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Part 1

“In the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.”

(Fixed Frames)

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

- I am a student now. I study at EASTERN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY

And this is the first year I study here

Do you study better in the morning or the afternoon? (why?)

- I think I can study better in the afternoon. Because I often have trouble sleeping at night, in the

morning I am not awake to be able to focus on studying

Do you sometimes feel you have to study too hard? (why?/why not?)

- Yes, absolutely, in 12th grade, I studied a lot day and night to be able to take the final exam. But i think

that is nesscesary for student to get the knowledge.

Which is more important to you - the teachers or the other students on your course? (why?)

- I think friends are more important. They can create a sense of joy when learning and also help us solve

problems. But teachers is important too, They are the people who teach us knowledge and help us

understand problems

Let’s talk about where you live.

What did you like about the house or apartment where you grew up? (Why?)

- A house that is not too big, very cozy that is the house I grew up in, I like everything in my house from

the cool light green paint, to the lovely and versatile kitchen and Small garden behind the house

Do you like the area you’re living in now? (Why/Why not?)

- Yes, absolutely. It has fresh air and comfortable. It is also safe for human because of the security at
there. There are many schools, hospitals, supermarkets nearby so it is easier for the families live there
to study or buy something.

Has your area changed much since you were a child?

- there are many changes. there are more trees, roads are redone to make it easier for people to move.

In the past, there were only small houses, but now there are many houses and tall buildings
(Optional frames)
Let's talk about maps...
Do you often use maps? (why?/why not?)
- no not really, I usually go somewhere with my memory. Only when it's necessary to go to a place I've
never been to before I will use a map for it
When do people usually need to use a map? (Why?)
- when people need to go somewhere they have never been or they are lost in a big city or forest.
sometimes when they play a treasure hunt game
Do you prefer electronic or paper maps? (Why?)
- If I had to choose between an electronic map and a paper map, of course, I would choose an electronic
map, because, with just one smartphone, I can see the directions of the whole world instead of having
to carry a giant piece of paper, an electronic map that can even locate me and find me the fastest
Do you ever ask people for directions instead of using a map? (why?/why not?)
- Yes, absolutely. It is common in Vietnam. In Vietnam, people rarely use electronic maps, instead, they
will ask people on the roadside

Let’s talk about public transport.

Are the public transport services near your home good? (why/why not?)
- Yes, I think it’s really good. Buses or other public transport are extremely convenient for me to travel,
because the hours are very structured, so my work is not delayed.

When was the last time you used public transport? (why?)
- I think it when i was 15. I remember that i went to Ho Chi Minh city by bus. Acctually, it’s hot and
crowded but I feel more interesting than I went there by motobike

What changes would improve public transport in your town/city? (why/why not?)
- First of all, I want buses with more time frames and flexibility so that people don't have to miss the bus
. A public transport that is large in size and has enough seats for passengers so that no one has to stand
there is a great change.

Do you think you will use public transport more in the future? (why/why not?)
- Absolutely, I will always choose to use public transport, because it is very cheap, it is suitable for
student and above all, the surrounding environment is already enough smog and then I don’t want to
contribute to the emission of toxic gases from the vehicle
Let’s talk about taking photos
What kind of things do you usually take photos of? (why?)
- Oh, it feels great to be able to capture all the beautiful scenes into one film, not only the scenery, I can
also capture happy moments, memorable memories with relatives and friends.
Do you prefer to use a camera or your phone to take pictures? (why/why not?)
- For a student like me, using a phone to take pictures is more convenient and cheaper. Moreover, it is
compact and can be easily carried
What do you do with your photos after you’ve taken them? (why/why not?)
- I usually stay it in my photo library, some of them I often print it and hang in my desk or put in my
Would you like to learn more about photography? (why/why not?)
- I am quite interested in learning new things, photography is a big hobby for me. Of course, I don't want
my pictures to be wrong and worse yet ugly, so I thought I should learn more about photography, it
would be interesting because it's my hobby.

Let’s talk about travelling long distances.

Do you like travelling long distances? (why/why not?)
- No not really, i get carsick so travelling long distance is a little bit terible for me. after every journey by
car I feel nauseous and don't want to have fun after
Have you often travelled by plane? (why/why not?)
- I remember when I was 10, i travelled to Hanoi by plane. I went with my parents and it was an
interesting trip that I will never forget
Would you like to travel into space? (why/why not?)
- Yes, i think it will very interesting. I would firstly click a picture of me with my hair wiggling, and
probably take a video drinking water. Since it feels weird drinking water without gravity. I would show
the video to the people out their on Earth when I’ll return to Earth
Do you think you will travel more in the future? (why/why not?)
- Absolutely, when the covid 19 is stable, i will travell whithin Vietnam and may be abroad. And of
course by plane

Let’s talk about spending time outdoors.

