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Task 1: Prepare a mockup screen for Mobile app which will full fill following requirements.

Application will have following screens

 Log in screen
 Registration screen
 Data entry screen
 Profile screen
 Report section screen

Data entry sheet will contain following fields

o Client Name
o Client ID
o Client State
o Tax Year
o Field on date
o Form type (A, B, C)
o Deduction claim (Overclaimed/Underclaim) (Alert: If Deduction claimed > allowed claimed on
that year-overclaimed) – field type auto generated

Application is developed based on my understanding of requirements available on the assignment file,

with future interaction and communication things can be modified as required.

❖ This application is designed only for capturing the clients records and to generate graphical reports
based on the available data. This does not allow to file the tax return

(Not integrated with any external platform).

❖ This application will be used by the employees in the organization to feed the client records.

❖ Screens visible in the wireframe are those which will be visible to the user (Employees).

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