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College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Portfolio

MEEN 3301

Name: Mohammad S. Aldawas

PMU ID: 201401652
Spring 2019 - 2020


Descriptions Checklists

Industrial Reports:

1. Student Internship Performance Evaluation

1 2. Industry Supervisor Report
3. Student Feedback Form
4. Student Log Sheet

Biweekly Reports:

1. Report 1 Date:
2. Report 2 Date:
3. Report 3 Date:
4. Report 4 Date:

Final Report:
Spring 2019 - 2020

Final Presentation:

Industrial Reports

Student Internship Performance Evaluation

Industry Supervisor Report

Student Feedback Form

Please fill in the form carefully and ensure that it is attached at the back of your Final Technical
Report before uploading onto the Blackboard for your Advisor to grade.
Name of Student: Mohammad S. Aldawas

Student ID: 201401652

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Period of internship: 19/01/2020 – 23/03/2020

Company Name: Saudi Aramco
Department student
Onshore Maintain Potential Project Department
was attached to:
Describe briefly your work experience:

It was a good experience, but I wished that our report/presentation performance evaluation
considerate the fact we, Aramco interns, didn't take full opportunity due to CORONA
interruption and lack of access to some material. I have overcome this issue by office work in
Aramco, and was useful to read packages and manuals and visiting site areas and discussing unit
objectives with colleagues. The department was a bit busy, but helpful.

Was nature of work assigned challenging? Yes/No

Was your work environment satisfactory? Yes/No
Was the work technical in nature? Yes/No
Were you treated as a member of a professional team? Yes/No
Were you able to learn from others? Yes/No
Were you able to talk to your supervisor when needed? Yes/No
Would you recommend that we continue to assign students to this
company in future?
Would you work for this company after graduation? Yes/No

Overall, how do you rate the company in providing you with this Excellent / Good /
training? Satisfactory/Poor

What new knowledge or skill have you acquired as a result of this internship?
I learned how projects are managed and what are the project phases, especially Cost
Estimate Request and design phases. I also benefited from getting familiar with
company environment and attaining skills of reading engineering packages and manuals.

Which courses, if any, have helped you in learning the new knowledge, skills and
technologies needed to do your work?
Technical and professional communication, manufacturing courses, material, and
Engineering Economy

What would have better prepared you forth is semester's work?

Pure mechanical companies are rare in Saudi Arabia; therefore, I believe that
lectures/courses on mechanical engineering applications would be very useful, since
during my internship I do not recall facing thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat
transfer tasks in general. Neither did I face any problem-solving cases, it was generally
management environment and some technical parts which we did not engage with it
directly (supervising/managing only).

Suggest ways in which you think the Internship Program, as a whole can be improved:
I suggest it would be useful if there was some type of annual meetings to cooperate
and review on internship plans between Saudi companies and universities.

Date: 31/03/2020

Signature of Student:

Student Log Sheet

Biweekly Reports

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


[Saudi Aramco]

Report 1

Reporting Period:

[19/01/2020 – 30/01/2020]

Submitted by:

[Mohammad Aldawas]


[submission date (31/03/2020)

Mechanical Engineering Department

Spring Semester 2019/2020

At the first week, I went to the department where I was assigned to do my internship in Aramco, the
Onshore Maintain Potential Projects Department (OMPPD), under the Southern Area Oil Upstream
Projects Division (SAOUPD) and worked there as an intern member of the North Ghawar Tie-In Unit
(NGTIU). Firstly, I met my training coordinator, Mathew Kuruvilla in order to organize my orientation
for the unit. He then took me to my supervisor, Mr. Bassem Jamal, who leads the NGTIU. Afterwards, I
asked him to assign me to a mentor, that was Eng. Ali Al-Ramadhan. The first week was an orientational
week, in which I met my colleagues, took safety orientation class and got oriented on construction package
reading by Eng. Dhafeeri. In the second week I received my personal protection equipment (PPE), which
are fire resistant clothes (FRC) and a safety shoe. On the next week I requested the supervisor to involve
me in a site visit to gain more knowledge regarding the unit and its relation to my major, in response, he
assigned me to visit Ain-Dar site with Eng. Madan, who explained for me the work permit, PPE, and
construction considerations. When we returned, we attended the progress meeting of the unit.

In this report, plans and progress of the internship for the first two weeks are going to be listed, along with
what was achieved and what was not achieved of the plan, and what lead to that. This report is also going
to list what I have learnt during these two weeks. I began on the 19th of January 2020, at Saudi Armco in
Abqaiq. My supervisor was Mr. Bassem Jamal, who assigned me to Eng. Ali Al-Ramadhan for my training
and filling evaluation forms.

• Supervisor: Bassem Jamal / / Office Phone: 5721097

• Mentor: Ali Al-Ramadhan / / Office Phone: 5778129

In these two weeks, I gained a knowledge in two work environments. One in the administration building
offices, and the second in construction sites. In the office work environment, I have learnt that there are
important procedures for the work to not be interrupted. For instance, we must obtain work permit, failing
in that can prevent an employee or a contractor from work site access. Another thing is meetings
attendance and how professional discussions are taking place during those meetings. I also learnt the
professional use of office personal computer (PC) and how to read construction design packages and
engineering drawings.

For the site environment, I learnt how construction is managed, observed and what can stop it, such as
high- speed wind, heavy rain and dusty/foggy sight. As a safety requirement, it is mandatory to obtain
permission for working on site. During the construction the contractor must take a daily permission and
there are 4 types of permission given by technical support department: hot, cold, confined space and
excavation. Each of which requires specific knowledge of work safety and qualifications. And each has a
unique color. Hot permit for works including heat/ignition and cold permit for less dangerous activity such
as using hand tools. In addition to confined space permit, which is given for working in narrow spoaces
such as cleaning a pressure vessel. And finally, excavation permit, and it is given for an activity that has
a chance of dangerous fluid propagation.

Planned Work

It was planned for me to have an informative tour on the unit offices and meet work colleagues. After that,
it is mandatory to pass class and online based courses on occupational safety, Information security and
phishing awareness courses along with business ethics and conflict of interests. Then we are ready for
receiving and identifying Personal Protection Equipment

Work Done

I have firstly met my colleagues and got the

opportunity to know them and introduce myself to
them. After Mr. Bassem introduced me to Eng.
Dhafeeri, I sat for one to two hours with him as he
informed me of how to read a construction package
and explained some symbols meanings. He also
explained how projects are managed and assigned to
contractors, as regarding contracts, given to whom and
how contractors are selected. Later, he shared with me Figure 1 - Cold Cut

two power point presentations about cold cut process, instruments and tools (see figure 1).

After that, in order to be qualified for site visit, I took and passed class and online based courses on health
and safety at work place. In the second week I received my PPE and passed online courses on information
security essentials and email phishing awareness. Along with a course on business ethics and conflict of
interests, which my supervisor assigned me to take.

Table 1: Schedule and Status of Weeks 1-2

Day Schedule Status

19/01 Orientation and networking day / Train on how to read construction packages Done

20/01 E-Learning courses on information security and email phishing awareness Done

21/01 Get to know my colleagues / giving my IDP to the supervisor Done

22/01 Review Flowline Construction Package Done

23/01 SAOO Class Safety Orientation Done

26/01 Off-Road Driving Safety Course / Gas-Oil Separation Plant Description Course Done

27/01 Receiving Personal Protective Equipment / Reviewing Construction Package Done

28/01 Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Course / Course on Business Ethics and Conflict of Interests Done

29/01 Courses on Basic Safety Rules, Safety Responsibilities and DIP Refresher Done

30/01 Course on Operational Safety Processes / Meeting with Eng. Ali / Field Visit Partially

Problems and Difficulties Faced

I have completed all of these tasks, except that in multiple days, I faced difficulties in going to the field.
One of these difficulties was the weather. Once, it was a rainy day and we faced power issues, therefore
the site work was cancelled. In another day, the weather was foggy and dangerous to drive in, and therefore
it was not possible to go to the site. In other days we faced similar issue of dense dust that affects going
on site visits. I solved this issue with filling my time with either reading more about careers or taking E-
Learning courses that could be beneficial as an alternative. Besides, it was a real life lesson on how in
some circumstances, such as weather, the work flow can be affected.

