Ivermectin Toxicity

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‫‪Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308‬‬ ‫‪Al-Rekabi &et al.



‫‪F. M. K . Al-Rekabi1‬‬ ‫‪A. Alsadawi2‬‬ ‫‪Ali. I. Al-ameedi3‬‬
‫‪Assist Prof.‬‬ ‫‪Lecturer‬‬ ‫‪Lecturer‬‬
‫‪Dept of Phys, Bioch and Pharma, Coll of Vet Med, University of Baghdad, Iraq‬‬
‫‪Dept of Vet Public Health, Coll of Vet Med, University of Baghdad, Ira‬‬
‫‪Dept of phys and Pharmacology,Coll of Vet Med ,Al-Qasim Green University, Babylon-Iraq‬‬
‫‪Email:fab20062003@yahoo.com, falah@covm.uobaghdad.edu.iq‬‬
‫‪This study was conducted to investigate the potential therapeutic of flumazenil and neostigmine in single and‬‬
‫‪combination in Balb-C mice subjected to ivermectin acute oral toxicity. Ivermectin-poisoning dose was‬‬
‫‪considered the half dose of LD50 that computed in current study as 20.9 mg/kg BW. A total of 24 male Blub-C‬‬
‫‪mice were divided randomly into four equal treatment groups and administered ivermectin-poisoning dose (10‬‬
‫‪mg/kg BW) and treated as follows: control group (C), treated orally with distilled water; neostigmine-treated‬‬
‫‪group (NT), treated i.p. with 60 µg/kg BW of neostigmine; flumazenil-treated group (FT), treated i.p. with 7‬‬
‫‪µg/kg BW of flumazenil; and combination-treated group (CT), treated i.p. with 30 µg/kg BW of neostigmine plus‬‬
‫‪3.5 µg/kg BW of flumazenil. Oral administration of ivermectin at poisoning dose caused grooming, lethargy,‬‬
‫‪depression, recumbency, with no mortalities recorded. The toxic signs of animals in FT and NT groups were‬‬
‫‪disappeared within 1.23 and 1.98 h, respectively, comparing to animals in CT and C groups, in which the‬‬
‫‪recovery time was prolonged to 40.62 and 4.52 h, respectively. Overall, both flumazenil and neostigmine‬‬
‫‪medicines have the potential to overcome ivermectin acute poisoning in Bulb-C mice, with flumazenil being more‬‬
‫‪efficient. However, the combination of both medicines can cause an adverse prognosis.‬‬
‫‪Keywords: Ivermectin, flumazenil, neostigmine, Balb-C‬‬

