Safety and Technical Standards - PNGRB Nov'09

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DPEEROLFUM AND NAFIRALGAS REGULATORY BOARD. Somcanios SH. sae.-tn serie of the paves coed fy seston lo Be Peleus an Sl Recuaony Ack. 2006 (19 of 2406) the Peale and Natural Gas Regulater Baal ey ‘ac th ling elton, mae 1. Shore de and commencement LU) Thee reultons maybe called he Petoleom and Naural Gas Regulate (and {Techn Stndads ad Spcietons Including Safty Standards for Natural Css Pipelines) Regan. 269 (2) The sta comet foes he dt of ter publication a the OF Gaze 2. Definition (0) In thes regulon. ones the coment terse gues, (2) “Ac means the Pica and Natwal Gas Regulater Board Act, 2085 (oy Satine ryote” moans 9 rgultr in Prosave Reguling Stain (PIS) the ema cont the te! pose (6) “wstive and miter seplitir stn” means an arangement of tw result ‘vies incon one (Seti) sormals to cna e cue pessre a he ht "Monitor asume contol nthe event fare of thc active Fut i) “ASME 31.8" moans standard covering Gas Trasnssion an Disution Piping System feed n Annexure VI (6) “Boat” means the Petroleum and Natural Gis Reguatey Board esis on ssbsestion (1) fet athe Ae (0) igus disbuton eniy” means an entity auorised by the Boar 4 Ly ‘nul operate o expan the cit oe natura dstbaton etek (2) “compressor sition means an instalation oo te pipeline having npesss: tet boost as presse: (8) rwep relief valve” means ait valve insted teliove overpressure exc) ty etepin the stern and having maximum tS flow capacity ota 2 ston (0) “interment ping stain” mans an inllaioehasing fait Fr eeceisng nd lanching of pgs for ping operations (0) onshore” means areas other han olfte which xl fem the spe tase stundarls. Feeder tne rom jet o hor traps pis sal lo or 9 po? the ease pipelines. The offshore and ashore eiverage seperti salad is dkpieted a Annexe natural gas pipeline network withthe ahrtzation othe oad 18) rower" means an evi that ns the ata gaping nero a en autora the Board (om) tua gas piping” means any piling inca spr is oe anspor natural gas Sn uncues all cried cutis amd failies su Compressors. sage fais, meter its ef sn ga pipelines tor shone Sh onshore coverage depicted at Aes bt wale doce pipeline lid rapt args ua speiecusenee hs ‘eet his egvement sn ot for resale: ii) pipetines io ei oe Tocl ara) gas shun nstwork which ave Fefulaed bythe Petolewn and Natal Gage Relay. Td {Guthorizing Entes 0 13). Bulk Opsats Espa iy ve Hoel ‘Natural Gas Distibuton Netorks) Regulations, 2 (2) positive isolation” means the fation wth Mind oe spsettce Winn vse ange joints ith ing the ap fy case ot welded 10) Fight oF ase dpb -of ay” monas the aso 8 pton of land thn hic the pipeline operator or ee has aural the Flt tough he Pete on Minerals Piptines Act. 1962 of aeomdance si the agseement wit ae and owner of agency having juristion cece the kn ay ar operate Hs nts ess pipsines 4) “fun shut salve” meant a valve Ua is sed te close gush! i he svn an amoral pressure (heer exces of lig dated ata Sleted imauas pene sm (6) sb sansvision ppetiae” means high presse pgetine connecting the main natural gs pipeline fe is gate sting hut isos by the COD en (0) “transmission spstem™ mans one or snore sens oF pipeline ese Interconnected forma ter that anon ss oma gatherings stem fhe nut ofa ets precessing plant or 3 smge Tal to @ high medion sf ft presue pipeline rystem, 3 largevohame cntomer er athe storage fell (4) Wonts sn expressions usd and no sina hes testis, but toed inthe Ast rin the rls or regulions made tree shall hve the wnenings resp. signed them athe Ast ra the ral gals es ne case may he Application, (9) These regulations shall apply 1 all he ens author by th Bost a, il ‘operate or expand natal gs pipelines under the Ptrixm ond Natural Cie ears 4 6 =x Board (Authorizing Ente t Lay. Build, Opeate of Expiné Natural Gas Pipes) Regulations, 2008 and ary other rare gas pipeline iacuding dedicated ppm oti bythe Board om fine tne (2) Denton of design, material and equipment, weling. bration, instalation, toe commiioning operon and nietvance ad crmcon corel of ataral ue pine ‘setwock shal Be pascondace withthe requiebets of ASME B3L.S excep sof 3: Sich eirer=ms are specially cancelled, repleced or mii by the requires’: Spcied ie hve regulon. Scope. () Requvemens of these regulations sill apply 0 all exsng and new natural gn ielns including decid pipetines. (2) Tee regulations shal cover pipeline design, materials and equipment, welding, Faison, ‘nsaatin, Tesing commissioning, operstign and’ msneaance sad onsen control of common” camer or soniset carer naa gat ppeine= {Transmission or Sub tsnsmisson) chang satety eeqemens fo astral a5 Pipelines Th pipelines coverage shall be as por Annentre | al inclines dest Pipelines for specie consumes. hee standards are ited a enue itr application of desi princes an | {ide ia sleton and sppiation of materiale and Somponets, equipment an es SiMe operation snd maintenance of te ntral gas pipes stm hi Dima focus on safety aspects of te employees and pubic and ties aoc! ‘sith staal yas pipelines. ‘The standard ‘evinsal Stanands and Speciation inching Safety Staats (hevinaervefersd {0.45 standar) for natal gas pipelines are at Schedule 1 which cover Mato od Eauipoent (Schedule 1A}, Weiiing (Schedule 18), Piping System Components ad Falstaton (Schedule 1C), Design Installation and Tesing (Schedule {D), Operaing and Maintenance Procedures (Scbedle IE) Corrosigs Control. (Schedule 1 “Micellneous (Schedule 1G) ed wi Annexe To tere VL ‘Compliance to thet regulations, (0) The Board sha monte he conpance wo thee regulations ether dey oe thr a ected Ord pty sper spurt regulations ot hed part conformity essesmen (2) 6 sm emg bas i,t, conse or expanded the nasal gos pipeline network Raced om sume or andor or sao ssing the reuments spel those repuliton, the ent) shall cre ruta detaled technical alt oft inacrxte ‘hraigh Hoard suberized or appoved tht pany agency. The ea thereat cha Submit dhe compliance runt pepaes by the shird pay slong is tine ‘ilgaton plan and nplemencn sched the Board fr auborizaon wih sis