What kinds of outdoor places do you like to go to? (why)
- Yes, I do like outdoor activities as it refreshes the body and mind such as: gym, park. There
are many benefits to taking a break and going out.

Which outdoor public events do you enjoy most? (why?)

- the best thing I have ever seen was the fireworks event on Dragon Bridge in Danang city, it was an
unforgettable event when I was standing on the great bridge glittering with golden lights while in the
sky is brilliantly lit up by magical fireworks
Tell me about an outdoor activity you did when you were younger.
- I keep myself engaged in mind refreshing activities like hanging out with my friends. going out
for badminton club to refresh my mind. I also play with my brother and sister so that I could
spend more time with them

Would you like a job where you spend time outdoors? (why/why not?)
- Yes, I think it is more convenient to have the freedom to work outdoors, connections to the natural
Talk about a time you got lost in a town/city
You can say:
 Where it happened
- Admittedly, I am not good at finding directions, so I often get lost easily. A couple of months ago, I took
a trip to Dalat. It is a journey that my school organized for students.

 When it happened
- In fact, it is a fairly interesting memory, I and a friend went to the Dalat night market to visit and buy
some souvenirs. I thought it was a wonderful trip until we got lost when tried to find ways to our hotel.
We had to rely on the electronic map for a long time but it seems for more than 1 hour we needed to
use, the electronic map doesn't seem to work very well, we just kept going and going and our feet
almost paralyzed them unable to walk anymore, then we really panicked and fear.
- And then after a small break and we tried to remember the scenes around the road when we traveled
from the hotel to the market and luckily when after about 30p walking continuously, finally we
returned to the hotel
 How you felt
And explain what you did to find your way.
Soon after that, we headed for a good local restaurant, ordering a big meal to mark the day we managed to
overcome such a dangerous situation. After the journey, I and my friend had a lesson, first not shouted at the
strange spot without the instructions of the guides, followed by trying to remember the characteristics of the
way, For example, buildings, shops, etc. and the last thing that we will probably use public transport and ask
them to take back.
Describe a place in your country that attracts many tourists.
You can say:
 Where the place is.
- In Vietnam, there are numerous places that attracts many tourists, but the one I would like to tell you
today is the place that I like the most, this is Ha Long Bay. in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600
islands and islets, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. The site's outstanding scenic
beauty is complemented by its great biological interest.

 Why it is so popular
- It is one of the world cultural heritages recognized by UNESCO. Ha Long Bay is famous for having many
limestone caves formed by the effects of nature without any human impact. Therefore, Ha Long Bay
attracts many domestic and foreign tourists. Ha Long Bay is one of the most attractive destinations for
tourists thanks to its long stunning beaches. All the beaches have long stretches of white sand and the
water is crystal clear. The sea can be calm at times but the surf can also be spectacular. The beach is
not only beautiful but also easy to reach by different kinds of transport as it lies right next to the city
 What you can do there.
- Acctually, there are many tourist areas here and they create interesting activities for visitors to visit.
People can sit on the boat that was gliding on the lake, can watch the sight around even go though
limestone caves. People can catch the fish, squid,… with their own hands and cook it after that. It is
really interesting activity that I want to try.

You can also say why you would/would not like to go there.
- I remember the last time I went there when I was 10 years old, now I want to go again. Not only
reminiscing but also experiencing many new activities.

Describe an interesting journey you have been on.

You should say:
 Where you went
 How you travelled there
 Who you went with
And explain what was so memorable about the journey.
- I would like to tell you about Tokyo, the city I want to visit again in the future.  It is the capital city
of Japan and is the most populous metropolitan area in the world
- The mainland part of Tokyo is located northwest of Tokyo Bay. Tokyo is one of the most densely
populated cities in the world. As of October 2020, an estimated 15.000 million people live in
- Tokyo’s railway system seems like it was designed to win world records. I absolutely think that is
the best thing of Japan.
- Last year, my family decided to choose Tokyo to visit as our holiday destination. It was a perfect
holiday in my life. Tokyo is really beautiful
- Tokyo is a magnificent city, this is considered the heart of Japan. As a super city, Tokyo brings an
extremely prosperous and magnificent beauty.
- Tokyo at night is one of the things that tourists look forward to most when traveling in Japan,
because it is imbued with the traditional cultural identity of this country, surrounded by
skyscrapers with magnificent colors. The most important thing to mention is the splendid Tokyo
Tower in the center of the city, attracting all eyes.
- I feel that the city is moving toward the future. I believe Tokyo will become a city that is full of
surprises. And I think more and more people will visit to Tokyo in their holiday and enjoy it

Describe a problem caused by tourism in your country.

