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Asian Journal of Medical Principles and Clinical Practice

4(4): 96-101, 2021; Article no.AJMPCP.75339

Prevalence and Knowledge of Tuberculosis among

HIV Patients Accessing Care at Abia State University
Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
E. C. Iwuoha1*
1Department of Community Medicine, Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Aba, Nigeria.

Author’s contribution

The sole author designed, analysed, interpreted and prepared the manuscript.

Article Information

(1) Dr. Kumud Kumar Kafle, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
(1) Md. Abdullah Yusuf, National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital, Bangladesh.
(2) Muhammad Aamir Safdar, Pakistan.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 10 August 2021

Original Research Article Accepted 19 October 2021
Published 19 October 2021


Background: TB infection is one of the leading causes of death among HIV patients because of
the burden of TB HIV co-infection on the immunity of affected persons. Estimation of the
prevalence of TB among these clients will enhance screening, early diagnosis and treatment. In
addition, knowledge of TB among these clients is of relevance to their care.
Objectives: The study aimed at assessing the prevalence and knowledge of tuberculosis among
HIV patients accessing care at Abia State University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH) Aba.
Materials and Methods: This was an institutional-based cross-sectional, descriptive study
involving 315 patients who accessed HIV care at Abia State University Teaching Hospital from
June to September 2019. Data was obtained from the patients using semi-structured
questionnaires which were self- administered within the period of study and analyzed using IBM
SPSS version 22.0. Statistical significance was set at P-value of < 0.05.
Results: A total of 315 HIV patients assessing care at ABSUTH participated in the study; 66.0%
were females and 34.0% were males with 40.0% within the age of 26-35 and about 40.0% were
married. All the patients had heard of tuberculosis and 43.8% knew the cause of tuberculosis while
56.8% knew how it could be contracted. Prevalence of TB in the study population was 30.8%.
Patient’s educational level and awareness of risk of TB among HIV patients showed statistically
significant relationship with previous treatment for TB (p=0.03 and 0.04 respectively).

*Corresponding author: E-mail:;

Iwuoha; AJMPCP, 4(4): 96-101, 2021; Article no.AJMPCP.75339

Keywords: HIV; tuberculosis infection; prevalence.

1. INTRODUCTION that it would give a better emphasis to TB/HIV

collaborative activities and serve as reference
Estimates of the burden of TB in Nigeria relied document for further studies in the area.
solely on indirect assessment by the World
Health Organization (WHO) based on existing TB 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
surveillance data until 2012 when the first
National TB prevalence survey was done. The This was an institutional-based cross-sectional,
survey became necessary because accuracy of descriptive study involving 315 patients who
such estimates largely depends on the quality of accessed HIV care Abia State University
the routine surveillance information, which in Teaching Hospital from June to September 2019.
itself is affected by the completeness of TB The research work was carried out at the heart to
notification and instances of TB under-diagnosis heart (HIV) clinic of this hospital located in
[1]. Nigeria has the fourth biggest tuberculosis Osisioma Local Government Area in Abia state
(TB) epidemic in the world. Approximately 4% of of Nigeria. All consenting adult patients
global TB cases occur in Nigeria [2] Tuberculosis accessing care during the period of the study
is an extremely contagious disease which can were included in the study. Self/interviewer
affect virtually every organ, most importantly the administered questionnaires were administered
lungs. Pulmonary complications have been one to these patients on each clinic day until sample
of the commonest causes of morbidity and size was achieved.
mortality among patients infected with the
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [3]. The national TB control program defines: (1)
Infection with both HIV and TB is called HIV/TB “Cured” as a patient who was initially sputum
co-infection. Latent TB is more likely to advance smear positive, has completed treatment and
to TB disease in people with HIV than in people had negative sputum smears on two occasions,
without HIV. The presence of TB disease may one of which is at the end of the treatment. If at
also cause HIV to worsen. TB is the most the end of treatment, sputum smear is not done,
common opportunistic disease which kills those the patient is classified as “treatment completed”
infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus [6].
(HIV). Recently, WHO reported that 12% of the
9.6 million new TB cases were HIV positive [4]. 2.1 Data Management Data
The TB epidemic in Nigeria is closely linked to
HIV. Nigeria is one of ten countries that together Data was entered, cleaned and analysed using
are home to 80% of people living with HIV and IBM SPSS version 20.0. Frequencies were
TB co-infection [2]. calculated for descriptive analysis of socio-
Various TB/HIV co-infection rates have been demographic variables (age, sex, marital status,
reported in Nigeria with a study in 2014 in Lafia educational status and occupation. Statistical
Nassarawa State recording a prevalence as high significance was set at a P-value < 0.5.
as 34.5% [5]. The prevalence of TB among HIV
sero-positive individuals at Abia State University 3. RESULTS
teaching hospital; a referral hospital could
expectedly be high due to the high number of A total of 315 correctly filled questionnaires
patients treated in the TB-HIV care unit. received from the correspondents were analysed
Therefore, this study will help assess the and results presented below.
prevalence in the study area and help to design
regular surveillance techniques of TB infection in Table 1 shows the sociodemographic data of the
HIV patients. This will assist physicians in participants. Respondents comprising 66.0%
identifying major determinants of TB in HIV female and 34.0% males participated and were
patients and expect these disease infectious mostly between the age of 26 and 45 years
trends ahead of time to manage them. (77%). Most of them were married with 52%
This study will also provide information for health having secondary level of education, and about
authority on the prevalence of TB in HIV patients 37.1% were traders.
at Abia State University teaching Hospital, so