ont fom the date of ota of hee regulations 9 the contination of open of exising natal 38 pein network sl be le “THE GAZETTEOF NDA: PXTRAORODNARY. only if i ees he Flowing requirements, amely= (0) Toe nau go pptine ter shall have ben esd ily a the cine of “Sonmssoning tnaseodince with ASME B 318. The ety should have proper records of the same. Sook fst record shal ave Beet vad forthe inet operation, Atma, i sch ser is mova. the aly Should pede in cevce tet ecard of the atl 3 pipeline newer avin ‘en etd ar per ASME B38 (The ostural g48 posting system as leak deeion system in positon impress station as eseivng and emia saronand i operative: WyTare sal be proetion of the ste guns hrs ary Eames Provided that (athe cotey shall wim seitceteaton in spat of meting the above ‘esurernts within a month a ateation of hese mapltions, 1b ceifcations rofered to in pars (a) sal be dove for natal gas pipet in Sinsation and commisioing operation and raimenaee. The ell Serication shal be submited to the Beard ith mation plan ad Implementation shed, (0) the rica component of the system as inte hy the Board for such {xing networe shall be cerpted sith thee relations win a pero ‘Secifed a Append I and the authorized ety shal malate ines, ofthe existing natural gas pipeline sytem a al ies; and (i) provisions of these regulations related to operation and maintenance Procedures ual also be applicable foal such exsing installations. Default 20d consequences. 1) There shall be a psn for ensuring compliance tothe provision ofthese regulations Through Senduc f testes! and sfety audits drng the comrtion, comamissoning 1nd operation phase, as wel as onan ongoing bse at may be specified fom te & 12) ln he even of any dest in sub regulation (1), the ently sta quai as dtasting ‘ty ander he regan (1) the of Pewoeum and Nat Gas Repu Did ‘Ruthoceng Entry to. Lay, Build, Operte or Expand Natal Gas Pipelines) eultoes, 2008. 13) in cae of any devition oso lclding any ofthe flioning deat heen "hal be give tne lento etcation of such Seviation, sol ful and case nance. te sry sal be Hable foe tominttn of operation or teeinton ‘-aaboration apt om any penal ation under the provishns Fhe Act, name = 1 fon ony ils 0 comply within the seid tine aio eric atvtes we Append “the ety fal howe tines under subegulatin (1) of regulation 16 of te Feoleum and Natural Gas Regultory Boul (Astoriing Enis 1 Lay. ‘ull Operate or Expand Natural Gas Petes), Regulations. 2008 (6) the entity is found operating te ppstines teyoed the maximum allots pean pressure (MOP) condton ether te egal dea press. (ate entity is fond operating the ppelie sytem without conducting the ro ‘estar mentioned in ese regulons; (ein the event of statations is ound unsafe be operated pre thirty erie ies assesment and compisnce aot acveved wi The oie period by he Bos 9, Requirement wader other statues. Ie shall be necessary 0 simply ih statutory eles, elton and Act in fxce as Talicabe ni muse approvals sail be obaned fom the relevant competent ores fete natural ss ieline syste 10, Mivetianeous. 1) tf any dist vse with rgat the iteration of ary of the provisos of ese ‘eputions the decision the Bose sal be final (2) The Board may a nye eet appropiate modietons in bese ezuations. APPENDIKGI LIST OF CRITICAL ACTIVITIES Natural Gas Pipelines ‘ST veal Tafrastractrel Activity? | Tie vid for ~ | Talento pl xe NING cee eplementaton _ estveonde eaioeaphss | liesonic est oF other | ante sabe ings | ‘pplcabie NDT metbods (0s months an months “Site oot beter commissioning) | 7 Higrodes as cared ct before ae wines 1 ese Ream [sont Sin omen erect uma! Gmeans ane iboats [2 Resinccntote resto rwens | ile Cont. | Pipi Acids monits canbe stmnen ages co ‘fie pases as en dine "tore thie Inctizet ping sal be ais | Sear for sor psa 1 | 8d ea ss for te | Stare ir weet 2s ss |feinesatshe MPS orizinces | 23en8pipeting hen he tou abo and eg nf 10 Kn Bg ieee Uaiitoe i Cied tut whi 80 | i Sears ofenive reent “Tends al be wb | Smonos | ogeimpkmnned TSE” Mengenent Sas oclug Te prowston ste) Teg of ihe est aba 8 imi 3c sve wig | Some en gh | cis detectors sal be | Gogrstor ton, gst eeiing | year hem ewe ard eleanor tials [eit near she” 1 enn EL oiannenat tend te | | focemet one, sich sj extapasting Roading sem fr! Eyes gander | SEEN og ts Contech foeuaranaed tn’ HTIAZOP sill be ne fro the odin deities tye abd ng th ree one pla Sauedate 1 “Teeico Standards und Speciieaions including Safety Standards ‘or Sataral Ge Piptines SeheluietA MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT. SeneduierD WEEDING Schedilete PIPING SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND FAWRICATION DETAILS, Seredute-tD DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND TESTING Sechedate-tE, OPERATING AND MAINTENASCE PROCEDURES. Seneste-t CORRASION CONTROL, sehedalete MISCELLANEOUS Scnedote 14 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT [MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTS. AN mateniate and euipments forming + Permanent par of any piping Set onntuced gsceing fo Chi sara tal SSmply sith the desgy and service ‘urements and shall be sue for the Inne fabrication of costoction Ineihods. For sour gas. service esuirements a per Sched 1G shall be Some wh MATERIALS FOR USE IN COLD CLIMATES Matra oe se ln sites ese 10 feo ambien or low operating temperatures Shall fave aust Impact. pore 4 ever bile factor at such To fempertes “MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS fn nddion (9 standards and speciation ovat in ASME BSL, stanlards. and Spelifeations fisted io Auaexar IP sha sh be aceptable for manotacring of ‘ans piping compas Foran pst of ‘he naa gas pipelines and scared faces Stel Pipe Carbon see tne pipe a6 per Line Pipe Spectction APL Sty shal be Seams Shore Aw ell (EAW) oe Longhasinat Hebel. Submerged re Welle USAWHSAW) senfooning = ProctSpeiisati Lavel (P32) Flee woke pipes mnortres SPL Speciation SL shal ase eet alia egunenens speed ner Annexure forts sanded Carbon Equivalent (CE) foe ne pines shall be 2s Bile oper ara Carhart 192 cea =e > ate + Cette - 