Plans for Weeks 3 and 4

For weeks three and the four, the plan is to continue taking courses on safety handbook and safety
management at project management. Along with that, there is a plan of a try to visit the PPE storage and
observe mechanical aspects in storage such as avoiding corrosive factors, then it was scheduled to attend
a lecture on cold cut for pipes, and finalize with courses on diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, the plan
includes a goal to increase my engineering knowledge relating with project management by studying the
construction safety manual.

Table 2: Schedule and Status of Weeks 3-4

Day Work Plan Status

02/02 Taking course on safety management To Do

03/02 Attending Safety Handbook course To Do

04/02 Continuing Safety Management Course in Project Management areas To Do

05/02 Visiting PPE office to replace safety shoes and have idea about storage system To Do

06/02 Completing the long course on Project Management Safety Management System To Do

09/02 Attending Lecture by Eng. Dhafeeri and sparing time for the intern report To Do

10/02 Taking Course on diversity To Do

11/02 Taking course on inclusion To Do

12/02 Working on the intern report To Do

13/02 Reviewing Construction Safety Manual To Do


Figure 2 - Wellhead

Figure 4 - layers

Figure 3 – Well Mechanical Components

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


[Saudi Aramco]

Report 2

Reporting Period:

[02/02/2020 – 13/02/2020]

Submitted by:

[Mohammad Aldawas]


[submission date (31/03/2020)

Mechanical Engineering Department

Spring Semester 2019/2020

At the third week, my supervisor suggested for me to take a course on "Project Management Safety
Management System". This course trains on implementing safety procedures and how to observe and
evaluate any safety consideration and occurrences in work place, such as incidents and accidents. Along
with this course, I took a course on safety handbook guidelines. Later on, I have visited Personal Protection
Equipment storage to see how it is stored and to replace my safety shoes. After that I attended a
presentation on cold cut and continued working on report from different references, such as courses,
construction packages and personal observations. Afterwards, I took courses on Diversity and inclusion
and reviewed safety construction manual. During these two weeks, I learnt some aspects of mechanical
engineering in pipes, such as Reynolds number critical role in designing pipes and flow control.


Safety is important on different points, whether it was field work related to mechanical engineering among
other engineering considerations, or social safety regarding diversity on work place. In this report. Low
attention and making mistakes in operation management could lead to a disaster as a result of this task.
Furthermore, mechanical engineers play a critical role in safety management and inspection. As
Mechanical Engineer, you can inspect corrosions and report them with suggesting corrective actions.
Corrosions could lead to leaks in corrosive liquids or choking gases, which can harm workers and cause
huge costs. Gases like H2S can cause death and shutdowns, which also results on production issues and
time waste. I also learnt the importance of scaffolds safety and how it could collapse if not set up correctly.
I also learnt alternatives that replaces welding, flanges are one of them. Different factors Play important
role in pipe design, such as fluid viscosity, flow type and Reynolds number.

Figure 1 - Reynolds Number Equation

More on Cold Cut
A number of serious accidents have led to the advancement of cold cutting technologies to improve
protection in pipeline repairs. The key contributor to these accidents is the presence of hydrocarbons (the
basic building block of energy products) in pipelines that generate a potentially dangerous situation when
pipeline repairs, modifications or decommissioning are required. For example, improper pipe cut process
may lead to the leak of harmful gases (Hydrogen Sulfide) or even igniting a flammable material, causing
suffocation or blow back.

Figure 2 - Hot Cut and Cold Cut Comparision

Cold Cutting is the process of cutting of a pipe without the use of ignition from a torch (hot cutting) where
open flame is used. The benefits of this technology are reducing threats to personnel safety along with
saving time, which means more productivity and less costs. It is also easier in long term maintained as the
comparison shows in figure 2.

Phases of a Project
In maintain potential projects the project has 5 phases: CER, Design, Construction, Commissioning and
MCC as illustrated in figure 3, these phases will be described in detail.

Figure 3 – Project Phases Chart

1. CER (Cost Estimation Request)


Figure 4 - CER

2. Design: In this phase the project is given to a design contractor where they will start the design per

the given CER

Planned Work
The schedule includes attending a lecture on cold cuts by Eng. Dhafeeri, and then attend and pass a course
of two parts on diversity and inclusion, which was requested by the training department. Another Plan is
to attend a comprehensive course safety management in a project management environment, which was
suggested by the advisor. Finally, I plan for visiting PPE storage again to follow up on requirements.

Work Done

On the third week, I have attended courses on "Project Management Safety Management System" and
"Health and Safety at Workplace". I also visited the PPE storage. After Eng. Dhafeeri shared presentation
slides on cold cut in the first two weeks, he gave us a lecture on by the fourth week to explain this concept.
I learnt how cold cuts are important in pipe related maintenance projects and operations, where the high
temperatures and sources of ignition required by hot cutting are not desirable. Therefore, air/hydraulically-
powered pipe cutting machines are used. These comprise a clamshell or chain-mounted cutting head
holding a tool steel and feed mechanism which advances the tool a set amount per revolution round the
pipe. Tools may be styled to cut and/or prepare the bevel for welding in a single or multiple pass.

Table 2: Schedule and Status of Weeks 3-4

Day Work Done Status

02/02 E-Learning long course (Project Management Safety Management System) Start Done

03/02 E-Learning courses on Safety Handbook (Health and Safety at work place) Done

04/02 E-Learning long course (Project Management Safety Management System) Continue Done

05/02 Visiting PPE office / Replacing safety shoes Done

06/02 E-Learning long course (Project Management Safety Management System) Complete Done

09/02 Presentation by Eng. Dhafeeri on cold cut / Working on Report Partially

10/02 Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion Course (Part 1) Done

11/02 Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion Course (Part 2) Done

12/02 Working on report referring to different resources Done

13/02 Reviewing Construction Safety Manual To continue


I faced some difficulty with the safety management course as it took some time, but eventually I have
passed the course. Another difficulty was with following up with the engineers, supervisor and mentor. It
was a bit hard to constantly meet them every week since I was assigned to busy unit in busy time. However,
I was able to learn through E-Learning courses and reading manuals and construction packages, this way
I have been able to fill the gap caused of the heavy load on the department.

Plans of following week

For the following week, I am planning for starting with reading on Gas-Oil Separation Plants along with
taking a tour on the administration building to improve my knowledge of the department works, ending
with attending the annual safety meeting. On the sixth week, I am planning for reviewing the maps of
Aindar wells and project plans, in order to get thorough information of the tie-in unit projects.

Table 3: Weeks 5-6 Plan

Day Work Plan

16/02 Regular working day

17/02 Reading on Gas-Oil Separation Plants

18/02 Tour on South Administration Building (Inspection Units)

19/02 Annual Safety Meeting / Working on report

20/02 Regular working day

23/02 Reviewing Aindar wells map and plans

24/02 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings

25/02 Working on report referring to different resources

26/02 Site visit to Aindar with Eng. Madan / Attending Progress Meeting

27/02 Attending OMPPD/SAOUPD Event of 2019 Recognition Award


Figure 5 – Symbols Meaning Figure 6 - Flange

Figure 9 - P&ID Example

Figure 7 – Instrument Symbols

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


[Saudi Aramco]

Report 3

Reporting Period:

[16/02/2020 – 27/02/2020]

Submitted by:

[Mohammad Aldawas]


[submission date (31/03/2020)

Mechanical Engineering Department

Spring Semester 2019/2020

In the fifth and sixth weeks, I started with reading on Gas-Oil Separation Plants followed by taking a tour
on the administration building to improve my knowledge of the tasks of the department. Fifth week ended
with attending the annual safety meeting. On the sixth week, I reviewed the public and unclassified maps
of Aindar wells and tie in projects plans, in order to get thorough knowledge of the tie-in unit projects. I
also went on a site visit with Eng. Madan to observe field construction progress, follow up with procedures
and to identify well head components. The sixth week ended with attending service recognition awards


I went on a site visit to Aindar, in which I observed multiple wells on different phases. One of these Phases
is Well Construction, which consists of four core parts: Planning, Drilling, Completion and production.
After that, it must pass tests or fit standards to be allowed for use, and this is commissioning. Before
operating the well it is important to make sure that all equipment instruments and pipelines will work
under the operation conditions without failure using tests performed on equipment, instruments and
pipelines. CER and P&ID has been illustrated in the first progress report and it has been explained that
CER is not a drawing, it as a cost estimation request given by the project proponent to the construction
department where the cost and requirements are clarified.

