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I : Introduction

Cần phải thêm giới thiệu thành viên nhóm nữa. Ở dưới em mention examples given thì trên slide có

- Through the examples given, we can see the great influence of music, art and sport in social life. But
nowadays, subjects such as Art, Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for
subjects such as Information Technology and many student suffer as a result of these changes.
- We can easily realize that cutting these subjects will make it impossible for students to develop
comprehensively in knowledge, physical and mental health. Besides, students will also be limited in
their own talents and have to increase the time to study subjects that are thought to have more
achievements and job opportunities.
- Therefore, we support the view of not eliminating or cutting down on the above subjects and in the
next section, we will clarify our point of view.  mở bài phải nói vê outline bài thuyết trình

II. body : advatages

1. Music
Meredith LeVand , an expert in music and child intellectual development at Monkey Music,
sums it up: “Music stimulates the development of parts of the brain that are involved in the
acquisition of reading, math, and cognition feel".
Firstly, music belongs to the right hemisphere of the brain and helps to balance both
hemispheres of the brain, helping to develop the ability to study subjects related to math,
science ....
Secondly, Playing a musical instrument requires us to do a lot of activities at the same time,
such as reading music, using our hands in the right position, controlling the breath, etc., which
expands the memory capacity of the brain. After a while, we get used to it, our brain can
simultaneously receive and process a lot of information at the same time without being
overloaded, from which we can remember more things. That's why music is said to improve
Music also stimulates creativity in the brain. Listening to music can stimulate the brain's default
network, which is a set of connected brain regions linked to creative understanding.
Lastly, Music helps us relax Through the autonomic nervous system, changes in brain waves
continuously affect other functions in the body, namely heart rate and breathing rate. When
you listen to fast or slow rhythms, your heart rate also advances with each beat of your brain
waves. Slow heart rate, slow breathing trigger the relaxation response. That's why music
therapy helps defeat the harmful effects of stress, helping the body regain balance
These are evidences for advantages of music so music is neccessary subject in school .
2. môn mĩ thuật  tiêu đề này có vẻ không liên quan đến content bên dưới
-Hi guys ! I’ll present about the next part of this presentation. This part is named “ Advantages
of art ”. Do you know that students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for
academic achievement and 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance and arts
education programs are mandatory in countries that rank consistently among the highest for
math and science test scores, like Japan, Hungary, and the Netherlands ? Yes ! Art is an
interesting and important lesson.  câu hỏi này dài và sẽ khó để các bạn follow  suggest đưa
lên slide câu hỏi hoặc có hình ảnh minh họa
It’s a pity but art programs are constantly in danger of being cut from shrinking school budgets
even though they're proven to improve academics. Therefore, let me show you how important
arts are in your community and ourselves.
Relaxation :
Drawing at home or on their own is a good idea, but it’s easy to get distracted by the ping of a
text. Studying art in the class with classmates is the best excuse to switch off from the world for
a while.
Studies have proved that physical and mental health are improved when people draw for set
periods of time. In a similar way to meditation, blood pressure drops, tension fades away - and
it’s fun! :
Igniting Your Creativity : Art Classes doesn’t require very much equipment. All students need is
a pencil or a paintbrush, and blank canvas.
Improving Your Spatial Awareness : It’s amazing how we usually draw what we think we see
rather than what is actually in front of us. It’s common to be frustrated when our first sketch
doesn’t look exactly like the object in front of us. That’s when you are likely to chuck the pencil
away and say “I can’t draw” - but the more you draw, the more you learn to see.
Boosting Your Memory : Rather than take a snap of your lunch or a view, make a very quick
sketch of it. If you get a pocket-sized sketchbook and make a very quick rough drawing (don’t
take more than two minutes). Doesn’t matter how rough or sketchy it is – you will have a better
memento of that lunch or day out than if you take a photo.
Getting Sociable : As well as learning a lot of from how other people use the pencil or
paintbrush, joining an art class with classmates is a great way to meet new people with shared
Making the time to socialize and make new friends doing an activity you love can have
countless benefits for your long-term mental health and happiness, giving you the much-
needed emotional lift you need at the end of a long day.
Improving Faster : If you draw or paint at home, then you’re probably familiar with the
following scenario: you’ve sharpened all your pencils and arranged them in a nice row but can’t
quite bring yourself to make a mark in that lovely new sketchbook. Or maybe you have started
painting the kettle or the cat but are now feeling disheartened because the kettle looks like a
very wonky jug or the cat looks like a very odd dog…
You will be very pleasantly surprised at how quickly you progress when you are being taught in
a group by an experienced teacher. Before long you have forgotten the time and have several
drawings under your belt. No more staring at the blank page!
Enjoying Art in a New Way : When you start drawing you can’t help but look at famous artists’
work in galleries and museums in a different way; and your appreciation and understanding of
art will improve.
You’ll have a better understanding of how Picasso did it, whether he used pencil or charcoal;
and why did Hockney chose acrylic rather than oil paint. Was this done on paper? What kind of
paper? That leads to more questions and soon you will be addicted and visiting exhibitions and
enjoying learning about art!
3. Physical education
4. IT  sao phần này không có content nhóm ơi

iii. conclusion

Through the analysis and evidence above, we can conclude that:

-Music, sports, and fine arts are still important subjects for comprehensive development for students.
- There should be ways to design a diverse curriculum, suitable for students to exploit personal qualities
and reasonable study time.

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