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In our quest to improve our lives, we deploy several techniques, including non-conventional

ones, to achieve success and manifest our desires. One such effort involves the use of

Grabovoi codes. A famous contemporary Russian developed this method. Its main objective

is to use specific and powerful numerical codes that you can use in various aspects of your

life and achieve outstanding benefits. While this technique seems simple and even silly, it is

a product of a well-researched study. Thus, there is no need to criticize it without knowing all

the nuances and peculiarities involved. That’s why I have created this comprehensive guide

that teaches everything you need to know about the Grabovoi codes. Keep reading!

But first, who is Grigori Grabovoi?

It is essential to know about the creator before delving into the technique itself. Grigori

Grabovoi developed the number sequences method by combining his knowledge of

mathematics with self-development. While his intelligence wasn’t in doubt, he did develop

other techniques that caused quite a stir in the scientific world. For example, he claimed to

have developed a technique for abolishing death and raising the dead - claims that have

now been considered impossible. However, all the criticism of his works hasn’t prevented

the growing acceptability and popularity of the Grabovoi method. Grabovoi believes his

techniques offer all the creator’s knowledge to people all over the world. Hence, global

harmony can be achieved since global catastrophes can be avoided.

The Grabovoi method

Despite harsh criticism of the method, several people speak glowingly about it and Grabovoi

himself. But keep in mind that the Grabovoi method doesn’t offer a magical solution to all

your problems.
So, use it with carefulness and in combination with your logic and discernment. If you don’t

study it carefully and apply it thoroughly, you won’t achieve any expected results from it.


How they work
The method works through the use of radionic signatures to manifest and solve several life

ailments. The basis of the theory is that all people and life forms share common ground

through the earth’s electromagnetic field and that we (human beings) are connected in one

way or another. These numbers are cheat codes of the universe that works within our system

for manifestations and healings.

Now that you have an overview of the Grabovoi method and how it works, it’s time for you to

discover how to use them.

Here’s a 7-step checklist for using them:

• Journal them. Write down your manifestations in a manifestation journal and

incorporate the code on the same page. You can also write it directly beside your

morning affirmations.

• Memorize them (repeat them in your mind, immediately you wake up, before going

to bed, and whenever possible for you throughout the day)

• Repeat the affirmation with the code, “I am attracting ... (your end result), activating

code ... (insert the corresponding code here).”

• Write down the code, tear it off the paper and place it under your pillow

• Write down the code, hold it in your hands and put your hands over your heart. Shut

your eyes and visualize your manifestations. Repeat thank you three times.

• Use this script “I am attracting ... (your end result), activating code ... (insert the

corresponding code here) with harm to none, for the greater good of all. Thank you,

thank you, thank you.”

• Combine the codes with crystals. Write the code on a little piece of paper, place the

crystals on top in the palm of your hand. Then, close your eyes and visualize the


For optimal results,

• ensure that the writing is facing outwards

• stick sequences as labels on water bottles, cans, jar, or any other

beverage container that you use to drink

• insert food-related sequences inside fridge or freezer

• write hair sequences on shampoo bottles, conditioner, or hair


• write sequences on facial and body treatment bottles

• never wrinkle or fold the paper strips that contain your written


• write within the circle so that it doesn’t lose its effectiveness

How to repeat the numerical sequences
• Repeat number by number

• Make a pause when there is a space or underscore. When you observe the pause

and combine it with a deep breath, you will receive messages.

You can record controls and number sequences so that you don’t need to read while you

do the control. But do so carefully and slowly. Imagine the numbers in motion and in silver

color when you repeat the sequences. Thus, you have enough time to visualize your desired


Norm, Controls, And Pilotage

The norm is a temporary creator moment within which everything is perfect in various

situations of our lives. It’s brief alignment with the divine order. The norm enables you

to attain a state of harmony to translate your soul’s knowledge logically and consciously.

According to Dr. Grabovoi, anything outside the norm indicates a disharmony between you

and the external world. Hence, you need to always harmonize each aspect of your life.

Controls are exercises of mentalization that help you to have the first connection with your

soul. You can create sequences for macro-salvation, harmonic development, and a request for

yourself or someone else. Then, you visualize the objective inside a silver-white sphere and

insert the number sequences. Lastly, thank and send into the universe. If it pertains to your

health, insert it into your body.

The pilotage is the format for making requests alongside the Grigori Grabovoi number

sequences. Dr. Grabovoi termed the pilotage, control, or management. The word control will

be used throughout this book in place of pilots.

Why you may not get results with

the controls
Using wrong number sequences or misusing the control are the most common reasons for

not getting results with the controls. Apart from choosing the right optimal sequences, you

can achieve optimal results when you are:

• calm while you use the number sequences

• repeat the number sequences appropriately and consistently every day

• let there be consistency in what you need, what you ask for, what you think, what

you say, and what you do

How to choose the number sequences

to make a control
• when choosing your sequence, be clear, analytical, and honest
• if it’s a health issue, ensure that you have diagnosed it properly so that you can use

the appropriate number sequence. Also, don’t neglect the symptoms if it’s a disease

• the numbers are not beliefs or a kind of ritual you need to activate; the numbers are

active already

Considerations when making a control

• connect with your soul to act as the creator

• be anchored in the present always

• seek harmonious development and macro salvation for all

• keep the situation you want to change in mind

• identify the cause of the emotional problems or the aggravators of the situation
• perform a thorough evaluation of your environment to be sure that nothing and no

one is preventing you from using the number sequences appropriately.

You can concentrate on as many sequences as you can control. Also, you can do as many

controls as you want in a day. But you must observe at least 10 minutes between the controls.


Now, you know that numbers can be used to change situations, and this book can lead you to

paths you can walk forever. With the straightforward and easy-to-understand principles that

you have discovered in this book, you can write your program and rewrite your life. You can

choose any of these codes to unlock a world of possibility that you desire.

You can easily follow the format since the number sequences are specific to the issue.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert at manifestations, this book will enable you to
more securely, more clearly engage in active help for this world and yourself.

However, a word of warning – just knowing these sequences isn’t going to get you any result.

The key to getting any result you desire is to take action on what you just learned. That’s why

I suggest that you only choose each aspect you want to focus on and take action right away. I

know you’re probably eager to get started, and if you’re like most people, you would want to

start using the numbers and your affirmations right now. That’s great. I’m glad you’re excited.

I’m also glad you’re going to take action, which puts you quite a bit in front of many other

people who never quite implement what they learn. However, before you jump in, let me

quickly share with you a few dos and don’ts you need to know to get a good result:

• Don’t give up. Likely, you won’t get the result you desire almost immediately. But it

doesn’t mean that the numbers aren’t working; you only need to be patient with the


• Don’t stop your affirmations even when you get results. You’ll want to continue with

your affirmations and the numbers till you achieve your ultimate goal.

• Do take action. As Candice said, you need to get off your ass and work. It is through

that work that you do that the manifestation is going to happen.

• Do remain consistent. The best way to achieve optimal results is to focus on one

thing till it manifests. Then, move on to another thing that you want to manifest.

Got it? Now get to it! The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll start enjoying the fantastic result of

this powerful technique!

Ready to move onto the next section? You will want to use the Activators to begin and choose

what you want to start manifesting using the appropriate codes we researched for you in our

next guides.

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