March2014 BA LL B FamilyLaw-I

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ªâ¡‡ãŠãè - 034


L - 107
Family Law - II
P. Pages : 4
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Answer sheet should be written with blue ink only. Graph or diagram
should be drawn with the same pen being used for writing paper or black
HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.

1. Discuss in detail the various sources of Hindu Law & explain 16

importance of custom in modern Hindu Law.

Discuss the School of Hindu Law & describe the difference between

2. What are the different grounds of dissolution of marriage under the 16

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.


Define essential condition & ceremonies for Hindu marriage under

H.M.A. 1955.

3. What are the rules of succession of Hindu female intestate under 16

Hindu Succession Act.


Define term Karta? What are the powers of Karta & restrictions upon his

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4. What are the essential requisite of adoption? What is the effect of 12
valid adoption.


Discuss the effect of Adoption? Whether the child can claim the right
in property of the father who adopted him.

5. What are the essential condition for solemnization of Special 12

Marriage Act, 1954.


Explain briefly the various grounds for dissolution of marriage under

Special Marriage Act, 1954.

6. Discuss the various kinds of Guardian? Explain who is testamentary 12

guardian? What are his powers ?


Define the powers who claim. Maintenance under the Hindu Minority
& Guardianship Act, 1956.

7. Write short notes on any four. 16

1) Pious obligation

2) Divorce by mutual consent

3) Agnate & cognate

4) Escheat

5) Power of Karta

6) Uterine blood.


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Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100

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