Dimethicone Antacid Vs Gaviscon

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554 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 83 September 1990

Comparison of a dimethicone/antacid (Asilone gel) with an alginate/antacid

(Gaviscon liquid) in the management of reflux oesophagitis

H L Smart DM MRCpl M Atkinson MD FRCp2 lDepartment of Medicine, University of Sheffield, Royal

Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield SIO 2JF and 2Department of Surgery, University of Nottingham, University
Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham

Keywords: dimethicone/antacid; alginate/antacid; gastro-oesophageal reflux; endoscopic oesophagitis

Summary reflux associated with endoscopic evidence of

Fifty-three patients with symptomatic reflux oesophagitis were admitted into a double-blind trial.
oesophagitis were entered into a single centre Patients were excluded from the trial if pregnant, if
randomized study comparing the effects of a they had previously undergone gastric surgery, or if
dimethicone/antacid (Asilone Gel) and an alginate/ they suffered from diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid
antacid (Gaviscon liquid) on symptoms and endoscopic arthritis, peptic ulceration or any other serious
changes over an 8-week period. Both treatments medical disorder. Diet, smoking and alcohol con-
significantly improved heartburn, acid regurgitation sumption were not curtailed.
and flatulence. Dimethicone/antacid but not alginate/ After a 2-week period taking no anti reflux
antacid, produced a significant improvement in treatment patients were randomly allocated to receive
oesophagitis, oesophageal ulceration and histological either dimethicone/antacid (DA) or alginate/antacid
grade of inflammation over the Sweek treatment (AA) 10 ml 4 times a day (half an hour after meals
period so that 14 patients treated with dimethicone/ and at night) for an 8-week treatment period. These
antacid and 10 with alginate/antacid had normal preparations were supplied in identical containers but
endoscopic oesophageal appearances at the end of the no attempt was made to alter their physical character-
study. The difference in improvement between the two istics. The randomization was stratified according to
patient groups did not reach significance however, the severity of endoscopic oesophagitis so that two
except for dimethicone/antacid improving histological balanced patient-groups were obtained. Patients were
changes (P< 0.05). These findings suggest that seen on entry to the trial, and after 4 and 8 weeks
dimethicone/antacid and alginate/antacid are equally of treatment. Endoscopy with oesophageal mucosal
effective in treating symptomatic reflux oesophagitis biopsy was performed on entry to the study and after
although dimethicone/antacid may have an advantage 8 weeks.
in improving oesophageal histological appearances. Symptomatic assessment was made on entry (0
weeks), and after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment when
Introduction heartburn, acid regurgitation and flatulence were
Antacids together with simple measures such as measured on a 5-point scale (Table 2) and the presence
control of smoking and weight reduction, form the of dysphagia was noted.
cornerstone of the medical treatment of symptomatic Endoscopic assessment at 0 and 8 weeks was based
gastro-oesophageal reflux'. There is some evidence to on inflammation and ulceration (Table 3).
suggest when combined with alginatee", or with
dimethicone" the efficacy of antacids is increased.
We have therefore compared two commonly prescribed Table 2. Grading of symptoms in reflux oesophagitis
preparations, a dimethicone/antacid (Asilone gel) and
an alginate/antacid (Gaviscon liquid) in order to Grade
determine the relative therapeutic value of these
combinations, the composition of which are shown in Heartburn 0 None
Table 1. 1 Occurring less than once a day
2 Occurring once a day or at night
Patients and methods 3 Occurring more than once a day
Fifty-three patients (24 men), all aged over 18 years 4 Frequent and prolonged pain
and suffering from symptomatic gastro-oesophageal Regurgitation 0 None
1 Less than once a day and clearly
Table 1. Content of each 10 ml dose of the agents employed precipitated, eg by stooping or lifting
in this study 2 Less than once a day with no
precipitating factors
Dimethicone! Alginate! 3 More than once a day with or
antacid antacid without precipitating factors
4 Frequent or persistent regurgitation
Dimethicone 250mg Flatulence 0 None
Sodium alginate 500mg 1 Once a day or less 0141·0768/901
Sodium bicarbonate 267mg 2 More than once a day 090554-03/$02.00/0
Calcium carbonate 160mg 3 After every meal © 1990
Aluminium hydroxide 840mg 4 Persistent and frequent with social The Royal
Light magnesium oxide 140mg embarrassment Society of
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 83 September 1990 555

Table 3. Grading of endoscopic appearance of reflux Table 5. Median symptom grades at entry to trial (0 weeks),
oesophagitis after 4 weeks and after 8 weeks of treatment

Grade Dimethicone! Alginate!

antacid antacid
Inflammation o Normal o 4 804 8
1 Oedema and friability of the mucosa weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks
involving less than 50% of the
circumference and restricted to the
lower 2 cm of the oesophagus P< 0.001 P< 0.001
2 As 1, but involving most of the
circumference of the oesophagus
3 As 1 but extending above the lower
Heartburn 3
~ 2 2
2 em of the oesophagus
4 As 3, but involving more than 50% of

