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My pet cat

My pet cat is Peter, and he is a Siamese cat. My younger

brother named our cat Peter because he thought it would be funny to
give our cat a human name. Most of my relatives also think that that is
funny because their pet cats have names like ‘Fluffy.’ I wanted to name my cat Garfield,
as the comic because I love reading Garfield comics, but now his name is Peter.

Peter is a white cat with patches of fading black fur here

are there. around his face, there is a shadow-like patch of
black fur, in the middle of which you can see peter’s big,
bright, and round blue eyes. Through the patch, you can
also see his white whiskers in a sticking out fashion. Even
Peter’s ears, paws, and tail are black, while the rest of his
body is covered in soft white fur. This color patching of
black and white is the common characteristic of all
Siamese cats

Peter is a very clean cat who knows how to clean up after

himself when he has to go to the bathroom. His kitty litter
box is kept in the bathroom in my house so that he can be
just as independent as his humans, i.e., my family and
me. After he finishes his bathroom business, he even covers
it up with the litter.

Most cats are known to prefer to be on their own, being

independent, etc. However, Peter is the opposite of that. He
loves to get affection and attention and playing with
everyone who wants to. His favorite person to play with is my father because he gives Peter lots
of treats. Yes, Peter gets a lot of treats along with his two meals a day, which is why he is one
of the fattest cats I have ever seen. His fatness makes him very cute, chubby, and fun to play
with, and he is the best cuddle buddy.

Another way that my pet cat Peter is very different from other cats is that he likes to play
Fetch. My aunt bought him a small squeaky toy, which, when we throw it for him, fetches it and
brings it back. He also likes to go for walks with my mom and me in the evenings and does not
hate it when we put a collar and leash to take him out. My friends told me that their cats really
hate when they do that, but Peter likes to go out like that.

I really love my pet cat Peter because he is always there to keep me company when I don’t want
to be alone. When I’m doing my homework or working on a project, watching TV, playing video
games, or anything else, Peter comes and sits down with me to keep me company. It is a very
nice feeling to have a pet cat.

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