Cmgas3 Three-Pole Gas Pressure Monitoring: Issued: 3/2000 Version: B/12.3.2002 Data Subject To Change Without Notice

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Issued: 3/2000
Version: B/12.3.2002
Three-Pole Gas Pressure Monitoring
Data subject to change without notice


1 Introduction ....................................................................................2

1.1 Features.......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Application ...................................................................................... 2
1.3 Input description.............................................................................. 2
1.4 Output description ........................................................................... 2

2 Description of Operation...............................................................3

2.1 Operation criteria............................................................................. 3

2.2 Resetting......................................................................................... 3
2.3 Alarm acknowledgement ................................................................. 3

3 Parameters and Events .................................................................4

3.1 General ........................................................................................... 4

3.2 Setting values ................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Actual settings ..................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Control settings.................................................................... 5
3.3 Measurement values....................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Input data............................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Output data.......................................................................... 5
3.3.3 Events.................................................................................. 6

4 Technical Data................................................................................7
CMGAS3 Substation Automation

1 Introduction

1.1 Features
• Monitors the gas pressure of the three circuit-breaker poles
• Issues an alarm signal if the gas pressure is invalid

1.2 Application

This document specifies the function of the three-pole gas pressure monitoring
function block CMGAS3 used in products based on the RED 500 Platform.

Three digital inputs are used for monitoring the SF6 gas pressure. When the gas
pressure drops below the acceptable limit, the falling edge of a digital signal triggers
and activates an alarm signal. The alarm signal cannot be acknowledged before the
breaker poles have been refilled to the correct pressure.


1.3 Input description

Name Type Description
GAS_L1 Digital signal (BOOL, active low) Gas pressure indication, pole L1
GAS_L2 Digital signal (BOOL, active low) Gas pressure indication, pole L2
GAS_L3 Digital signal (BOOL, active low) Gas pressure indication, pole L3
ACK Digital signal (BOOL, pos edge) Alarm acknowledgement signal

1.4 Output description

Name Type Description
ALARM Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Alarm for low gas pressure

Substation Automation CMGAS3

2 Description of Operation

2.1 Operation criteria

The digital signals GAS_L1, GAS_L2 and GAS_L3 indicate the gas pressure of each
pole: an active signal (FALSE) indicates a fault condition, whereas an inactive signal
(TRUE) indicates the correct gas pressure. The function block will activate the
ALARM signal when the specific alarm delay has elapsed after the falling edge of any
of the GAS_L1..3 signals. In order to activate the ALARM signal, the gas pressure
should remain FALSE throughout the alarm delay.

After an alarm is detected, an indication on the MMI is activated telling which pole of
the circuit breaker is damaged or needs to be refilled with gas, and the corresponding
event is sent.

2.2 Resetting

The operation indications of the function block can be reset via the general parameter
F001V011 or the push-button C on the front panel of the MMI, which both affect all
function blocks.

2.3 Alarm acknowledgement

The alarm cannot be acknowledged if any of the GAS_L1..3 inputs is FALSE. The
alarm signal acknowledgement deactivates the active alarm signal of the function
block. The alarm signal can be acknowledged by the rising edge of the ACK signal, or
by the local menu command or the remote command. Separate events are not
generated by the acknowledgement because it deactivates the ALARM signal and an
event is generated by the deactivation.

CMGAS3 Substation Automation

3 Parameters and Events

3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for CMGAS3 is 194.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write

• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON

For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask
1” parameter (FxxxV101).

In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events

Substation Automation CMGAS3

3.2 Setting values

3.2.1 Actual settings

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Alarm delay S1 0…300.000 s 0 R/W Alarm delay

3.2.2 Control settings

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Alarm ack V99 1= - 0 W Alarm acknowledgement
Event mask 1 V101 0…255 - 170 R/W Event mask 1 for event
transmission (E0…E7)
Event mask 2 V103 0…255 - 170 R/W Event mask 2 for event
transmission (E0…E7)
Event mask 3 V105 0…255 - 170 R/W Event mask 3 for event
transmission (E0…E7)
Event mask 4 V107 0…255 - 170 R/W Event mask 4 for event
transmission (E0…E7)

3.3 Measurement values

3.3.1 Input data

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Gas pressure L1 I1 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Indication of valid gas
pressure in pole L1
Gas pressure L2 I2 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Indication of valid gas
pressure in pole L2
Gas pressure L3 I3 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Indication of valid gas
pressure in pole L3
Input 0 = Invalid; 1 = Valid

3.3.2 Output data

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Alarm state O1 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Low gas pressure alarm
Output 0 = Inactive; 1 = Active

CMGAS3 Substation Automation

3.3.3 Events
Code Weighting Default mask Event reason Event state
E0 1 0 Low gas pressure alarm Reset
E1 2 1 Low gas pressure alarm Activated
E2 4 0 Low gas pressure warning L1 Inactive
E3 8 1 Low gas pressure warning L1 Active
E4 16 0 Low gas pressure warning L2 Inactive
E5 32 1 Low gas pressure warning L2 Active
E6 64 0 Low gas pressure warning L3 Inactive
E7 128 1 Low gas pressure warning L3 Active

Substation Automation CMGAS3

4 Technical Data
Alarm delay accuracy ± 0.5% of set value or ± 150 ms

Configuration data Task execution interval (Relay Configuration Tool):

100 ms (recommended) at the rated frequency fn = 50 Hz

Technical revision history

Technical revision Change
A -

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