3. Plan & profile - Plan & profile drawing is the next step after P&ID.


Figure 11 – CER Chart

4. Piping Plan - Piping plane: is a 2D plane on XY plan gives mechanical and instrumental details in the
process. Sometimes, Stress Analysis Report (CAD) is used. Stress Analysis Report is a mechanical
engineering report that states the analysis of stress in specific conditions where the size of the structure,
forces on the structure and the materiel are designed.

5. Isometric View Isometric View: is a 3D drawing gives a projected view of the project to clarify the
details on z axis such as the elevations and the vertical devices.

After these steps accomplished, MCC is critical for official launch of the well. Mechanical Condition
Certification is a documentation given to show that the project is ready to the operation from the
mechanical and electrical sides.

GOSP main equipment (See Appendices)

A Gas Oil Separation Plant consists of multiple main components, which are manifold system connecting
pipes and tanks and vessels used for separation processes, such as high-pressure production trap (HPPT),
high pressure test trap (HPTT) low pressure production trap (LPPT), low-pressure test trap (LPTT) and
Water-oil Separator (WOSEP). To improve the quality of oil, a dehydrator and a desalter are also used.
The water wells are drilled for multiple reasons. One reason is to provide reorder to provide wash water
supply for the desalter, to dilute the salt and separate it from oil in order to improve the quality of the oil.
The water resulting of these processes is then sent back to be injected into the oil reservoir to balance
pressure and force oil to flow out of the well. To remove the gas, a degassing vessel is used. Excess water
is stored in an emergency water tanks for emergency conditions.


Planned Work

As stated in the previous report, it was planned to begin with reading on Gas-Oil Separation Plants
followed by a tour on the administration building to improve my knowledge of the department works,
finalizing with attending the annual safety meeting. In the sixth week, the plan was to review the maps
tie-in project plans, in order to get thorough information of the tie-in unit projects. Learning about those
is critical for any mechanical engineer working on site. I also planned for a site visit to Aindar wells, in
order to identify wells components and construction phases, along with observing relation with Gas Oil
Separation Plants.

Work Done

Fortunately, targets planned have been achieved, as I read on the Gas-Oil Separation Plants and learnt
their components and took a tour in the South Administration building, finalizing the fifth week with
attending the annual safety meeting, in which the organizer of the meeting gave us a detailed presentation
on injuries and safety related consideration, CORONA/COVID 2019 and other safety topics. In the sixth
week, I reviewed Aindar wells maps among tie-in unit projects maps, and later, I collected some words in
the emails which I wanted to know their meanings and referring to help in writing this report. As I had the
opportunity, I went to the site with Eng. Madan to see different phase of the project, the most important
physical phase is the construction, for which I observed Pipes & their accessories used for wells including:
(Adapter – Elbow – Coupling - Union – Nipple – Reducer – Tee -Cap – Valves), On the schedule below,
the task of this period is clearly shown.

Table 3 – Schedule and Status of Weeks 5-6

Day Work Plan Status

16/02 Site Visit to Ain-Dar Site Postponed

17/02 Reading on Gas-Oil Separation Plants Done

18/02 Tour on South Administration Building (Inspection Units) Done

19/02 Annual Safety Meeting / Working on report Done

20/02 Regular working day Done

23/02 Reviewing Aindar wells map and plans Done

24/02 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings Done

25/02 Working on report referring to different resources Done

26/02 Site visit to Aindar with Eng. Madan / Attending Progress Meeting Done

27/02 Attending OMPPD/SAOUPD Event of 2019 Recognition Award Done


I have completed all of these tasks, except for the site visit which was partially completed, but not as
planned (due to fast wind, work permit has been cancelled). On Wednesday of the other week, I went with
Eng. Madan to Aindar site to work on construction progress, that day wind speed was over 32 km/h. We
have waited for a while so that the wind slows down, but it didn't. Therefore, the work has stopped for
safety consideration, since the construction included crane lifting. However, Eng. Madan gave me a tour,
where he explained the progress of construction plan and showed me different wells on different phases
(in construction, final phase and completed well).

Table 4 - Schedule of Weeks 7-8

Day Work Plan

01/03 Regular working day

02/03 Working on the intern report

03/03 Tour on Aramco area

04/03 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings

05/03 Regular working day

08/03 Reviewing Aindar wells map and plans

09/03 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings

10/03 to 12/03 Working on report and reviewing progress


Figure 12 – Offshore Well Figure 13 – Injection/Production Wells

Figure 14 – Manifold Figure 15 - Desalter/Dehydrato Figure 16 - HPPT

Figure 17 - Degassing Vessel

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


[Saudi Aramco]

Report 4

Reporting Period:

[01/03/2020 – 26/03/2020] Final 4-Weeks

Submitted by:

[Mohammad Aldawas]


[submission date (31/03/2020)

Mechanical Engineering Department

Spring Semester 2019/2020

The first week included learning more in depth about the unit and department, along with working on the
report from different resources, such as checking emails for any unfamiliar terms, readings or information
that can be found in the internet, I also collected information on valves that relates directly to mechanical
engineering in order to enrich my knowledge. This includes their main functions, positions, parts, and
their types based on actuating direction. The eighth week was planned for site visits, but CORNA/COVID
situation evolved rapidly, leaving no opportunity for it. However, the previous Ain-Dar site visit was
enough since it was a comprehensive visit.

In this report, I am explaining and listing valves and their technical specifications. There are many types
and designs of valves doing one or multiple functions. A valve is a mechanical device for controlling the
passage of fluid through a pipe, duct, etc., especially an automatic device allowing movement in one
direction only. (oxford dictionary)

Valves Main Functions and Components

Valves are basically used to control fluids, either by stopping and

starting the flow of fluids within the pipe, varying (throttling) the
amount of the fluids flowing or the direction of the fluid flow. The
valves applications are also related to the mechanical properties of a
flowing fluid or the pipe which contains it in way that affects the
process condition, such as regulating the process pressure (especially
in downstream system) or saving the major components such as pipes
against the sudden pressure increase (relief valves). Although designs
of a valve vary, they have similar and common parts in general and Figure 18 – Gate Valve

include five main parts. As illustrated in the figure, the body is a primary pressure boundary where the
other parts connect. A bonnet on the other hand, is a primary pressure boundary, either processed welding
or bolting for connection, and it is the link between other parts and the body, and provides the opportunity
for the inspection and maintenance.

More in depth, valves contain a related set of components called a "Trim" consisted of seat, stem, packing
and disk. Subsequently, an operator is a part that provide the ability to control the valve such as the hand
wheel Finally, packing is that part of trim which controls actuator and stem movements. The connection
mechanisms of valves to the swings between three methods. Either by welding, which is harder in
maintenance and quality assurance, or by flanging, which suits frequently expanded projects and easier in
installing and replacing process without shutting down for long time- Finally, threading is commonly used
in some companies, but in general, it is avoided.

The valves are categorized to 2 types according to actuating directions:

• Rotational: movement of the trim is parallel to the (like ball valve)

• Laminar: movement of the trim is perpendicular to the gate seat (gate valve)

Figure 19 – Valves Types

Open, throttling and close, are the three positions of a disk valve. In designs of valves, the most critical
parts are the disk gate and the gate seat where the gap space between them is affecting the performance of
the valve totally where it should neither be too small nor too big. In some designs seal rings are used to
solve this problem. Root valves are valves designed to only closing and opening the flow not to throttle.
Throttling valves, on the other hand, are valves designed to throttle the flow and can be used for opening
and closing but it is more than the root valves thus, it is used limitedly within the same system contains
root valves those cheaper and easier to design and manufacture.

Since root valves must not work under flow condition specifically under
high pressure systems where it may fail due to high pressure then, root
valves should be opened in the system first then opening the throttling
valve will be allowed and in closing process the throttling valve should
be closed first then closing the root valve will be allowed. Moreover,
Figure 20 - Stems
there is the stem component, which is an internal actuating part that
enables the disk to move from fully close to fully open position and connects to the disk by a solid one
piece and two types of joints, a slip-type joint and a threaded joint. There are two types of stems, a rising
stem and a non-rising stem. The difference – in shape and design – is illustrated in figure 20.