46 s (CE AD asa be 50%, or pipes sing Caron Canter C8iten “C= SE A OB MoE 38 Mat wah eS « CE Bem vase sa be 028% Mat isd Tess ‘Loe pipes sald be hydeless Ine mil ing toa preset cts 1 hoop sts equal eo 95% 8) iN inepetive of mara gra. For on Pipeline, the es esas Sl be id Fine pad ot 18 see Noth Taghase For stel pies of size NPS 2 and a ech ghee al espe, Dacte 00 Pipe Use of ai en pipe is os vee sata zs peti EQUIPMENT SPREHEIC TIONS Uavipment eed ia aan ws girs Teanufaural to sandaeds sed Tanmecue I of he stn spall a0 Fe cet UE GAZETTE OF NDIA-EXTRADRONAKY. pets sar Schedule 1B WELDING PREPARATION FOR WELDING more of the Specified Miaimum Yield Stree sate We SSchovontuminatins on pipe ens are ot Al! Noa Drsratne Testing (NDT) eed and mst be reouved by suiting inclaiag radigrapic examination sal be (hevpge ara cplindr and robeveing cf pesfrmed it accordance wih the ‘hand or by grieding pret wells Foqiements af API TIDE excep se rooterack tal be permite ebesle ends shall be re-examined by Uiranonte or mageetic parce mods Regal of peting hop ses as welt ircat section more ban prestunly 3h location cls all carbon sel but welds ‘amined Tenth ih naurates pipelines stall be sujet to Ts raiegipic examination and 7 0 Seat Wel tikamonefesng, The mel ol i Wen Sed din ping. open. 10” tose As ars ovata seat welling of dreaded pressure neal not” be edlogiph he shoal be avoided Ursoncally feted. Sh welds ower Sha be sia exaited and oot pss of QUALIFICATION OF PROCEDURES at lest 10% of sich ells stall fe SND WELDERS ‘amined Liga Peet Tein RRequeements for Piping Systems All butt welded golden joint (le. welds Cperating at Hoop, Strowes of 20% or lms which fe ot subjected #9 prewre fnore of ie Spevied Miwimom Yield fexng skal be sbjctad too Steen fatlgraphy cs well examinations brsomeecniques Socket welded soem Wedding procedures and welds for jim stall Te ested “hy wsing, Lig SeWlngof gas pipelines sal be qualified Penevant Ingestion (LP) method oe wet per APs von shall include onghnes Magnetic Pale Ispestion (MP) eto {eaing quirements ab eplcable foe the nator be weed REPAIR OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE. WELDS IN” PIPING Weld procedures and welders or staion INTENDED TO OPERATE. AT HOOP Spine stall be qualifel as per ASME STRESS LEVELS OF 20% OR MORK: fiber and Prasue Ves! (PV) Cole OF THE SPECIFIED MINIMUM Seana ior APE TIO Viewp steeSGrH Welds having deft shale removed INSPECTIO.C OF WELDS ‘eps in acne Wah APLTTOS loypecsion aad Tess for Qu Repsited weld seas sal be sutected 0 ae Sekt om Piping Stem tonal ratiogaphy oe uleasone testing Operate at Hoop Stes Levels of 2% ot aller cepie eee Schedule 1¢ PIPING SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND FABRICATION DETAILS PIPING SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND FABRICATION DETAILS Genera In xklion © sundae and spesifstion, cihered under ASME 318 fr trout ping components piping ctmpanents ‘ranula colorming to nar td Speciteaions fed unier Ammexate tof ‘Pissodard al be acceptable ‘Valves and Pressure Redacing Desies Valves having reste soning mponetioctiding bods, boonet she, ral lange et. made of east ror o ache Iron shll no be we antes Flanges made of eas io, duce om and sores ater (sso onze) shall. fone wed Flanges and flanged coments sit wt be aed in ied ping utes cir Mange scaly is enapaled a wer an ‘ecncllyanating materiale Boting AI bots on mite wd in stra es Pipsines ll net he design comin 0 Pe applicable ASTM sandals Cas io stor onze tral ar aot pm Flings other tan Valves and Panes Firings made cf ast font stile in ‘sallot bee Gaskets Pain and compressed asbestos gk sl notte wed seen Set DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND TESTING DESIGN INSTALLATION AND THSTING caer Prose The seleton of design fr aaa ga Fens tured fle perang entra be evil onder Alt component of he pipe sat be Seiad tote ute nt BF pepe ‘arose dei ros soars pine az es han NS Shai hee Seceay cline sal be cared out ‘oeny tc tegatana at ‘recec De the erased ect fests tempers sending, oiipe ‘bien exalt sad her “vires parce appsbi. hen al pines of om ats Pores contol ah ant teat To pie ston to retaied in’ were aioe ing sche: Cosi ans at eho Fuge of tl sarc sete rg pe se Soca afew an) gr Ae sings tntnded fir Homan COrpusey ant Leeson Claen for Deland Contraction oe the pnp of determina ear of Losin Clas = mile dsance ll be replaced ty 1800 an acts htc When 2 cher of buds intended er mon ocean, dates ha a base sale 600m) of ipline soul be ‘dep a foaton cat 2 or sion ‘ess 3 maybe mrmimed 200m rm se ers bling te castro either side (ie aesan ofehterand atend ofc “he bundy een sation ae ot lection las 2 or ton hs hl be leat 200m ay fom the Eviing ‘veto he ony. STEEL PIPE Additions! Reguivemest for Xonvast ‘vata Consideration sal as be give to ang thet flloning whe seeing Sra thickness tas per ASME" BSD rome ‘Seerurdentonds Dynami and sei ads (etc and decry de © geal peste dations Geotechois! fads inctng is. ‘iret! toned pipe ‘pest and tal elt of he Petite a oi prope. Design Pactrs (and Location Claes A exceptions wo asi ese ftary ot he ‘adn design fel al epee 1 pen ern hie sar he minima tall Bice Go sunt pipes sie NPS at sho ‘talteas mn. Pigetaesor Mains ve Bedaes potion oad ad vehicle bridges deat tide sei be Seiad with ‘ld be wold: Pipeline txt on Sig facta dct C8 “Tablet Deiga Factors fr te Pie Constrcton i a a ae TT - Sey [on ic Coming As for 8 posi. pine shoud cross Ssieing Ty at ABBE angles. Toran Fount (Ps) poled oer side of CSeming tl be leat at sient ‘Fane aay tan ROWROW of e3lsing ting to fli salle oF ends sft en tbe pietine rs pall to ‘ste tees: Maru over sl be er Tae When insisted by ouhities ad ‘spray ll tsk is ted wing © “xu pipe minum diameter, thickness Keng cating pipe shall comply ih AO RPIIOR. Comer pipe shallbe Sleyesey spared aie casing pipe ssn cng ins mae of ab or rently ooesondutve mates a Smuts mo comat bowser “caier and sing pe. Casing end seals shall be inal preven ngs of matey ano ‘eign monet fo wasn case the “veesVen and ies Sal be proved Sn a en ofthe cating pipe