‫الركابي واَخرون‬ ‫مجلة العلوم الزراعية العراقية ‪308-301:)2) 52: 2021-‬‬

‫نهج جديد في عالج التسمم الحاد بعقار االفرمكتين في ذكور الفئران‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫علي العميدي‬ ‫عقيل السعداوي‬ ‫فالح موسى كاظم الركابي‬
‫مدرس‬ ‫مدرس‬ ‫أستاذ مساعد‬
‫فرع الفسلجه والكيمياء الحياتيه واألدويه ؛ كلية الطب البيطري؛ جامعة بغداد؛ العراق‬
‫فرع الصحه العامه البيطريه ؛ كلية الطب البيطري ؛ جامعة بغداد ؛ الع ارق‬
‫كلية الطب البيطري –جامعة القاسم الخضراء‬
‫أجريت هذه الدراسه لتقصي القابلية العالجيه لعقاري الفلومازنيل والنيوستكمين كل بصورة منفره ومزيجهما في الفئران المسممه بجرعه عاليه مفرده من‬
‫االفرمكتين ‪ .‬تم تحديد الجرعة السمية الحاده إعتمادا على حساب الجرعة النصف قاتله لعقار االفرمكتين بطريقة الصعود والنزول وبعدها تم إختيار‬
‫‪ 9‬و‪ 20‬ملغم‪/‬كغم من وزن الجسم ‪.‬أستخدم أربعة وعشرون فأ ار‬ ‫نصفها تقريبا واستخدمت في التجربة العالجيه‪ .‬كانت الجرعة الفمويه النصف قاتله‬
‫لتقييم القابلية العالجيه لعقاري الفلومازنيل والنيوستكمين ومزيجهما ؛ قسمت الحيوانات عشوائيا الى أربعة مجاميع متساويه واستحدث التسمم الحاد‬
‫باالفرمكتين بجرعة ‪ 10‬ملغم ‪ /‬كغم من وزن الجسم فمويا وتم معاملة المجاميع كما يلي ‪ :‬مجموعة السيطره(‪ )C‬عولجت فمويا بالماء المقطر؛ مجموعة‬
‫المعالجه بالنيوستكمين(‪ )NT‬حقنت خالل البريتون بجرعة ‪ 60‬مايكروغرام ‪/‬كغم من وزن الجسم ؛مجموعة المعالجه بالفلومازنيل (‪ )FT‬حقنت خالل‬
‫البريتون فلومازيل ‪7‬مايكروغرام ‪/‬كغم من وزن الجسم ؛ مجموعة المزيج (‪ )CT‬حقنت خالل البريتون ‪ 30‬ميكروغرام نيوستكمين مع‪ 3,53‬مايكروغرام‬
‫فلومازنيل ‪/‬كغم من وزن الجسم‪.‬أظهرت الحيوانات التي جرعت فمويا بالجرعة السامة من االفرمكتين أعراض سريريه تراوحت بين اإلستدراج ؛ الكسل‬
‫؛كابه ورقاد بدون هالكات ‪ .‬إختفت األعراض السميه لالفرمكتين في مجموعتي المعالجة بالفلومازنيل والنيوستكمين بصوره ملحوضه حيث إختفت‬
‫األعراض خالل ‪ 1 , 23‬و‪ 1 , 98‬ساعه على التوالي بالمقارنة مع مجموعتي المزيج والسيطره اللتين سجلتا وقت شفاء ‪40 ,68‬؛‪ 4,524‬على التوالي‬
‫‪ .‬يمكن اإلستنتاج بأن كال عقاري الفلومازنيل والنيوستكمين لهما القابلية على كبح التسمم الحاد باالفرمكتين في الفئران حيث كان عقار الفلومازنيل‬
‫األكثر فعاليه بينما سبب مزيج الفلومازنيل والنيوستكمين ماال سيئا‪.‬‬
‫الكلمات المفتاحية‪ :‬االفرمكتين؛ فلومازنيل؛ نيوستكمين؛ الفئران‬