Iwuoha; AJMPCP, 4(4): 96-101, 2021; Article no.AJMPCP.75339

Table 1. Sociodemographic variables of respondents

Variable Frequency (N= 315) Percent (%)

Age group (in years)
< 25 43 13.7
26 to 35 126 40.0
36 to 45 85 37.0
above 45 61 19.4
Male 107 34.0
Female 208 66.0
Marital status
Single 97 30.8
Married 134 42.5
Divorced 40 12.7
Widowed 39 12.4
Separated 5 1.6
Christianity 269 85.4
Islam 40 12.7
Others 6 1.9
Level of Education
No Formal Education 21 6.7
Primary 51 16.2
Secondary 165 52.4
Tertiary 78 24.8
Unemployed 22 7.0
Farmer 33 10.5
Trader 117 37.1
Artisan 49 15.6
Civil Servant 40 12.7
Students 30 9.5
Others 24 7.6

Table 2. Knowledge of TB among respondents

Variable Frequency Percent (%)

N 315
Have Heard of Yes 315 100.0
Tuberculosis No 0 0
Causes Tuberculosis Fungi 3 1.0
Bacterial 138 43.8
Virus 92 29.2
I don’t know 82 26.0
How Tuberculosis Shaking Hands 10 3.2
Spreads Sharing Toothbrush 49 15.6
Kissing 30 9.5
Coughing 179 56.8
Sneezing 47 14.9
HIV Patients Are Prone Yes 287 91.1
to Tuberculosis No 28 8.9
Tuberculosis is Curable Yes 274 87.0
No 5 1.6
Am not sure 36 11.4
Duration of Treatment for 6 months and above 192 61.0
TB Less than 6 months 31 9.8
Don’t know 92 29.2

Table 2 above shows respondents’ knowledge of as the cause of tuberculosis while 30.2% said it
tuberculosis. All respondents had heard of was caused by fungi and 29.0% by virus and
tuberculosis and about 43.8% identified bacteria about 26% had no idea of the cause of TB. About

Iwuoha; AJMPCP, 4(4): 96-101, 2021; Article no.AJMPCP.75339

91.1% knew that HIV patients are prone to treated, 72% completed 6months of ant-TB
tuberculosis. They differed in their knowledge of treatment while 28% said they were treated for
spread of TB with about 56.8% identifying more than 6 months.
“coughing” as a means of transmission.
Table 4 shows association between previous
Table 3 shows the prevalence of Tuberculosis treatment for TB and socio-demographic
among the respondents. Ninety seven (30.8%) of variables of the patients. Patient’s educational
them had previously been diagnosed with level and awareness of risk of TB among HIV
Tuberculosis. Those were currently on anti TB patients showed statistically significant
drugs were 14.4% while about 85.6% had been relationship with previous treatment for TB
treated previously. Among those who had been (p=0.03 and 0.04 respectively).