Prague, ‘he sai piper ote TB Nag PE “Kile independent sipped. When the cs ipo Bom les eh emi ere cope Curie pe ann pps ety Be isto yopen et. ory. jog cee lise tenshic ehaigas When burst ppeine bas 10 cs ony sexing used pipeline ab dase ‘rotber servlets the pei sal bed Teast 500 etn sich erie. Where Ett. ate w bite the shave rmeationed class, spec sign and Dipriae shal be properly supperect Seieg aod ater” be contractions ete, aeeoved ipein, able. tout “erent uns eins Sl Se 1G witht Siar hove dooce tea 50) yee Imcinsin the above mate? cea ‘esl design ant concen sll Nearness large ani tminined teseea he pips al he omission Co etd bets speck she - The nb of cask Dont bth ath be disight an! an ivenoy ann Sande elvan sa ep ousie diameter, whichever is smal fm the end ofa pie or within one meter of ‘0h Wel The oval each pipe fer ‘ominal Samete, ot any poi ends shal be checked by pling 9 ausing ig fied with gauging plate of diameter ual (098 percent of the nominal interes “ante ofthe pipe: The pig shall have a [eit o cups at les than 3h apr pipe nominal diame cher et Pipes with engi welds sal be bend in sch a way tht wed es inthe plane Fssinghrcgh nual axis the ben rsion cating afer beng shall be ‘sal eamined and hoiay tested. fr Aefecs. Any defo o dsbosding of the ‘cating Gane ring bending Gluing fered ridges in the costing) tal he ous + Lomering lore towering operations are onmenie Parivar tenon should Be pond 10 the SIH fhe enc tal the ppg nb loweed without drag o teeing nd giv eassably eve apport he sine Al pins o he pigetine where the coating fat been in contact sith cer thes ‘sth the iting eguipnet during the ang cperion shat be cally asec for sages, dets or cer detects Det. if Sas hae completely opie Stor completed sections of the giptine ould be leaned wh compres i it ero remove i ow the niet pe store towering in, fall cisomrense of the pipe sh be checked By olay Seto seat an approprine shape Sale forthe apple tating 0 det oily i he ening Icing eld Joi coating Any costing dtet or damage ‘emis by boldey detection shall fe repaired. = Bacutng Becki shal ecard at immetnely to the ext pes ae the pilin ss teen were ino theres sesnate il fom the tench sal be wed for hacking ules the same table, The bckfl atrial shal conan ‘po extancos materi ano had ag ‘sol, wh could damage te pipe ad rSoaing o lave voids the buskied troh In cotvable tind and other specials Atsignted areas. top sil excavated fam ‘he tench and str separately. shall he ‘tee neal condos. Soe Seakee oF other meses Sal he Insled in wenhes dg sesp es (lope of generally 10 percent an hore) 0 Prevent eosonof the Rack il Ra should IS provided wit dsinape ihe: ale ‘ate runt on vos tcl wash at + Pipeline Markers Pipeline markes 10 ladiae presene of Pibtine aod change sal be provid ll. Song the. pptine ule sa minim Spacing of I hs. The markers shal lst rosie on ech ade of hia) (NHSH), taj seit cons" IDR ‘allay erstings ander bly sing Atte crossings where hid pay ti) Ss expected and tens to saa oe make shal be vided. Maser a costings stat dil cae, ‘sords "Gas Ppl” ane of he opening ‘Company. mens tlphone cmt es Ge dan gh + Cleaning of Piptine Befow fyi testing the ston of che Pipne ll be claned and checked Be geometry of the pipeline. A ugg pig stall be passed tough he Dipsne prove the neal ameter fhe teppei. The gabging plate shal have 3"Samter equa 958 ofthe itemal ‘ister th thicket ne pipe ed in he Dipeine. The pring pte sould [tebe mad of Alsou plate “TESTING AFTER CONSTRUCTION + Testing AI pipeline sestons stall be ys ted ‘Morconsrecton excep reese pipes ‘Sed inten pot, ‘No welding (ther han in welds ance Irecanielhaslieg of pipes pemited er presire testing: Cred crouings (riload) and ents “roming sections shall be prow toed tee ad ater isalaion Tor a prod of {lest for (8) Bou Such sets shal fe vteed along With compl maitine Water shoud te wed test mesa, When eure, test water maj be dosed ih ‘ued quantity of comin inhibitors and Sos Seven ee en aly APLI1N0 recomended pace sald be ‘id 2 glduce fr he pesue sing of ‘repipcine + Test Premure and Darton > Pipctine ‘The minima test posure a ay prin slong the pipeline shal be at Senin Tables The i presse hl at eet the mill et priest Desens reuired & rouse» hep cecal t 95 pct SAV ‘inion wal thickness inthe wt sue, ‘het ation sl he mines for anininu wens ar fous oF as fequed Dy ston In x ofany pressure drop bent Teorove and shone the pee eae ee ie eta testa be fer siete fo 35 ous tight e Maine valves should be hnstes Mor accel prewatetving Ue iti | Ex Basin Resins Above Ground Stato Pring shal Be cae at spre Pipl. Soe piping stall be wus at sama et presets she dsm pesire fe a min ped of Tue (3) > how Precare Leak Check AIL tanged joints in above sicmt gclite piping, eaupmen fament tle binge al etl by pressing the ne syeem equipment ih ey Compressed ior Mogen og Syesone of 70. petg sad Sheth by seo ap stion ‘ible dail page fn ake. + Denatering and Drying ‘ter yo tetiog ofthe pple ston ton ipmgs the secon shall be dewatered inmesinely eseye en te ‘econ edith ior aer evateang the pipeline section Sal “legs Sabing A state piping sould as Be los by compres remove ‘ats Foner ppcie suid eh ite ty caper dy aire cy dig sest 8 dog cutie dem Fl Alteran he pptine ter hye tte Sresurne 6 emonpore pcre th ser in pce, The water cola Hped bor 2 Nite clon 0 3m eng ta te dy martes eta, isch cle i separated by ntti fits The Hodroenton gas gi ‘Siig end ob bu ch pips iste rue eel + Geometric Serey Surey wc pipine ssomery wing ‘conic Gecmetie Pas (ECP sal Be coc ster comple and espn losing psn te 4 xmoMDoaRy ft Sect uging and testing Hata tesig Ioalton of Mone Soi Vale staens Ames Compt of i ies on he rine ‘+ Precommbsioain Inertia Required inetizaio of the ston pining nd pipeline shal he cared ot we oF ‘iron orb) vac sing Cae shod fetaken mere eplenve re 2 nda the pletae we ppg dos et Rest ‘ose coment in te ‘pling or ppg halle es than 20 pacts ol + Preeretion ogling ite pipet comming tr presse ‘ng ate a be dele eo 6) moths wae prsunaios Tec ‘tl he ated 6 prone Pipeline may be psec sng ibis lsd ih nite