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Week 3: Introduction to Design Aspects

CE-309 Transportation Engineering-I

Course Instructor:
Engr. Muhammad Umair Khan
M.Sc Urban Infrastructure Engineering (UET Peshawar)
Lecturer/ Lab Coordinator
Department of Civil Engineering

Abasyn University, Peshawar

Table of Contents

1. Structural Design
2. Road Cross-section
3. Geometrical

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Structural Design of
01 a Road

Structural Components of a Road

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• Subgrade consists of compacted earthwork

• It is the soil foundation of the road which receives traffic loads from pavement
and transfers to the natural ground safely

• Entire road structure rests on subgrade, therefore its failure affects the
performance of entire road

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Sub-base Course
• The sub-base performs four main functions:

1. It provides a structural layer that distributes loads to the subgrade.

2. It provides a working platform for construction traffic and a paving platform on

to which the asphalt materials can be placed and compacted.

3. It acts as an insulating layer or lift protecting the subgrade from frost.

4. It provides a drainage layer to remove some water from the pavement.

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Base Course
• The base course is the most important layer of a road structure which transfers
the stresses developed due to traffic impacts through the wearing course. The
base course layer provides the required foundation stiffness and structural

• Good quality crushed aggregates in line with technical specifications must be


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Surface Course or Wearing Course
• Surface course is multiple layers of pavement structure where the top layer is
directly exposed to traffic. The surface course is also called the wearing course

• For flexible pavements, the bituminous surface is the wearing course whereas
in rigid pavement the concrete surface act as the base course and wearing

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Structural Design Methods
• There are two major pavement thickness analysis methodologies:

1. Experimental/Statistical method of AASHTO

2. Mechanistic/Empirical Method by Asphalt Institute and the Portland Cement

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Typical Road
02 Cross-Section and
its Components

Typical Cross-Section of a Road

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• Surface protection especially for gravel and bituminous roads

• Sub-grade protection by proper drainage

• Quick drying of pavement which in turn increases safety

• Too steep slope is undesirable for it will erode the surface.

• Camber is measured in 1 in n or n% and the value depends on the type of

pavement surface.

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Types of Cambers

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Carriageway Width
• Width of the carriage way or the width of the pavement depends on the width of
the traffic lane and number of lanes.

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Pavement Surface Characteristics
• For safe and comfortable driving some aspects of the pavement surface are

1. the friction between the wheels and the pavement surface

2. smoothness of the road surface

3. drainage to water

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• Kerbs indicate the boundary between the carriage way and the shoulder or

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03 Considerations

Road Alignments

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Vertical and Horizontal Curve

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Super Elevation

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