 What the problem is
- The negative environmental impacts of tourism are substantial. They include the depletion of
local natural resources as well as pollution and waste problems. Tourism often puts pressure on
natural resources through over-consumption, often in places where resources are already scarce.
 What area it affects
 How you know about it
- Leading among the serious consequences is the problem of environmental pollution, every year
there are millions of tons of plastic waste picked up from the sea and you know, among them
waste from tourist resorts. accounts for more than 80%, in addition, the activities of cutting down
protective forests to build tourist resorts, the dust from the construction process has affected the
And explain how the problem could be dealt with in the future
- It's true, but don't worry just keep going, but remember to protect the enviroment in many
diference ways. people can plant more trees to make the air fresher. Moreover, tourist areas
should set regulations for tourists not to litter and harm the environment. Acctually, this is not a
big job but i think if everyone do this, it will help our enviroment become better

Describe a city in another country that you would not like to visit
 What city it is
 How you know about it
 Why you would not like to go there
And explain how it could be improved in the future.

- You will be surprised about the city that I don't like. The city that I don’t perfer is the most a
megacity of the Southeast . The city that I don't like is a very busy place, it's Ho Chi Minh City, the
place that people often call “the city that never sleeps”.
- Today, Ho Chi Minh city has become one of the world’s most active major cities, home to cutting-
edge technology, information, culture, and fashion, as well as a high level of public safety. Last
year, my family decided to choose Ho Chi Minh City to visit as our holiday destination
- Outside of work, my family and me also often go there to have fun and change the atmosphere,
because that is where many tourist attractions and scenic spots are concentrated. But what I
don't like about this city is its noise, bustle and smoky atmosphere, the traffic never stops here
- The entire city is filled with loudspeakers, construction activities, commercial activities, and
factories. Therefore, it was too noisy sometimes for me, a person who prefers a sense of
tranquility. Acctually, my family also experienced Ho Chi Minh City ’s crowded trains during rush
hour once, and the commotion was so bothersome.
- Well, actually, Vietnam in my eyes is quite a peaceful country, so the chaos in Ho Chi Minh City
made me feel totally overwhelmed. Given a chance, I would like to discover some quieter places
in Ho Chi Minh City to truly unwind in one of the busiest places in the world
We’ve been talking about …. (topic) and now I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions related to
First of all, let’s consider…
(international and domestic tourism)
 For your next holiday, do you think you will travel abroad or stay in Vietnam?
 Why do some Vietnamese people prefer to take domestic holidays?
 Why do some (Vietnamese) people prefer to travel to other counties on holidays?
 What are the advantages/disadvantages of domestic/international travel?
(You may not need to use this question if the student has covered all the points in previous questions.)

Many people prefer to go on vacation in Vietnam for many reasons. Firstly, there is no language barrier. To
illustrate, all instruction notices are in Vietnamese to help any Vietnamese understand. In contrast, when
people travel abroad, they must know more languages to understand what natives of that country speak.
Secondly, it is more affordable to people to travel in their own country. For example, domestic hotel and
resort services will be cheaper and more favorable and the homogeneity of currency is also a factor to help
reduce costs. 

On the other hand, there are also people who prefer to go on vacation in another country. First of all, people
can experience new cultures. In fact, it is a new adventure for people to learn about tasty food, new clothes
and lifestyle in foreign countries. Last but not least, people can taste exotic cuisine. For instance, food is one of
the most beautiful features of a country and it is really interesting to people to enjoy and experience their
traditional food.

(modes of transport)
 If you travelled to Nha Trang/Quy Nhon/Da Nang, how would you get there?
 Why do some people choose to fly/Are there any other advantages of travelling there by plane?
 Why do some people prefer to take the train? Are there any other advantages of travelling by train?
 What are the disadvantages of travelling by plane/train?
(You may not need to use this question if the student has covered all the points in previous questions.)

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