qty of carson inks ny ting te ie with ay re sgieandat postive ese + Commenting There sal be socom comisionine procedure hr savor nl ths tne, Pipeline stone une craig sd Bera per sommunton ie The commissioning opeon shall he io ab xe aon) ere The best adminttion td her stars aes wot so eve police salle ‘nmed yk ol Be cai ut Perso) were gee ew Upon completion of he Gasin process andere there shall bea commissioning report IV. Inspection nd minenance eps Cored by the sahorued peson and'e —¥. Matrial”cericaton inclding sale tie, Simenson, metallurgy. performance ‘nd function repoet Before stating commissioning ates, VI. A complete ppe beck, ‘league ensue ‘Vil Press sot Fear Isla sation of teas or fren if ans. ard Commissioning Prosedae in pce Seserpdua ep under ker ‘Vu. AS~bult dawns including ppetne b, Presse testing is completed for IX. Soong, tighiess and “Kak ist, ate pipeline ad nssocined sation repo pining X. Complete st of each lectin with Tow pressure Teak chock of the ‘dewestn ste pro piping Mango joins X1_NDU rect of wel Samet XML Geometric sievey repo. if 4 Pian shoe lee and bis applicable ene, ttl Cleaning sd drying cots AIL lie / sectioning valves XIV" Commissieing repos ‘eens spe require XV. Nonconfomance devin repre IF Gotsen jos ae inspected and XVU_ Calliraion toads of spacton, seeped Measirag & Metering and Test . Gcometri suvey of pipeline oon uient ‘Seared of aphid XVUL Audi complnc epots A. Tested aml expeence personne tre avalible / deployed to any ont X¥IIh, Stator cenoes “smimissonng XIX. Approved eawinpvdocunens ‘XX. eration paces DOCUMENTATION XI. Egulpmenand operations ars: eres the dels metaned in the ASME BSI clsse 867 the Pipeine once stall |. Design & Eagivering documents crossings drawings Piping and Inseumention Digrate ston TUBGAZETTEOF NDIA EXTRAORDINAY. pan), Sehedate 1 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ‘petting and maintenance of atl gs pipelines salle ih accordance. with ‘equltements of ASME. B31S except Ironfsr at) seh regulrments are Specially cancelled, replaced oF tnended by the requirement specified iereim bis anda. OPERATING _AND_ MAINTENANCE. PROCEDURES" AFFECTING THE SAFETY. OF GAS. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES Sasi Requirements ‘The entity opersing sal gas pipeline spat ve an effective Hea Salty and Envtcament™ Managemen System (USE “Management System) and Management of (Change System in pace fo ersre overall ‘Sit daring epertion aad emergencies The SE Management System stall cover «he following hey hemes, + HSE Potcy Statement + Organizational objectives 10 ese oplamestaten a the poly + Stl of deed pocesessappotng Cah ti ot the HSE + fiplemertition SF control and smonturing ties + Penis, monitoring, review and ‘speing of perfomance Rat GF tral and esemal owing paces shall be prepared 3s prt oF HSE Managem Sse + Bierpeney Management Sytem 10 Safely handle emerges wih + Disaster Management Pn compass, ffs apd ons ftnergeny response plans td tu seem + Hvard Taaieation Proeser sch mrHAZOP. + Risk Anais and Ride Assessment Process suchas RA 1+ Safety and Techical Competes Syste, + An Operant Hea and Say Liga pia Matix a sel Operon Heats and Salty (OAS) Legal Compliance mar sential Features ofan Operating and ‘Mamtenance Pa Besides thems recommended for Fncasion nthe operating and aerance Flin memignsd in ASME BBLS. te Following al ao be intaded nthe ‘Opening and Nalenaee Syste: 1. Operating —Palowophy and An operating. philosopy. document Seay indexing Be personal Proves quad andthe ste Sersting perimeters tll Be ‘Selops. Opting proedes. with Sable operon cote bse 00 ‘mal ed ean and sk screen sail he developed A ecteneted cation pop sh te wep rove operon enomel A deawing Sowing Te rentaion of the pt, locaton oF ane ce af compressor sion Shoulda sho the main sepa, ceucmmson madi esi umber 1 onder to" provide sate wosking onions and to cary oot the ork Satoh, work pei tem shal be inte "Toe tone pere a Siode perm pstem 1 ease tat sre is ard etn he lest ose macro prevent lest enone prtet propery Fost “amage, voi te Acton nthe even of emengeoy shall e clealy stabs and ideo yall comer and Sipiased Pominady. Personal Protstie Fumes (PPE) stall be provided dosed by all operating personne Do's and Don'ts sale splayed at Sapper ap “Selig abe Compressor Station aren "No Msbile pone No snoing. sat”. No lighter matches” sal be dyed at Cempresor Sion. Sextondlizing ‘ave Staton and luck Valve Shien ten Do's and Donte sey Pecans emerge cepa nos ‘hai bead The Hs of operating isstins ESD tn, set peu ako be dpsed ae Cool Room and nell ‘rope pei equipments Cfeaing peronet sll posess Megat knowledge abd experience sn finctoning of the ata ibaines nasal and efficent ser lepine pein sci shal be leeged aod records of such sets Shall fe anabed. All eat gs ities Spero shal ecard ot Linder te sopenison of authred persis inte cpecting pants endiion i set for sound and safe Speratns shall no be exceeded In ioe any ahora operating onions foe encuterel. the causes shall te investigate ani comecve aston ‘hal be esblhod to cae ta ll the srs are menor ale Segrezated and acted upon 30 tha ah the operator parameters ae sl se eine candy His The opening salT sould mainain iptance le decom and colt ny lek 6 Deets, duly cated, al te alble at Compresr Staion 1 tmotr te lskage a8 Manges a ‘Te Open Philosphy sl iacide ssanminam, he allowing Sysam Descion Opsrona et pie taal tt “Terporury opens ‘Nomal operations ‘Neral hat down proces Enmergeney shat Den (0) poceares ining sendin hE Sysems sean ee Maintenance Philosophy oo Procedere A ominrnce pis docuit leay nang tbe Pevenee procedies eqied al be deco 4 deal maimenance paca hl te desl for ent ipl =o ose consents 29 by he Origina Foogeee Sanutste (OEM) keeping mid the oe enon, Fhe manta Include provenive _muntenance ‘Shed wih peri he dl. Wek monty, ol yealy and eat. Procedures for emescrey spat of roe / poses eonu ak Ce, ot upping and stppe plying. ad ‘ter reps methods sl ho te ‘ose spr of ra 3. Management of Change Plas For Sae Cana af Operations (SCO), stale Management Change roll be