Invitation Letter Hosp-ASRH

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Rwanda Kigali on, 29 | 20.2.4 ft Cc comedical Ref: Npyy_{RBC-HDPDC/2021 “se ‘en Office of HDPC Department Director General of District, Provincial and Referral hospital (All) RE: School-based mental health, and ASRH program: Case sharing session Dear Director General, As part of strengthening the mental health, and adolescent sexual reproductive health sexual program in schools, RBC through Mental Health and MCCH Divisions are organizing a five days’ case sharing session of mental health professionals of District, Provincial and Referral hospitals who are implementing this program. ‘Therefore, we kindly request you to facilitate one clinical psychologist or mental health nurse where there is no clinical psychologist from your hospital who is coordinating the activities to attend this important activity. The session will take place at La Palisse Nyamata Hotel, Bugesera District from 17% to 21%t May 2021 from 8:00 AM. ‘The participants are requested to reach the venue on Sunday, 16 May 2021 with negative Covid-19 test taken within the last 24 hours, All logistics costs related to this activity, including per diems and transport fees will be reimbursed by RBC through bank account after completion of the session upon the presentation of travel clearance and copy of ID. For further information, please contact Program Coordinator Mr. Emmanuel HAKOMEZA, Tel: 0781293999 and email: emmanuel, Sincerely, Dr Albert TUYISHIME Head of Department Co: ~ Director General/RBC - Mayor of District and District Executive Administrator (All) - Mental Health Division Manager / / KG 17 Ave, PO Box : 7162 , Kigali - Rwanda

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