Stem Controlling Methods

Since there are verity of valve application, there are many types of valves, and
each of those types has advantages and disadvantages, resulting for each valve
is appropriate for certain application. For example, one type is the manually
operated hand wheel (the red connector in figure 21). Another type is the
manual lever, which is the yellow piece in figure 21, which requires more
physical activity motor operator method and hydraulic arm. More examples are
solenoid and pneumatic operator. The valves main job is controlling the fluid Figure 21 - Valves Example

flow, there are 4 different ways of controlling the flow:

• Orifice: controlling the flow by a flat disk parallel to the flow

• Side flat: controlling the flow by a disk perpendicular to the flow
• Rotating ellipse: controlling the flow by a sphere parallel to the flow
• Move a fixable material: controlling flow by pressing the pipe externally Figure 22 – Body and Bonnet

In figure 22, the parts shown contains writings called (Bridge wall marking), a sign given on the valve’s
outer side indicates all the valve’s specifications such as material, size, way of connection and the fluid
can be controlled by the valve. Where the numbers give the material and size while the letters give the
fluid can flow throw the valve W (water) O (oil) G (gas).

Planned Work
The plan for the seventh – eighth weeks period included multiple tasks, as the first day plan was to have
a regular working day, in which I learn more about my department. The second day was regarding writing
my report by reviewing different material in order to collect and organize information and relate to
mechanical engineering area. The third day is for taking a tour on Aramco area and learn about it. I have
also planned for sparing more time for any more terms/expressions I need to understand. Further, the plan
includes reviewing Aindar wells plans and maps and repeating terms/expressions search in the second

Work Done

I have saw the valves in the real world and observed their differences, and examined a unique measurement
technique. As previously explained, the purpose of some valves is to control the flow of fluids within the
pipe. To measure the flow rate of the crude oil comes directly from the well without separation, a Multi-
Phase Flow Meter is - an instrumental measurement device - is used and it gives the parameters of the oil,
gas and water individually without stopping the well flow. MPFM has many different designs where each
application has its own design. However, changes on the well crude parameters while operating with time
is taken in count and designed for. The core concept used in this device is the principle of continuity where
it is known that volume flow rate entering and leaving the MPFM is constant.

Figure 23 – MPFM and Equations

• Vo= velocity of the oil Vg = velocity of the gas Vw = velocity of the water
• Qo= oil Volume flow rate Qg = gas Volume flow rate Qw = water Volume flow rate
• Fo= Oil fraction Fg = gas fraction Fw =water fraction
• A= cross sectional area of pipe entering the MPFM.

Table 4 - Schedule of Weeks 7-8
Day Work Plan Status

01/03 Regular working day Done

02/03 Working on the intern report Done

03/03 Tour on Aramco area Done

04/03 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings Done

05/03 Regular working day Done

08/03 Reviewing Aindar wells map and plans Done

09/03 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings Done

10/03 to 12/03 Extensive Site Visits and Workshops learning Adjustment

On weeks 9-10, there was health consideration regarding COVID 2019 issue, therefore, we have
concentrated on report writing and progress review rather than excessive practical work, this was done as
health precautions. It was a good way to go by reading manuals and review E-Learning courses note

Everything was fine, except for the site visits and workshop learnings. We still had between two to three
weeks left for which I planned for more site visits and learning from materials/welding workshops. But
the unexpected difficulty was the rapid spread of corona virus leading to quarantine in some
neighborhoods, making some employees unable to make it to workplace. Also, work to increase
production rates due the OPEC meeting failure, resulted in making our department too busy. As a
conclusion, the company required us to stay at homes and continue the intern there and eventually end the
program after communicating with the university.

Figure 24 – Valves are critical in production control

However, I consulted some employees about whatever problems that we may face and how to solve/avoid
it. The possible problems that may occur are failures in flow control, leakage and overload, but Aramco
operators are highly trained for similar scenarios and they are capable of resolving such issues.


Figure 25 – Valves Data

Figure 26 – Valves Components

Final Report

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report



Reporting Period:
[19/01/2020 - 23/03/2020]

Submitted by:
[ Mohammad S. Aldawas ]
[ PMU ID: 201401652 ]
[Submission Date: ( 1 / April / 2020) ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

This is a report on my internship at Aramco Southern Area Onshore Upstream Projects Division, where I
was assigned to the North Ghawar Tie-In Unit (NGTU) under the Onshore Maintain Potential Projects
Department (OMPPD). The university internship program at Saudi Aramco is a training program designed
to train university students from different majors on aspects related to their academic major – mechanical
engineering in my case – in the field of the oil and gas industry, in order to enable them to improve and
apply the skills which they gained during their academic years, before graduating. This program assigns
students to a specific department and gives them an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in order to be
qualified for a future career in their major. I have collected and organized what I have learnt of my journey
at Saudi Aramco from 19th January to 23rd of March. Furthermore, working specifically in the upstream
business line is a great opportunity to learn about the mechanical engineering applications in this business
area. This business line deals directly with producing crude and gas then transport them to the Gas Oil
Separation Plants (GOSP) then they will be separated into gas, dry oil and water, after that it will be given
to the downstream, refinery and distribution departments. Throughout bi-monthly progress report, the
courses and information gained in this period will be provided.

I’m very grateful for having the opportunity to do my internship in ARAMCO, the largest oil company in
the world. I consider myself very lucky to have this opportunity, I would like to thank and share this
recognition to every and each member I had an interaction with during this assignment especially to my
supervisor, Eng. Bassem Jamal, my mentor, Eng. Ali Al-Ramadhan and my training coordinator Mathew
Kuruvilla for their kind support during my intern in a an important department. I also appreciate the help
and support of my experienced colleagues, Madhan, Ali Al-Saihati, Adel Al-Khalifa and Mohammad
Dhafeeri, for guiding me throughout this program and sparing me some time to instruct me. Moreover, I
would like to appreciate the management of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd University, particularly to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty and the chair Dr. Faramarz Djavanroodi for their support
and effort throughout the semester providing us guidance and support to gain a good experience.

Table of Contents

Content Page

Abstract 2

Acknowledgements 2

Table of Contents 3

List of Figures 4

List of Tables 5

Introduction 6

The Company 7

Activities and responsibilities 9

Major tasks or projects 10

Conclusion 23

References 24

Appendices 25

List of Figures
Content Number

Abqaiq – Shedgum Gas Plants 1

Construction Works 2

Organizational Charts 3

Drilling Field 4

Personal Protective Equipment 5

Pipe Lines 6

Flanges 7

Oil Wellhead 8

Drilling 9

Oil and Gas Well 10

Gas Explorations 11

Water Injection 12

GOSP Process 13

Detailed GOSP Process 14

Injection/Production Wells 15

Desalter/Dehydrator 16


Degassing Vessel 18

Project Phases 19

Design Process 20

Work Permit 21

Commissioning 22

Cold Cutting 23

List of Tables

Title Number

Weeks 1-2 1

Weeks 3-4 2

Weeks 5-6 3

Weeks 7-8 4

List of Abbreviations
• CAD – Computer Aided Design

• SAOUPD – Southern Area Oil Upstream Projects Division

• OMPPD – Onshore Maintain Potential Projects Department

• NGTIU – North Ghawar Tie-in Unit

• GOSP – Gas Oil Separation Plant

• MPU – Maintain Potential Unit

• TSD – Technical Support Department

• PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

• SAOO – Southern Area Oil Operation

• CPMD – Capital Program Management Division

• NGFG – North Ghawar Field Group


As a mechanical engineering student, being accepted for the internship at a great company such as Aramco
is considered a good opportunity where 10 weeks working can support the student with a good amount of
information and experience that helps to understand the mechanical engineering applicability. In this
report, I am going to explain the task and operations done by the North Ghawar Tie-in Unit (NGTIU),
where I was assigned for the internship. This internship at Saudi Aramco is a training program designed
to prepare and train university students from different majors on their future career path in the field of oil
and gas industry, in order to enable them to improve and apply the skills which they gained during their
academic life, before graduating. Students in this program have the opportunity to gain skills either by
going on a site visits, attending E-learning (online) courses or reading construction packages. Personally,
the objective of my IDP was for me to understand how projects in Aindar are done and what procedures
are followed in order to get the project done, such as work permits release, CER, MCC and progress
meeting along with safety guide lines. That being said, this report explains main components of a well,
well types, GOSP definition, maintaining potential projects and project phases. I had different plans for
the final weeks of the program, including more site visits. However, the CORONA/COVID situation
developed so fast that we, as interns, had to do more office and research work than field work.

