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The large pillars erected at intervals of two miles the

| Tours | 472 | 406 | 223 | 98 1/2 |

that something else had been substituted. In spite of the

gave the number of the native population at 4,447,149. There

brought out in 1810-1813 by his eldest son, WILLIAM TOWNSEND

is extremely convenient and to a certain extent justifiable

key of the Syrian Gates (Beilan Pass). The importance of the

1885. Fighting between the dervishes and the Abyssinians

ecclesiastical authority in quelling the heresy. The people

island, 210 m. S.E. of Marseilles. Pop. (1906) 19,021.

Snell, Writing Master and Accountant in Foster Lane, London.

origin of gods, cults and so forth, transmitted to us by Hellenic

Canterbury. In 1022 he went to Rome to obtain the pallium,

prophet of God), when he was called to suppress the revolt

from Cape Muzon, in lat. 54 deg. 40, N., E. and N. up Portland

acid and borax on the general health Varied with the amount

not greatly disturb us. In aesthetics, as in ethics, the

the reasonable limit of a 10% error over or under the amount

between the British Gold Coast and French Dahomey. At first

firing an ordinary percussion tube is placed in an

which a notable example is the beautiful brecciated agate of

Vioz Pass (Santa Caterina to Pejo), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,949

is 1.1 magnitude; and the absence of any stationary interval

its immense volume of waters 485 m. to the Beni over the

by means of a series of standard low resistances and of a

II. MEDIEVAL ABBREVIATIONS.--Of the different kinds of

scale. The main difficulty in the way of tropical cultivation

and in the case of calcium, strontium and barium, of the type

amoebae are certainly young states of Myxomycetes. Encystment,

white, hence the name (from the Lat. albus) for the species.

accumulators, and it is therefore reasonable to suppose that

attention to the fact that their visits were distributed

and of a Cheviot wether, whilst the lowest was 61%, afforded

of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division. In cases

cheetah F. jubatus, Ind, and Eth.); F. pardus, the common

state, they would be received only at their intrinsic value of

on his shoes in the vestry, and a chapter was held, and

somewhat rich in nitrogen, provided it is in other respects

time. So late as 1782, James Price, an English physician,

considerable value as a record (on the whole impartial) of

and the sea was quickly followed by the German association,

the east wind brings dense and sudden fogs; while in winter

into Bristol Bay. Herring are abundant, and cod especially

Republic. In the previous September Pondoland had been

west, and by the people of Ibadan from the north-east.

the Roman about six. In modern botany it is a technical

resources. The government, in accordance with this view,

in Mexico existed neither state nor nation, nor political

supreme value of the navy for national and imperial welfare.

which cheerful obedience was urged to the king's demand for a

in North America some are well adapted to the climate of the

insignificant foreign element (.08%), and the small percentage

in the person of ``Volker von Alzeie,'' the warrior who in

beds, the Trias in these outer ranges being of very limited

piles. The supports of the Rialto at Venice, and many buildings

which--he wrote--is a product of religion, belongs to a lower

he introduced the vinculum and among others the terms

82, and the Oxford Hebrew and English Lexicon, pp. 61 ff.

the valleys of the Rhyndncus, Sangarius and Halys. In Egypt

First Physiographic Region.---The Panhandle is remarkably

hieroglyphes egyptiens (Paris, 1834), in which he showed that

Eton College, and proved himself a capable administrator.

in consequence of an earthquake, it would probably be held that

shepe, in myne opynyon, is the mooste profytablest cattell

A little north of Preveza are the considerable ruins of

Mont Blanc . . . . . . . . . . 15,782 Mont Blanc de Seilon . . . . . . 12,700

34th wrangler and 8th classic, and in 1834 was made fellow of

(MacBride). In front of the latter there remains a portion

success. The German Plankton Expedition of 1889 added greatly


government until 1871, when he retired. But though no longer

Castile. He went to France to obtain the assistance of Louis

Chalotais et le duc d'Aiguillon (Paris, 1893); Marion, La

1836). Here may also be mentioned the obelisk of Peterhead

Carthage and the regions composing the eastern group of the

treaty of Vienna, which added largely to the grand-duchy of

Caesareum, by which stood the two great obelisks, later known

under Lord Valentia and Mr Henry Salt, which was sent in 1805

It was also a convenient point for a prompt display of

labiodental spirant F; (b) by dropping out the aspirates

incorporated in the chronicle of Alphonso the Wise or in ballad

more convenient and sometimes the only feasible bases.

bearded the king himself. He died at York on the 11th of

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