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Concept note

1. Background

Worldwide, 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. The Rwanda
Mental Health Survey conducted in 2018 reported a 10.2% prevalence of mental disorders
among 14 -18 years old. One young man or woman out of thirteen (7.46 %) is alcohol
dependent, one young man or woman out of twenty (4.88%) suffers from nicotine dependence
and one young man or woman out of forty (2.54%) is cannabis dependent (MINIYOUTH,
2015). Before the age of 18, around one in five females and one in 10 males in Rwanda was
exposed to sexual violence; four in 10 females and six in 10 males were exposed to physical
violence, and one in 10 females and two in 10 males faced emotional violence (Violence
against Children and Youth Survey in Rwanda, 2015-2016).

To respond to the aforementioned problems, The Ministry of Health/ Rwanda Biomedical

Centre jointly with the Ministry of Education launched the school-based mental health and
adolescent sexual reproductive health (ASRH) program in December 2020. Since March 2021,
mental health professionals at District, Referral and Provincial hospitals started to regular visit
secondary and TVET schools belonging to the respective hospital’s catchment to provide the
mental health and ASRH care to the students/staff in needs. However, some schools are not
being reached at due to their inaccessible geographical location. On top of that, there is an issue
of transport fees, skills and knowledge of mental health professionals who are implementing
the program.

Therefore, to respond to those challenges, Rwanda Biomedical Centre is organizing an

intensive week of mental health and ASRH activities in schools. RBC will provide vehicles

and perdiems to all District, Referral and Provincial hospitals who are implementing the
program. RBC will also provide the logistics to the mental health experts who conduct
mentorship and supervision of mental health and ASRH activities in schools.

2. Objectives
1.1.General objective

- Conduct mental health and adolescent sexual reproductive health activities in

secondary and TVET schools.
- Conduct mentorship and supervision of mental health and ASRH activities in schools
- Conduct awareness on adolescent mental health and sexual reproductive health related
- Ensure the capacity building of mental health professionals from District, Provincial
and Referral hospitals implementing the program

1.2.Specific objectives

- Conduct mental health and adolescent sexual reproductive health awareness in schools
- Screen identified students/staff with education, emotional and behavioral problems
- Address emotional, behavioral and developmental challenges within the schools
- Provide referral to students/staff with complicated mental health and ASRH problems
- Adress adolescent sexual reproductive health issues as results of alcohol and substance
abuse and other mentor health disorders.
- Respond and prevent violence against children cases in schools
- Produce the reports of the activity

3. Expected results

- Awareness programs on mental health, mental disorders, and adolescent sexual

reproductive health in schools were conducted
- School staff per school visited were trained on mental health and ASRH
- Identified children/staff with mental health and ASRH problems were individually
assessed and supported
- Complicated cases were referred at health facility for further care
- Cases of violence against children were psychological supported and documented
- Adolescent students with early teenage pregnancies were supported adequately
- Report of school visited were produced and submitted at Rwanda Biomedical Centre

4. Activities and participants
4.1. Conduct mental health and adolescent sexual reproductive health activities
in schools

This activity will be conducted by Mental Health Professionals at all District, Provincial and Referral
Hospitals from 10th to 14th May 2021.

4.2. Mentorship and supervision of mental health and ASRH activities in


This activity will be performed by the mental health experts in Rwanda from 10th to 14th May
2021. The participants will come from the following instutions:

S/N Institution Number of staff

1 RBC/Mental Health Division 4
2 SOS Rwanda 1

4 Huye Isange Rehabilitation Center 1

5 Hope and Homes for Children 1

6 NPH CARAES Ndera 1

4.3. Case sharing for mental health professionals

The case sharing will be attended by mental health professionals from District, Provincial and
Referral hospitals who are implementing the school-based mental health and adolescent sexual
reproductive health sexual program in hospital’s catchment area. The activity will take place
mental health experts in Rwanda will facilitate this activity.

S/N Institution Number of Staff

Mental Health professionals from District,
1 46
Provincial and Referral hospitals
2 RBC/Mental Health Division 4
4 Huye Isange Rehabilitation Center 1
5 Hope and Homes for Children 1
6 NPH CARAES Ndera 1
7 University of Rwanda 1
8 CHUK 1

5. Source of Budget

- The budget to conduct these activities will be given by RBC/SPIU.


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