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Why does 5 year old chintu praised for his coding work while
5 year old chotu who is selling tea is not?
March 15, 2022

  Does engagement of children working for

earning an issue of concern or not?

Allowing children to get involved in paid work is a

controversial and debatable issue. It is a complicated and
sensitive topic as there are various circumstances under which
a child engaging in paid work is justified and at the same
time, there are facts that prove it to be an illegal act.
Wrong thing about child work

 Childhood is a golden period of life to enjoy, develop

and learn rather than getting involved in paid works.
 It is not practical to drag them to do paid work.
 Employers manipulate children, they pay-less and exploit
the child.
 The jobs in which children are involved do not give them
any benefit instead it hampers their development and
restricts their progress.
 Many children work in factories and which could result
in infecting their health. 
 Instead of getting involved in education a child is forced
towards the money which could consequently lead to
doing him/her tasks that are inappropriate or not legal.
Right thing about child work

 On the contrary, the other pool of thought says that it is

beneficial for children who have a financial crisis in life.
 Instead of begging, it is advisable to work and live with
 In certain economic circumstances it is necessary for
children t work, it will make them responsible, provide
them with a valuable experience and enhance their social
 It could be given the child the courage to stand by
his/her own self.
 The child could learn various ways or skills that are
needed for his/her employment.

Final Conclusion
By looking at the situations and cases it's very easy to jump to
a conclusion that child labour must be completely banned and
anyone who is giving money in return for work to a child
must be jailed, but just take a halt, as is it fair enough to
restrict the income of the child who is struggling his entire life
to even get his/her daily based food for surviving, let's view
the picture from their perspective as if we can praise a 5-year
old Chintu (example of a child's name) to get self-employed
through his coding skills and working for companies then why
that 5- year old Chotu (example of a child's name) who is
somewhere selling tea for his survival is not praised for, ain't
it be hypo-critic, we know that there are various pot-holes or
loops in the system or due to certain circumstances by which
each and every child could not receive the benefits of the
right-to-education act, so finally concluding it only the better
option towards the situation before restricting a child from
work a well planned path for his education and 
responsibilities for his/her nutriment must be taken by each of
us who are capable to do.

 --- !!! Happy Reading !!!--- 

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