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Kimberly R.

Almayda October 14, 2021

BSBA HRM 2-1 Mr. Zulueta

1. What are your expectations on this subject?

My expectation in this subject is to learn a lot about Logistics management

because I know that this subject has many aspects that it’s not only about the
simple delivery process. I expect that during our meeting, I will be able to learn
more about the topic that will help me to understand well how it is important to
my course.

2. Discuss the definition of Logistic Management

Logistic management is said to be a part of supply chain management, in supply

chain management it talks about the flow of raw materials to finished products
and logistic is kinda the last process in which it involves the process of managing
how resources or good or services are acquired, stored, and transported to their
final destination. Logistic management also involves the delivery process
because just like what I have satiated above, logistics is about the effective
movement and storage of related information, goods, and services from the
origin to destinations.

One example of logistics management is when you order online thru shopee, the
logistics process there is when the products move like if they are already
transported or ready for shipment until it is delivered to you. Logistics
management is important because it will help the business to deliver a better
service to their customers, so the customers will be satisfied. Good logistic
management helps the business become successful.

3. How important is this subject to your course?

I think is super important to learn a lot about this subject Logistics management
because my course is Human resource management, and as a human resource
management student I must know the Logistics management functions because
HR are the ones who should be handling things because they manage things, it
is their work to understand how logistics work in able to manage things in a good
way in the future, Here it depends how the resources of the business will be uses
like in the warehouse or in the delivery process. All in all, As an HR manager it is
a must to have thorough knowledge about this in order to manage it effectively
and efficiently.

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