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Computer Programming (ESFY2050T)

Presentation Schedule (Div. E AIML)

Roll No. Date Topic Name
51 Algorithm
52 Flowchart
53 Keyword
54 Data type
55 Constant
56 Variable
57 Arithmatic operator
58 Relational operator
59 Logical operator
60 Assignment operator
61 Unary operator
62 Conditional Operator
1 Bitwise Operator
2 Expressions
3 Statement
4 Library function
5 Library function
6 Preporcessor
7 getchar()
8 Putchar()
9 scanf()
10 printf()
11 gets()
12 puts()
13 Structure of C Program
14 if Statement
15 if else Statement
16 Switch Statement
17 while Loop
18 Do While Loop
19 for Loop
20 Defining a function
21 Accessing a function
22 Fucntion Prototype
23 Passing argument to a function
24 Recursive function
25 Stoarage class Atuo
Computer Programming (ESFY2050T)
Presentation Schedule (Div. E AIML)
Roll No. Date Topic Name
26 Stoarage class External
27 Stoarage class Static
28 Arrary Declaration
29 Accessing Array Element
30 Single Dimention Array
31 MultiDimention Array
32 Arrary Passing to Function
33 String
34 string.h Function
35 User Defined function in String.h
36 Structure Declaration
37 Structure Initialization
38 Structure within Structure
39 Operation on Structure
40 Array of Strucutre
41 Pointer Introduction
42 Definition & Uses of Pointer
43 Address Operator
44 Pointer Variable
45 Pointer Arithmatic
46 Pointer Call by Value
47 Pointer Call by Reference
48 Program on Structure (Min. 3)
49 Program on Recursive Function (Min.3)
50 Program on Array (Min. 3)
Program on String Operation (Min. 3)

1. All student should be ready with presentation on given date.
2. Minimum 5 & Maximum 10 Slides are required for presentation.
3. No Paragraphs are allowed in the presentation.
4. Presentation contains only points and students should explain or elaborate the topic / point
during the presentation time.
5. If a student is absent at the time of presentation, that student will not be given the opportunity
of re-presentation.
6. Every student will get 10 Minutes for presentation. Student should complete his/her
presentation in said time.

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