deelped fo Her {hd sone te Hpac of change ple systems and thelr iter. Minagement af Changs shal ies festa, pigs proces) and antzatonl changes ofthe sem, ‘ster pemaneet or tenpoay COpeating and Muitnance prota ‘Weald addres he alloning= + Caan plan for meters, gauges ‘deter incrament acting oa haste ose. 1+ Plan for foetal eing of pear ‘eettieg sal on ensnent Provision of pring ingpectins log he voue of ste plplbe in tle a sections of pines and rains lesen af operating Bop ses, asa Feature he Emergency Plan {nies operating ppt tal rosie oe a Emaygney Contato, mane ‘oun the he ad equiped wi ce Cingameation “ate and emery ‘cheer fited "wth commie Suites, ist ad equipment re ntguers gut detector rep Ks Ad ‘col taps pls, material SY dt ‘Sees oS dpa he ety sal pin plae an Emergency tet espns Pan a iss Manager Pls. rds Pander Pan. Wile preparing these les te eat sal ake fn conence {Be sanous cl sures (ue The Fate Sorin, Polke store Hesih ‘thes, fea adinseation. Doser Management suberies Mala Ft mpecomte ) and sia ‘Sabor ont neue fa nso, 1. Wetten Emergency procedures ‘Slowing wile pepwing Emersons) Response and ister Managem an ERDN + "Do's ard Donte” dng and mergeny and ober salty + Riche ates, of cme Snes matali. it fetes uw eno apeoe. corso / vendors fre sie, + Acton wo te ken ing an rere inliding weg onioning of of feted. on and Informing ee aurea or they compas alee 8) +Other Sak) requirements as isged i EROS ‘Operscel aed ay ning sbll be lmpre wo he ort end maison ally per ese couse. The ting pisos sould he mbt eid eral ae so nae sft [iplometson an proven, ntiy onaing vrai ppcine st ve designated psc £0 Tison wih (the exigent 8 em supplying companies Aly oo. Stiiton eam costing oF feprsenadves Toes all eer ati Soimpies and "chil autores can Sn improve afery records 4. dvcaionl Programe nities opering pipeline sal underae @ cimpetcsive. pos avareestpcgast for vonsumers ahd generat public The ston! materia shall be pepaed i Toca Hind and Engh language, Local ‘su viual odin aval shoul be sed ‘esac eduanal pra 5. PipeineFatretaestigaton Bess reporting. and rcoding of tl insances feet elated Gres, damage the eavioent and thi pars pipers ‘ais be econ. Fallue fvesiaing tam shall comprise of ‘eon! ne inal vestigations The dt fom al fre oecurenes shuld fo arated for tends 20 That proper ive nclaing Wain could be ken {mii fs Blasting ees ‘No basing boul be cane ou wii iy Fouts and oc ty tid pty sss 7 facies nny ese Blasting Sal ony be ed afer proper auton fom ial !othotis even it sf arty ou sek sper 7. Accident 1 emergency reporton procettres ‘The ct dal putin place # documeed in howe acient reporting procedore and is response plan” forall Kind nf aceideemergenies such a 5) nest ais Selden acim whoa se of ma oars i accidents wit ss of mato ‘he tevel of reporting shall ao Bo ncrione athe procedure PIPELINE MAINTENANCE 1. Pipeline Paroting ‘The fequeny i ptring of maura se Pplines stall be once st 0 ys for {Ltation clas 5 and # and one in vey sqarer for Lecaln class I and 2 10 hone ‘sutse conditions of KOU. Intermediate iatalations akon Scorston acini eaten ‘wah ets and uy ihe arr to) Mle the ost) and operation othe Posie ie pipetine rote showkd bene vealed teas cea sear ain highways and ail road cosing Sal be ingered rh ret egos {nt more cs than an pipeline In Sie pipe costing high Ssmeequentth seas (HCA) ice hosts age homes’ sco’ ling ‘es the paling shal an be nsec ‘ih greater fnqueey depending ep ‘he Sever ofthe tea. Mainnancs ‘over at Road osings Data dishes Sede Cancenty fran sl en Sri ASME BSR Clause No BSE sad a The improvise mean of fine pt otc ‘tan fot pong, vedi gtiog helloper paling shal aloe seed sh 1 peowisn of CPS, italien of C4 im "segs aims stele band Imontrngand vation Semin sen, ‘hog opal er 2. Malatename of ROU for I oF Cronin pectin RoW and acces varias sins shal roinained 0 ensteresonaie ares oad spd itway crossings shall he Inspected a est nce in he 3) mats. War ty erasing tal be inspected at lead vlc a year te. poe 10 and afer ssonscen or Hath food Kr expose Slmaion of dette oe for ay thee Seti, at may fet the ey nd Secure te cosings| Pi! Owner slong RoU shoo be made fare ofthe poriblesonequence of 34 inks and shold be isloded a 8 put of ular Pipeline Piing Inspection of feline wing intents ‘Sal be ced oat a lest one in 10 years ‘ein lea tl ecu Pt collected dingo ass he Neth te pple andi aes reeag eps Noma paging (Bach ig clang pig) fay be Sune ota et once (3) Pties angering sour ga shall be coped ing ligt asin once 4 laspection of Cathode Protection System Cathode rtetion stem pare he pipe wate sd TR oie dla he rsoded a est nce pe mh ull eresesions Instant pipe toil “OFE™ pete reading Stet ea pont f te ete plies te aken ace na var. Minimum acepabe ceria al eax fer ASME USI. Append K of ACE SP 20169 a appa Cument mmsnoments shold be fecoded shih Tet stains at least Se ion a sear where caret ‘Strurmen cy ona ‘Cathe proerion vets shall be Inepeced ane nx oh All prosetive devices sal be pected Incererence binds shall be inspected 5. Coating Sevey arson Survey Diet Curent Voge Gdiew YBCVG) /Comawes Poseoial Logging (CPL). sores ‘CrentAteruation Tet CAT) Sal be fed ou ome in Sse suai Fei and couplings shall be ispected Inspection reco atl epee Repair Procedures for Stat Pelnes ‘Operating at Hoop Strew Leela ‘Shove 30 of he Specie Minima Vets strength In cme of comin of he pipe de 0 stich ices of he pipe steed Reever iat sine allowable Setting pres rogue to be reduced em siglal design to. mech Ferment of anda bes eit tbe pipe oct sal be feared or rented onthe split al deed ote pie AIL des pe eum of his Standen sn pipes coming ek ‘tallte removed repaid pling stl pied by anyone 0 she Flowing: 1 By cag oat cial plore ‘tpn ontning ede 3 topncing the some wit 3 pre teed pe of minima 2 mer Kenph wing he eid pe specication, > By sestaing All eminent Sided spit loves or lok Presre and sal ave dg Prewure af aot les chan the Frown alonabe operating Devore Thi sl! be ful Neded thsi ent and engdinaiy All eps permed as pe 3) and (above stall he tees cmap cai ee 4: i eae of repr of