The Company
Saudi Aramco (Arabian American oil company) is a Saudi national company and one of the largest
companies on the world from production and revenue aspects. Aramco released the first spark of hope in
Saudi oil industry circa 1933 (87 years) and today it is the biggest company in the world by the revenue
with more than 111 billion dollars revenue in 2018. Aramco today have more than 69 thousand employees
around the world and mainly produces oil and gas where it is the world's second largest crude oil producer
with more than 270 billion barrels of reserves (4.3×1010 m3). Saudi Aramco considered as a client
company where it owns the products where it parallelly manages the projects construction given by it to
the contractors. In addition, the main 2 business lines are Upstream and Downstream business lines where
they shape the core of the company. business

Figure 1- Abqaiq/Shedgum Gas Plants

Saudi Aramco operations spreads in multiple spots of Saudi Arabia, such as Sheybah, Udhailia, Khurais,
Ras Tanura, Dammam, Dhahran, Yanbu, Jubail and finally Abqaiq, where I performed my intern at
Southern Area Onshore Upstream Projects Division of the Onshore Maintain Potential Projects
Department. I was particularly assigned to the (North Ghawar Tie-In Unit). The objective of this unit is
to manage tie-in operations in the SAOO that includes Abqaiq, Ain Dar and Shedgum sites. The task of
the unit is regarding CER (cost estimation request) and to design and construct the project, while the task
of the miscellaneous (Non-Tie In) unit is to maintain, fix and replace parts of the existing project.

Figure 2 – Construction Works

The historical roots of Aramco are a story that began back in 1933 when the first concession of oil industry
was granted to Standard Oil of California. However, first success was with Dammam well No.7 in 1938.
Later, in 1950, the Tap-line oil transmission project was completed. 30 years later, in 1980, Saudi
government purchased 100% of Aramco, which is known nowadays for having the second largest oil
reserves at more than 270 billion barrels, and second-largest daily oil production. Aramco, officially Saudi
Arabian Oil Company, and formerly Arabian American Oil Company, is a Saudi Arabian company Based
in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Although headquartered in Dhahran, the operations of Aramco are worldwide
and includes exploration for oil and gas mainly by geophysicists and geologist of Aramco, production,
refining (purification of oil and gas), chemicals, distribution (including shipping) and marketing. I was
assigned to North Ghawar Tie-in Unit and my plan included training on how to read flowline construction
packages and related Engineering Standards and
President and CEO
Drawings. Moreover, I have learned the design of
(Amin Nassir)
flowline, reviewed construction phases and the materials
of wellhead as I observed construction activities, quality Technical Services
assurance/certification and meetings attendance. I was
introduced to Eng. Bassem Jamal, my supervisor, and
Projects Management
Eng. Ali Al-Ramadhan who was my mentor. Along with
other engineers and technicians, they explained where I
Upstream Projects Management
am in the organizational chart (North Ghawar Tie-in
Unit). The objective of the unit is to manage tie-in Onshore Maintain Potential Projects Department
operations, in which a pipeline is connected from the (OMPPD)

wellhead till the trunk line going to the GOSP. These

Southern Area Onshore Upstream Projects Division
types of projects require variety of equipment, (SAOUPD)

instruments and work techniques. The operation is

handled by NGTIU after the well is drilled and with North Ghawar Tie-in Unit

Figure 3 Organizational Chart

wellhead and with full information about fluid pressure
and temperature. The CER (cost estimate request) contains the needed equipment and instruments and the
pipelines type and which type of protection is needed. Then NGTIU should follow up with the design for
the pipeline and the appropriate tie-in point with the design contractor. After verifying the design, the
package is given to a construction contractor and the project is observed by NGTIU till it is done, then
pre-commissioning and final commissioning to confirm that the project is ready for operation.

Activities and Responsibilities

In the 19th of January, 2020, I came to the North Ghawar Tie-in Unit office in Abqaiq. There, I met Mathew
Kuruvilla, my raining coordinator who introduced me to my supervisor, Bassem Jamal, my mentor Ali
Al-Ramadhan, and Eng. Mohammad Dhafeeri. In that day I have begun my first task listed in the
Individual Development Plan, which was getting oriented, by Eng. Dhafeeri, with the "Flowline
Construction Packages" and how to read them and relating to actual on-site work. I also took a look to the
engineering standards and drawing in these packages to practice more on how to read it, then he explained
the process of selecting a contractor and how financial issues are resolved. Moreover, I learnt different
how unplanned events which may occur on a regular workday, such as interacting with local communities
and environment, can affect the progress of the project. My mentor was also supportive and helpful. I
learnt a lot from him as he has explained for me the activities of the NGTU and where it is located in the
organizational chart. Furthermore, we have discussed CER, MCC and how to read bills along with
different processes and procedures such as work permits. In the tie in unit, projects of oil well expansions
and oil transmissions are designed and managed. These works include designing of pipelines and the
enhancements of oil transmissions from oil wells. The pipeline is connected to trunk line (larger pipe) in
order to reach the gas and oil separation plants faster and to save time and money whilst increasing the
productivity of the well. Later on, I met Eng. Madan, who took me to the site of Ain Dar wells.

On the site, I have followed up with the design of Oil and Water wells and took a tour that opened my
eyes to new knowledge for me. I have been able to relate what I saw previously in the design packages,
such as the planning of the field construction and compare it to how fences, well head and pipes are
positioned in the actual site. I also reviewed the materials of the wellhead, such as valves, instrumentation,
casing head, spools and hangers, and how they work. I understood that some components are carefully
selected due to its mechanical properties that qualifies it to work under circumstances of high pressure,
heat and continuous flow.


Working at Aramco requires us to highly commit to attendance and safety guidelines. Here is an
illustration for both safety responsibilities and specific work responsibilities. I am required to pass class
and online delivered courses; therefore, I took a comprehensive E-Learning courses on "Occupational
Health and Safety", including general/oil/gas industry safety, on/off road driving safety and information
security. Another important courses I have passed are "PM Safety Management System", GOSP
description, "Business Ethics and Conflict of Interests" and "Diversity and Inclusion". In addition, I have
attended progress and safety meetings and observed how projects and constructions are proceeding, along
with how to follow up with contractors. For specific work responsibilities, after the well is drilled and
wellhead constructed, the OMPP Department takes responsibility of receiving all needed information
regarding fluids, their pressure and temperature and cost estimation request (CER). One of the tasks to
participate in is connecting a pipe line between the wellhead and the trunk line. The trunk line transfers
the oil from several wells to the separation plants (GOSP). The tie in unit manages contractor tasks of
installing required equipment and instruments. A design contractor team decides the convenient spot for
the tie in. Inspection engineers of Aramco verify the design, to be given to a construction contractor under
the sight of MPU till it is done. Afterwards, pre-commissioning begins with series of processes carried
out on the pipeline before the final product is introduced. Then comes the process during which the
pipeline is made "live" i.e. the product is put in the pipeline. This is called pipeline commissioning or
start-up; it verifies that the project is ready for operation.

Major Tasks or Projects

First week was an orientation week, where I was introduced to the members of the North Ghawar Tie-In
Unit, and assigned to read a construction package along with attending a class course on SAOO Safety
Orientation in order to earn a card that certifies me to be
present at sites and field areas. On the second and third
weeks I took different courses on industry, general, and
driving safety. Not only safety, but also personal soft
skills are important in the company, and therefore, the HR
Figure 4 – Drilling fIeld

department assigned us a course on "Diversity and Inclusion at Work
Place". Similarly, the supervisor suggested that I take an important
course on "Business Ethics and Conflict of Interests" and required
me to obtain my PPE (Personal Protection Equipment), that is, FRC
(Fire Resistant Clothes), safety shoes and hard hat. On the fourth
week, I went to Ain Dar site and got the opportunity to address well
and field design and construction phases. After that, along with other
team members, I was asked to attend the progress meeting of the unit
to address different points. On the fifth week, I have attended the
annual safety meeting to review and address safety considerations of Figure 5 – Personal Protective Equipment
the OMPPD. Near sixth week, all OMPPD employees and trainees were invited to attend a recognition
awards event. As time passes in the other weeks, I was interacting with colleagues and discussing the
process of work permit issuing, well construction, tie in projects in Ain-Dar and the objectives of the other
units. In general, since the unit was very busy, I was assigned with following beneficial tasks. First task
was training and practicing on reading construction packages is to begin with. I also while attended a class
on safety orientation to be qualified for obtaining and identifying Personal Protective Equipment. The PPE
enables me to visit Ain Dar site to address and observe wellhead components, field design and construction
components. Another responsibility is to follow up with contractor construction progress. I was also
advised to take courses on safety, business ethics and oil/gas industry.