Ulceration o
the oesophagus
~~ P<O.002 P<0.0025
1 Small superficial ulcers surrounded
by erythema, maximum of three in P<O.Ol P<O.Ol
number and restricted to the lower

2 cm of the oesophagus
As 1, but more than 3 ulcers
Acid regurgitation 3
~ 1 121
~ 1
3 Superficial ulceration, but extending

above the lower 2 cm of the
4 Chronic peptic ulceration of the P<0.002 P<0.02
Flatulence 3 2 2 3 2 1.5
Table 4. Grading of histological changes on oesophageal
biopsy in patients with reflux oesophagitis ~~ P<0.05 P<0.05
o Normal
1 Occasional polymorphonuclear leukocytes around
submucosal papillae received DA however were significantly heavier
2 As 1, but with scattered polymorphs in the (P< 0.01) than those who received AA (mean weight
epithelium between papillae 73 kg and 68 kg, respectively).
3 Polymorphs conspicuous throughout fields of the Three of the 28 patients receiving DA with-
drew from the trial (two because of symptomatic
4 Evidence of ulceration
deterioration and one defaulted). Three of the 25
who received AA withdrew because of clinical
Patients with grade 0, 1 or 2 oesophagitis and grade deterioration. Compliance was good in the remaining
o or 1 ulceration were classified as mild/moderate patients.
disease, and the remainder as severe. The grading After 4 and 8 weeks of therapy with DA, 11 and 16
scale for histological biopsies is shown in Table 4. patients respectively had minimal or no symptoms of
Compliance assessment was based on measurement heartburn (Grades 1 and O); the corresponding figures
of the amount of liquid returned at 4 and 8 weeks. for AA were 10 and 10 patients. Acid regurgitation
Good compliance was defined as the consumption of was well controlled in 15 and 14 patients at weeks
more than 75% of the calculated volume to be 4 and 8 respectively with DA and in 14 and 16
consumed. patients respectively receiving AA. Twelve patients
taking DA and 11 taking AA had grade 0 or 1
Statistical methods flatulence at the end of the trial. Table 5 shows that
For parametric data Student's t-test was used. The after both 4 and 8 weeks of treatment, DA and AA
Mann-Whitney U test was used to study differences produced a significant improvement in the grade of
between treatment groups and the Wilcoxonmatched- heartburn and acid regurgitation and that at 8 weeks
pairs signed rank test was used to compare changes both led to a significant improvement in the grade
in symptoms and endoscopic measurements within of flatulence. Dysphagia, present initially in 30% of
treatment groups. Chi-square analysis was used to patients, was mild and did not improve significantly
compare the changes in the proportion of patients with either treatment. The degree of improvement in
having a given grade of symptoms or endoscopic/ all these symptoms did not differ significantly
histological measures between and within patient between the DA and the AA groups.
groups. Significant improvement in the grade of endoscopic
An 'intention to treat' analysis was employed. inflammation was seen at 8 weeks with DA but not
with AA. (Table 6). However, the difference in the
Results degree of improvement between the two groups was
Of the 53 patients admitted to this trial 28 received not significant. Endoscopic evidence of ulceration was
DA and 25 AA. Both treament groups were com- present at the commencement ofthe treatment period
parable for age, sex, alcohol and tobacco consumption in 50% of the DA group and 48% of the AA group.
and the severity ofbaseline symptoms, endoscopicand Significant improvement in the grade of ulceration
histological appearances <Tables 5 and 6}. Patients who was seen in the DA group at 8 weeks but not in
556 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 83 September 1990

Table 6. Median endoscopic and histological gradings before preparation (DA) which has also been reported in
and after treatment having local mucosal protective properties", It seems
possible that the superiority of DA in healing
Dimethicone/ Alginate! oesophagitis may be explained at least in part on this
antacid antacid basis. Alginate preparations with a greater antacid
Endoscopic content are now available and these might be
appearances o weeks 8 weeks 0 weeks 8 weeks expected to give better symptomatic relief in gastro-
oesophageal reflux.
Inflammation 2 0 1 1 The influence ofDA on oesophageal acidity has not
P<O.02 been studied by pH monitoring; AA has been found
Ulceration 0.5 0 1 0 to cause a significant reduction in oesophageal
P<0.02 acidity 2.10 but others have been unable to confirm
Biopsy histology 2 1 2 2 these findings!'. Further pH studies would provide
P<0.05 objective evidence about the relative efficacy of DA
and AA in controlling acid reflux into the oesophagus,
but the different properties of these preparations
the AA group. Again, the difference in degree of might reduce mucosal damage even with free reflux
improvement between the two groups did not reach of acid gastric contents into the oesophagus.
statistical significance. Fourteen patients receiving
DA (50%)and 10 receiving AA (40%) had no evidence Acknowledgment: We would like to thank Rorer Health Care
of oesophagitis at the end ofthe study (Chi square 0.5; Limited who supplied the antacid preparations and also
P>OA). provided financial support for the study.
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The alginate preparation (AA) has much less
acid neutralizing capacity than the dimethicone (Accepted 18 April 1990)

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