cote ps, fi damaged sowing Sl femoned apd er eb shal Boappiet etd Hepes of Iajcious Mechanica Damage tative defect delcing se ke fae wok saves surelanee parting. ak dtc et ted Salt, nena ade stl be pat in pve fr tetion of delects end shunages of pipe work, Define or ‘hinged ppstincs shld Be eid Sd restred safe operating comin bp the ane of appr ep med he detots shld hs sae int. supertci damae, moderate amaze, ‘ere damage eveme darmage et per sane ei ‘The sleton ofthe os spyopine repsie ‘neh omc th a of Spero, Showlé be sla he tet oF asset Siete, 2. Madifiation on the ppein system: rion of hs code shall ts apy or fy mieten om he pipeline sta the porous ofspanson or eenson te pclae Modine should be cai out ber ty nln he pipeline syste of he fap metiod, To the ever! possible Be Pibline sem shall oot sped for te Frrpose of aiston apd sal 9 oe te eter med 0 mes te breed ‘The ot tp sl be coil ut a8 per APL emo Abandoning Transmission Fale Abandoning, Besies ie dels mentioned ip she ASME BBUR, Abaedoning Distomating, Reisling of mes fe pipeline shall ab ischde De Ethane A. siplie sam tha fe 09 tose toate lr warspaation of sn shu her cat of rice ha Peardos Tide reraned fete Satin. ine sgeming compar (es to hand nor pe oF HS Feces permanent empiri ater obmwang mc oral toe thesaurus ur), sh pega ee pa ‘costerng the flowing Lange le seting oF aust ‘Sotda "te woe, oan he ir hat mont of the must 2 (Sets nthe spate ined be Pipi tog td tis sal Sirconrecte ath postive ation {com allsance of slap of £8 es teahinimert. pte st and fies ho andoved should be purged wih gen 86 ¢ ier atria and nds scaled. the folios ae fos Wh af tal be enue Sar combust mine ir nt presen inthe system, Decommisianing of Feanemision fasten Pans sd procedures al be denloed for Si lommisioing, dtmanng, “sotion and pos fe pipeline Mainerance of the fy shall coin {it emaring of fives has ben templee. Caouiepraeton sytem shall be ‘sumained wh pera inspection Enronen impact sessment be cared SAFETY AND FIRE PROTECTION Gone AI installation shall have fing oe ussuon ees 1 Pie and Gas Detection System © Compresve stations: Ase decom tem expe ‘sah aadio and via arm Seal ado inet one ih Se oer mabe i ‘sched. The gat deteo sl te ested ose fo he porn sue tage MR! Semhe deacon all te Proviedin col roan MCC, {Dy oom apd compressor Sele si provon a {ndkation, atm nd aes, se © Other Gas oso: Aas accion sytem owitoed ‘vi seo advil lam sll ‘ena tine th one oF lower ficimable in fenced. The pu deco shal be Tocmed close’ the pte oes flea IR 1 Soke decor shall te povided la cont wan sd {Ely ew pono > Fire Alem Sytem 1 Compresor Sat lease opted ke ses wi Sule ange of 1 bm andor + Rote oF 186. system aothe Shin tbe compressor Soe femelle tal rovisin alle ae fr eotinsos nab of pone 0 ihe oven ding “emergny Manta cal pins hail b insted ae siege eaters Manual Sper sen stil abe Be provi sity cations 1 Other Gas Iatations Eee operand fre sirens wih sue cage of Tk sll be ‘awaled. Provo hl be made or ‘teen asl of powe 8 this stem ding emerge) hut > Fine Fighting Equipment Fire Faking ipo shal be frovided att Comper Satins Frese Pigang Staton, Sectional Yate Statens Ga ey! Exit termini and Metering Saas 2 Compressor oe ‘One (1) mabe 10kg Dry Chesca Pode (DCP) bed ‘Ope (1) number 64g COs sed pevtvo compresses and ‘One (1) number mobile 75 Ag DCP ted 3 Paging Area. Mewring Area ‘oad Gs Pai tren ‘One (1) cumber 10g DCP base ‘exch ation ‘One ()pumer 24g CO; and one umber Sig OCP hed 4 Offee/CamenStres Two @) number 10kg DCP bed inach bing. © MCC Room room “Two @) umber 4.5 kg C0, sd in etch oom or pe 10 m2 Door, 4 sand buckets withstand sal be Provided ea to DG ran A sry coma fs aid fre roecve accessors thal fe pronded © Intermediate peng sation ‘One (1) sumer 75 kg and one (1) 10" Kg DCP eaed snd coe (1) umber 249.C0, bad 100% spares fo COs caries ad sone spares for DCP cages sll tesmed Seesonatising Valve stations saccte (I) number? CO, bse. 100% spares for COs caries ant SOtipares fr DCP. carges shale stored Gat recip/ every tr ‘ne 1) suber 75g and oe (I) 10g DCP asad and cae) mie 2g CO, ane {00% spares for CO, earispes as Sr irs for DCP saris eal tesa AL fre exinguishes sal ee St eegualent mark Manas sch fre ewinguisarshlBe rovised hen Heston. The quay at ie ot Fe extinguishers regu shall be povided tase on th ntice cetgane and eat eh be proces. Fe fighing stem wits Bre water eich shall Be proviso fr ‘The faowiag shall abo be cosine 1 Wrere cleanliness ant Cetamintion cl semine Seal supe ae ot IMlased only CO, oe Clean gst {idee 121%) texting Shale proved. (Fee of Fe inguither refer BIS 2100) unguibbers shall be ists witin 5 of he equines tha travel disuse fr Prsan Satore han (Sm Fig Ab and Safety Equipe Flint AN and Salty Eipnent shal be pewided a Compressor Stions, Sectonalising Vale Stations, Gas fmecipu Delivery somicals snd wi Windsack shall be provided on a oprepitely levates severe fie the oir rom tester pop hose inh t mange 0 ast 8008 Wd ‘mergeny Power Supe inergecy ighing eS yw ‘raperting ae nd cova no Commoniation Sytem Commanication stm ike Wlephone/ Pace paring, wabiewake, opeat Nor ele Based” contureaton seam Sal Be provided Si itemedine stuns iotatng 1P stations Repeter sien all Be frovieed with peer communion Sete Security oman station SEH be tmned "to eat th indie ire Water Sytem The Fire wer aston salle Proved at Sumpenee stations 4 ire wate rage 1 fie ter pe Main a Jockey) Co Bie ter itibaion pg err {Pie hydrant Moai Wor pede! ee se Facies shuld be designed on Bas hte iy Fie war spel ‘caval cons othe sain fre water system sal designed fo Night wo mejor fees silanes rere inthe tion, Design Flow Rate he ee ate ging ea ‘Sched based othe spray te {ven teow or ow tough te 2) fig of fe wate mors (re 28 ‘itr whidever hake Spry mer arouses sb fallow: 4 Comprar act: 204 Lp ‘te ara 10.2 Up m2 of aca Goines. SLpmint ot ret Comper aren gs ater cover Sen piggy aren ration a. ‘Reinga Sdemate Slestion Sea cl. skull be cotced Ath ‘et vay tae py ert {ing monn and yao 6 flee Wace System Desig The Fite wer rere stem sal te dignt for ina reska psa of7 