Table 1: Weeks 1-2

Day Work Done
19/01 Orientation and networking day / Train on how to read construction packages
20/01 E-Learning courses on information security and email phishing awareness
21/01 Get to know my colleagues / giving my IDP to the supervisor
22/01 Review Flowline Construction Package
23/01 SAOO Class Safety Orientation
26/01 Off-Road Driving Safety Course / Gas-Oil Separation Plant Description Course
27/01 Receiving Personal Protective Equipment / Reviewing Construction Package
28/01 Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Course / Course on Business Ethics and Conflict of Interests
29/01 Courses on Basic Safety Rules, Safety Responsibilities and DIP Refresher
30/01 Course on Operational Safety Processes / Meeting with Eng. Ali

I have completed all of the tasks illustrated on (Table 1), except that in multiple days, I faced difficulties
in going to the field. One of these difficulties was the weather. Once, it was a rainy day and we faced
power issues, therefore the site work was cancelled. In another day, the weather was foggy and dangerous
to drive in, and therefore it was not possible to go to the site. In other days we faced similar issue of dense
dust that affects going on site visits. I solved this issue with filling my time with either reading more about
careers or taking E-Learning courses that could be beneficial as an alternative.

1. Onshore Maintain Potential Projects Department

Aramco is a giant company with different types of projects from mega projects to small projects. Maintain
potential projects objective is regarding regular drilling and piping new oil, gas and water wells where
they have lowers costs than the other projects and are smaller in general, so they are categorized as a
different type of projects. In southern area oil operations (SAOO) there is a special unit in capital program
management unit (CMPD) called Maintain Potential Unit (MPU) that deals with these type of projects.
Maintain potential projects include two types, tie in and miscellaneous (non-tie in).

1.1 Tie-in Projects

Is the type of projects where a pipeline is connected
from the wellhead to the trunk line going to the
GOSP. This is considered as the most important
type of maintain potential projects where it needs
variety of equipment, instruments and work
techniques. Wells to be tied-in are given to MPU
after they are drilled and have the wellhead installed
along with providing full information about fluid Figure 6 – Pipe Lines
pressure and temperature and CER (cost estimation request) that contains the needed equipment and
instruments and the pipelines type and which type of protection is needed. MPU then should start the
design for the pipeline and the appropriate tie-in point with the design contractor. After verifying the
design, it is given to a construction contractor and the project is followed by MPU till it is done. Then pre-
commissioning and final commissioning to confirm that the project is ready for operation.

1.2 Non-tie-in Projects
It is the type of projects where any part replacement, part
maintenance, part removing or part adding is performed.
Non-tie-in projects are called also miscellaneous projects.
Where projects such as changing a valve, replacing part of
the pipeline, adding new instrument or fixing a flange are
examples of non-tie-in projects.
Figure 6 - Flanges

2. Identifying Well Types

One way to identify well types is based on their products. In Aramco there are mainly 3 different types
of wells: Oil wells, Water wells, and Gas wells. However, Southern Area Oil Operations (SAOO),
Aramco deals only with oil and water wells. Therefore, oil and water wells will be described thoroughly
in this report.

2.1 Oil wells

An oil well is a boring in the Earth that is designed to bring
petroleum oil hydrocarbons to the surface. Usually some natural
gas is released along with the oil. A well that is designed to
produce only gas may be termed a gas well” [Schlumberger Oil
field Glossary]. Oil wells make a huge contribution to Aramco
annual revenue and they are given a big attention by qualified
engineers and specialists. Oil well has many classifications from Figure 8- Oil Wellhead

different views. They are classified depending on different variables, either by produced fluid, such as
only oil, only gas, or both, oil and gas. It also can be classified by location, whether onshore or offshore.
Wells with subsea wellheads, where the top of the well is sitting on the ocean floor under water, and often
connected to a pipeline on the ocean floor. Wells with dry wellheads, where the top of the well is above
the water on a platform or jacket, which also often contains processing equipment for the produced fluid.

2.2 Oil well life
Oil well construction phases has four core parts: planning, drilling or completion and production:
1. Planning: it is studying and planning regarding where, when and why the well will be drilled. This
step is mostly done by geologists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers. Any well is drilled only for
three main reasons: production, exploration and injection.

Figure 9 – Drilling

2. Drilling: observing figure 9, the well is drilled into the reservoir

using a drill string, which is a column of drill pipe that transmits
drilling fluid and torque to the drill bit- and casing which is a large
diameter pipe that is assembled and inserted into a recently drilled
section of a borehole. Cement can be used between the outside of
the casing and the borehole known as the annulus. The casing
makes a structural integrity to the recently drilled wellbore, and
for isolating possibly dangerous high-pressure regions from each
other and from the surface.
Figure 10 – Oil and Gas Well

3. Completion: making the flow path (perforating), pumping fracturing fluids and installing the

4. Production: the oil and gas can be produced after installing pipelines and mechanical equipment.
These can be observed in the appendices later. As you can also see different figures illustrating
drawings that can be helpful in understanding drilling mechanisms component, casings, geological
divisions and the wellhead.

1.2 Gas wells
A gas well is an only producing natural gas without oil where it
is matching the oil well in term of types and well life. The only
difference between Oil well and gas well are the way of planning
and exploring the reservoir and the method of drilling an d
equipment used for production. While drilling a gas well in, one
important thing is the high pressure that could be exerted by the Figure 11 – Gas Expolration
gas. In case of gas the main factor of consideration is the availability of the nearby customers as its storage
is difficult and not an option in most of the cases.

1.3 Water Wells

Water in oil & gas industry is primarily used to produce oil by maintaining the pressure of the reservoir.
Water wells are normal wells drilled parallel to a reservoir where the water is injected. Injection of water
is mainly for three purposes. First reason is maintaining the reservoir pressure, since extracting oil and
gas can affect the stability of reservoir pressure by reducing it. Moreover, extracting oil is another
purpose, processed through forcing the fluid to move out from the reservoir by pushing it using enough
amount of water. Third purpose is to control the shape and the area of the reservoir by injecting water
from specific places around the reservoir and narrowing its area and ease the production process. Water
wells split into two types injection water well, where the source of water is a natural reservoir such as a
sea, or the water that is sometimes produced with the oil or from river or spring water. Another type is
disposal water well, in which the source of water is the gas oil separation plant.

Figure 12 – Injection/Production Wells

1.4 Well main components
• Pipes & pipes accessories:
• Adapter: to connect dissimilar parts
• Elbow: to change the direction of the pipe mainly by 900, 450 and 22.5
• Coupling: connecting 2 different pipes with welding or interference.
• Union: it has the same role of the coupling but easier maintenance
• Nipple: to different fittings such as connecting a union and a coupling.
• Reducer: to decrease the size of a pipe by reduce its diameter.
• Tee: to combine/divide fluid flow by taking two different flows or one flow
and merge/separating one flow to two different flows.
• Cap: covering the end of the pipe by being interfaced to the pipe end.
• Valves: to control flow
Table 2: Weeks 3-4
Day Work Done

02/02 E-Learning course (Project Management Safety Management System) Start

03/02 E-Learning courses on Safety Handbook (Health and Safety at work place)

04/02 E-Learning course (Project Management Safety Management System) Cont.

05/02 Visiting PPE office / Replacing safety shoes

06/02 E-Learning course (Project Management Safety Management System) Done

09/02 Presentation by Eng. Dhafeeri on cold cut / Working on Report

10/02 Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion Course (Part 1)

11/02 Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion Course (Part 2)

12/02 Working on report referring to different resources

13/02 Reviewing Construction Safety Manual

I faced some difficulty with the safety management course as it took some time,
but eventually I have passed the course. Another difficulty was with following up
with the engineers, supervisor and mentor. It was a bit hard to constantly meet
them every week since I was assigned to a busy unit in a busy time. However, I was able to learn through
E-Learning courses and reading manuals and construction packages, this way I have been able to fill the
gap caused of the heavy load on the department.

A GOSP refers to Gas Oil Separation Plant, a plant used
to separate the impurity entities from wet oil to convert
it into dry oil where it is an important step becomes after
producing oil from well and before refining or
shipping/distributing of oil to customers worldwide.
Crude oil coming out of wells most of the time are not
pure (dry oil) where it comes out from the wellhead at Figure 13 – GOSP Process
extremely high pressure >3000 psi (20.7 Mpa) and containing many impurities such as water, gas, and
salt (wet oil) thus, separation process should be performed to clean and decrease the pressure of the wet
oil. For more detailed process description, check figure 14 below, where pink lines for crude oil path, blue
lines for water path and green lines for gas path.