‫‪Received:25/2/2020, Accepted:3/6/2020‬‬

Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308 Al-Rekabi &et al.
INTRODUCTION (6.6mg/kg BW), vitamin B-complex with liver
Ivermectin is a macrocyclic lactone, broad- extract (3 mL), chlorpheniramine maleate
spectrum antiparasitic (18, 14). It has been (Avil) at 0.5 mg/kg BW daily for five days. A
evolved over the last three decades from being slight improvement was seen in calf after three
a veterinary “blockbuster” drug to a panacea days and complete recovery after five days of
for nematodal infestation and ectoparasitic treatment (19). The main concern is the
diseases in humans (5), and widely used as a neurotoxicity, which in most mammalian
drug for the treatment of parasitic infection in species may manifest as central nervous
laboratory rodents (16). Ivermectin as system depression, and consequent ataxia as
insecticide mediates its activity through might be expected from potentiating of
potentiation gamma aminobutyric acid inhibitory GABA-ergic synapses (2, 15).
(GABA) neural and neuromuscular Flumazenil, an imidazobenzodiazepine, has a
transmission, while mammals are relatively very rapid onset of action after parenteral
resistant to ivermectin poisoning as they have administration. The affinity of flumazenil is
only central GABA-ergic synapses protected between the α and γ2 subunits of the GABAA
by the blood-brain barrier. However, at high receptor, close to the benzodiazepine binding
doses, ivermectin may penetrate the blood- site (13). The predominant receptor composed
brain barrier. It was reported that the peak of of α1 mediates sedation and muscle relaxation,
the ivermectin level in the brain reaches those with α2 or α3 anxiolysis and
between 2-4 hs after administration. In anticonvulsant effects and the extrasynaptic
mammalian species, CNS depression and receptor with α5 amnesia (1). Neostigmine is
ataxia are the most observed symptoms seen as an anticholinesterase, and this allows ACh to
a result of inhibitory GABA-ergic synapses(8). persist for a longer period enhancing
Ivermectin augments the release of GABA at transmission across neuromuscular junctions
presynaptic neurons. It is absorbed up to 95% and causes muscle contraction (10). Due to
after oral administration in simple stomached accidental and improper use of ivermectin in
animals (17). Acute toxicity investigated in both human and animals (8), a wide range of
dogs received 40 mg/kg BW orally and death different cases of ivermectin toxicity have
due to respiratory depression (7). Likewise, been occurred. As a result, different strategies
dogs administered 2 mg/kg BW showed to treat ivermectin toxicity have been
tremors, ataxia, anorexia, and developed developed. However, some of them are not
dehydrated (17). Kittens received 7.5 mg/kg fully effective, and developing a new approach
BW, which is corresponding to 125 fold of to overcome ivermectin acute toxicity is still in
recommended therapeutic dose, developed need. Therefore, the objective of this study
ataxia, salivation, and comatose within 24 hs. was to design another strategy to treat
These animals were treated by 25 µg ivermectin acute toxicity in mice and to
neostigmine methyl sulfate plus 5% dextrose establish its effectiveness.
saline (20 ml) I.V. showed transient MATERIALS AND METHODS
improvement but died after 12 h (8). In a Animals and management
certain case of calf administered a bolus The other 24 mice were used in the acute
contained 100 mg ivermectin, developed toxicity study of ivermectin. The study carried
various clinical signs included mydriasis, out after approval of the Scientific Committee
absence of pupillary and menace reflex, sticky in the Department of Physiology,
salivation, normal body temperature, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology, College of
tachycardia, tachypnoea, dull, depressed, Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad
sudden fall with tremors, abnormal posture in accordance with ethical standards of animal
and gait. The animals were treated by activated welfare. A total of thirty male Balb-C mice (2-
charcoal (2g/kg BW PO TID), Diazepam (0.5 3 months) weighting 20-30 g were raised and
mg/kg bid) up to the disappearance of clinical bred for one month before beginning the study
signs, and aggressive fluid therapy was given for acclimatization in the animal house of
for three days. Supportive treatment included
intramuscular injection of theophylline

Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308 Al-Rekabi &et al.
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Baghdad. Tap water and standard pellet diet The acute toxicity study found that the oral
were provided ad libitum. Six of them were LD50 of ivermectin as estimated by the Up and
used for determining the LD50 of ivermectin Down method is 20.9 mg/kg BW in male
by the Up and Down method (6). Balb-C mice for 24 h (Table 1). The
Medicines and administration methods: All ivermectin is considered an extremely toxic
medicines used in this study were purchased agent with grade 5 according to the
from suppliers as indicated for each one: classification of toxicity rating which depends
Kepromic® oral ivermectin (KEPRO B.V., on LD50 value (12). This outcome means that
Holand), neostigmine (Hameln phamacenticals at approximate teaspoonful of ivermectin
GmbH, Germany), and flumazenil (Sandoz, orally may cause lethality in an adult human.
Canada). Dosage rates of all medicines The signs exhibited by morbid mice are listed
administered to mice by different routes were in Table 2. These signs have nearly resembled
achieved by fitting the concentrations for previous acute studies conducted in mice, rats,
getting a dose volume of 0.1 mL/10 g BW of rabbits, dogs, and monkeys. The typical signs
mice. All medicines were dissolved in distilled of acute ivermectin toxicity were all attributed
water. to effects on the central nervous system. These
Experimental design signs were most severe in CF-1 mice, which
To induce ivermectin toxicity in Bulb-C mice, exhibited ataxia, bradypnoea, and tremors. The
the half dose of LD50 was chosen as the toxic death occurred from approximately one to six
dose. LD50 was estimated using 6 animals by h after treatment as reported by (24), however,
the Up and Down method as described the death in the present study occurred
previously (6). The other 24 mice were between 6-9 h. Also, various clinical signs of
subjected for conduction treatment of acute ivermectin poisoning have been reported in
toxicity of ivermectin. They were divided human (9), in which some of these signs were
equally into four groups and administered compatible with what we found such as
single ivermectin-poisoning dose at 10 mg/kg increased salivation, diarrhoea, difficult
BW (half dose of LD50 as estimated in the breathing, muscle fasciculation, drooping of
current study) and treated as follows: Control lips, bilateral mydriasis, depression, ataxia,
group (C), treated orally with distilled water recumbency, reduced pupillary reflex, absent
through gastric gavage; neostigmine-treated menace reflex, rarely encephalopathy, and
group (NT), treated intraperitoneally with death. Serious neurological adverse events
neostigmine at 60 µg/kg BW; flumazenil- have been reported from large scale
treated group (FT), treated intraperitoneally community-based ivermectin treatment
with flumazenil at 7 µg/kg BW; and campaigns against onchocerciasis volvulus in
combination-treated group (CT), treated Africa (4). In our not published work, we also
intraperitoneally with neostigmine at 30 µg/kg observed bradypnoea and mydriasis in local
BW plus flumazenil at 3.5 µg/kg BW. Iraqi rabbits exposed subcutaneously to a
Treatment with medicines started as soon as single dose (33.7 mg/kg BW) of ivermectin
the signs of ivermectin toxicity had risen. The that is resembled the half LD50 we estimated in
number of cured and dead animals in each this animal species. This draws attention that
group and time of recovery from poisoning ivermectin poisoning is variable in different
were recorded and considered as criteria of animal species and route of administration.
treatment effectiveness.
Statistical analysis Data of time recovery
were analyzed as one way-ANOVA using the
GLM procedure of SPSS software version
22.00 (IBM SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Means were separated using LSD at P<0.05.
Results presented as Mean±SEM. Individual
animals were considered the experimental unit

Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308 Al-Rekabi &et al.
Table 1. Oral LD50 of ivermectin in male promote the release of GABA and/or acts as a
Balb-C mice as calculated by Up and Down GABA receptor agonist, thus raising the
method1 GABA-induced chloride conductance which
Initi Last Difference Number of Results after LD50**
al dose between animals 48 h* results in hyperpolarization of the neuron
dose doses (22,23, and 26). We believe that as flumazenil
100 40 20 6 XXOXXO 20.9
O=Survival animal, X=Dead animal
is GABA antagonists, it can inhibit the action
LD50= xf+kd, where: xf=final dose; k (constant) of GABA and consequently counteract the
=0.860, d= differences between doses (Dixon, 1980) toxic effect of ivermectin. In general, these
All doses are in mg/kg BW drugs (GABA antagonists) produce a
The result of current study showed that oral convulsion effect, which is confirmed with the
administration of ivermectin at poisoning dose, appearance of convulsion for short period
which was considered as the half dose of LD50 (disappeared within minutes), in the mice after
calculated, caused grooming, lethargy, administration flumazenil. The animals in NT
depression, recumbency, and with no group (treated with 60 µg/kg BW neostigmine
mortalities recorded. These acute toxic signs intraperitoneally) showed a non-significant
were relieved within 1.23±0.01 h in animals of decrease in time needed to recover the acute
the FT group, which treated with flumazenil at toxic signs of ivermectin (1.98±0.15 h) in
7 µg/kg BW. This reduction in time recovery comparison with time recovery recorded in the
was significantly (P<0.05) lesser than the ones animals of C group (4.52±0.10 h).
recorded in animals of C (4.52 ±0.10 h, treated Neostigmine is an irreversible inhibitor of
with distilled water), NT (1.98 ± 0.15 h, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (21) since
treated with 60 µg/kg BW neostigmine), and neostigmine stops cholinesterase from
CT (40.25±2.78 h, treated with 30 µg/kg BW breaking down acetylcholine at the junctions
of neostigmine plus 3.5 µg/kg BW of between the nerves and the muscle cells. This
flumazenil) groups (Figure 1). These findings prolongs the action of acetylcholine at the
nearly resemble the result of (25) who found nerve endings and gives it more chance to act
that flumazenil at 0.2 mg/kg BW significantly on the remaining acetylcholine receptors.
reduced the sleeping time in rats treated with a Acetylcholine is known to cause a slow
combination of ivermectin (10 mg/kg BW) and depolarization by blocking a tonically-active
thiopentone (25 mg/kg BW). However, we K+ current, which increases neuronal
found that flumazenil at 7µg/kg BW, which is excitability and may opposite the
approximately equal to 0.035 of the dose used hyperpolarization status due to toxic dose of
by Trailović and Nedeljković (25), was able to ivermectin which is exerting its effect through
relieve the acute toxic signs of ivermectin. The GABA receptor agonist. However, due to the
difference between the dose amounts may be presence of quaternary nitrogen in its
due to species variation, route of structure, neostigmine is not simply crossing
administration, criteria considered as an the blood-brain barrier and the crossing can
indication of recovery, and the agents used to occur only in exceptional conditions (20).
induce acute toxicity. Ivermectin is thought to

Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308 Al-Rekabi &et al.
Table 2. Signs of poisoning and mortality outcome that developed according to different doses
of ivermectin in male Balb-C mice according to Up and Down method
Dose mg/kg BW Clinical signs during 24 hs Time of sings appeared Results (O, X)
100 grooming, piloerection 10 min X
anorexia, muscular tremors 60 min
convulsions 90 min
depression, arched back 2h
crippled 2.30 h
recumbency 3h
respiratory arrest, death 3h
80 grooming, piloerection 20 min X
anorexia, muscular tremors 60 min
convulsions 90 min
depression 2.45 h
crippled 4h
recumbency 5h
respiratory arrest, death 6h
60 grooming 1h O
lethargy 5h
depression 7h
recovery 20 h
80 grooming, piloerection 10 min X
tremor 15 min
depression 4h
crippled 8h
recumbency, death 9h
60 grooming, piloerection 45 min X
tremor 2h
convulsions 6h
depressions 8h
recumbency, death 9h
40 grooming 2h O
mild tremor 5h
depressions 6h
recovery 9h

Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308 Al-Rekabi &et al.
The animals in CT group (treated agents. We hypothesized that the synergistic
simultaneously with both 30 µg/kg BW effect of flumazenil and neostigmine
neostigmine and 3.5 µg/kg BW flumazenil) exacerbated the acute toxicity of ivermectin,
showed a significant increase (P<0.05) in time which is due to the exaggerated effect of
recovery (40.25±2.78 h) in comparison with accumulated acetylcholine postsynaptic due to
the time recovery recorded in animals of both neostigmine action, while flumazenil
FT and NT groups, as well as the C group antagonizes the GABA receptors. We could
(Figure 1). The poisoned mice showed conclude that both flumazenil and neostigmine
cholinergic toxicity signs such as convulsion, medicines have the potential to overcome
tremors, constriction of pupils, and paralysis. ivermectin acute poisoning in Balb-C mice,
In addition, two mice were dead within 10 h but flumazenil is more efficient one, while the
after receiving the combination of these two combination of them have a bad prognosis.

Figure 1. Recovery time/h of ivermectin acute poisoned male Bulb-C mice treated with
different therapeutic agents, Mean±SEM (each group n=6).C= Control group, poisoned with
10 mg/kg BW ivermectin orally and treated with distilled water orally; NT=neostigmine-
treated group, poisoned with 10 mg/kg BW ivermectin orally and treated with 60 µg/kg BW of
neostigmine intraperitoneally; FT=flumazenil-treated group, poisoned with 10 mg/kg BW
ivermectin orally and treated with 7 µg/kg BW of flumazenil intraperitoneally;
CT=combined–treated group, poisoned with 10 mg/kg BW ivermectin orally and treated with
3.5 µg/kg BW flumazenil + 30 µg/kg BW neostigmine intraperitoneally

Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences –2021:52(2):301-308 Al-Rekabi &et al.
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