9m sh A frenau tng. yaia_ stall be provided al and prieornthe Stopessor son fasies ith dante oni There sl be iim ovo} ‘tes of montis tol asl nay fart overs the compressors fren. serapper atea and er aoa Fie tndane tocol tal tein ced hops ese Team vals stall be prow toh side of the jnstion in the ‘ose top and in he mide ofthe nope vop if engl 3D) mo at ‘toy 20 intra cine op 1S nger than 100 fm) Tenable ‘Soin oF any) section” witout ‘etng oe section Fire Water Storage Wate reguicement Gr Creighing Sal bet though water Sore tanks the etlcive wpa of tae tanks above the level of snctcn Poe sal be minima 4 hours ugresut capacity of the pumps ‘Where ake op water spp stem fs Sty or mone ti trage capi may becreduced 192 hour of agra capacity oF pups. Scrage tnvresenoir stall be in 0 imerenageted compares Silate skeaning aod repr fb of set Laks thee sal be ‘niin oot o Hire W ter Pumps Contig fro water pars sll Flatt t mec the deste ‘Stereo. Pap shal hae Red ston Mout abiven Jockey pap tant more tan 10m he of art) hal etal to maintain the foe Deteick prose at 70 gem a ‘Great endothe neon, ‘he ee water pumps ising the standby pps shall prefer be Siew! nen Where esi apps ‘reine S04 ofthe paps ah be Ae Raesee I minimis of 50% stand ts ung) (anima soe ofthe same 5 sept and ett hs mun pues sal be provid The Fre water ramps shill be provid switatonai ring Sct, 6 Flee Hydrant Nework re sae sing msi sal be sed foe 120% of the design nate se fate. Vest of the te shall not ‘nce ove than 3 ms Inthe fe Sater rig main. Incas uf a war Sewice, be fire ater msia pps full be cone moar ned internals ce hemopliste ters) Fee watt steel pipe sing nis ‘whee isle above pr sal be Sha height 500 ts S00 mov aban Stowutcl supped at teglar icra Pipes made of scenposte Instr spall Be ad dsr IAtove round perinatch networks Be och elo Urpin stall bey ous enncci sad post Ce mots md yur sal be cabo ee Undergrad fie ster ns hl fave inant Tn cover apd shal be provid ash sable eating repping Doble Fede ydants sh Spare anding vases on 3 Sand poral be weed, AI hydrant Saale all hy 2 cer atone ‘ound eo Fie aster votre stall be Provided wth indepennt ai Hose Hog with? Now of se nd 3 race stall be provided at exh rat pins The deage save stall be etd a UO ete fran the ik Seng votsted hy sprinkler stem, ee Hydane! monitors. shall be Insel at 8 minimum cistince of |Site fom the ars fay uiment. inate of lings this “isan shal ot Be les than 2 as nd 5 ae than Sn om the fee oF ‘balling. Provisions “a Spats within the ing sal he IR accorance wh IS 3B, A least one Myant post stall be [oviged ine every 30 mir of este ‘sal measuement or perimeter cf ‘the bate Fak Monitor sal be ple a8 meatal Medium Yelociy Sprinkler he_medivn selocty sprialer ste shouldbe provid at erica {eos sch as compres nit and Shall hie spray tects ected ‘oily to the faites intended for ouling ly oe ye uf sea notes shall I povided in 3 partelar faci, All spray moras sal Be ipa fox proper posting soroion sn leaped iPnecessary amit oF fast ore than 12 mas or ear ‘ed on the onperene Materia Spcieaions SE matesat wed in fre wate stem ung fee wate sal bef they pe iodcat hl Pipes Carbon See (C9) $589 (15: 1209 718: 192R oe tes ‘Composite tras ss per API TSE APL IS HR oy i oquivatent hale ed > Incavesaine ackish water treed filet water is nak (he eter min el presale intra cement mort ined or gh eared Spoty nated oe made of pipe teil utube for the uals ot wae Alena pipe Inde of composite ates hal bees. ©. isthe pips hal at be ws forfrewater sevice, 4. fotwidage vassal be sitar pte talte o& buteds fathes Sih "open and cect Indaba. Matra tal cast Set be ourmal water and fopper achat he Hoda: Sts pst shall be Carson Stel Mors ‘carbon sel Gnsatel Outer aves landing sabes: Ginga) Aleninuoy Smintex. eel (Akin Zi ay 8. Fhe bse Keintred rater lined toes (3 em. 18 mie sand length contening ISI pe AP ar Sn Prcolaag satheie howe (age 8) / UL or yuan Sn he Me ahve pound fie eater rain scant post shall be Fre Re pats por 5-8 © Spare Hse, Norsk and ‘Minimum 2 Nos, or 25% pte hoses shall te sored In sition to the nazis proved ‘sho owe bone there al be et St pare ozaes Yor soe category ize let Nessie with brine pipe, Fog Nezale, Univeral Noes ter ‘rain Nowze and spray Nowe RECORDS ese the deal mentioned ins ASME 931.8, natal as pple ety sal also ‘unin following vor docamer 3, Design specication documents 1 Route “maps. alpient beets fromings easing ping and Tnsmeneaion Dageams, sca ‘pete Pipe Bok! natlinn Revers «. 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Recommend Pptine Maimenance Welding Practice PU) ATHO®——— Recommanat Practice or Morkng Ugh Fete Ppetise Fee fs) APTHWY——_Revarmended Past fir Pres Testing of igus Pema Pipes by APT S096 Chin of xan i cia Isuns aptioe Tanspenatn Fai in ARES ‘Spectator ine pins hy ApLaDy Paine ties, emir) eee (oi) ASME Section VI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coe Divison | Presue Vessels Division 2 Alerne Rois fr Presse Veils (iv) ASME Sesion IX Welding Qualifications be) MSSSP-50 fe MSS.sP-69 (est) NACE:RPOI-69 (vii) NACE-RPOI-75 fis) ISAS-7501 Ga) ISAS.7502 tay eee Gi) TEC 329 ASMEB S14 prio sss is-ss7 83083 i520 Io 1813 NACE SP-0177 Pipe Hangers and Soppors Materials, Design and Mavufstre Pipe Hanges and Sopers Selection an Appiation Recommended Practise Control of Fsteral Creo ‘Unlerround ce Submerged Metalic Piping Sytem. Reeormended Practice = Cont of late Corrosion in See Pipelines Stems. Flow evaluation fo sizing cont valve anil le te rose "let Apparas for Explosive Gs Atmosphere [Degree of peetion Protded by Enclose, ‘as Teansmision and Disha Piping Syston ‘Welding provedures and weldes or welding fps eptines ASME Boiler and Pressure Vesel (BPVI Code Sesion DX Welding procedures and elder or ston piping, Elecreal area clasifcaton ef Insalaton for selection of Eleteal Equipment “Guide for selostion of Clete Equpment for Hazardous Area For eating ofall electrical eqtipment, ystems. sutures and Fencing Ligheningposesion Vatees Miligaton of AC and tiponing feos

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