3.1 GOSP main equipment

One of the components is the manifold system, which receives crude oil from the wells. It is located
outside of the plant to gather multiple pipelines and trunk lines in order to minimize the number of lines
entering the GOSP. The GOSP area contains HPPT (high pressure production trap) and HPTT (high
pressure test trap). They are both 3-phase separation tanks which receive crude oil and separates it into
wet oil, salty water and off gas, but the difference is that HPTT receives small amounts for testing purpose,
while HPPT receive large amounts for production purposes. Furthermore, there are lower pressure tanks
such as LPPT (low pressure production trap) and LPTT (Low pressure test trap), are 2-phase separation
tanks that receives the oil/gas from HPPT, HPTT and WOSEP and separates it into wet oil and off gas.

Figure 14 – Detailed GOSP Process

Figure 15 – Manifold Figure 16 - Desalter/Dehydrator Figure 17 - HPPT

WOSEP (Water-oil Separator) is a 2-phase tank receives the oily water

from HPPT and dehydrator and a blanket gas (gas used to increase the
pressure in WOSEP) and then split them into dry crude oil and salty
water for injection. In addition, the dehydrator is horizontal vessel that
receive wet oil, which is oil mixed with water, and performs two major
Figure 18 – Degassing Vessel
processes. First process is demulsifying, the injection of a chemical into water in an oil emulsion to break
the oil boundaries around the water tiny droplets to separate them from oil. Electrostatic collision is the
second process, in which an electric voltage is used to get small water droplets to collide with each other
creating a larger and heavier droplets that can be separated by gravity. Dehydrator and desalter tanks are
similar in shape. However, the desalter receives wet oil after demulsification and electrostatic collision to
perform the washing process, in which sweet water is added to the wet oil under high pressure to more
efficiently separate the salt from the oil. This brings us to the wash water supply wells, a regular basic
well that provides washing water to the desalter. The degassing vessel is a distillation column used to
clean the gas from the sand. Finally, the EWT (Emergency water tank) is a basic tank far of the other
tanks, provides water for emergency conditions and receives water from desalter, WOSEP, dehydrator.
Table 3: Weeks 5-6
Day Work Done
16/02 Regular working day
17/02 Reading on Gas-Oil Separation Plants
18/02 Tour on South Administration Building (Floor 1)
19/02 Annual Safety Meeting / Working on report
20/02 Regular working day
23/02 Reviewing Aindar wells map and plans
24/02 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings
25/02 Working on report referring to different resources
26/02 Site visit to Aindar with Eng. Madan / Attending Progress Meeting
27/02 Attending OMPPD/SAOUPD Event of 2019 Recognition Award

I have completed all of these tasks, except for the site visit which was partially completed, but not as
planned (due to fast wind, work permit has been cancelled). On Wednesday of the other week, I went with
Eng. Madan to Aindar site to work on construction progress, that day wind speed was over 32 km/h. We
have waited for a while so that the wind slows down, but it didn't. Therefore, the work has stopped for
safety consideration, since the construction included crane lifting. However, Eng. Madan gave me a tour,
where he explained the progress of construction plan and showed me different wells on different phases
(in construction, final phase and completed well).

4. Project Phases
4.1 CER
Figure 19 – CER/Design Phases

Cost Estimation Request: an initial approximation given by the

surveying department specifies the rough cost, the needed
equipment and the pipeline protection type. The initiation of this
request is done by the surveying team with the help of technical
support department and operation department. This request is
initiated year before constructing the project where each year there
are multiple CER for projects to be constructed.

4.2 Design
In this phase the project is given to a design contractor where they will start
the design per the given CER, and the Technical support department will
follow up and review the improvement of the design and correct any mistake
found in the design. The main parts of the design package are listed below:

Figure 20 – Design Process

4.2.A P&ID: Pipes and Instruments Diagram

Figure 19 – CER/Design Phases

P&ID is a diagram that shows the flow of a process in a plan It gives only the general way of the connection
and how the plant will work without mentioning the chemical reactions or the dimensions or even the
sizes. P&ID is basically consisted of three sets of components. First type equipment, a device used in the
plant such as motors, pumps, vessels, and valves. The second is pipes, which connects equipment. Third
set is the instrumental lines and loops

4.2.B Plan & profile


Figure 19 – CER/Design Phases

Plan & profile drawing is the next step after P&ID where the path of the pipeline from the well head till
the Tie-in point (the point where the well pipeline is connected to the trunk line) is shown. The path is
given from the top with the location Coordinates to give overview of the pipeline position with respect to
the civil conditions.

4.2.C Piping Plan


Figure 19 – CER/Design Phases

Piping plane: is a 2D plane on XY plan that gives the mechanical and instrumental details in the process.
Piping plane is the next step after the Plan & profile. However, Piping plane and Plan & profile have
many differences where each one has special role in projects design.

Stress Analysis Report (CAD)

Stress Analysis Report: a mechanical engineering report that states the analysis of stress in specific
conditions where the size of the structure, forces on the structure and the materiel are deigned where
2 of them are chosen and the third one will be nominated depending on the selection. In the Stress Analysis
Report different conditions with different results will be examined to insure that at even the most critical
condition the pipeline will be working properly without failure during the design lifetime.

4.2.D Isometric View


Figure 19 – CER/Design Phases

Isometric View: is a 3D drawing gives a projected view of the project to clarify the details on z axis such
as the elevations and the vertical devices. The isometric view can be considered as a support drawing to
the Piping plane where the isometric view illustrates the details hidden in the Piping plane.

4.3 Construction

After the design is verified it is given to a contractor for construction.

During the construction, the technical support department will be
following the construction step by step. Sometimes unpredictable
challenges uncounted in the design appears in the construction phase and
should be resolved. During the construction the contractor must take a
daily permeation and there are 4 types of permeation given by technical
support department. As a safety requirement, it is critical to understand Figure 21 - Work Permit Color

the work permission rules and obtain any required permission for work operations. During the
construction the contractor must take a daily permission and there are 4 types of permission given by
technical support department. Hot work permit for works that include heat/ignition and cold permit for
less dangerous activity such as using hand tools. In addition to confined space permit, which is given for
working in tight places such as cleaning a pressure vessel. And finally, excavation permit, and it is given
for an activity that has a risk of dangerous fluid propagation.

4.4 Commissioning

Before operating the well it is important to make sure that all equipment instruments and pipelines will
work under the operation conditions without failure. Consequently, some tests should be performed on
the equipment, instruments and pipelines. Both mechanical and electrical commissioning are used to
ensure the availability of the well and whether it is safe to operate. Pipelines and equipment are tested
mechanically by hydro test to ensure that it will sustain the well pressure without issues. Instruments will
be tested electrically to make sure they are connected and ready to work.

4.5 MCC
The final Step is Mechanical Completion Certification, a verification document given to show that the
project is ready to operate regarding mechanical and electrical aspects. This certification is given by
technical support department after testing and make sure that the project is constructed exactly like the
given in the design and ready to operation.

Table 4 - Schedule of Weeks 7-8

Day Plans of Weeks 7-8

01/03 Regular working day

02/03 Working on the intern report

03/03 Tour on Aramco area

04/03 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings

05/03 Regular working day

08/03 Reviewing Aindar wells map and plans

09/03 Reviewing emails and recording different words to ask about their meanings

10/03 to 12/03 Extensive Site Visits and Workshops learning

Everything was fine, except for the site visits and workshop learnings. We still had between two to three
weeks left for which I planned for more site visits and learning from materials/welding workshops.
However, I consulted some employees about whatever problems that we may face and how to solve/avoid
it. The possible problems that may occur are failures in flow control, leakage and overload, but Aramco
operators are highly trained for similar scenarios.

5. Valves
Valves are basically used to control fluids, either by stopping and starting the flow of fluids within the
pipe, varying (throttling) the amount of the fluids flowing or the direction of the fluid flow. The valves
applications are also related to the mechanical properties of a flowing fluid or the pipe which contains it
in way that affects the process condition, such as regulating the process pressure (especially in downstream
system) or saving the major components such as pipes against the sudden pressure increasing. Although
designs of a valve vary, they are the have the same in general and include five main parts.