Table 3. Prevalence of TB

Variable Frequency (N) Percent

Diagnosed with TB
Yes 97 30.8
No 218 69.2
Currently has TB
Yes 14 14.4
No (Previously treated for TB) 83 85.6
Total 97 100
Duration of treatment for
Previously Treated
6 months 60 72.3
>6 months 23 27.3
Total 83 100
Declared cured for TB (for
Previously treated)
Yes 76 91.6
No 7 8.4
Total 83 100
Current TB Treatment
Yes 14 100

Table 4. Association between previous treatment for TB and Socio-dermograhic variables

Variables Previous Treatment for TB χ2 P-value

Yes (N%) No (%)
Age group (in yrs)
<15-25 9(10.8) 34(14.7) 4.016 0.260
26-35 29(34.9) 97(41.8)
36-45 29(34.9) 56(24.1)
>45 16(19.3) 45(19.4)
Male 29(34.9) 78(33.6) .047 0.820
Female 54(65.1) 154(66.4)
No Formal 4(4.8) 17(7.6)
Primary 10(12.0) 41(17.7) 8.755* 0.030**
Secondary 55(66.3) 110(47.4)
Tertiary 14(16.9) 64(27.6)
Awareness of HIV
Patients at Risk of
Yes 80(96.4) 207(89.2)
No 3(3.6) 25(10.8) 30.318* 0.040**
*Fisher’s test; **Statistical significance

Iwuoha; AJMPCP, 4(4): 96-101, 2021; Article no.AJMPCP.75339

4. DISCUSSION tuberculosis was associated with level of

education and awareness of TB risk among HIV
TB is a well-recognized opportunistic infection in patients. The working age was more affected and
patients with HIV/AIDS. The prevalence of HIV prevalence was higher among females.
was higher among the female patients (66.0%) in
this study as has been similarly documented in 6. RECOMMENDATION
previous studies especially in Africa; 66.5% in
Nigeria and 61% in South Africa [7,8]. Poor
Education of HIV patients on the prevalence of
knowledge of TB amongst people living with HIV
TB, TB prevention and treatment will go a
is associated with high transmission and delay in
long way in improving HIV care and decreasing
health-seeking behaviour [9]. However all
the prevalence of TB among HIV patients.
respondents in this study were aware of
Education of health-workers on TB care and best
tuberculosis with 91% aware of the fact that HIV
practices will also be relevant in this regard.
patients were prone to having TB while 87%
knew that TB was curable though only about
57% knew correctly how TB was transmitted. DISCLAIMER
This knowledge of TB among the study
population could be attributed to daily health The products used for this research are
education on Tuberculosis carried out at the HIV commonly and predominantly use products in our
clinic in this facility. area of research and country. There is absolutely
no conflict of interest between the authors and
In this study, we found that TB prevalence producers of the products because we do not
among these HIV patients was 30.8%. Similarly, intend to use these products as an avenue for
high prevalence has been reported from Nepal any litigation but for the advancement of
(27.3%) and Nigeria (22.7%, 26.7%) [10,11,12]. knowledge. Also, the research was not funded by
This finding was however lower than other the producing company rather it was funded by
studies conducted in India (17%), Nigeria personal efforts of the authors.
(16.8%, 14.4%, 9.6%) [13-16]. Much lower
results have been reported in Northern Tanzania ETHICAL APPROVAL AND CONSENT
(8.3%) [17]. Variations in the magnitude of
tuberculosis in HIV/AIDS patients may be due to Ethical approval for this study was obtained from
differences of HIV infection rate in the population, the Ethical and review committee of Abia State
TB- diagnostic facilities available, health care University Teaching hospital while confidentiality
awareness of the community to seek health care of patients’ information was ensured by the
for both TB and HIV. researcher. As per international standard or
university standard, patient’s written consent has
Level of education in this study had statistically
been collected and preserved by the author(s).
significant relationship with previous treatment
for TB. Majority of the study participants had COMPETING INTERESTS
secondary level of education and are likely to
understand better enlightenment on signs and
Author has declared that no competing interests
symptom of TB as well as the need to present for
treatment if diagnosed with TB. A study in
Ethiopia corroborated the role of education on TB REFERENCES
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© 2021 Iwuoha; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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