. A: Are they Mexican? B: Yes, they are .
2. A: Are they they aren't .
French? B: No,
3. A. Are they Peruvian? B. No, they aren't . They'reCambodian.
4. A. Is she is
the politician? B. Yes, she .
5. A. Are you the journalist French?B. No, I'm not .

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be

1. My friends are happy.
2. Dara ’s job is is
dangerous. He a police officer.
3. Their jobs are interesting.
4. My English classes is difficult but they are interesting classes.
5. The doctors are rich.

D. Write sentences using the cues and possessive adjectives.

Follow the example
1. Susan, German: Her nationality is German.
2. You, Japan My nationality is Japanese.
3. Luis, Peru His nationally is Peruvian.
4. Jonh,Jordan His nationality is Jordanian.
5. Sofia and Jack, Australia Their nationality are Australian.
6. Rothana, Cambodia Her nationality is Cambodian.

Royal University of Law and Economics

E. Complete sentences by using a possessive adjective.

1. My parents are journalists. Their
jobs are interesting.
2. Mr. David is a doctor. His salary is good.
3. Mei is a travel agent. Her job is fun.
4. You are unhappy. Your life is difficult.
5. I am a good student. My education is important to me.
6. Ms. Sofia is a dancer. Her job is joyful.
7. I am a photographer. My job is very interesting.
8. They are my Their names are Both and Kosal.
9. I like my teacher. He name is Rotha.
10. Mr. Shen likes his job. He is an engineer.

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