As illustrated in the figure, the body is a primary pressure
boundary where the other parts connect. A bonnet on the other
hand, is a primary pressure boundary, either processed welding
or bolting for connection, and it is the link between other parts
and the body, and provides the opportunity for the inspection
and the maintenance. More in depth, valves contain a related set
of components called a "Trim" consisted of seat, stem, packing
and disk. Subsequently, an operator is a part that provide the
ability to control the valve such as the hand wheel Finally,
packing is that part of trim which controls actuator and stem
movements. The connection mechanisms of valves to the Figure 18 – Gate Valve

swings between three methods. Either by welding, which is harder in maintenance and quality
assurance, or by flanging, which suits frequently expanded projects and easier in installing and replacing
process without shutting down for long time- Finally, threading is commonly used in some companies,
but in general, it is avoided.

The valves are categorized to 2 types according to actuating directions:

• Rotational: movement of the trim is parallel to the (like ball valve)

• Laminar: movement of the trim is perpendicular to the gate seat (gate valve)

Figure 19 – Valves Types

5.1 The Valve Disk Positions
Open, throttling and close, are the three positions of a disk valve. In designs of valves, the most critical
parts are the disk gate and the gate seat where the gap space between them is affecting the performance
of the valve totally where it should neither be too small nor too big. In some designs seal rings are used
to solve this problem. Root valves are valves designed to only closing and opening the flow not to throttle.
Throttling valves, on the other hand, are valves designed to throttle the flow and can be used for opening
and closing but it is more than the root valves thus, it is used limitedly within the same system contains
root valves those cheaper and easier to design and manufacture. Since root valves must not work under
flow condition specifically under high pressure systems where it may fail due to high pressure then, root
valves should be opened in the system first then opening the throttling
valve will be allowed and in closing process the throttling valve should
be closed first then closing the root valve will be allowed. Moreover,
there is the stem component, which is an internal actuating part that
enables the disk to move from fully close to fully open position and
connects to the disk by a solid one piece and two types of joints, a slip- Figure 20 - Stems
type joint and a threaded joint. There are two types of stems, a rising stem and a non-rising stem.

5.2 Stem Controlling Methods

Since there are verity of valve application, there are many types of valves, and
each one has advantages and disadvantages, and is appropriate for certain
application. For example, one type is the manually operated hand wheel.
Another type is the manual lever, which requires more physical activity motor
operator method and hydraulic arm. More examples are solenoid and
pneumatic operator. The valves main job is controlling the fluid flow and yet Figure 21 - Valves Example
the ways of controlling the flow were not mentioned, however there are 4 different ways of controlling
the flow:

• Orifice: controlling the flow by a flat disk parallel to the flow

• Side flat: controlling the flow by a disk perpendicular to the flow
• Rotating ellipse: controlling the flow by a sphere parallel to the flow
• Move a fixable material: controlling flow by pressing the pipe externally Figure 22 – Body and Bonnet

Bridge wall marking: a sign given on the valve’s outer side indicates all the valve’s specifications such
as material, size, way of connection and the fluid can be controlled by the valve. Where the numbers give
the material and size while the letters give the fluid can flow throw the valve W (water) O (oil) G (gas).

6. Cold Cutting

Figure 23 – Cold Cutting

A number of serious accidents have led to the advancement of cold cutting technologies to improve
protection in pipeline repairs. The key contributor to these accidents is the presence of hydrocarbons (the
basic building block of energy products) in pipelines that generate a potentially dangerous situation when
pipeline repairs, modifications or decommissioning are required. Cold Cutting is the process of cutting of
a pipe without the use of ignition from a torch (hot cutting) where open flame is used. The benefits of this
technology are reducing threats to personnel safety along with saving time, which means more
productivity and less costs.


To sum up, the spring internship program at Aramco was an advantageous way to relate material learned

in the university to real life applications in field of business, maintenance and project management. During

the period from 19th January until 23rd of March, many lessons were learned and skills were obtained, and

what is reported is just a sample of it. However, till the end of this spring training, site visits with manuals

and package reading provided me with useful information and important skills. The North Ghawar Tie-in

Unit team and the projects observed supplied me with knowledge on oil wells components and

construction. Moreover, the office work was an opportunity to learn on project phases, especially in regard

to Cost Estimation Request and design phases. Furthermore, there was the learning of Gas Oil Separation

Plants, industrial safety guidelines and safety management. Finally, the projects were an opportunity to

understand the mechanical engineering theory with the practical side on pipes, such as cold cutting.


• Powers, Maston L., 1990. Analysis of Gravity Separation in Freewater Knockouts. SPE Production Engineering,
[e-journal]5(1). Available through OnePetro database [Accessed 5 April 2011]

• (13 April, 2018). Aramco Accounts Show Saudi Oil Giant Is World's Most Profitable
Company Retrieved from [

• Kane, F. (2019, April 11). Aramco smashes market record with $100bn orders for new bonds. Retrieved

• E-learning Aramco courses “Safety Handbook” and “GOSP”

• Multiphase Flow Meter- Well Fluid Analysis Meter. Nd. Piping engineering.Retrieved.from

• Plumbing Glossary. Plumbing Mart. (3 July 2019). Retrieved from

• Working interest - Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary". Retrieved from [].

• What Is a Safety Instrumented System? (13 August 2018). Real Pares Retrieved from.

• What Is Saudi Aramco? (4 April 2019). Investopedia. ---


• What are the differences between a gas well and an oil well? (30 May 2017). Scott Oliver. Retrieved

• Zayn Bilkadi (University of California, Berkeley), "The Oil Weapons", Saudi Aramco World. January–
February 1995, pp. 20–7

• Feasibility Study of Electromechanical Cylinder Drivetrain for Offshore Mechatronic Systems - Scientific
Figure on ResearchGate. Available from:

• Liao, Chien-Min & Balachandran, Balakumar & Karkoub, Mansour. (2009). Drill-String Dynamics:
Reduced-Order Models. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
Proceedings. 10. 10.1115/IMECE2009-10339.


Figure 4 -Wellhead Figure 17 - Degassing Vessel

Figure 14 – Manifold Figure 12 – Injection/Production Wells

Figure 15 - Desalter/Dehydraton Figure 16 – HPPT

Contact Guide
• Supervisor (Mentor), if in need for verification upon evaluation or any other details:
o Office Phone (013)5778129
o Email:
Note: since Aramco emails are private domain security system, emails may be received in junk mail and not
answered, in this case it is advised to call the mentor's office directly for inquires.

E-learning Pass Sample

Final Presentation


1. Introduction

2. Learning Objectives Adjustment

3. Preparation for the Internship

• Difficulties and Key Skills to Success

4. Internship Experience
• Practice of Engineering and Internship
• Pros and Cons
• Skills Achieves and Learning Outcome
• Demonstration of Achievements (Forms, Photos)

5. Advices for Future Interns

6. Conclusion


• Aramco history and information

• Launched 1930 and first drill 1933

• 1938: Dammam Well 7

• World leader

• Large oil and gas reserves

• OMPPD/SAOUPD North Ghawar Tie-in Unit

• Abqaiq Plants

• Learning Objectives


• More office Work than Site Visits

• Weather


Difficulties Faced
• Finding Work

• Reading Packages

• Weather Condition

Key Skills to Success

• Commitment

• Be initiative and proactive

• Safety guidelines


• Geological Surveying

• Injection Wells

• Well Components

• Wellhead

Tie-in Unit
• Objective and benefits
• Project Phases

CER Design Construction Commissioning MCC

Test Verification
CER Work Permits
(Contractor) (Company)

P&ID Mechanical Mechanical

(Pipelines- (Pipelines-
Hydro) Hydro)


Electrical Electrical
(Instruments) (Instruments)

PIPING PLAN Excavation

Safety Safety
Space Entry



• What is it?
• Benefits
• Purpose and uses
• Pipe design
• Yield stress
• Hydro Test

Internship Experience
Demonstration of Achievements (Forms, Photos)


Pros: Cons:
• Safety • Nature of work (office)
• E-Learning Courses • Confidentiality
• Recognizing Work environment • Work permits


• Safety skills
• Communication skills
• Practice of engineering
• Teamwork


• Read and Explore

• Initiative
• Don’t be shy
• Commitment


• The time needs extension

• Acknowledgement
• Thank you for Listening




• Powers, Maston L., 1990. Analysis of Gravity Separation in Freewater Knockouts. SPE
Production Engineering, [e-journal]5(1). Available through OnePetro database [Accessed 5
April 2011]


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