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Joie Cyra G.


1. How did the historical events of the 20th century shape peace education movement? Discuss.

The historical events of the 20th century shape peace education movement by ways of, peace education has a

history that is undoubtedly as old as human civilization, as cultures all over the world have learned and then

taught the next generation how to live peacefully with others. Various philosophical and theological customs

have been a powerful and influential origin of peace learning, even though these traditions have also been

used to promote violence. In addition, the expansion of peace education parallels the expansion of peace

movements. The modern anti-war movement began in the nineteenth century, following the Napoleonic

wars, when gradual academics and legislators formed significant societies to study the military threats and

spread arguments against the buildup of armaments. Indigenous peace organizations have sprouted up in the

United Kingdom, Belgium, and France. Workingmen's connections and social democrat political groups were

closely associated only with second wave of nineteenth-century peace movements. As a result, the history of

peace education has many different roots and paths; however, every occurrence of peace education is seen

as component of a bigger movement to towards the creation of a more peaceful future.

2. Trace the history and development of Peace Education.

The modern peace movement, according to peace education scholar Ian Harris, began in nineteenth-

century Europe with many intellectual efforts to learn about violent conflict, evolved into socialist political

thought, and spread to the United States and elsewhere before World War I. Scholars began studying war

and attempt to educate people about its risks. More and more people attempted to persuade one another

their authorities to resolve conflicts around the world through mediation rather than war. Women were

especially active in this modern peace education movement in the early 1900s. Peace educators began

canvassing for social equality at this time, claiming that poverty and inequality were causes of war. Women

were frequently at the helm of these campaigns. Maria Montessori is one illustration of a prominent mid-
century theorist who discovered new links between peace and education. Soon after World War II, peace

studies became a more serious academic subject, and the threat of nuclear war throughout the Cold War

encouraged many scholars to devote their studies to creating a sustainable peace. Lastly, the history of peace

education has many roots and has taken many different pathways; nonetheless, every occurrence of peace

education may be regarded as part of a greater movement toward a more peaceful world.

3. What are the importance of the study of peace education? Explain.

The importance of the study of peace education are, it helps students to have a healthy conflict

resolution, gain new skills and knowledge that will help them for their future, enables young generations to

have a strong and genuine relationship with each other rather than having a competition towards each other

and many more. Peace education is important for everyone, but especially for children who are still forming

their identities and values. When we educate kids to be serene, we give them the opportunity to be positive

influences for the adults around them. When this occurs, the impact has a cascading effect in their

neighborhoods, revealing the beauty of peace education's relationship nature. The concept of a huge

influence is what motivates me to teach problem solving techniques to young generation through peace


4. Discuss the holistic view of Peace Education.

The holistic view of Peace Education is that, according to Schmidt and Friedman (1998), it promotes children's

physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development within a framework based on traditional human

values. It is founded on ideology, which focuses on teaching love, compassion, trust, fairness, cooperation,

and value of human group and all life on our earth. Peace education calls into question the lengthy belief that

wars are unavoidable. This belief is frequently based on the underlying assumption that conflict is essential

for humans. Peace education confronts this viewpoint and inspires people to seek alternative solutions to

violence as well as methods to avoid violent confrontation. Political advocacy for non - violence dispute
resolution is an important component of peace education, and you can assume the advantages that will be

realized when this becomes the prevailing attitude and worth in our country and around the world.

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